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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (starting with 'W')

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Walsh Bay Development (Special Provisions) Bill 1999 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1999 LA
Workplace (Occupants Protection) Bill 2000 LC Assented - Act No 6 of 2001
Private Member's Public Bill
Wool, Hide and Skin Dealers Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 2004 LA
Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation (Authorised Transaction) Bill 2010 (No 2) LA Assented - Act No 8 of 2010 LA
Western Lands Amendment Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 2009 LA
Work Health and Safety Bill 2011 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 2011
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Occupational Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2011
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (New South Wales) Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 2005 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2015 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 2015
Bills cognate with this main Bill: State Insurance and Care Governance Bill 2015
Workers Compensation Amendment (Commission Members) Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 2010 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 2008 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1999 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 2006 LA
Western and Crown Lands Amendment (Special Purpose Leases) Bill 2008 LC Assented - Act No 34 of 2008 LC
Water Management Amendment Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 2004 LA
Weapons and Firearms Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 2010 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Financial Provisions) Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 2008 LA
Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum) Legislation Amendment (Harmonisation) Bill 2015 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 2015
Cognate with main bill: Mining and Petroleum Legislation Amendment (Grant of Coal and Petroleum Prospecting Titles) Bill 2015
Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Amendment (Private Insurance) Bill 2000 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 2000 LA
Workplace Surveillance Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 2005 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2014 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 2014 LA
Workplace Video Surveillance Bill 1998 LC Assented - Act No 52 of 1998 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2012 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 2012
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Safety, Return to Work and Support Board Bill 2012
Witness Protection Amendment Bill 2002 LC Assented - Act No 54 of 2002 LC
Work Health and Safety (Mines) Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 2013 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 2004 LA
Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 2001 LA
Water Industry Competition Amendment (Review) Bill 2014 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 2014 LA
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 2001 LA
Western Sydney Regional Park (Revocation for Western Sydney Orbital) Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 2001 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 (No 2) LA Assented - Act No 61 of 2001 LA
War Memorial Legislation Amendment (Increased Penalties) Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 65 of 2007 LA
Water Industry Competition Amendment Bill 2011 LC Assented - Act No 66 of 2011 LC
Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 LC Assented - Act No 67 of 2011 LC
Western Lands Amendment Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 2002 LA
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 2008
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Water Management Amendment Bill 2008
Westpac Banking Corporation (Transfer of Incorporation) Bill 2000 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 2000 LA
Work Health and Safety (Mines) Amendment Bill 2014 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 2014 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 2008
Cognate with main bill: Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2008
Workers Compensation Amendment (Insurance Reform) Bill 2003 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 2003 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 1998 LC Assented - Act No 85 of 1998 LC
Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Bill 1998 LC Assented - Act No 86 of 1998 LC
Water Amendment (Flood Control Works) Bill 1999 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1999 LA
Water Management Bill 2000 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 2000 LA
Western Sydney Parklands Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 2006 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Further Amendment Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 94 of 2001 LA
World Youth Day Amendment Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 96 of 2007 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Trainees) Bill 2003 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 2003 LA
Water Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1999 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment (Permanent Impairment Benefits) Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 2006
Cognate with main bill: Industrial Relations (Child Employment) Bill 2006
Wine Grapes Marketing Board (Reconstitution) Amendment (Extension) Bill 2009 LC Assented - Act No 98 of 2009 LC
Wine Grapes Marketing Board (Reconstitution) Bill 2003 LC Assented - Act No 100 of 2003 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 101 of 2010 LA
Wollongong Sportsground and Old Roman Catholic Cemetery Legislation Amendment (Transfer of Land) Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 103 of 2001 LA
Water Industry Competition Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 104 of 2006
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Central Coast Water Corporation Bill 2006
World Youth Day Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 106 of 2006 LA
Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 109 of 2013 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2009 LC Assented - Act No 110 of 2009 LC
Workers Compensation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 111 of 2004 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 113 of 2005 LA
Walker Trusts Amendment Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 117 of 1997 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Benefits) Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 118 of 2008 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 118 of 2005 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment (Terrorism Insurance Arrangements) Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 123 of 2002 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 124 of 2002 LA
Weapons Prohibition Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 127 of 1998 LA
Water Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 128 of 1997 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Dust Diseases and Other Matters) Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 130 of 1998 LA
Wagering Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 132 of 2010 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 2010 LA
WorkCover Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 134 of 1997 LA
Workers’ Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 134 of 2010 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 138 of 2002 LA
Water Supply Authorities Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage) Bill 1997 LA Lapsed, 03/02/1999
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply Authorities Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage) Bill 1998 LC Lapsed, 03/02/1999
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply Authorities Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage) Bill 1999 LC Lapsed, 11/08/1999
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply Authorities Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage) Bill 1999 LC Withdrawn, 04/04/2001
Private Member's Public Bill
Wentworth Park Leases Bill 1999 LC Lapsed, 11/08/1999
Private Member's Public Bill
Wentworth Park Leases Bill 1999 LC Withdrawn, 04/04/2000
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness Amendment (Procedure) Bill 1999 LC Lapsed, 20/02/2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness Amendment (Private Property Rights) Bill 2000 LA Negatived, 15/11/2001
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage Bill 2001 LC Lapsed, 20/02/2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness Amendment (Procedure) Bill 2002 LC Negatived, 24/10/2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment (Commutation of Liability of Self-insurers) Bill 2002 LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, 03/09/2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness Amendment (Procedure) Bill 2003 LC Discharged, 16/09/2003
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness Amendment Bill 2004 LC Negatived, 14/09/2005
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (Container Recovery) Bill 2005 LC Lapsed, 19/05/2006
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Recovery Amendment (E-Waste Recycling) Bill 2006 LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, Lapsed on prorogation, 15/01/2007
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Resources Recovery (Container Recovery) Bill 2006 LC Notice of Motion - Text of Bill not available, Notice of Motion lapsed on prorogation, 15/01/2007
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Property Rights Compensation) Bill 2006 LA Lapsed, 15/01/2007
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Property Rights Compensation) Bill 2006 LA Lapsed, 19/05/2006
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Resources Recovery (Container Recovery) Bill 2008 LC Negatived, 18/06/2009
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation (Authorised Transaction) Bill 2010 LA Discharged, 20/04/2010 LA
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment Bill 2010 LC Lapsed, 01/12/2010
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Bulk Water Charges) Bill 2010 LA Lapsed, 22/12/2010
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2012 (Moore) LA Discharged, 16/10/2012
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2012 (Faehrmann) LC Lapsed, 18/06/2013
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2012 (No 2) LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 16/05/2013
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness and National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Management) Bill 2012 LC Lapsed, 18/09/2012
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness and National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Management) Bill 2012 LC Lapsed, 18/09/2012
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012 LC Lapsed, 13/09/2012
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Costs) Bill 2012 LC Lapsed, 13/09/2012
Private Member's Public Bill
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2014 LC Lapsed, 20/11/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2013 LC Lapsed, 16/10/2013
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2013 LC Lapsed, 16/10/2013
Private Member's Public Bill
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2013 LC Lapsed, 27/06/2013
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Industry Competition Amendment (Review) Bill 2014 LA Lapsed, 12/08/2014 LA
Water Management Amendment Bill 2014 LA Lapsed, 12/08/2014 LA
Wyong Special Area (Protection) Bill 2014 LC Lapsed, 27/03/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Wyong Special Area (Protection) Bill 2014 LC Lapsed, 27/03/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance (Beverage Containers) Bill 2015 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2015 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness and National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Management) Bill 2015 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment (Lump Sum Compensation) Bill 2015 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 14/04/2016
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Restoration of Benefits and Assistance) Bill 2015 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Wyong Special Area (Protection) Bill 2015 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 14/04/2016
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2001 LC Lapsed, 20/02/2002 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2003 LC Assented - Act No 29 of 2003 LC
Wine Grapes Marketing Board (Reconstitution) Amendment Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 78 of 2007
Cognate with main bill: Agricultural Industry Services Amendment Bill 2007
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 LC Assented - Act No 87 of 2000 LC
Water NSW Bill 2014 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 2014 LA
Water Legislation Amendment (Drinking Water and Corporate Structure) Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 145 of 1998 LA
Waste Minimisation and Management Amendment Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 155 of 1998 LA
Water NSW Amendment (Staff Transfers) Bill 2016 LC Assented - Act No 22 of 2016 LC
Wyong Special Area (Protection) Bill 2016 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 26/02/2017
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Container Deposit Scheme) Bill 2016 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 2016 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment (Protection of Injured Workers) Bill 2017 LA Negatived, 15/03/2018
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment (Continuation of Weekly Compensation for Permanent Impairment) Bill 2017 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Wyong Special Area (Protection) Bill 2018 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2018 LC Assented - Act No 12 of 2018 LC
Water Management Amendment Bill 2018 LC Assented - Act No 31 of 2018 LC
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2018 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Marine Plastics Reduction) Bill 2018 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Western City and Aerotropolis Authority Bill 2018 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 2018 LA
Water NSW Amendment (Warragamba Dam) Bill 2018 LC Assented - Act No 61 of 2018 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2018 LC Assented - Act No 62 of 2018 LC
Workers Compensation (Firefighters' Presumptive Rights to Compensation) Bill 2018 LA Negatived, 25/10/2018
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment (Firefighters) Bill 2018 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 2018 LA
Wellbeing Indicators Bill 2019 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply (Critical Needs) Bill 2019 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 2019 LA
Water Management Amendment (Water Rights Transparency) Bill 2020 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/04/2020
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment (Protection of Injured Workers) Bill 2019 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Review) Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 2020 LA
Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Plastics Reduction) Bill 2021 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Termination of References) Bill 2019 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 15/05/2020
Private Member's Public Bill
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Termination of References) Bill 2020 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment (COVID-19) Bill 2020 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Drought of Record) Bill 2020 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Transparency of Water Rights) Bill 2020 LC Negatived, 24/09/2020
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Allocations—Drought Information) Bill 2020 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Rights Transparency) Bill 2020 (No 2) LA Negatived, 06/08/2020
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Information Exchange) Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 2020 LA
Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Repeal Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 2021 LA
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Food Delivery Workers) Bill 2020 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Industrial Manslaughter) Bill 2021 LC Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 27/05/2022
Private Member's Public Bill
Water NSW Amendment (Flood Mitigation) Bill 2021 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 26/09/2021
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Industry Competition Amendment Bill 2021 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 2021 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment (COVID-19 Vaccination) Bill 2021 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2021 LA Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023 LA
Water Management Amendment (Transparency of Water Rights) Bill 2022 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Licences) Bill 2022 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Amendment Bill 2022 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 2022 LA
Water Management Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Licences Compensation) Bill 2022 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 30/09/2022
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (No Compensation for Floodplain Harvesting Licences) Bill 2022 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers’ Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 2022 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 2022 LA
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register) Bill 2022 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 12/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Weapons Prohibition Amendment (Silencers) Bill 2022 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Wholesale Spirit Merchants Fee Bill 1856 LA Assented LA
Writs of Trial and Inquiry Bill 1856 LC Assented LC
Wahgunyah Murray Bridge Company's Bill 1860 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Wesley College Bill 1859 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
West Maitland Church Land Sale Bill 1860 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wagga Wagga Bridge Company's Bill 1861 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wahgunyah Murray Bridge Company Bill 1861 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Waratah Coal Company's Incorporation Bill 1862 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Waratah Coal Company's Incorporation Bill 1863 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply Improvement Bill 1862 LA Discharged LA
West Maitland Church Land Sale Bill 1861 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wharfage Rates Leasing Bill 1864 LA Lapsed LA
Wilson's Settlement Investment Bill 1861 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wollongong Tonnage Duty Bill 1861 LA Assented LA
Wollongong Tonnage Duty further Postponement Bill 1863 LA Assented LA
Wollongong Tonnage Duty Postponement Bill 1862 LA Assented LA
Woolloomooloo Bay Land Reclamation Bill 1862 LA Assented LA
Waterview Patent Slip Bill 1867 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
West Maitland Water Supply and Embankment Bill 1868 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Workhouse Act Repeal Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Workhouse Bill 1866 LA Assented LA
Western Kerosene Oil Company's Incorporation Bill 1867 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wild Birds and Animals Protection Bill 1865 LC Lapsed LC
Walker and Carlow Streets Enclosure Bill 1872 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Walker and Carlow Streets Enclosure Bill 1873 LA Lapsed LA
Waratah Coal Comnpany's Bill 1874 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Supply Regulation Bill 1874 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Woolloomooloo Bay Water-Frontage Compensation Bill 1872 LA Assented LA
Woolloomooloo Bay Water-Frontage Compensation Bill 1872 LA Discharged LA
Woolloomooloo Bay Water-Frontage Compensation Bill 1872 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Western Peak Downs Copper Mining Company's Incorporation Bill 1874 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Waratah Coal Company's Bill 1875 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Pollution Prevention Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Wellington Electorate Sub-division Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Waratah Council Chambers Resumption Bill 1879 LA Assented LA
Water and Sewerage Bill 1878 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Conservation Bill 1878 LA Discharged LA
Wharfage and Tonnage Rates Bill 1880 LA Assented LA
Wharfage and Tonnage Rates Bill 1879 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wool, Cattle and Coal Tax Bill 1880 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wagga Wagga Gas Bill 1881 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Frontage Reservation Bill 1881 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Watering Places and Reserves Bill 1882 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wharfage and Tonnage Rates Act Amendment Bill 1882 LA Assented LA
Width of Streets and Lanes Bill 1881 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1881 LA
Walgett English Church and Parsonage Land Sale Bill 1883 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wallsend and Plattsburg Gas Company's Bill 1884 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Wallsend and Plattsburg Gas Company's Bill 1884 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wallsend and Plattsburg Gas Company's Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wallsend and Plattsburg Gas Company's Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Walsh's Grant Bill 1884 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1884 LA
Windsor Gas-light Company Bill 1883 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wollongong Gaslight Company's Bill 1883 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wollongong Public School Site Sale Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Frontage Reservation Bill 1886 LA Discharged LA
West Wallsend and Monk-Wearmouth Railway Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Bill 1887 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wollongong Public School Site Sale Bill 1886 LA Discharged LA
Wyatt Estate Leasing Bill 1885 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wentworth Electorate Subdivision Bill 1887 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1887 LA
West Maitland Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
West Maitland Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1888 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
West Wallsend and Monk-Wearmouth Act Amendment Bill 1887 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
William-street Tramway Bill 1887 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Bill 1887 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Windsor Gaslight Company (Limited) Act Amendment Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Working of Coal-mines during Strikes Bill 1888 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wesleyan Methodist Church Property Trust Bill 1888 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wagga Wagga Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Warwick Farm Railway Bill 1889 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Conservation and Utilization Bill 1890 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Water Conservation Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wentworth Electorate Subdivision Act Amendment Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wentworth Irrigation Bill 1889 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wentworth Irrigation Bill 1890 LA Assented LA
West Wallsend Coal Co. (Ltd) Bill 1889 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
West Wallsend Coal Company (Limited) Bill 1889 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
West Wallsend Coal Company (Limited) Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Western Suburbs (City of Sydney) Sewerage Scheme Reticulation and Completion Bill 1890 LA Assented LA
Western Suburbs of Sydney Drainage Bill 1889 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1889 LA
Width of Tires Regulation Bill 1890 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wifebeaters' Punishment Bill 1889 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Act Amending Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Windsor Gas-light Company (Limited) Act Amendment Bill 1889 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wollongong Harbour Trust Bill 1889 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1889 LA
Wollongong Public School Site Sale Bill 1889 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1888 LA
Women's College University Endowment Bill 1889 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1889 LA
Wentworth Irrigation Bill 1889 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Wesleyan Methodist Church Property Trust Bill 1889 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wages Attachment Abolition Bill 1893 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wagga Wagga School of Arts Enabling Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Wagga Wagga School of Arts Enabling Bill 1892 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Conservation and Utilization Bill 1892 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Conservation Bill 1891 LA Discharged LA
Watkins-Wallis Trust Estate Bill 1891 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wentworth Electoral Subdivision Act Amendment Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wentworth Electoral Subdivision Act Amendment Bill 1892 LA Withdrawn LA
Width of Tires Regulation Bill 1891 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Act Amending Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Willoughby and Gordon Tramway Acts Amending Bill 1892 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Workmen's Combination Laws Declaration Bill 1891 LA Negatived LA
Workmen's Combination Laws Declaration Bill 1892 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Waverley Roman Catholic Church Land Sale Bill 1893 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Weston's Estate Mortgage Enabling Bill 1892 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Width of Tires Bill 1895 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Workmens Combination Laws Declaration Bill 1894 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Rights Bill 1895 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Rights Bill 1896 LA Assented LA
Wellington Show Ground Bill 1895 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Women's Franchise Bill 1895 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1896 LA Discharged LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1897 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Weights and Measures Bill 1898 LC Assented LC
Wills, Probate and Administration Bill 1898 LC Assented LC
Wills, Probate and Administration Bill 1897 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Wellington Presbyterian Church Lands Bill 1899 LA Lapsed LA
Wharfage Rates Amendment Bill 1898 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Width of Tires Bill 1900 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wollongong Water Supply Works Bill 1900 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1900 LA
Women's Franchise Bill (No 2) 1899 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1898 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1899 LA Discharged LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1900 LA Negatived LA
Wharfage and Tonnage Bill 1899 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Whitney Estate Bill 1900 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Witnesses Examination Bill 1900 LC Assented - Act No 34 of 1900 LC
Workmen's Compensation Bill 1899 LC Discharged LC
Workmen's Compensation Bill (No 2) 1899 LC Discharged LC
Workmen's Compensation Bill (No 3) 1899 LC Negatived LC
Wagga Wagga Cattle Driving Bill 1902 LA Assented - Act No 65 of 1902 LA
Wagga Wagga Cattle Driving Bill 1901 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water and Drainage Bill 1902 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 1902 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1903 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Western Lands Bill 1901 LA Assented - Act No 70 of 1901 LA
Wine Adulteration Bill 1902 LA Lapsed LA
Wine Adulteration Bill 1901 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1902 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1902 LA
Women's Franchise Bill 1901 LA Discharged LA
Water Rights Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 51 of 1902 LC
Wharfage and Tonnage Rates Bill 1901 LC Lapsed LC
Whitney Estate Bill 1901 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Whitney Estate Bill 1902 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Width of Streets and Lanes Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 39 of 1902 LC
Women's College Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 71 of 1902 LC
Workman's Compensation Bill 1902 LC Lapsed LC
Wollongong Harbour Trust Resumption Bill 1905 LC Assented - Act No 9 of 1905 LC
Workmen's Compensation Bill 1905 LA Lapsed LA
Wellington Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1904 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Wallsend-Buttai Pipe-line Construction Bill LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1906 LA
Water and Drainage and Artesian Wells (Amending) Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1906 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1905 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1905 LA
Wallsend to West Wallsend Tramway Bill 1907 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1907 LA
Water and Drainage Bill 1909 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Wesley College Incorporation Bill 1909 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Wesley College Incorporation Bill 1910 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1909 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Western Lands Act Amendment Bill 1908 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1908 LA
Western Lands Act Amendment Bill 1909 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1909 LA
Width of Tires Bill (No 2) 1908 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Width of Tires Bill 1908 LA Discharged LA
Width of Tires Bill 1909 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workmen's Compensation Bill 1910 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1910 LA
Wagga Wagga Sewerage Bill 1910 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1910 LA
Wagga Wagga to Tumberumba Railway Bill 1911 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1911 LA
Warwick Farm Railway Act Extension Bill 1911 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Water and Drainage (Amendment) Bill 1911 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1911 LA
Water Bill 1912 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 1912 LA
Water Hyacinth Bill 1912 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Water Hyacinth Bill 1912 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wentworth Park Validation Bill 1911 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wentworth Park Validation Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1912 LA
West Maitland Sewerage Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 62 of 1912 LA
White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Bill 1913 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Dwellings Bill 1911 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1913 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wyalong to Lake Cudgellico Railway Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1912 LA
Wallsend Mining District Hospital Bill 1915 LC Assented - Act No 32 of 1915 LC
Waratah Municipal Gas Loan Validation Bill 1915 LC Assented - Act No 36 of 1916 LC
Wardell Road to Darling Island Railway Deviation (Amendment) Bill 1916 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wardell Road to Darling Island Railway Deviation (Rozelle Bay to Pyrmont) Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1915 LA
Wardell Road to Darling Island Railway Deviation (Tunnels) Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1916 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1916 LA Lapsed LA
Water and Sewerage (Rating) Bill 1916 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1916 LA
Weights and Measures Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1915 LA
Wheat Acquisition (Amendment) Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1915 LA
Wheat Acquisition (Continuation) Bill 1915 LA Discharged LA
Wheat Acquisition Bill 1914 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1914 LA
White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Bill 1914 LC Assented - Act No 1 of 1915 LC
Wine Adulteration Amendment Bill 1916 LC Assented - Act No 33 of 1916 LC
Wine Adulteration Bill 1916 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Women's College (Endowment) Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 79 of 1916 LA
Women's Legal Status Bill (No 2) 1916 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Women's Legal Status Bill 1916 LA Discharged LA
Workers' Accommodation Bill 1916 LA Negatived LA
Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1916 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workmen's Compensation Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 1916 LA
Wardell Road to Darling Island Railway Deviation (Tunnels) (Amendment) Bill 1918 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1918 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1918 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1919 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1919 LA
Water and Sewerage Rating Bill 1917 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1919 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1917 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1918 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1919 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1919 LA
Western Lands (Declaratory) Bill 1918 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1918 LA
William Killen (Murrumbidgee Area) Revesting Bill 1918 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1918 LA
Women's Legal Status Bill 1918 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Women's Legal Status Bill (No 2) 1918 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1918 LA
Woollahra Loan Bill 1918 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1918 LA
Wagga Wagga Flood Relief Fund Bill 1919 LC Assented - Act No 10 of 1919 LC
Wentworth Estate Partition Bill 1919 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Water and Sewerage (Rating) Bill 1921 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Waverly Cemetery Land Sale Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1920 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1921 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Wheat Marketing Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1920 LA
Wheat Marketing Bill 1921 LA Negatived LA
Wild Dog Destruction Bill 1921 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1921 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1920 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1920 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Silicosis) Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1920 LA
Warwick Farm Railway (Amendment) Bill 1924 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1924 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1923 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1924 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1924 LA
Water (Costs Declaratory and Flood Prevention) Bill 1924 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1924 LA
Wellington Cattle Sale-yards Disposal Bill 1924 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1924 LA
Wollongong Sewerage Bill 1923 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1923 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning-Broken Hill) Bill 1922 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1922 LA
Wrightville Municipality Abolition Bill 1922 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1922 LA
Wyalong towards Condobolin Railway Bill 1923 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1923 LA
Wollongong to Port Kembla Railway Transfer Bill 1922 LC Assented - Act No 24 of 1922 LC
Workmen's Compensation (Lead Poisoning-Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1924 LC Assented - Act No 26 of 1924 LC
Water (Amendment) Bill 1927 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1927 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1927 LA
Wheat Bill 1926 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1927 LA
Widows' Pensions Bill 1925 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1925 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Bill 1926 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1927 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Bill 1927 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1927 LA
William Clift Trust Estate Bill 1925 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
William Clift Trust Estate Bill 1926 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1927 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1927 LA
Workers' Compensation Bill 1925 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1926 LA
Workers' Compensation Bill 1926 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1926 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) (Amendment) Bill 1927 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1927 LA
Wade Shire Rates Validation Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1930 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1930 LA
Wellington Show Ground Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1929 LA
Wentworth Park (Vesting) Bill 1929 LA Not Proceeded With LA
West Scholarships Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1930 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1930 LA
Wheat Marketing (Barring of Claims) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1929 LA
Widows' Pensions (Amendment) Bill 1929 LC Assented - Act No 23 of 1929 LC
Widows' Pensions (Further Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1929 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1930 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Women's College (Amendment) Bill 1927 LC Assented - Act No 55 of 1927 LC
Women's College (Lands) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1929 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1929 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1929 LA
Wyangala Dam Bill 1928 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1928 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1931 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1931 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1932 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Western Lands (Further Amendment) Bill 1931 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1931 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection (Amendment) Bill 1931 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1931 LA
Winning Bets Taxation (Management) Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1930 LA
Winning Bets Taxation Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1930 LA
Workers' Compensation (Joint Investment Fund) Amendment Bill 1931 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Warehousemen's Liens Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1935 LA
Water Conservation and Irrigation Advisory Committee Bill 1932 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1932 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1933 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
West Scholarships (Amendment) Bill 1933 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
West Scholarships (Amendment) Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1934 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1932 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 1932 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1934 LA
Wheat-growers' Relief Bill 1932 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 1932 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1932 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1932 LA
Wool, Hide and Skin Dealers Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1935 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1934 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1936 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1936 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1936 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1936 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1937 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1937 LA
Wheat and Wheat Products Bill 1935 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1936 LA
Wheat Growers Relief Bill 1936 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1936 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Silicosis) Amendment Bill 1936 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1936 LA
Walker Trusts Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1938 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1940 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1940 LA
Water Supply to Hospitals Bill 1941 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1941 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1938 LA
Wheat Products (Prices Fixation) Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1938 LA
Wheatgrowers Relief Bill 1941 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1941 LA
Wollongong Church of England Cemetery Bill 1940 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1940 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1939 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1940 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1940 LA
War Service Land Settlement Bill 1941 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1941 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1941 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1942 LA
Widows' Pensions (Amendment) Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1942 LA
Workers' Compensation (Silicosis) Amendment Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1942 LA
Workers' Compensation (Silicosis) Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1942 LA
Workers' Compensation Act and Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Act (Amendment) Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1942 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1942 LA
War Service Land Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1946 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1946 LA
War Service Land Settlement Agreement Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1946 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1946 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1947 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1947 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1945 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection (Amendment) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1945 LA
Worker's Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1945 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1946 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1946 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1947 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1947 LA
Worker's Compensation (Bush Fire Fighters) Bill 1944 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1944 LA
Wyangala Dam Hydro-electric Development (Construction) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1945 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1948 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1948 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1950 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement Validation Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1950 LA
Warkworth Flood Mitigation and Water Conservation Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1950 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1949 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1949 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilisation Bill 1948 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1948 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1948 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1948 LA
Workmen’s Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1950 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1948 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1948 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1951 LA
Warragamba Catchment Area Cemeteries Bill 1952 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1952 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1952 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1952 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilisation (Amendment) Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1951 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 35 of 1950 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1951 LA
Workers' Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1951 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 62 of 1951 LA
War Service Land Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1954 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1954 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1955 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1955 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1955 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1955 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1954 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1954 LA
Wheat Marketing (Amendment) Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1953 LA
Wickham Wharf (Construction) Bill 1954 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1954 LA
Wine Adulteration (Repeal) Bill 1954 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1955 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1953 LA
Workers' Compensation (Silicosis) Amendment Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1953 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1953 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1956 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1956 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization (Amendment) Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1957 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1958 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1957 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection (Amendment) Bill 1958 LA Lapsed LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1957 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1958 LA
Workers' Compensation (Silicosis) Amendment Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1957 LA
Workers' Compensation (Silicosis) Amendment Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1958 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1957 LA
Walgett Water Supply Bill 1959 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1959 LA
War Service Land Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1961 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1961 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1960 LA
Wellington Show Ground (Amendment) Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1960 LA
Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection (Amendment) Bill 1959 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1959 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1960 LA
Workers' Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 1960 LA
Wyangala Dam (Strengthening and Enlargement) Bill 1961 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1961 LA
War Service Land Settlement and Closer Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1963 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1964 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1964 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1963 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 1963 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1964 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 1964 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1965 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1965 LA
Wesley College Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1967 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
West Scholarships (Amendment) Bill 1965 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1965 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1966 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1967 LA
Wooli River Harbour Works Bill 1967 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1967 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1966 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1966 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1967 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 1967 LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1967 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1967 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1967 LA
War Service Land Settlement (Amendment) Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 65 of 1969 LA
Waste Disposal Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 1970 LA
Water Pollution Bill 1969 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Water, Crown Lands and Other Acts (Amendment) Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1970 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1968 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1969 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1968 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization and Wheat Quotas (Amendment) Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1969 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1968 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1969 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 1970 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1968 LA
Windamere Dam Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1970 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1970 LA
Workers' Compensation (Uninsured Liability Scheme) Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1970 LA
Wagonga River Entrance Improvement Works Bill 1972 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1972 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1971 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1972 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1972 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1971 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1972 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1972 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1971 LA
Windsor Municipal Council (Hobartville Public Reserve) Bill 1971 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 77 of 1971 LA
Workers' Compensation (Insurance) Bill 1973 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1973 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1976 LA
Water Resources Commission Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1976 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 1975 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 107 of 1974 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1976 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization and Wheat Quotas (Amendment) Bill 1973 LA Assented - Act No 88 of 1973 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 108 of 1974 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1973 LA Assented - Act No 89 of 1973 LA
Wheat Quotas Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1975 LA
Whittingham to Mount Thorley Railway Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1975 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1975 LA
Wollongong Town Hall Site Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1975 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 1975 LA
Workers' Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 104 of 1975 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 103 of 1977 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1977 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1978 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1976 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1977 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 122 of 1977 LA
Women's College (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1977 LA
Wool, Hide and Skin Dealers (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 95 of 1977 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1977 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1978 LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 123 of 1977 LA
Workers' Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1977 LA
Workers' Compensation (Rates) Amendment Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 124 of 1977 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 125 of 1977 LA
Warkworth Flood Mitigation and Water Conservation (Repeal) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1980 LA
Waste Disposal (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1980 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 121 of 1978 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 159 of 1979 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 122 of 1980 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1981 LA
Water (Soil Conservation) Amendment Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 129 of 1978 LA
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 63 of 1980 LA
Wentworth Irrigation (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 161 of 1979 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1980 LA
Western Lands (Delegations) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Lapsed LA
Western Lands (Leases and Productivity Schemes) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 201 of 1979 LA
Wheat Industry Stabilization (Amendment) Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 152 of 1978 LA
Wheat Marketing (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 114 of 1980 LA
Wheat Marketing (Grain Handling) Amendment Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 181 of 1980 LA
Wheat Marketing Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 202 of 1979 LA
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 143 of 1979 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 187 of 1979 LA
Wine Grape Processing Industry Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1979 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 79 of 1980 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1981 LA
Workers' Compensation (Brucellosis) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 117 of 1979 LA
Workers' Compensation (Brucellosis) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 116 of 1979 LA
Workers' Compensation (Chiropractic) Amendment Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 1978 LA
Workers' Compensation (Dental Technicians) Amendment Bills 1978 LA Assented - Act No 159 of 1978 LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1981 LA
Workers' Compensation (Rates) Amendment Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 188 of 1980 LA
Workers' Compensation (Sporting Injuries) Amendment Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 142 of 1978 LA
Workmen's Compensation (Broken Hill) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 75 of 1981 LA
Walker Trusts (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 207 of 1983 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 142 of 1983 LA
Western Lands (Delegations) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1982 LA
Wheat Marketing (Amendment) Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 176 of 1982 LA
Wheat Marketing (Grain Handling) Amendment Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 115 of 1982 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 106 of 1981 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Family Provision) Amendment Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 162 of 1982 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1982 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Brucellosis) Amendment Bill 1982 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Brucellosis) Amendment Bill 1984 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 208 of 1983 LA
Waste Disposal (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1986 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 1984 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 196 of 1986 LA
Water (Penalties) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 1985 LA
Water (Soil Conservation) Amendment Bill LC Assented - Act No 143 of 1986 LC
Water Administration (Transfer of Functions) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 204 of 1986 LA
Water Administration Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 195 of 1986 LA
Water Board Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 141 of 1987 LA
Water Legislation (Repeal, Amendment and Savings) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 143 of 1987 LA
Water Supply Authorities Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 140 of 1987 LA
Wentworth Irrigation (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 197 of 1986 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill LC Assented - Act No 25 of 1987 LC
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 132 of 1985 LA
Wheat Marketing (Amendment) Bill LC Assented - Act No 111 of 1984 LC
Wheat Marketing Bill LC Assented - Act No 115 of 1984 LC
Wild Dog Destruction (Amendment) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 195 of 1985 LA
Wilderness Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 196 of 1987 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (De Facto Relationships) Amendment Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 159 of 1984 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Trustee Companies) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1985 LA
Wollongong Sportsground Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 174 of 1986 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1984 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1984 LA
Workers' Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1985 LA
Workers Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 75 of 1986 LA
Workers' Compensation (Brucellosis) Amendment Bill (No 2) 1984 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1984 LA
Workers Compensation (Brucellosis) Revival and Amendment Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 177 of 1986 LA
Workers Compensation (Bush Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 83 of 1987 LA
Workers Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 84 of 1987 LA
Workers Compensation (Further Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 176 of 1986 LA
Workers Compensation (Police Force) Amendment Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 223 of 1987 LA
Workers' Compensation (Senior Police) Amendment Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 84 of 1984 LA
Workers Compensation Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 70 of 1987 LA
Warehousemen's Liens (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 175 of 1989 LA
Waste Disposal (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1989 LA
Waste Disposal (Further Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1989 LA
Water (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 108 of 1988 LA
Water Board (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 120 of 1988 LA
Water Board (Amendment) Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1990 LA
Water Supply Authorities (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 121 of 1988 LA
Western Lands (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1989 LA
Western Lands (Crown Lands) Amendment Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1989 LA
Wheat Marketing Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 211 of 1989 LA
Wilderness (Karst Conservation) Amendment Bill 1991 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Wilderness (Plans of Management) Amendment Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 85 of 1989 LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Lapsed LA
Wills, Probate and Administration (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1989 LA
WorkCover Administration Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 120 of 1989 LA
WorkCover Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 121 of 1989 LA
Workers Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 132 of 1988 LA
Workers Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 214 of 1989 LA
Workers Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1990 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Workers Compensation (Amendment) Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1991 LA
Workers Compensation (Benefits) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 1989 LA
Workers Compensation (Compensation Court) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 119 of 1989 LA
Workers' Compensation (Dust Diseases) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 64 of 1989 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1991 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
World Heritage Properties (Lord Howe Island) Bill 1991 LA Lapsed LA
World Heritage Properties Conservation (New South Wales) Bill 1990 LA Lapsed LA
Wagga Wagga Racecourse Bill (No 2) 1993 LA Assented - Act No 109 of 1993
Private Member's Public Bill
Wagga Wagga Racecourse Bill 1993 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Board (Amendment) Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1991 LA
Water Board (Corporatisation) Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 88 of 1994 LA
Western Lands (Land Purchase) Amendment Bill 1994 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Western Sydney (Tree Preservation) Bill 1993 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Western Sydney (Tree Preservation) Bill 1993 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1992 LA Withdrawn LA
Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1992 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1992 (No 2) LA Lapsed LA
Wilderness (Declaration of new Areas) Bill 1992 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness (Private Property Rights) Amendment Bill 1992 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Wilderness (Private Property Rights) Bill 1992 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Wolli Park Trust Bill 1993 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Wolli Park Trust Bill 1994 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Wool, Hide and Skin Dealers (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 79 of 1992 LA
Workers Compensation (Benefits) Amendment Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 99 of 1991 LA
Workers Compensation (Journey Claims) Bill 1993 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation (Journey Claims) Bill 1993 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Workers Compensation Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 100 of 1991 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1992 LA
Workers Compensation Legislation (Amendment) Bill 1992 LC Assented - Act No 10 of 1994 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation (Further Amendment) Bill 1992 LC Lapsed LC
Workers Compensation Legislation (Further Amendment) Bill 1992 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Workers Compensation Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 1993 LA Lapsed LA
Workers Compensation Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1994 LA
Warnervale Airport (Restrictions) Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1996
Private Member's Public Bill
Waste Minimalisation and Management Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 102 of 1995 LA
Water Amendment (Charges) Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 1996 LA
Water and Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 63 of 1997 LA
Water Supply Authorities Amendment (Central Coast Water and Sewerage) Bill 1997 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Western Lands Amendment Bill 1995 LA Discharged LA
Western Lands Amendment Bill 1995 LA Discharged LA
Westpac Banking Corporation Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1995 LA
Witness Protection Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 87 of 1995 LA
Women's College Amendment Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1996 LA
Workcover Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 89 of 1995 LA
Workcover Legislation Amendment Bill 1996 LA Discharged LA
Workcover Legislation Amendment Bill 1996 (No 2) LA Assented - Act No 120 of 1996 LA
Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 1996 LC Assented - Act No 4 of 1997 LC
Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 30 of 1995 LC
Water Management Amendment (Transfer of Water) Bill 2023 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register) Bill 2023 LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 23/12/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2023 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 2023 LA
Waste Recycling and Processing Corporation (Authorised Transaction) Amendment Bill 2023 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 2023 LA
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register) Bill 2024 LA Withdrawn, 15/08/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Work Health and Safety Amendment (Industrial Manslaughter) Bill 2024 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 2024 LA
Water Management Amendment (Central Coast Council) Bill 2024 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 2024 LA
Water Management Amendment (Water Access Licence Register Reform) Bill 2024 LA Awaiting Minister's 2R Speech, Set down for a later hour of the sitting, 26/09/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 LC 2R, Debate adjourned 5 calendar days, 24/09/2024 LC