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Procedural Publications of the Legislative Assembly

Procedural Publications of the Legislative Assembly


Below is a collection of useful resources about the rules, practices and functions of the Legislative Assembly.

Standing Orders Cover​​
Sessional and Other Orders Cover​​
 Decisions from the Chair - Considered Rulings Cover​​

Sessional and Other Orders

Sessional Orders are temporary rules which modifiy or replace certain Standing O​rde​rs for the duration of a parliamentary session.​

Decisions from t​he Chair - Considered Rulings​
A collection of considered rulings given by the Speakers that have defined many of the Legislative Assembly's practices and procedures.​

Procedural Digests Cover
Chamber and Procedure Cover
Guide for the Introduction and Passage of Bills Cover
Procedur​al Digests  
This document provides a summary of significant procedural events and precedents in the Legislative Assembly​.

An introduction ​to the procedures, practices and customs of the Legislative Assembly.

​A comprehensive guide to the ​process of introducing and passing of bills in the Legislative Assembly. 

Member's Guide to Committees Cover
Fact Sheets Cover

 ​NSW Legislative Assembly Practice, Procedure and Privilege
A guide for Members which is also a general guide to the operation of Committees​ in th​​e Legislative Assembly. 

Fac​t S​heets 
These easy to read sheets provide a basic introduction to many​ of the practices and procedures of​ the House and its committees.

NSW Legislative Assembly Practice, Procedure and Privilege
This publication is valuable piece of work that will assist all parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in their understanding of the way Parliament works in New South Wales. 

Procedure can be a complex and contextual subject and as no guide can ever provide for every circumstance, if you have any questions regarding these publications please contact the House and Procedure team​.
