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All bills (starting with 'A')

All bills (starting with 'B')

This list contains bills introduced since 1856. LA means the Legislative Assembly, and LC means the Legislative Council.
Bill Title Origin Status House
Barangaroo Delivery Authority Bill 2009 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 2009 LA
Business Licences Repeal and Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 2001 LA
Bail Amendment (Confiscation of Passports) Bill 2000 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 2007 LA
Bail (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 2014 LA
Biofuel (Ethanol Content) Amendment Bill 2009 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 2009 LA
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Name) Bill 2012 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 2012 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Amendment Bill 2009 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 2010 LA
Bail Amendment Bill 2003 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 2003 LA
Biosecurity Bill 2015 LC Assented - Act No 24 of 2015 LC
Bail Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 2013 LA
Botany Bay National Park (Helicopter Base Relocation) Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 2004 LA
Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Amendment Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 2013 LA
Brothels Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 2007 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Amendment Bill 1998 LC Assented - Act No 33 of 1998 LC
Biofuels Amendment Bill 2012 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 2012 LA
Bail Amendment (Repeat Offenders) Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 2002 LA
Bail Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2004 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 2004 LA
Building Professionals Amendment Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 2008
Cognate with main bill: Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Bill 2008
Betting Tax Bill 2001 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 2001 LA
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2011 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 2011 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill 1999 (No 2) LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1999 LA
Banana Industry Repeal Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 47 of 2010 LA
Bail Amendment Bill 2014 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 2014 LA
Bail Amendment Bill 2007 LC Assented - Act No 55 of 2007 LC
Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 2005 LA
Building Legislation Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 2005 LA
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Name) Bill 2009 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 2009 LA
Bail Amendment (Lifetime Parole) Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 71 of 2006 LA
Business Names Amendment Bill 2006 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 2006 LA
Boarding Houses Bill 2012 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 2012 LA
Bail Amendment (Firearms and Property Offences) Bill 2003 LC Assented - Act No 84 of 2003 LC
Bail Amendment (Enforcement Conditions) Bill 2012 LC Assented - Act No 87 of 2012 LC
Bible Society NSW (Corporate Conversion) Bill 2008 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 2008 LA
Biofuels Further Amendment Bill 2012 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 2012 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 2013 LA
Banana Industry Amendment Bill 2000 LA Assented - Act No 94 of 2000 LA
Business Names Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 97 of 2002 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2010 LA Assented - Act No 103 of 2010 LA
Bail Amendment Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 108 of 1998
Cognate with main bill: Criminal Procedure Legislation Amendment (Bail Agreements) Bill 1998
Business Franchise Licenses (Repeal) Bill 1997 LA Assented - Act No 109 of 1997
Cognate with main bill: Appropriation (Refunds and Subsidies) Bill 1997
Building Professionals Bill 2005 LA Assented - Act No 115 of 2005 LA
Bank Holidays Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 132 of 2002 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 2002 LA
Building Legislation Amendment (Quality of Construction) Bill 2002 LA Assented - Act No 134 of 2002 LA
Benevolent Society (Reconstitution) Bill 1998 LA Assented - Act No 153 of 1998 LA
Banana Industry Amendment Bill 1998 LA Lapsed, 03/02/1999 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill 1999 LA Lapsed, 11/08/1999 LA
Bail Amendment (Confiscation of Passports) Bill 2000 LA Lapsed, 20/02/2002
Private Member's Public Bill
Bail Amendment (Repeat Offenders) Bill 2003 LA Negatived, 22/05/2003
Private Member's Public Bill
Boarders and Lodgers Bill 2003 LC Lapsed, 19/05/2006
Private Member's Public Bill
Banning Political Advertising (Make Labor Pay) Bill 2006 LA Lapsed, 15/01/2007
Private Member's Public Bill
Bail Amendment Bill 2014 LA Lapsed, 13/08/2014 LA
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Sex) Bill 2014 LC Lapsed, 16/10/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Sex) Bill 2014 LC Lapsed, 04/03/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Sex) Bill 2014 (Mr Greenwich) LA Lapsed in Accordance with Standing Orders, 06/09/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment (Change of Sex) Bill 2014 (No 2) LA Lapsed, 16/10/2014
Private Member's Public Bill
Board of Adult and Community Education Repeal Bill 2008 LC Assented - Act No 11 of 2008 LC
Biofuel (Ethanol Content) Bill 2007 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 2007 LA
Bail Amendment Bill 2015 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 2015
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Terrorism (Police Powers) Amendment Bill 2015
Betting Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 LA Assented - Act No 66 of 2015 LA
Biosecurity Bill 2014 LA Lapsed, 06/11/2014 LA
Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards Bill 2013 LA Assented - Act No 89 of 2013 LA
Biofuels Amendment Bill 2016 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 2016 LA
Biofuels Repeal Bill 2016 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 25/02/2019
Private Member's Public Bill
Building Professionals Amendment (Information) Bill 2016 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 2016 LA
Biodiversity Conservation Bill 2016 LC Assented - Act No 63 of 2016
Bills cognate with this main Bill: Local Land Services Amendment Bill 2016
Biosecurity Amendment Bill 2017 LC Assented - Act No 5 of 2017 LC
Building Products (Safety) Bill 2017 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 2017 LA
Betting Tax Amendment (Point of Consumption) Bill 2018 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 2018 LA
Building and Development Certifiers Bill 2018 LA Assented - Act No 63 of 2018 LA
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2018 LC Assented - Act No 78 of 2018
Cognate with main bill: Retirement Villages Amendment Bill 2018
Better Regulation Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 LC Assented - Act No 23 of 2019 LC
Bush Fires (Protection of Property) Bill 2019 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Better Regulation Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 2020 LA
Better Regulation and Customer Service Legislation Amendment (Bushfire Relief) Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 2020 LA
Building Amendment (Mechanical Services and Medical Gas Work) Bill 2020 LC Negatived, 18/06/2020
Private Member's Public Bill
Bushfires Legislation Amendment Bill 2020 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 2020 LA
Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2021 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 2021 LA
Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 LC Withdrawn, 11/05/2021 LC
Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 2021 LA
Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Kangaroo Protection) Bill 2022 LC Lapsed on Prorogation, 27/02/2023
Private Member's Public Bill
Bail Amendment Bill 2022 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 2022 LA
Building and Other Fair Trading Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 LA Assented - Act No 61 of 2022 LA
Bills of Lading Bill 1856 LA Assented LA
Bonded Warehouses Duty Bill 1856 LA Assented LA
Burwood Tramroad Continuation Act Amendment Bill 1857 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Barristers', Attorneys' and Conveyancers' Bill 1857 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Bathurst School of Arts Bill 1858 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bonded Warehouses Act Repeal Bill 1858 LA Negatived LA
Board of National Education Bill 1858 LC Assented LC
Bank Statements and Abstracts Regulation Bill 1860 LA Lapsed LA
Barristers' Admission Act Amendment Bill 1859 LC Discharged LC
Barristers' Admission Act Amendment Bill 1860 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bank of New South Wales Incorporation Act Amendment Bill 1864 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Market Bill 1864 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Market Transfer Bill 1864 LA Other -- see Bill Remarks LA
Bland Annuity Bill 1861 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bonded Distilleries and Sugar Houses Bill 1861 LA Discharged LA
Bonded Distilleries and Sugar Houses Bill 1862 LA Assented LA
Botany Railway Company Bill 1862 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Brands Registration Bill 1862 LA Discharged LA
Bulli Coal Mining Company's Incorporation Bill 1861 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bulli Coal Mining Company's Railway Bill 1862 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Barristers' Admission Act Amendment Bill 1861 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Barristers Examination Bill 1865 LA Negatived LA
Bishopric of Goulburn Lands Investment Bill 1866 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bogan Electorate Bill 1869 LA Assented LA
Border Duties Bill 1867 LA Assented LA
Brands Registration Bill 1865 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Brands Registration Bill 1865 LA Withdrawn LA
Brands Registration No. 2 Bill 1865 LA Discharged LA
Brown's Collieries Railway Bill LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Burials Regulation Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Burials Regulation Bill 1869 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bathurst Burr, Dock and Thistle Bill 1865 LC Discharged LC
Bank Liabilities and Assets Publication Act Extension Bill 1871 LA Withdrawn LA
Bank of New South Wales Bill 1870 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Gas Bill 1871 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Benevolent Society's Bill 1870 LA Assented LA
Blackwattle Bay Land Reclamation Bill 1871 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Newcastle Special Audit Bill 1870 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Barnett's Marriage Bill 1872 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Barristers and Attorneys Admission Bill 1874 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bathurst Cattle Sale Yards Bill 1873 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Cattle Sale Yards Bill 1873 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Gas Bill 1872 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bishopthorpe Estate Charge Bill 1873 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Blackwattle Bay Land Reclamation Bill 1872 LA Assented LA
Blackwattle Bay Land Reclamation Bill 1872 LA Discharged LA
Border Duties Bill 1873 LA Assented LA
Border Duties Convention Bill 1872 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bowenfels Coal Mining and Copper Smelting Company's Railway Bill 1873 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Brands Registration Act Amendment Bill 1873 LA Discharged LA
Brands Registration Amendment Bill 1874 LC Assented LC
Bank Holidays Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Bankers Crossed-Cheques Amendment Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Barristers Admission Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Barristers Admission Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Bassett-Darley Estates Bill 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst and Grafton and Armidale Bishoprics Bill 1877 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Hospital (No 1) Bill 1876 LA Lapsed LA
Bathurst Hospital Bill (No 2) 1876 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Markets Amendment Bill 1876 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Presbyterian Church Trustees Enabling Bill 1876 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Presbyterian Church Trustees Enabling Bill 1876 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Beer's Disabilities Bill 1875 LA Lapsed LA
Betting Houses Suppression Bill 1875 LA Assented LA
Border Duties Convention Bill 1876 LA Assented LA
Bankers' Books and Cheques Bill 1877 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bankers' Cheques Amendment Bill 1875 LC Lapsed LC
Bank Liabilities and Assets Publication Act Extension Bill 1879 LA Assented LA
Bankers Books Evidence Bill 1878 LA Negatived LA
Beer's Disabilities Bill 1878 LA Negatived LA
Beer's Disabilities Bill 1878 LA Discharged LA
Beer's Disabilities Bill 1879 LA Negatived LA
Betting Houses Suppression Act Amendment Bill 1879 LA Assented LA
Bills of Sale Bill 1878 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Blackwattle Bay Land Reclamation Act Amendment Bill 1878 LA Assented LA
Bankers Books and Cheques Bill 1878 LC Discharged LC
Barristers and Attorneys Bill 1878 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Balmain Cemetery Bill 1881 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Balmain Cemetery Bill 1881 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Barristers Admission Bill 1882 LA Assented LA
Barristers Admission Bill 1881 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bates' Estate Bill 1881 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bates' Estate Bill 1881 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Presbyterian Church Grant Resumption Bill 1882 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Berrima Coal Mine Railway Bill 1881 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Billiard and Bagatelle Licensing Bill 1881 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1881 LA
Birds Protection Bill (No 3) 1881 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1881 LA
Birds Protection Bill (No 2) 1881 LA Discharged LA
Birds Protection Bill 1881 LA Discharged LA
Blandford Proprietary School Bill 1882 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Newcastle Leasing and Improving Bill 1881 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Burton's Estate Bill 1881 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Balmain Tramway Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bankruptcy Jurisdiction Bill 1884 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Barker's Estate Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bathurst Presbyterian Church Grant Resumption Bill 1884 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1884 LA
Blandford Proprietary School Bill 1883 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Blandford Proprietary School Bill 1884 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Boards Settlement Bill 1885 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Boorowa Roman Catholic Church Land Sale Bill 1884 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Boroughs of Randwick and Paddington Bill 1883 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bowenfels Coal-mining and Copper-smelting Company's Railway Sale and Vesting Bill 1885 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Bryen's Estate Leasing Bill 1884 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Butchers' Shops (Metropolitan Police District) Sunday Closing Bill (No 2) 1883 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1883 LA
Butchers' Shops (Metropolitan Police District) Sunday Closing Bill 1883 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bankruptcy Procedure Bill 1884 LC Withdrawn LC
Barmaids Employment Restriction Bill 1884 LC Negatived LC
Bodalla Estate Bill 1885 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Balmain Cemeteries Closing Bill 1886 LA Discharged LA
Balmain Tramway Bill 1885 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Barker's Estate Bill 1885 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Barristers Bill (No 2) 1886 LA Discharged LA
Barristers Bill 1885 LA Discharged LA
Bell's Estate Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bennett's Railway Bill 1886 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bird Estate Bill 1886 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bishopscourt Sale and Leasing Bill 1886 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Blackfriars Estate Streets and Lanes Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Board's Settlement Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of East St. Leonards Wharves Bill 1886 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Boundaries of Municipalities Readjustment Bill 1886 LA Discharged LA
Bowenfel's Coal-mining and Copper-smelting Company's Railway (Sale and Vesting) Bill 1886 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Building Societies Bill 1886 LA Discharged LA
Bank of New South Wales Acts Amendment Bill 1886 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bodalla Estate Bill 1885 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1888 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1888 LA
Bankruptcy Bill 1887 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1887 LA
Barristers Bill 1887 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Beer Duty Bill 1887 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1887 LA
Betting House Suppression Acts Amendment Bill 1887 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bills of Sale Act Amendment Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bills of Sale Amending Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bills of Sale Law Amendment Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Balmain Wharves Bill 1887 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Balmain Wharves Bill 1887 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill and Suburban Gas Company's Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill and Suburban Gas Company's Bill 1888 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Tramway Bill 1887 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Tramway Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Bill 1888 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Bill 1888 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Brokers Bill 1887 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Building Labour and Material Lien Bill 1887 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bills of Exchange Bill 1887 LC Assented - Act No 2 of 1887 LC
Bills of Sale Act Amendment Bill 1887 LC Lapsed LC
Birds Protection Act Amendment Bill 1888 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Broken Hill District Water Supply Bill 1888 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bulli Colliery Disaster Fund Bill 1888 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bulli Colliery Disaster Fund Bill 1888 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Balranald Irrigation Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill (No 2) 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bathurst Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1889 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Berry Municipal District Naming Bill 1890 LA Assented LA
Bills of Sale Law Amendment Bill 1889 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Blackfriars and Shepherd's Nursery Estates Bill 1889 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1889 LA
Blayney Municipal Council Enabling Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Board of Water Supply and Sewerage Offices Erection Bill (No 2) 1890 LA Assented LA
Board of Water Supply and Sewerage Offices Erection Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Boats Registration and Regulation Bill 1890 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bondsmen and Sureties Liabilities Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Newcastle Electric Lighting Bill (No 2) 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Newcastle Electric Lighting Bill 1890 LA Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Willoughby Naming Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill and Pinnacles Tramway Bill 1889 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill and Pinnacles Tramway Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Bill 1889 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Bill 1889 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Bill 1890 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Waterworks Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Byron Bay Breakwater Bill 1890 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankers Books Bill 1890 LC Lapsed LC
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1890 LC Withdrawn LC
Bills of Sale Act Amending Bill 1889 LC Negatived LC
Book Purchasers Protection Bill (No 2) 1890 LC Assented LC
Book Purchasers Protection Bill 1890 LC Withdrawn LC
Broken Hill and District Water Supply Company Bill 1889 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Balranald Irrigation Bill 1891 LA Negatived LA
Balranald Irrigation Bill 1892 LA Assented LA
Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill 1892 LA Discharged LA
Bank Issue Bill 1893 LA Assented LA
Bank Notes Bill 1893 LA Assented LA
Bank Notes Bill 1894 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1894 LA
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1893 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1894 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Acts Amendment Bill 1891 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Acts Amendment Bill 1892 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bastards' Legitimation Bill 1891 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Betting and Gaming Suppression Bill 1893 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Betting and Gaming Suppression Bill 1894 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Birds Protection Bill 1892 LA Assented LA
Borough of Erskineville Naming Bill 1893 LA Assented LA
Borough of Newcastle Electric Lighting Bill 1891 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Water Supply Act Amendment Bill 1892 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Balaclava Tramway Bill 1892 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bankers Books Evidence Bill 1891 LC Assented LC
Bathing Regulation Bill 1894 LC Not Proceeded With LC
Bay Road Railway Station Bill 1893 LC Assented LC
Betting (Infants) Bill (changed from Betting and Loan (Infants) Bill) 1894 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bills of Sale Bill (No 2) 1892 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bills of Sale Bill 1891 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Broken Hill and District Water Supply Act Amendment Bill 1891 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Tramways Bill 1892 LC Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Bread Bill 1895 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Acts Amendment Bill 1894 LC Discharged LC
Bankruptcy Acts Amendment Bill (No 2) 1894 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bega Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1895 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill 1896 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Barristers and Solicitors Fees Bill 1896 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Barristers and Solicitors Fees Bill 1897 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Berrigan to Finley Railway Bill 1896 LA Assented LA
Bills of Sale Act Amendment Bill 1895 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bills of Sale Bill 1896 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Boilers Inspection Bill 1897 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Cudgegong Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1896 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Lithgow Validating Bill 1896 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Borough of Redfern Electric Lighting Bill 1895 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Bill 1898 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankruptcy Act Amendment Bill 1896 LC Assented LC
Bankruptcy Bill 1898 LC Assented LC
Banks and Bank Holidays Bill 1898 LC Assented LC
Bega Cattle Sale-yards Bill 1895 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bills of Sale Bill 1898 LC Assented LC
Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill 1898 LA Discharged LA
Banks and Bank Holidays Act Amendment Bill 1898 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1899 LA
Banks Half-holiday Bill 1900 LA Assented - Act No 80 of 1900 LA
Bee Bill LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bellinger River Harbour Works Bill 1898 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bellinger River Harbour Works Bill 1898 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1899 LA
Bogan Gate to Bulbodney Railway Bill 1900 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Lithgow Validating Bill 1898 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Boundary-street Bill 1900 LA Assented - Act No 58 of 1900 LA
Brodie's Enabling Bill 1900 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Abattoirs, Markets and Cattle Sale-Yards Bill 1900 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Bill 1898 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1898 LA
Byrock and Brewarrina Railway (Amendment) Bill 1899 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Byrock and Brewarrina Railway (Amendment) Bill 1899 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1900 LA
Byrock and Brewarrina Railway Bill 1898 LA Lapsed LA
Book Purchasers Protection Bill 1899 LC Assented - Act No 25 of 1899 LC
Bright's Estate Leasing Bill 1899 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Blockholders Bill 1901 LA Assented - Act No 69 of 1901 LA
Bogan Gate to Bulbodney Railway Bill 1901 LA Assented - Act No 88 of 1902 LA
Bogan Gate to Bulbodney Railway Bill 1901 LA Negatived LA
Boilers Regulation Bill 1901 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Boilers Regulation Bill 1902 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Borough of Drummoyne Enabling Bill 1902 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1902 LA
Borough of Wollongong Loan Validating Bill 1903 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bread Vendors Bill 1901 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Brodie's Enabling Act Amendment Bill 1903 LA Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Burwood Municipal Loan Validation (Bill (No 2) 1902 LA Lapsed LA
Burwood Municipal Loan Validation Bill 1902 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1902 LA
Balranald Irrigation Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 78 of 1902 LC
Benevolent Society of New South Wales Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 97 of 1902 LC
Benevolent Society of New South Wales Bill 1901 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Billiards and Bagatelle Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 38 of 1902 LC
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1903 LC Assented - Act No 12 of 1903 LC
Birds Protection Bill 1901 LC Assented - Act No 26 of 1901 LC
Bread Bill 1901 LC Assented - Act No 35 of 1901 LC
Building and Co-operative Societies Bill 1901 LC Assented - Act No 17 of 1902 LC
Butchers' Shops Sunday Closing Bill 1902 LC Assented - Act No 50 of 1902 LC
Borough of The Glebe Electric Lighting Bill 1904 LA Lapsed LA
Bank of New South Wales Bill 1905 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bankruptcy Amendment Bill 1905 LC Negatived LC
Borough of Brompton Naming Bill 1905 LA Negatived LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1905 LA Lapsed LA
Bathurst Cathedral Validating Bill 1906 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Belmore Markets (Land) Bill 1906 LA Lapsed LA
Birds and Native Animals Protection and Acclimatisation Bill 1906 LA Lapsed LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1906 LA Lapsed LA
Banks and Bank Holidays (Further Amendment) Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1906 LA
Barren Jack Dam and Murrumbidgee Canals Construction Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1906 LA
Broken Hill and Umberumberka Water Supply Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1906 LA
Bellevue Hill Tramway Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1906 LA
Borough of Balmain Electric Lighting Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1906 LA
Belmore to Chapel-road Railway Bill 1906 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1906 LA
Bank of New South Wales Bill 1910 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Banks and Bank Holidays Bill 1909 LC Discharged LC
Barrier Tramway Bill 1907 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Barrier Tramway Bill 1908 LC Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Bill 1910 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Broken Hill and Umberumberka Water Supply (Amendment) Bill 1907 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1907 LA
Ballina to Booyong Railway Bill 1913 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Banks and Bank Holidays Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1912 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays Bill 1912 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Barmedman to Rankin's Springs Railway Bill 1913 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Barellan towards Mirrool Railway Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 1 of 1912 LA
Bathurst Sewerage Bill 1910 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1910 LA
Bellevue Hill Line to Bondi Beach Tramway Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1912 LA
Birds and Animals Protection Bill 1911 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Bill 1910 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Border Railways (Euston and Wentworth) Bill 1913 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Botany and North Botany Sewerage Bill 1910 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1910 LA
Broadmeadow-Waratah Tramway Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1912 LA
Broken Hill (Umberumberka Creek) Water Supply Bill 1910 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1910 LA
Bursary Endowment Bill 1912 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1912 LA
Bakeries Bill 1915 LA Negatived LA
Baking Hours Bill 1915 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Balmain Road Closing Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1916 LA
Barmedman to Rankins' Springs Railway Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 46 of 1915 LA
Bega Loan Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1916 LA
Belltrees Estate Bill 1914 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Birds and Animals Protection Bill 1914 LC Lapsed LC
Boorabil Commission Bill 1914 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1914 LA
Bowenfels to Diwana Railway Deviation Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1915 LA
Bowral Water Supply Bill 1916 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1916 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1915 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Broken Hill Trades Hall Site Extension Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 42 of 1915 LA
Broken Hill Water Supply Administration Bill 1915 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1915 LA
Broken Hill Water Supply Administration Bill 1915 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Ballina to Booyong Railway Bill 1919 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1919 LA
Bega and Wilberforce Labour Settlements Bill 1917 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1917 LA
Bookmakers Taxation Bill 1917 LA Assented - Act No 15 of 1917 LA
Broughton Hall and Coast Hospital Extensions Construction Bill 1919 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1919 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1917 LC Assented - Act No 8 of 1917 LC
Baptist Union Incorporation Bill 1918 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1918 LC Assented - Act No 17 of 1919 LC
Birds and Animals Protection Bill 1917 LC Assented - Act No 21 of 1918 LC
Bishop of Grafton and Armidale Grant Forfeiture Bill 1919 LC Lapsed LC
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Act Amendment Bill 1918 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bookmakers Taxation (Amendment) Bill 1920 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1920 LA
Blackheath Validation Bill 1920 LC Assented - Act No 7 of 1920 LC
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1924 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1924 LA
Bankstown Resumption Recession Bill 1923 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bankstown Resumption Recession Bill 1924 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bankstown to George's River Railway Bill 1924 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Birds and Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1922 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1922 LA
Bishop of Grafton and Armidale Grant Forfeiture Bill 1922 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Blackheath Water Supply Bill 1923 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1923 LA
Border Railways Bill 1922 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1922 LA
Botany Road Trust (Constitution) Bill 1922 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1922 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1922 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1922 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1923 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1923 LA
Bread Bill 1923 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Byron Bay Jetty Bill 1923 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1923 LA
Bank of New South Wales Bill 1922 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Bank of New South Wales Bill 1923 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Birds and Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill 1922 LC Discharged LC
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Act (Amendment) Bill 1923 LC Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Boorabil Commission (Amendment) Bill 1922 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Boorabil Commission (Amendment) Bill 1922 LC Discharged LC
Botany Methodist Church Cemetery Bill 1924 LC Assented - Act No 46 of 1924 LC
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1925 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1925 LA
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Act Amendment Bill 1926 LC Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bishop Tyrrell Trust Act Amendment Bill 1927 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Boiler Inspection Bill 1927 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Broken Hill Water Supply (Validation) Bill 1927 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1927 LA
Beneficiary Fund of the Presbyterian Church of Australia In the State of New South Wales Bill 1928 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Birds and Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1930 LA
Boy Scouts Association - New South Wales Branch Incorporation Bill 1928 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Boy Scouts Association - New South Wales Branch Incorporation Bill 1928 LC Assented - Act No 26 of 1928 LC
Bungendore to Captain's Flat Railway Bill 1930 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1930 LA
Bunnerong Electrical Power-house Site Agreement Ratification Bill 1927 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bunnerong Electrical Power-house Site Agreement Ratification Bill 1928 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1928 LA
Burrinjuck Hydro-Electric (Administration) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1929 LA
Burrinjuck Hydro-Electric (Canberra Agreement) Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1929 LA
Bush Fires Bill 1929 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1930 LA
B.A.W.R.A. Income Tax (Declaratory) Bill 1931 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1931 LA
Boiler Inspection and Engine - Drivers Bill 1931 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bills Annulment Bill 1935 LC Assented - Act No 25 of 1935 LC
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1932 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1932 LA
Business Agents Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1935 LA
Business Names Bill 1933 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Business Names Bill 1934 LA Assented - Act No 50 of 1934 LA
Barooga District Water Supply Bill 1937 LA Assented - Act No 28 of 1937 LA
Barroga District Water Supply Bill 1936 LA Not Proceeded With LA
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1936 LA Assented - Act No 62 of 1936 LA
Bungendore to Captain's Flat Railway Agreement Ratification Bill 1937 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1937 LA
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1938 LA
Bishop Tyrrell Trust (Amendment) Bill 1939 LA Assented - Act No 27 of 1939 LA
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1939 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1939 LA
Border Railways (Amendment) Bill 1941 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1941 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1938 LA
Burns Philp Trust Company Limited Bill 1939 LC Not Proceeded With
Private Member's Public Bill
Burns Philp Trust Company Limited Bill 1940 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Burrinjuck and Port Kembla Electrical Construction Bill 1938 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1938 LA
Burrinjuck Dam Improvement Bill 1939 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1940 LA
Bega Cemetery Bill 1943 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1943 LA
British Home Supplies Pty. Ltd. (Investigation) Bill 1942 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1942 LA
Bankruptcy (Amendment) Bill 1947 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1947 LA
Bread Industry Bill 1946 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1946 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1945 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1946 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1946 LA
Building Operations and Building Materials Control Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1946 LA
Bulli (Slacky Flat) Land Sale Bill 1945 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1945 LA
Burrendong Dam Bill 1946 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1946 LA
Bread Manufacture and Delivery Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1950 LA
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (Reclamation and Exchange) Agreement Ratification Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1950 LA
Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (Steelworks) Agreement Ratification Bill 1950 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1950 LA
Building Operations and Building Materials Control (Amendment) Bill 1947 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bush Fires Bill 1949 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1949 LA
Bellingen Cemetery Bill 1952 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1952 LA
Blowering Dam Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1951 LA
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1952 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1952 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1951 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1951 LA
Bursaries (Validation) Bill 1952 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1952 LA
Ballina to Booyong Railway (Cessation of Operation) Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 13 of 1953 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1954 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bread Manufacture and Delivery (Amendment) Bill 1953 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1953 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Radium Hill) Amendment Bill 1954 LA Assented - Act No 12 of 1954 LA
Bermagui Harbour Works Bill 1958 LA Lapsed LA
Border Railways (Grain Elevators) Amendment Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 9 of 1957 LA
Bread Industry, Manufacture and Delivery (Amendment) Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 8 of 1958 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1956 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1956 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1958 LA
Bursary Endowment (Amendment) Bill 1957 LA Assented - Act No 36 of 1957 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1958 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1958 LA
Balmain - Rozelle Anzac Memorial Hall Bill 1961 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1961 LA
Banking (Interpretation of References) Bill 1959 LA Assented - Act No 32 of 1959 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1961 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1961 LA
Bermagui Harbour Works Bill 1959 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1959 LA
Brunswick Heads Harbour Works Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 41 of 1960 LA
Burrendong Dam (Amendment) Bill 1960 LA Assented - Act No 14 of 1960 LA
Bank of New South Wales (Amendment) Bill 1962 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1962 LA
Blacktown Municipal Council (Hill Top Avenue Public Garden and Recreation Space) Bill 1964 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Blowering Dam (Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority) Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1963 LA
Book Purchasers' Protection (Amendment) Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1963 LA
Bread Industry (Amendment) Bill 1964 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 1964 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1963 LA Assented - Act No 39 of 1963 LA
Business Names Bill 1962 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1962 LA
Bush Fires and Fire Brigades (Amendment) Bill 1965 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1965 LA
Banana Industry Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1969 LA
Board of Teacher Education Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 75 of 1969 LA
Boy Scouts Association-New South Wales Branch Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 45 of 1968 LA
Bread Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1969 LA
Brogo Dam and Associated Works Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1970 LA
Broken Hill to South Australian Border Railway Agreement (Amendment) Bill 1969 LA Assented - Act No 26 of 1969 LA
Broken Hill to South Australian Border Railway Agreement Bill 1968 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1968 LA
Bursary Endowment (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1968 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1968 LA
Bursary Endowment (Amendment) Bill 1968 LA Discharged LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1970 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 1970 LA
Botany Cemetery and Crematorium Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1972 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1973 LA Lapsed LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Payment of Rates) Amendment Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1971 LA
Builders Licensing Bill 1971 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1971 LA
Bungonia Gorge Preservation Bill 1973 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1974 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1973 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 1973 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1974 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1975 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 22 of 1976 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1974 LA
Bungonia Gorge Preservation Bill 1974 LC Lapsed on Prorogation LC
Bursary Endowment (Amendment) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Amendment and Repeal Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 10 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Amendment Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1975 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Bill 1974 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1974 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Bill 1975 LA Assented - Act No 63 of 1975 LA
Bankruptcy (Repeal) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 1 of 1977 LA
Baptist Union Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1977 LA
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1976 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1977 LA
Bread (Returns) Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 21 of 1977 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1977 LA Discharged LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1976 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1976 LA Assented - Act No 74 of 1976 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum) Amendment Bill 1977 LA Assented - Act No 127 of 1977 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1978 LA
Bail (Community Service Orders) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 193 of 1979 LA
Bail (Community Welfare) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bail (Crimes) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1979 LA
Bail Bill 1978 LA Assented - Act No 161 of 1978 LA
Banana Industry (Amendment) Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 1981 LA
Baulkham Hills Shire Council (Norfolk Place Public Reserve Land Sale) 1979 LC Assented
Private Member's Public Bill
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1981 LA Assented - Act No 70 of 1981 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 163 of 1979 LA
Bread (Prices Determination) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 117 of 1980 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage, (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 166 of 1980 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage, (Coal Mining) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 20 of 1979 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage, (Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 49 of 1979 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage, (Rating) Amendment Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 142 of 1980 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage, (Water Rate) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 128 of 1979 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 182 of 1979 LA
Builders Licensing (Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 51 of 1979 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 123 of 1980 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Investment) Amendment Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 52 of 1980 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 154 of 1979 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1980 LA Assented - Act No 131 of 1980 LA
Business Names (Corporate Affairs Commission) Amendment Bill 1979 LA Assented - Act No 110 of 1979 LA
Bail (Community Welfare) Amendment Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 78 of 1982 LA
Bank of New South Wales (Change of Name) Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 31 of 1982 LA
Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 4 of 1984 LA
Baptist Union Incorporation (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 5 of 1984 LA
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bishopsgate Insurance Australia Limited Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 1983 LA
Border Railways (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 118 of 1983 LA
Botany and Randwick Sites Development Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 99 of 1982 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 6 of 1983 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Rates) Amendment Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 119 of 1983 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Amendment) Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 44 of 1982 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1983 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Further Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 130 of 1983 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 149 of 1983 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Administration) Amendment Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1983 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) (Administration) Amendment Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1983 LA
Business Franchise Licenses (Petroleum Products) Bill 1982 LA Assented - Act No 92 of 1982 LA
Business Franchise Licenses (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1983 LA Assented - Act No 133 of 1983 LA
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 48 of 1986 LA
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 43 of 1987 LA
Bail (Personal and Family Violence) Amendment Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 185 of 1987 LA
Banana Industry Bill LC Assented - Act No 66 of 1987 LC
Bennelong Point (Parking Station) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 189 of 1985 LA
Bicentennial Park Trust Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 29 of 1987 LA
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 23 of 1984 LA
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 38 of 1986 LA
Biological Control Bill LC Assented - Act No 199 of 1985 LC
Bishopsgate Insurance Australia Limited (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 1984 LA
Blue Mountains Land Development (Special Provisions) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 55 of 1985 LA
Botany Bay National Park Extension Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 155 of 1987 LA
Boxing Authority Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 11 of 1986 LA
Boy Scouts Association (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 148 of 1986 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 214 of 1985 LA
Bread (Returns) Repeal Bill LC Assented - Act No 208 of 1987 LC
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 200 of 1986 LA
Broken Hill Water and Sewerage (Flood Liable Land) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 100 of 1985 LA
Builders Labourers Federation (Special Provisions) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 17 of 1986 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1984 LA Assented - Act No 107 of 1984 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 56 of 1985 LA
Builders Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 1987 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments (Amendment) Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 149 of 1986 LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Bill 1985 LA Lapsed LA
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 19 of 1986 LA
Building Services Corporation Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1987 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Administration) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 220 of 1985 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Application and Enforcement) Amendment Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 181 of 1986 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Information Disclosure) Amendment Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 91 of 1987 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 184 of 1985 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 94 of 1987 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) (Administration) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 221 of 1985 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) (Application and Enforcement) Amendment Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 180 of 1986 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) (Information Disclosure) Amendment Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 90 of 1987 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1985 LA Assented - Act No 185 of 1985 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 179 of 1986 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Bill 1987 LA Assented - Act No 93 of 1987 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Further Amendment Bill 1986 LA Assented - Act No 165 of 1986 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco)(Juvenile Smoking) Amendment Bill LC Withdrawn LC
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1988 LA
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 109 of 1989 LA
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 1990 LA
Bail (Further Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 60 of 1988 LA
Bicentennial Park Trust (Leases) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 140 of 1989 LA
Bishop Tyrrell Trust (Amendment) Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 2 of 1990 LA
Board of Adult and Community Education Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 119 of 1990 LA
Boarding Houses and Lodging Houses Bill 1991 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Book Purchasers' Protection (Repeal) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 57 of 1988 LA
Bread (Amendment) Bill 1988 LA Assented - Act No 106 of 1988 LA
Building Services Corporation (Kit Homes) Amendment Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1990 LA
Building Services Corporation Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 147 of 1989 LA
Burns Philp Trustee Company Limited Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1990 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 115 of 1989 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Road Funding) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 96 of 1989 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 82 of 1989 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 81 of 1989 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Further Amendment Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 114 of 1989 LA
Business Licences Bill 1990 LA Assented - Act No 72 of 1990 LA
Business Names (Amendment) Bill 1989 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1989 LA
Badgerys Creek Waste Facility Bill 1994 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 16 of 1992 LA
Bail (Domestic Violence) Amendment Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 102 of 1993 LA
Bank Integration Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 80 of 1992 LA
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Lapsed on Prorogation
Private Member's Public Bill
Banks and Bank Holidays (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Baptist Churches of New South Wales Property Trust (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1992 LA
Billiards and Bagatelle (Repeal) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 37 of 1992
Private Member's Public Bill
Bills of Sale (Amendment) Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 7 of 1992 LA
Board of Vocational Education and Training Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 33 of 1994 LA
Boarding Houses and Lodging Houses Bill 1991 (No 2) LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bookmakers (Taxation) (Bet Back) Amendment Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 76 of 1993 LA
Bookmakers (Taxation) Amendment Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 67 of 1991 LA
Building Services Corporation (Amendment) Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 54 of 1994 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 98 of 1993 LA
Bush Fires (Amendment) Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 24 of 1994 LA
Bush Fires (Further Amendment) Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 34 of 1994 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) (Country Areas Exemption) Amendment Bill 1994 LA Lapsed
Private Member's Public Bill
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 40 of 1991 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1992 LA Assented - Act No 73 of 1992 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1993 LA Assented - Act No 61 of 1993 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1994 LA Assented - Act No 68 of 1994 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1991 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 1991 LA
Banana Industry Amendment Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 59 of 1996 LA
Bank Mergers (Application of Laws) Bill 1996 LC Assented - Act No 64 of 1996 LC
Bank Mergers Bill 1996 LC Assented - Act No 130 of 1996 LC
Banks and Bank Holidays Amendment Bill 1995 LA Discharged
Private Member's Public Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1995 LC Assented - Act No 62 of 1995 LC
Bread Repeal Bill 1995 LA Lapsed on Prorogation LA
Bread Repeal Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 3 of 1996 LA
Building Services Corporation Amendment (Insurance) Bill 1996 LA Negatived
Private Member's Public Bill
Building Services Corporation Legislation Amendment Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 122 of 1996 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1995 LA Assented - Act No 85 of 1995 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Petroleum Products) Amendment Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 53 of 1996 LA
Business Franchise Licences (Tobacco) Amendment Bill 1996 LA Assented - Act No 119 of 1996 LA
Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 LC Assented - Act No 44 of 2023 LC
Biosecurity Amendment (Independent Biosecurity Commissioner) Bill 2023 LC Assented - Act No 56 of 2023 LC
Bail and Crimes Amendment Bill 2024 LA Assented - Act No 18 of 2024 LA
Bail Amendment (Serious Personal Violence and Electronic Monitoring) Bill 2024 LA 2R Debate, Debate adjourned 5 clear days, 09/05/2024
Private Member's Public Bill
Better Regulation, Fair Trading and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 LA Assented - Act No 25 of 2024 LA
Bail and Other Legislation Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 2024 LA Assented - Act No 30 of 2024 LA
Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2024 LC Assented - Act No 53 of 2024 LC
Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Offsets Scheme) Bill 2024 LC Referred to committee for inquiry and report, 15/08/2024 LC