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Daily Business Program

Daily Business Program (20 February 2025)

96 20 February 2025 Program.pdf

Thursday 20 February 2025  


House meets at 10.00 am 



Giving of Notices of Motions (General Business) (for a period of up to 15 minutes) 


Notices of Motions (for Bills) (for up to 20 minutes) 

No. 5 Health Services Amendment (Splitting of the Hunter New England Health District) Bill; introduction and second reading speech (Mr Roy Butler; lapses 14 August 2025). 



Orders of the Day (for Bills) (for up to 90 minutes) 

No. 13 Health Services Amendment (Splitting of the Hunter New England Health District) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Roy Butler; lapses 14 August 2025). 

No. 2 Road Rules Amendment (Mobile Phones as Navigation Aids for Provisional Licence Holders) Bill; awaiting second reading speech. (Mrs Helen Dalton; lapses 16 April 2025). 

No. 6 Electoral Amendment (Voter ID and Electronic Mark Off) Bill (No 2); resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Gareth Ward—Dr Joe McGirr*; lapses 13 May 2025). 


No. 7 Health Services Amendment (Industrial Relations) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Dr Joe McGirrMr Gareth Ward*; lapses 13 May 2025). 

No. 8 Road Transport Amendment (Driving Through Floodwaters) Bill (No 2); resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Gareth Ward—Ms Lynda Voltz*; lapses 13 May 2025). 


No. 9 Local Government Amendment (Pecuniary Interests) Bill; awaiting second reading speech. (Mrs Helen Dalton; lapses 20 May 2025). 


No. 10 Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill (No 3); resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Gareth Ward— Ms Liesl Tesch*; lapses 13 May 2025). 


No. 11 Health Services Amendment (Hospital Helipads) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate (Mr Gareth Ward— Ms Janelle Saffin*; lapses 22 May 2025). 


Denotes Member who adjourned the debate 

Bill forwarded from Legislative Council 


At 11.00 am 


Ministerial Statements 

Giving of Notices of Motions (Government Business, Bills, Business with Precedence) 


Question Time 


Ministerial Statements  


Committees – Reports and Announcements 

Petitions - Announcements 

Placing or Disposal of Business 

Business with Precedence under Standing Order 118 (if any) 



Resumption of General Business Orders of the day for Bills, with Speaker to then leave the Chair. 



At 2.30 pm 




Notices of Motions (General Notices) 

No. 2596 Congestion in Leppington (Mr Nathan Hagarty) 

No. 2597 Train Strikes (Mr Anthony Roberts) 

No. 2598 Essential Workers Pay Rise (Mr Tim Crakanthorp)  

No. 2599 Cane Toad Eradication Programs (Mr Richie Williamson) 

No. 2600 Mosquito Outbreak (Ms Charishma Kaliyanda) 

No. 2602 Parramatta East Public School (Ms Donna Davis) 

No. 2603 Rent Choice Start Safely Program (Mr James Griffin) 

No. 2604 Federal Park Wallsend (Ms Sonia Hornery) 

No. 2605 Homeless World Cup (Mr Michael Kemp) 

No. 2606 Critical Minerals Strategy (Ms Julia Finn)  


At 3.40 pm 


(for up to 20 minutes) 


Orders of the Day 

No. 4 ​ Budget Estimates and related papers 2024-2025; resumption of the interrupted debate (Mr David MehanMr Greg Warren speaking, 4 minutes remaining, after obtaining an extension). 




Community Recognition Statements  

Private Members Statements 





(approved by email) 

Ron Hoenig, MP 

Leader of the House ​
