NSW Elections
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Index to Candidates
Shipway to Smithers
<< | >> | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Women
Shipway, Phillip Party % Vote
1930 Mosman Independent 15.14
Shipway, William Charles Party % Vote
1894 Paddington Elected Free Trade 36.68
1895 Paddington Defeated Free Trade 27.18
Shirley, Charles Frederick Party % Vote
1962 South Coast Ind Liberal 15.87
Shirvington, Roy William John Party % Vote
1950 Hornsby Labor Party 32.84
Shmigel, Peter Party % Vote
2007 Balmain Liberal Party 23.75
Shnookal, Deborah Jane (F) Party % Vote
1976 Phillip Socialist Workers 2.20
Shoebridge, Brian Kenneth Party % Vote
1991 Baulkham Hills Australian Democrats 8.56
2003 Bathurst The Greens 6.17
Shoebridge, David Martin Party % Vote
2007 Vaucluse Greens 20.45
Shoobert, James Party % Vote
1856 Camden East - 4.64
Shoobridge, Wayne Anthony Party % Vote
1995 Waratah Liberal Party 22.61
Shoobridge, William Cecil Party % Vote
1925 Sturt Nationalist 2.14
Short, Benjamin Party % Vote
1894 Petersham Free Trade 21.20
1895 Argyle Free Trade 41.42
Short, Henry Arthur Party % Vote
1922 St George Independent 0.12
1930 Newcastle Australian Party 4.27
Short, Leslie Noel (Noel) Party % Vote
1988 Macquarie Fields Independent 8.72
1989 Liverpool (by-elec) Independent 10.22
1990 Macquarie Fields (by-elec) Independent 30.91
Shorter, William Thomas Ashton Party % Vote
1880 Bogan - 15.03
1882 Wellington - 21.52
Shortland, Percy Douglas Party % Vote
1922 Wammerawa Nationalist 5.27
Showler, Gordon Frederick (Fred) Party % Vote
1991 Albury Call to Australia 2.98
Shuttleworth, Ross Neil Party % Vote
1962 Blacktown Liberal Party 38.30
1981 Penrith Liberal Party 29.18
1984 Penrith Liberal Party 31.15
Siapos, Peter Party % Vote
2003 Canterbury Save Our Suburbs 2.61
Sibley, Henry Thomas Party % Vote
1864-5 Goulburn - 0.22
Sibley, William Osborn Party % Vote
1978 Miranda Australian Democrats 4.99
Sibthorpe, Waldo Homan Party % Vote
1898 Gundagai Ind Federalist 21.24
Sichel, Gerald Michael (Michael) Party % Vote
2007 Dubbo Christian Democrat 2.17
Signor, Danny John Party % Vote
1978 Clarence Labor Party 30.73
Silk, Ronald Joseph Party % Vote
1962 Young D.L.P. 4.62
Silva, Margaret Mary (F) Party % Vote
1973 Heathcote D.L.P. 3.15
Silverstone, Francis Party % Vote
1920 Parramatta Soldiers Citizens 0.87
1925 Parramatta Independent 0.20
Silvey-Reardon, Arthur Party % Vote
1919 Paddington (by-elec) Socialist 6.84
1920 Wollondilly Independents 1.69
1922 Wollondilly Independent 1.12
Silvia, Brian Raymond Party % Vote
1973 Hornsby Labor Party 33.22
Sim, Stephen James Party % Vote
1976 Auburn Liberal Party 34.69
Simm, Mary Ellen (F) Party % Vote
1950 Kurri Kurri Communist 10.05
Simmons, Michael Party % Vote
1887 South Sydney Independent 4.04
Simons, Anne Lesley (F) Party % Vote
1991 Lismore Australian Democrats 6.27
Simos, Peter James Party % Vote
1995 Southern Highlands Call to Australia 2.69
Simpson, David John Party % Vote
1999 Bathurst Citizens Electoral Council 0.37
2003 Bathurst Independent 2.59
Simpson, G B Party % Vote
1859 Braidwood - 11.14
Simpson, George B Party % Vote
1860 Wollombi (by-elec) - 43.61
Simpson, George Morris Party % Vote
1891 Glen Innes Free Trade 19.43
Simpson, George Thomas Party % Vote
1888 Central Cumberland (by-elec) Free Trade 37.84
Simpson, James Brunton Party % Vote
1950 Lake Macquarie Elected Labor Party 71.30
1953 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party Unopposed
1956 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party 69.20
1959 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party 88.74
1962 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party 75.61
1965 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party 72.34
1968 Lake Macquarie Re-elected Labor Party 64.42
Simpson, John Party % Vote
1941 Cooks River Ind Labor 26.08
Simpson, John Spencer Party % Vote
1930 Newcastle Communist 1.01
Simpson, Julie Clare (F) Party % Vote
2003 Miranda The Greens 5.86
2007 Miranda Greens 6.64
Simpson, Leicester Stuart Anderson Party % Vote
1922 Parramatta Nationalist 6.90
Simpson, Martha Mildred (F) Party % Vote
1931 Annandale (by-elec) Independent 24.99
Simpson, Shane Terrence Party % Vote
1988 Swansea Australian Democrats 3.08
Simpson, Steven John (Steve) Party % Vote
2007 Menai Liberal Party 42.63
Simpson, William Ballantyne Party % Vote
1922 Western Suburbs Nationalist 3.13
1925 Western Suburbs Nationalist 3.74
Sims, Alan Party % Vote
1991 Ballina Call to Australia 2.77
Simson, Collin William Party % Vote
1877 Balranald Elected - 79.77
Sinclair, Bill Party % Vote
1984 Barwon Labor Party 32.81
Sinclair, Colin Archibald Party % Vote
1932 Namoi Elected Country Party 56.31
1935 Namoi Re-elected Country Party 52.58
1938 Namoi Re-elected Country Party 51.35
Sinclair, George Party % Vote
1894 Shoalhaven Ind Protectionist 7.36
Sinclair, James Party % Vote
1925 Botany Nationalist 0.21
Sinclair, Malcolm John Party % Vote
1999 Charlestown One Nation 10.20
Sinden, ? Party % Vote
1859 Mudgee (by-elec) - 47.63
Singer, Adam Gordon Party % Vote
1925 Goulburn Progressive 3.98
Singh, Chandra Pal (NO GENDER) Party % Vote
1999 Campbelltown Unity 1.74
Single, John Party % Vote
1864-5 Gwydir - 33.09
1865 Gwydir (by-elec) - 29.21
Single, Joseph Daniel Party % Vote
1872 Nepean Elected - 33.33
1882 Nepean - 21.56
Singleton, Matthew Party % Vote
1971 Clarence Elected Country Party 35.12
1973 Clarence Re-elected Country Party 63.93
1976 Clarence Re-elected Country Party 63.75
1978 Clarence Re-elected Country Party 52.48
1981 Coffs Harbour Re-elected National Country Party 59.27
1984 Coffs Harbour Re-elected National Party 61.33
1988 Coffs Harbour Re-elected National Party 67.26
Skaife, Joan Cicely (F) Party % Vote
1981 Tuggerah Liberal Party 29.62
Skarschewski, Walter Party % Vote
1973 Woronora Independents 4.78
Skeers, John Murray Party % Vote
1957 Wagga Wagga (by-elec) Independent 0.59
1965 Wagga Wagga Labor Party 28.86
1968 Wagga Wagga Labor Party 25.57
1971 Wagga Wagga Labor Party 30.28
Skehan, James Party % Vote
1956 Cooks River Liberal Party 11.04
Skehan, Jeffrey James Party % Vote
1959 Kogarah Liberal Party 43.33
Skelsey, Dora Madge (F) Party % Vote
1959 Lakemba Liberal Party 36.03
Skelton, Gordon Richard Party % Vote
1930 Hamilton Nationalist 28.40
1932 Hamilton Independent 27.52
1934 Hamilton (by-elec) United Australia 40.83
Skelton, John Osborn Marshall Party % Vote
1894 Macquarie Labor Party 14.36
1895 Annandale Labor Party 10.86
Skelton, Walter Peden Joyce Party % Vote
1922 Newcastle Elected Independent 25.19
1925 Newcastle Re-elected Protestant Labor 17.70
1927 Wallsend Defeated Protestant Labor 42.19
1928 Hamilton (by-elec) Protestant Labor 39.79
Skene, A Party % Vote
1895 Lachlan Ind Free Trade 23.36
Skidmore, Hector Allan Party % Vote
1953 Temora Labor Party 38.76
1956 Temora Labor Party 35.60
Skinner, Jillian Gell (F) Party % Vote
1984 North Shore Liberal Party 41.20
1988 North Shore Liberal Party 37.03
1988 North Shore (by-elec) Liberal Party 35.58
1994 North Shore (by-elec) Elected Liberal Party 54.66
1995 North Shore Re-elected Liberal Party 60.90
1999 North Shore Re-elected Liberal Party 53.89
2003 North Shore Re-elected Liberal Party 50.26
2007 North Shore Re-elected Liberal Party 53.41
Skuthorpe, Sidney Richard Party % Vote
1920 Wammerawa Nationalist 1.20
Slacksmith, Cleve Party % Vote
1947 Liverpool Plains Country Party 45.09
Slack-Smith, Ian Lindsay Party % Vote
1995 Barwon Elected National Party 60.20
1999 Barwon Re-elected National Party 51.22
2003 Barwon Re-elected National Party 50.71
Slade, Colin Party % Vote
1991 Blue Mountains Independent 2.31
Slade, James Party % Vote
1917 Phillip Socialist 0.52
Slade, William Thomas Party % Vote
1978 Lismore Labor Party 33.08
Slattery, Thomas Michael Party % Vote
1880 Boorowa Elected - 63.87
1882 Boorowa Re-elected - Unopposed
1885 Boorowa Re-elected - 74.96
1885 Boorowa (by-elec) Re-elected - Unopposed
1887 Boorowa Re-elected Protectionist Unopposed
1889 Boorowa Re-elected Protectionist Unopposed
1891 Boorowa Re-elected Protectionist 66.02
1891 Boorowa (by-elec) Re-elected Protectionist Unopposed
1894 Boorowa Re-elected Protectionist 53.64
Slatyer, Hampton Party % Vote
1901 Canterbury Independent 0.82
Sleath, Richard Party % Vote
1894 Wilcannia Elected Labor Party 67.71
1895 Wilcannia Re-elected Labor Party Unopposed
1898 Wilcannia Re-elected Labor Party 71.96
1901 Wilcannia Re-elected Ind Labor 47.86
1904 Darling Defeated Ind Labor 6.56
Sligar, Joseph Leo Party % Vote
1944 Lachlan Ind Labor 26.98
Sloane, Samuel Party % Vote
1925 North Shore Labor Party 0.15
Sloman, John Stephen Party % Vote
1988 McKell Independent 1.00
Sloss, Albert Ross Party % Vote
1941 King State Labor 37.05
1956 King Elected Labor Party 56.60
1959 King Re-elected Labor Party 65.11
1962 King Re-elected Labor Party 63.65
1965 King Re-elected Labor Party 58.57
1968 King Re-elected Labor Party 67.16
1971 King Re-elected Labor Party 71.23
Slowgrove, William Henry John Party % Vote
1965 Bondi (by-elec) D.L.P. 2.43
Smailes, George Wells Party % Vote
1894 Granville Elected Labor Party 38.77
1895 Granville Re-elected Labor Party 54.28
Small, Herbert Henry Party % Vote
1920 Ryde Nationalist 2.80
1922 Ryde Nationalist 3.64
1925 Ryde Nationalist 2.99
Small, James Richard (Jim) Party % Vote
1985 Murray (by-elec) Elected National Party 62.96
1988 Murray Re-elected National Party 77.02
1991 Murray Re-elected National Party 74.44
1995 Murray Re-elected National Party 77.62
Smart, George Frederick James Party % Vote
1932 Gordon Labor Party 12.62
Smart, John Wait Party % Vote
1877 Balranald - 20.23
Smart, John Walter Party % Vote
1874-5 Upper Hunter - 11.90
Smart, Thomas Ware Party % Vote
1860 Glebe Elected - 40.77
1863 Glebe (by-elec) Re-elected - Unopposed
1864-5 Glebe Re-elected - 57.97
1865 Glebe (by-elec) Re-elected - 61.28
Smeed, John Party % Vote
1873 Macquarie East (by-elec) - 0.27
Smidlers, Valdis Janis Party % Vote
1991 Wollongong Call to Australia 1.33
1995 Wollongong Call to Australia 2.40
Smiles, Beverley (Bev) (F) Party % Vote
2007 Upper Hunter Greens 8.53
Smiles, Phillip Murray Party % Vote
1984 Mosman Elected Liberal Party 58.57
1988 Mosman Re-elected Liberal Party 73.86
1991 North Shore Re-elected Liberal Party 51.07
Smith, Alan Party % Vote
1987 Heathcote (by-elec) United Australia 0.58
Smith, Albert Charles Party % Vote
1922 Cumberland Progressive 1.01
Smith, Albert Frank Party % Vote
1920 Balmain Elected Nationalist 9.77
1927 Rozelle Nationalist 36.92
Smith, Alexander Party % Vote
1889 Murrumbidgee Free Trade 11.75
Smith, Alick Party % Vote
1904 Murrumbidgee Liberal Party 28.27
Smith, Archibald Alexander Party % Vote
1932 Bondi Communist 0.56
Smith, Arthur Party % Vote
1932 Kogarah Communist 0.85
Smith, Benjamin Christopher (Ben) Party % Vote
2007 Ballina Australian Democrat 1.77
Smith, Bruce Party % Vote
1882 Gundagai (by-elec) Elected - 70.50
1882 Gundagai Re-elected - 62.89
1887 Kiama (by-elec) - 35.66
1889 Glebe Elected Free Trade 30.66
1889 Glebe (by-elec) Re-elected Free Trade Unopposed
1891 Glebe Re-elected Free Trade 23.74
1898 Glebe National Federal 42.09
Smith, Charles William Party % Vote
1920 Sydney Soldiers Citizens 0.53
Smith, Chris Party % Vote
1996 Port Macquarie (by-elec) Shooters Party 6.83
Smith, Colin Party % Vote
1930 Barwon Communist 1.16
Smith, Elijah Ernest Party % Vote
1932 Liverpool Plains Labor Party 33.69
Smith, Elizabeth Edith (Beth) (F) Party % Vote
2003 Cronulla Christian Democrats 2.57
2005 Maroubra (by-elec) Christian Democrats 6.05
2007 Cronulla Christian Democrat 4.57
Smith, Ernest Charles Party % Vote
1953 Monaro Liberal Party 35.30
1956 Monaro Liberal Party 37.55
Smith, Erskine Party % Vote
1895 Durham Ind Protectionist 22.44
Smith, Fergus Jago Party % Vote
1885 Molong - 45.19
1887 Macquarie West Elected Free Trade 48.30
Smith, Frank Party % Vote
1922 Balmain Defeated Nationalist 7.44
Smith, Frank James Party % Vote
1887 Balmain Elected Free Trade 24.03
1889 Balmain Re-elected Free Trade 14.74
1891 Balmain Defeated Free Trade 5.57
1895 Balmain North Ind Free Trade 2.23
Smith, French Bruce Party % Vote
1965 Bathurst Liberal Party 19.34
Smith, Gary John Party % Vote
1981 Lane Cove Australian Democrats 6.56
Smith, George Party % Vote
1858 Cumberland (South Riding) - 0.00
Smith, George Charles Party % Vote
1930 Lane Cove Communist 0.18
Smith, George Henry Party % Vote
1910 Alexandria Liberal Party 30.86
Smith, Gerard Party % Vote
1996 Pittwater (by-elec) Independent 4.78
Smith, Gregory Eugene (Greg) Party % Vote
2007 Epping Elected Liberal Party 42.76
Smith, Gregory Reynolds Party % Vote
1988 Manly Labor Party 34.06
Smith, Harold Sydney Party % Vote
1930 Randwick Australian Party 6.61
Smith, Hilton Manning Party % Vote
1965 Cessnock D.L.P. 14.30
Smith, Horace William Party % Vote
1956 Hamilton Liberal Party 44.29
Smith, James Edward Party % Vote
1928 Hamilton (by-elec) Elected Labor Party 47.99
Smith, James Francis Party % Vote
1885 Newtown Elected - 23.49
1887 Newtown Defeated Protectionist 15.82
1888 Newtown (by-elec) Protectionist 48.91
1888 Newtown (by-elec) Protectionist 48.15
1889 Newtown Protectionist 13.16
1891 Newtown Protectionist 6.00
1894 Newtown-Camperdown Protectionist 19.46
1895 Newtown-Camperdown Protectionist 32.56
1898 Newtown-Camperdown Ind Federalist 24.93
1901 Newtown-Camperdown Elected Ind Progressive 35.11
1904 Camperdown Re-elected Progressive 38.51
1907 Camperdown Defeated Independent 4.50
Smith, James Joynton Party % Vote
1901 Moruya Independent 30.18
Smith, James Matthew Party % Vote
1941 Corowa Country Party 36.58
Smith, Jane Louise (F) Party % Vote
2007 Charlestown Greens 10.21
Smith, John Party % Vote
1860 Nepean - 7.73
1872 Macquarie East - 15.38
1880 Molong - 49.71
Smith, John Samuel Party % Vote
1872 Wellington Elected - 34.60
1874-5 Wellington Re-elected - 41.19
1877 Nepean Defeated - 39.11
Smith, Joseph Valentine Party % Vote
1922 Western Suburbs Labor Party 0.20
Smith, Keith Francis Party % Vote
1991 Fairfield Call to Australia 7.06
Smith, Malcolm Charles Party % Vote
1995 Cronulla Call to Australia 2.07
1999 Cronulla Christian Democrats 2.51
Smith, Martin Party % Vote
1973 Waverley Independents 1.44
Smith, Michael Alan Party % Vote
1995 Bankstown Natural Law Party 1.69
Smith, Michael John Fagan Party % Vote
1999 Albury One Nation 4.55
Smith, Neil Party % Vote
1991 Illawarra Australian Democrats 9.96
Smith, Norman McLeod Party % Vote
1927 Wollongong Nationalist 37.26
Smith, Paul Anthony Party % Vote
1995 Miranda Labor Party 35.71
Smith, Peter James Party % Vote
1995 Cronulla Aust. Against Further Immigration 3.21
Smith, Phillip Henry Party % Vote
1995 Londonderry Citizen Opinion Law Order 5.54
Smith, Reginald Harkaway Party % Vote
1959 Gosford Labor Party 39.23
Smith, Richard Max Party % Vote
1978 Pittwater Elected Liberal Party 45.99
1981 Pittwater Re-elected Liberal Party 60.87
1984 Pittwater Re-elected Liberal Party 58.12
Smith, Robert Party % Vote
1904 Canterbury Independent 1.19
Smith, Robert Burdett Party % Vote
1869-70 Hastings - 29.98
1870 Hastings (by-elec) - 31.64
1870 Hastings (by-elec) Elected - Unopposed
1872 Hastings Re-elected - 47.04
1874-5 Hastings Re-elected - Unopposed
1877 Hastings Re-elected - 94.17
1880 Macleay Re-elected - Unopposed
1882 Macleay Re-elected - 65.49
1885 Macleay Re-elected - 68.95
1887 Macleay Re-elected Protectionist 58.01
Smith, Rodney Charles (Rod) Party % Vote
1999 Liverpool One Nation 8.88
Smith, Rodney McDonald Party % Vote
1995 Eastwood Aust. Against Further Immigration 4.92
Smith, Rosemary Freya (F) Party % Vote
1973 Balmain Australia Party 14.74
Smith, Russell Harold Lester Party % Vote
1988 Bega Elected Liberal Party 39.37
1991 Bega Re-elected Liberal Party 58.66
1995 Bega Re-elected Liberal Party 58.67
1999 Bega Re-elected Liberal Party 45.73
Smith, Samuel Party % Vote
1898 Sydney-Pyrmont Elected Labor Party 52.78
1901 Sydney-Pyrmont Re-elected Labor Party 92.31
Smith, Stanley Party % Vote
1962 Cessnock Communist 2.98
Smith, Sydney Party % Vote
1880 Macquarie East - 24.28
1882 Macquarie East (by-elec) - 31.12
1882 Macquarie East (by-elec) Elected - 54.66
1882 Macquarie East Re-elected - Unopposed
1885 Macquarie East Re-elected - 43.09
1887 Macquarie East Re-elected Free Trade 42.15
1889 Macquarie East Re-elected Free Trade 35.36
1889 Macquarie East (by-elec) Re-elected Free Trade Unopposed
1891 Macquarie East Re-elected Free Trade 37.80
1894 Bathurst Re-elected Free Trade 49.68
1894 Bathurst (by-elec) Re-elected Free Trade 77.44
1895 Bathurst Re-elected Free Trade 55.76
1898 Bathurst Defeated Free Trade 47.27
1898 Hastings and Macleay (by-elec) Free Trade 40.67
1900 Canterbury (by-elec) Elected Free Trade 49.58
1900 Canterbury (by-elec) Defeated Liberal 48.60
1917 Alexandria Nationalist 26.45
Smith, Thomas Januarius Party % Vote
1917 King Elected Labor Party 52.95
1920 Sydney Defeated Labor Party 7.96
Smith, Thomas Patrick Party % Vote
1971 Bligh Independent 0.71
Smith, Thomas Richard Party % Vote
1877 Nepean Elected - 60.89
1880 Nepean Re-elected - Unopposed
1882 Nepean Re-elected - 78.44
1885 Nepean Re-elected - 79.58
1887 Nepean Defeated Ind Free Trade 49.35
1889 Nepean Protectionist 38.23
1891 Nepean Protectionist 44.24
1894 Nepean Protectionist 43.85
1895 Nepean Elected Protectionist 51.37
1898 Nepean Defeated National Federal 42.30
1901 Nepean Elected Progressive 53.79
1904 Sherbrooke Defeated Ind Progressive 25.59
1907 Hawkesbury Independent 30.73
Smith, Thomas Whistler Party % Vote
1857 Cumberland (North Riding) (by-elec) Elected - 57.43
1858 Cumberland (North Riding) Re-elected - 36.62
Smith, Victor John (Vic) Party % Vote
1999 Bligh Labor Party 31.93
Smith, Victor Laurence Party % Vote
2007 Cabramatta Liberal Party 16.33
Smith, Wade Alister Party % Vote
2007 Mulgoa Greens 4.91
Smith, Wayne Douglas Party % Vote
1999 South Coast Elected Labor Party 40.17
2003 South Coast Defeated Country Labor 34.40
Smith, William Party % Vote
1887 Albury Free Trade 41.44
Smith, William Willoughby (Will) Party % Vote
1999 Canterbury The Greens 4.21
2003 Heffron The Greens 12.74
Smith-Di Francesco, Dianne Pearl May (F) Party % Vote
2003 Wyong Independent 0.93
Smithenbecker, John Peter Party % Vote
1922 Murray Progressive 2.19
Smithers, John Norman Party % Vote
1941 Castlereagh Ind Labor 11.22