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Macquarie Fields - 1988 (Roll: 33,762)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Stephens, Peter Buckingham Australian Democrats 1,748 5.98
Knowles, Stanley Alfred (Re-elected) Labor Party 13,248 45.36 14,860 54.95
Calabro, Francesco Liberal Party 10,248 35.09 12,183 45.05
Perkins, Peter Independent 1,415 4.84
Short, Leslie Noel Independent 2,548 8.72
Formal Votes 29,207
Informal / Exhausted Votes 1,596 5.18 2,164 7.41
Total Votes / Turnout 30,803 91.24
Notes: New name for the abolished Labor electorate of Ingleburn.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Perkins (IND)
Exclusion 2
Stephens (DEM)
Exclusion 3
Short (IND)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Stephens (DEM) 120 20.03 1868 6.58 -1868
Knowles (ALP) 148 24.71 13396 47.18 666 54.23 14062 50.67 798 32.58 14860 54.95
Calabro (LIB) 114 19.03 10362 36.50 170 13.84 10532 37.95 1651 67.42 12183 45.05
Perkins (IND) -1415
Short (IND) 217 36.23 2765 9.74 392 31.92 3157 11.38 -3157
Votes In Count 599 28391 1228 27751 2449 27043
Exhausted 816 57.67 816 2.79 640 34.26 1456 4.99 708 22.43 2164 7.41