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South Coast - 1962 (Roll: 23,148)
Retained by Liberal Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Beale, Jack Gordon (Re-elected) Liberal Party 10,807 49.92 13,289 61.38
Seiffert, John Edward Labor Party 7,407 34.21 8,361 38.62
Shirley, Charles Frederick Ind Liberal 3,436 15.87
Formal Votes 21,650
Informal Votes 203 0.93
Total Votes / Turnout 21,853 94.41
Notes: C.F.Shirley was a local councillor who campiagned on giving voters a choice over a local Liberal MP rather than leave it in 'the hands of a small group of Liberal Party members loyal to Beale'.
Corrections: Hughes and Graham (1975) list Shirley as an Independent rather than an Independent Liberal.

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Shirley (ILIB)
PreferencesNew Totals
Beale (LIB) 2482 72.24 13289 61.38
Seiffert (ALP) 954 27.76 8361 38.62
Shirley (ILIB) -3436