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Articles On The Council

Articles On The Council

Title Author Source Publication Year
Creating a modern parliamentary workplace: a personal reflection on the NSW experience Blunt, D Australian Political Studies Association workshop hosted by Deakin University, Melbourne, 8-9 August 2024 2024
Reflect, celebrate, imagine: commemorating the bicentenary of the New South Wales Legislative Council Franklin, B. 53rd Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 8-12 July 2024 2024
The transparency agenda: How the NSW Legislative Council strengthened its role as a House of Review in the 57th Parliament Barbar, S ANZACATT 2024 2024
How the NSW Legislative Council's Privileges Committee examines matters concerning alleged abuse of freedom of speech and debates A comparative study and look into the future Mihaljek, K and Arguelles, F 2023 ASPG Conference 2023
The power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the giving of evidence before committees – lessons from the NSW Legislative Council O'Loan, V 2023 ASPG Conference 2023
Postscripts to an extraordinary Parliament and a question for colleagues Blunt, D. 52nd Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference - Honiara, Solomon Islands 2023
Burgundy Walls The Fountain Court and the Importance of public spaces and exhibitions for engagement Breadley, C ANZACATT 2023 2023
Back to the future: Charting the evolution of the NSW Legislative Council Regulation Committee Ohnesorge, S and Frappell, S ANZACATT 2023 2023
Examination, publication and use of Cabinet Documents by Legislative Council committees Duffy, B ANZACATT 2023 2023
Parliamentary privilege - Developments since 2019 and current issues Frappell, S Legalwise Seminar 2022 2022
Practice makes perfect? (Or at least a little bit better.) Sessional orders as a vehicle for procedural reform in the New South Wales Legislative Council Mignacca, V 65th CPA Conference 2022 2022
Upholding and Strengthening Parliament's Constitutional Functions: The Election of a New President of the NSW Legislative Council in 2021 - A Clerk's Eye View of Proceedings Blunt, D 51st Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference - Melbourne, Victoria 2022
The Shake-Up - New rules in play for the NSW Legislative Council Stowe, A 2022 ASPG Conference (Victoria) 2022
Parliamentary Privilege in New South Wales Frappell, S 38th Annual Course of the International Association of Law Libraries on Law Down Under: Australia's Legal Landscape 2019
Parliamentary Privilege in Practice Blunt, D Seminar on Practice, Procedure and the Law of Parliament 2019
Evading Scrutiny: Orders for Papers and Access to Cabinet Information by the New South Wales Legislative Council (2018) 29 PLR 118 Ohnesorge, S and Duffy, B Public Law Review 2018
Orders for Papers and Parliamentary Committees An update from the New South Wales Legislative Council Blunt, D 49th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference - Wellington, New Zealand 2018
Introduction of the Aboriginal Languages Bill 2017 Ajaka, J 49th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference - Wellington, New Zealand 2018
The Development of Legislative Institutions in NSW 1823-1843 Clune, D Australasian Parliamentary Review 2018
1843: The year it all began Clune, D Australasian Parliamentary Review 2018
Parliamentary information and the challenges (and opportunities) of technology Blunt, D ANZACATT 2018 2018
Parliamentary information and parliamentary privilege in the age of cloud computing Blunt, D 53rd General Meeting of the Society of Clerks-at-the-Table (SOCATT) 2017
The accountability of statutory bodies to Parliament: The case of Greyhound Racing NSW Blunt, D 48th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2017
Engaging the disengaged: Why Parliamentary education and community engagement is core business Ajaka, J 48th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2017
Parliamentary privilege and searches by investigatory agencies Reynolds, S Legalwise Seminar 2017 2017
The role of clerks in identifying and exercising best practice in parliamentary procedure Want, S ANZACATT 2017 2017
No longer strangers in the House: Brazil's e-Democracy project to engage the public with business before the House Wei, S ANZACATT 2017 2017
Making Honey in the Bearpit: Parliament and its Impact on Policymaking Reynolds, S Australasian Parliamentary Review (Spring/Summer) 2016 2016
The NSW Legislative Council's Oral History Project Blunt, D and Stedman, A Australasian Parliamentary Review 2016 2016
Preserving the past preparing for the future Harwin, The Hon. D and Blunt, D 47th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2016
Parliamentary privilege: New South Wales still on the cutting edge Blunt, D, Mignacca, V and Ohnesorge, S Legalwise Seminar 2016 2016
Out of step? The New South Wales Parliamentary Evidence Act 1901 (2016) 27 PLR 37 Duffy, B and Ohnesorge, S Public Law Review 2016
Support for vulnerable witnesses McMichael, T ANZACATT 2016 2016
A Case for a Parliamentary Privileges Act for New South Wales Frappell, S Australasian Study of Parliament Group Review 2015
Asserting the inquiry power: parliamentary privilege trumps statutory secrecy in New South Wales Reynolds, S, Griffith, S and Higgins, T 46th Presiding officers and Clerks Conference 2015 2015
Parliamentary Sovereignty and Parliamentary Privilege Blunt, D Legalwise Seminar 2015 2015
Cane Toads, Notices of Motion and the Law of Unintended Consequences Reynolds, S 60th CPA Conference, 2014 2015
The challenge of change: A possible new approach for the independent legal arbiter in assessing orders for papers? Moore, J ANZACATT 2015 2015
You have committed a great offence and have but a weak answer to make for yourself: When clerks make mistakes Reynolds, S Journal of the Clerks-at-the-Table, The Table, Vol 2014
Parliamentary speech and the locations of decision making Blunt, D ASPG Annual Conference 2014 2014
Celebrating 25 years of the New South Wales Legislative Council’s Modern Committee System Harwin, The Hon. D. 45th Presiding Officers & Clerks Conference 2014
Information is power: recent challenges for committees in the NSW Legislative Council Duffy, B. & Blunt, D. 45th Presiding Officers & Clerks Conference 2014
Should upper houses have ministers? Young, J Australasian Parliamentary Review 2014
Committee Review of Executive Decisions: Rubber Stamp or Game Changer? Foley, M ASPG Annual Conference 2013 2013
The Parliament of New South Wales and the Independent Commission Against Corruption: Recent interactions on matters of privilege and future issues. Harwin, The Hon D. ASPG Annual Conference 2013 2013
Through the lens of accountability: referral of inquiries by ministers to upper house committees Thompson, M. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2013
Unproclaimed legislation - The Delegation of Legislative Power to the Executive Stedman, A. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2013
A Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards for New South Wales? Blunt, D. 44th Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2013
Parliamentary traditions, innovation and the great principles of English parliamentary law Blunt, D. ANZACATT Professional Development Seminar paper 2013
Prorogation and Principle; The Gentrader Inquiry, Government accountability and the shutdown of Parliament McMichael, T Australasian Parliamentary Review 2012
How far can they go: committee powers outside of inquiries McMichael, T. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2012
Three unusual and dramatic recent sitting days in the New South Wales Legislative Council and the impact of the introduction of time limits on debate on government legislation in August 2011 Blunt, D. 43rd Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2012
NSW Legislative Council Committees: current trends Harwin, The Hon. D. 43rd Presiding Officers and Clerks Conference 2012
Social media, community engagement and perceptions of parliament: a case study from the NSW Legislative Council Duffy, B. & Foley, M. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2011
David, Goliath and the stone of judicial review: the shield of parliamentary privilege in Stewart v Ronalds Moore, J Australasian Study of Parliament Group Review 2011
The tablecloth and the long bell: media perceptions of the NSW Legislative Council 1999–2009 Reynolds, S. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2011
Contemporary and future challenges for procedural and administrative reform Frappell, S. & Seal-Pollard, J. ANZACATT Professional Development Seminar paper 2011
Ensuring strong parliaments - support through effective staff development and training Blunt, D. ANZACATT Professional Development Seminar paper 2010
The Power of the New South Wales Legislative Council to Order the Production of State Papers: Revisiting the Egan Decisions Ten Years On Lovelock, L. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2009
The Declining Membership of the NSW Legislative Council Cross Bench and its Implications for Responsible Government Lovelock, L. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2009
Members’ documents, parliamentary privilege and search warrants Frappell, S. ANZACATT Professional Development Seminar paper 2009
Orders for Papers and Cabinet Confidentiality post Egan v Chadwick Duffy, B. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2006
Responsible Government: Ministerial responsibility and motions of ‘censure’/ ‘no confidence’ Blunt, D. Australasian Parliamentary Review 2004
Innovative committee methods: Case studies from two Parliaments Duffy, B and Thompson, M Department of the Legislative Council 2003
