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Notices of Motion - 6 November 2001
Notices of Motion - 6 November 2001
Notices of Motion No. 119, Tuesday 06 November 2001
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Tuesday 6 November 2001
Tuesday 6 November 2001
1999 - 2000 - 2001
No. 119
Tuesday 6 November 2001
1 Mr DEBUS to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to make amendments to the Evidence Act 1995 and the Evidence (Children) Act 1997 in respect of the taking of oaths and the making of affirmations and in respect of the giving of evidence by children; and for other purposes.
(Evidence Legislation Amendment Bill).
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
Mr AQUILINA to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Insurance Protection Tax Act 2001 to vary the arrangements for the imposition and collection of tax under that Act; and for other purposes.
(Insurance Protection Tax Amendment Bill).
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
3 Mr AQUILINA to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain State revenue legislation; and for other purposes.
(State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment (No 2) Bill).
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
4 Mr WOODS to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Fisheries Management Act 1994 to make further provision for the management of fishery resources; and to make consequential amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
(Fisheries Management Amendment Bill).
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
5 Mr FACE to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 1982 in respect of the sale and supply of liquor in nursing homes and hospitals, the sale of liquor on vessels, the promotion of liquor to minors and caterers licences; to amend the Registered Clubs Act 1976 in relation to the promotion of liquor to minors; and for other purposes.
(Liquor and Registered Clubs Legislation Further Amendment Bill).
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
1 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Permanency Planning) Bill (No 2); resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mrs Lo Po', “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 June 2000—Mr Thompson).
2 Human Tissue Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Knowles, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 12 April 2001 – Mrs Skinner).
3 Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Amendment Bill; consideration in committee of the whole (Mr Watkins).
4 Gene Technology (New South Wales) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Knowles, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 21 September 2001—Mrs Skinner).
5 Human Reproductive Cloning and Trans-Species Fertilisation Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Knowles, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 21 September 2001—Mrs Skinner).
6 Crimes Amendment (Sexual Servitude) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 17 October 2001—Mr Stoner).
7 Courts Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 17 October 2001—Mr Stoner).
8 Catchment Management Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Amery, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 17 October 2001—Mr D. L. Page).
9 Consumer,Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments (Mr Watkins).
10 Budget Estimates and related papers for 2001-2002; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Watkins, “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates” (from 28 June 2001—Mr Lynch).
11 Governor’s Answer to Address of Congratulations; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Whelan, “That the motion be agreed to” (from 3 April 2001—Mr R.H.L. Smith).
12 Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Whelan, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 23 October 2001—Mr R. H. L. Smith).
13 Optometrists Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Knowles, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 23 October 2001—Mr R. H. L. Smith).
14 Wollongong Sportsground and Old Roman Catholic Cemetery Legislation Amendment (Transfer of Land) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Amery, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 23 October 2001—Mr R. H. L. Smith).
15 Cemeteries Legislation Amendment (Unused Burial Rights) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Amery, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2001—Mr Fraser).
16 Parliamentary Remuneration Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Carr, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2001—Mr Fraser).
17 Motor Trade Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Watkins, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2001—Mr R. H. L. Smith).
18 National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Transfer of Special Areas) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 26 October 2001—Ms Seaton).
19 Justice Legislation Amendment (Non-association and Place Restriction) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Whelan, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 26 October 2001—Ms Seaton).
20 Local Government Amendment (Enforcement of Parking and Related Offences) Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments (Mr Woods).
†21 Crimes Amendment (Child Protection—Physical Mistreatment) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 21 June 2001—Mr Debnam).
† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council
1 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to preserve the Mona Vale Road Bushland Corridor; and for other purposes.
(Mona Vale Road Bushland Corridor Preservation Bill).
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
2 Mrs CHIKAROVSKI to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to preserve the former Maritime Services Board Building at Circular Quay; and for related purposes.
(Heritage Preservation (Maritime Services Board Building) Bill).
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
3 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 with respect to the office of Auditor-General.
(Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Office of Auditor-General) Bill).
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
4 Mr TORBAY to move—
That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of brothel-free zones in local government areas; and for other purposes.
(Local Communities (Brothels—Flexible Zoning) Bill).
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
1 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Amendment (Application) Bill (from 31 May 2001—Mr Hazzard—speaking).
2 Graffiti Control (Spray Paint Can Display) Bill (from 5 April 2001—Mr Richardson—speaking).
ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—
1 Wilderness Amendment (Private Property Rights) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Webb, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 31 May 2001—Mr Webb—in reply).
2 Freedom of Information Amendment (Open and Accountable Government) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mrs Chikarovski, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 5 May 2000 am—Mr Gaudry—speaking).
3 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Amendment (Life Sentence Confirmation) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mrs Chikarovski, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 5 April 2001—Mr Hickey).
4 Bail Amendment (Confiscation of Passports) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 17 August 2000—Mr Whelan).
5 Pay-roll Tax Amendment (Country Employment) Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Armstrong, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 5 April 2001—Mr Webb—speaking).
6 Young Offenders Amendment Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 29 March 2001—Mr Ashton—speaking).
†7 Roads Amendment (M5 East Road Tunnel) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr J. H. Turner, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 8 March 2001—Mr Moss).
8 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Enrolment and Voting) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Fraser, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 16 November 2000—Mr Woods).
†9 Technical and Further Education Commission Amendment (Closure of TAFE Establishments) Bill; second reading (Mr Barr).
10 Conveyancing Amendment (Mortgages) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr D. L. Page, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 8 March 2001—Mr Moss).
11 Police Integrity Commission Amendment (Access to Documents) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 8 March 2001—Mr Moss).
12 Right to Self-defence Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Hartcher, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 5 April 2001—Mr Yeadon).
13 Director of Public Prosecutions Amendment (Parliamentary Joint Committee) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Hartcher, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 5 April 2001—Mr Yeadon).
†14 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Amendment (Application) Bill (No 2);
second reading (Mr Hazzard).
15 Local Government (Review of Legislative Proposals) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Torbay, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 6 September 2001—Mr Yeadon).
16 Community Protection (Illegal Brothels) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Brogden, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 6 September 2001—Mr Yeadon).
17 Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Confiscation and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Seaton, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 18 October 2001—Mr Yeadon).
18 Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Honesty in Campaign Material) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr O'Farrell, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 25 October 2001—Mr Yeadon).
† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council
ORDERS OF THE DAY (General Orders)—
1 Aboriginal Deaths in Custody; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Hazzard—
That this House:
(1) Notes with grave concern the 33.8% increase in Aboriginal deaths in custody in New South Wales in the period 1990-98.
(2) Calls on the Government to recognise the seriousness of the issue in so far as the increase in Aboriginal deaths in custody of 33.8% compares to the increase in Victoria of 2.5%; Western Australia 16.3%; South Australia 12.5%; Tasmania 1.25%; Northern Territory 6.25% and Queensland 27.5%.
(from 20 September 2001—Mr R. H. L. Smith)
2 Intensive Reading Programs; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Hazzard—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the importance of Intensive Reading Programs to ensure the literacy skills and self-esteem of students in New South Wales.
(2) Expresses its concern at the reduction of 2.8 teaching staff in the availability of the Intensive Reading Program to Northern Beaches school students which will make the program less available to students in need.
(3) Notes that currently students in need of Intensive Reading Programs on the Northern Beaches can often not gain access to the programs or when they do gain access there is usually less than optimal time in the program.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Education to intervene to ensure Northern Beaches students get a fair go in improving literacy.
Upon which Mr W. D. Smith moved, That the motion be amended by leaving out paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
(from 25 October 2001—Mr Hazzard—speaking in reply)
3 Private Members’ Statement—Member for Davidson; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Barr—
(1) That this House notes that the Member for Davidson in his Private Members’ Statement yesterday spoke about the activities at Warringah Council and made accusations against myself and several others, including:
(a) that we are part of a conspiracy “condoning or encouraging” attacks on Warringah Councillors, including a death threat;
(b) that myself and Dr Peter Macdonald have “harboured and encouraged those who have engaged in these despicable acts”; and
(c) that my office is involved in the alleged “malicious campaign”.
(2) That this House notes that these allegations were made against not only myself but also other current and past Members of this Parliament, Lee Rhiannon MLC and Dr Peter Macdonald.
(3) That the House notes that in the course of his speech the Member for Davidson also made unwarranted attacks against minority Councillors on Warringah Council.
(4) That this House condemns the Member for Davidson for his abuse of parliamentary privilege.
That this House deprecates the attack on the reputations of all of those named, and calls upon the Member for Davidson to withdraw the offensive remarks and apologise without delay.
(from 25 October 2001—Mr Barr—speaking)
NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)—
1 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Southern Area Health Service’s admission that it has financial problems and cannot afford to pay creditors.
(2) Notes that some doctors in the region have outstanding bills of up to three months.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to provide sufficient funds to the region so it can pay for goods and services needed for delivery of local patient care.
(Notice given 9 November 1999)
2 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the Auditor-General’s finding that tenders of $5.8 million were accepted for Ashfield Police station just six weeks prior to the election without appropriate Treasury or Budget Committee approval;
(b) that the tender review process was completed in just three days compared to the average time of 4-6 weeks; and
(c) that the tenders were called prior to formal approval being given.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Police to table all documents relating to the pre-election fast-tracking of Ashfield Police station in his electorate.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
3 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for increasing the cost of distance education subjects to Independent Schools by 1800%.
(2) Notes:
(a) the negative effect this will have on students preparing for their HSC and the widening disparity between Sydney and country students as a result of this increase in costs;
(b) the lack of consultation by the Government with affected schools; and
(c) that the Country Labor Party failed to do anything about these exorbitant fee increases in the Government’s cash for education scandal.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
4 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House calls on the Government to amend the acts and regulations concerning the tail tagging of cattle to provide:
(1) That cattle being transported to point of sale from a vendor’s property be properly tail tagged; and
(2) Where a beast loses its tag or tags, the vendor have the power to authorise his or her agent or representative to re-tag the beast with appropriate records being endorsed accordingly.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
5 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Country Labor Party and in particular the Minister for Regional Development, Rural Affairs and Local Government, for failing to halt the downgrading of the Campbell Hospital, Coraki.
(2) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Minister to attend a public meeting held in Coraki to protest against the closure of nine rehabilitation and six acute care beds at the Campbell Hospital, Coraki;
(b) the associated jobs lost at the hospital and the impact this will have on Coraki and surrounding community.
(3) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in the Northern Rivers Area Health Service and to immediately increase funding to avert a health crisis on the North Coast of New South Wales.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
6 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Country Labor Party to secure adequate funding for the basic requirements of regional hospitals such as the Macksville and District Hospital;
(b) the admission by the Mid North Coast Area Health Service Director of Operations that in the current financial year the number of patients treated and discharged will have to be kept to the same level as the 1997-98 year, which will result in a blowout in the waiting times for elective surgery;
(c) the Macksville and District Hospital has overspent its budget by $800,000 or 14.3% and is being forced to refund the shortfall; and
(d) with concern, the imminent closure of 10 of the 56 beds at the Macksville and District Hospital and the results this will have on the quality of health care in the Nambucca Shire.
(2) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in the Mid North Coast Area Health Service and to immediately increase funding to avert a health crisis on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
7 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Country Labor Party to secure adequate funding for the basic requirements of regional hospitals and health services;
(b) the relationship between the Mid North Coast medical staff and the Mid North Coast Area Health Board has reached an historic low;
(c) that doctors at Kempsey, Macksville, Bellingen, Taree and Coffs Harbour have unanimously passed votes of no confidence in the Mid North Coast Area Health Board; and
(d) the failure of the Minister for Health to rectify the funding shortfall to the Mid North Coast Area Health Service which the Board publicly acknowledges is $36 million.
(2) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in the Mid North Coast Area Health Service and to immediately increase funding to avert a health crisis on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales.
(Notice given 10 November 1999)
8 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Country Labor Party to halt the economic rationalist agenda of the Government;
(b) with concern, the failure of the Country Labor Party to halt the loss of the jobs from Countrylink; and
(2) Condemns the Minister for Local Government, Regional Development and Rural Affairs for failing to stop the Minister for Transport from cutting two Countrylink jobs at Grafton.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
9 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the extent which the weed Serrated Tussock (Nassella trichtoma) is endemic in Cooma Monaro Shire, and particularly in the Nimmitabel and Numeralla Landcare area;
(b) the occurrence of the weed in the adjoining Snowy River and Bombala Shires with these three shires joining forces to attack weeds on a regional basis;
(c) the infestation categories and the weeds impending spread potential;
(d) the occurrence elsewhere of the weed and its potential to devastate large areas of Monaro and the Southern Tablelands if left unchecked; and
(e) the inadequacy and dangers of the control measures currently promoted by the Department of Agriculture.
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately move to reintroduce “Frenock” as an available control agent.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
10 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the continuing public service staff freeze across the New South Wales Public Service.
(2) Condemns:
(a) the Government for failing to fill these needed positions in regional New South Wales; and
(b) the Country Labor Party for failing to stand up to the Sydney centric Government and for letting the Government cut money and jobs out of struggling regional communities.
(3) Calls on the Government to advise how many positions remain unfilled in regional New South Wales and how much money the Government has saved as a result of the Premier’s public service staff freeze.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
11 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Local Government, Regional Development and Rural Affairs for spending $170,000 on a corporate box at the Sydney Olympic Games for his personal use and that of Country Labor.
(2) Notes that this outlay of $170,000 for a corporate box is more money than the Government has spent on helping communities such as Kempsey, Casino, Scone, Aberdeen, Lithgow, Blayney and Nyngan devastated by the closure or imminent closure of the community’s major employer.
(3) Condemns the Country Labor Party for failing to halt the excesses of the Government and notes its silence on this issue.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
12 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Local Government, Regional Development and Rural Affairs spent $298,000 on advertising in which he personally appeared.
(2) Condemns:
(a) the Minister for spending more money on promoting himself with taxpayers money, than has been spent on helping regional communities such as Kempsey, Scone, Aberdeen, Lithgow, Blayney and Nyngan all of which have or are facing the loss of the community’s major employer; and
(b) the Country Labor Party for failing to inform the people of these communities about the Minister’s use of taxpayers money for his own political purposes.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
13 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) that basic health services are in jeopardy in Queanbeyan and Cooma despite some very high class facilities;
(b) with concern, the closure of beds at the Queanbeyan Hospital and the possible closure of the “Confused and Disturbed Elderly” unit and “Peppertree Lodge” following the current review;
(c) that the Southern Area Health Service received only a 4.3% increase in funding this year, below the State average of 4.6% and insufficient to overcome the $8 million loss incurred last year;
(d) the limited parameters that the Government and the Department of Health expect Southern Area Health Service to operate within; and
(e) the complete failure of Country Labor to identify these problems and influence the Government to immediately address the shortcomings.
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately increase funding to adequate levels for the Southern Area Health Service and abolish the outstanding debt, to avert a health crisis in Queanbeyan and Monaro.
(Notice given 11 November 1999)
14 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the claims by a Mid North Coast Magistrate that some young people in Kempsey are intentionally committing crimes so they can be flown to a juvenile justice centre;
(b) the Magistrate’s reported comments that he has several concerns as to whether young people are being coerced to commit crimes and feel safer in a detention centre, or if imprisonment is seen as a status symbol;
(c) the comments by Aboriginal elders in Kempsey agreeing with the Magistrate’s comments; and
(2) Condemns the Government for ignoring social problems emanating from regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
15 Mr J.H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the Government’s handling of the New South Wales timber industry on the Mid North Coast;
(b) that the timber shortage is so severe it is costing jobs and creating massive social problems on the Mid North Coast;
(c) the recent problems encountered by the Great Lakes Council in trying to secure 25 logs from the local area to replace a timber bridge north of Bulahdelah; and
(2) Calls on the Government, in light of the Auditor-Generals report which shows the Mid North Coast timber industry will have to be compensated millions of dollars because of the flawed methodology used by the Government, to immediately review the Mid North Coast Regional Forest Agreement.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
16 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the closure of businesses and services in Brewarrina due to the continued destruction of property by vandals;
(b) the closure of services and business in Brewarrina due to continued theft;
(c) with concern the offensive behaviour of people under the influence of alcohol in the streets and parks which are classified as alcohol free zones; and
(2) Calls on the Minister for Police to immediately take steps to allow people to walk the streets and conduct their businesses in safety.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
17 Mr D.L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the imminent loss of jobs from the Bathurst Land and Information Centre;
(b) the Minister for Information Technology, Energy, Forestry and Western Sydney does not make people redundant, he restructures them.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
18 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the concerns of the Dorrigo Veterinary Clinic in relation to massive price increases in the cost of Government veterinary laboratory tests;
(b) the lack of concern and action taken by the Sydney centric Country Labor Party; and
(2) Condemns the Government for risking the disease free status of the beef industry on the North Coast by imposing the massive veterinary laboratory fee increases.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
19 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates Karrie Webb on attaining her ranking of Number one Women’s Professional Golfer.
(2) Congratulates the phenomenal come back of Sydney surfer Mark Occhilupo to win this year’s World Surfing Championships.
(3) Congratulates the Australian Men’s Baseball team on winning the Intercontinental Cup to become unofficial world champions.
(4) Congratulates the Australian Women’s Netball team on once again winning the World Championship.
(5) Congratulates the Australian Cricket team on winning the World Cup.
(6) Congratulates the Australian Rugby League team on their recent victories over Great Britain and New Zealand.
(7) Welcomes home the William Webb Ellis Trophy and the all conquering Australian Wallabies Rugby Union team.
(8) Celebrates the depth of talent in all sports in New South Wales today.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
20 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the ongoing widespread concern that administration of Ovine Johnes Disease controls in New South Wales discriminates against producers in certain regions, especially the Southern Tablelands.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Agriculture to:
(a) acknowledge the impact of OJD zoning on property values and acknowledge that compensation should be payable for losses arising from these declines in value;
(b) outline in precise terms how much funding will be made available to producers affected by OJD zonings under the voluntary levy scheme and under what conditions compensation will be paid;
(c) also allocate substantial New South Wales Government funding for compensation purposes;
(d) in the absence of State funding, immediately review the need for the current arbitrary zonings which in some cases see properties divided by a few metres of bitumen; and
(e) immediately allocate adequate resources for Rural Lands Protection Boards to undertake the OJD responsibilities placed upon them by the New South Wales Government.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
21 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Local Government, Regional Development and Rural Affairs for failing to stand up to his Cabinet colleague, the Minister for Education.
(2) Notes:
(a) the loss of two full time teaching positions at the Grafton TAFE campus and the loss of teaching hours for part time and casual TAFE teachers;
(b) the failure of the Sydney centric Country Labor Party to halt the downgrading of rural and regional education, by the Government which is further widening the gap between Sydney and country communities; and
(3) Condemns the Government for removing jobs and wages from Grafton.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
22 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Member for Murray-Darling to help avert industrial action by teachers in Broken Hill;
(b) the disruption to Broken Hill students when teachers walk off the job on Thursday 18 November 1999 and follow it with a series of two hour stoppages;
(c) comments from the Member for Murray-Darling to the local media about his concern over his Government’s handling of the situation;
(d) the stress caused to parents in Broken Hill when teachers walk off the job again;
(e) the Minister for Education has not met teachers to discuss the salary issue since 25 May 1999;
(f) the failure of SLAC (the State Labor Advisory Committee) to stem the crisis in the New South Wales school system; and
(2) Calls on the Member for Murray-Darling and the Government to immediately address the growing crisis in the New South Wales school system.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
23 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) that SLAC (the State Labor Advisory Committee) is the most appropriate acronym to come from this Government yet, given its handling of industrial disputes in New South Wales;
(b) the disaffection of the Unions with SLAC;
(c) the failure of the New South Wales Labor Party to secure a compromise deal with school teachers to ensure the education of children in regional and rural New South Wales is not further disrupted;
(d) the inconvenience and stress that will be caused to parents of school children in regional and rural New South Wales on Thursday 18 November 1999, when school teachers again walk off the job;
(e) that more than 10 million class room hours have been lost through industrial disputes this year; and
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately fix the crisis in the New South Wales school system and restore morale in New South Wales schools.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
24 Mr J.H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Member for Murray-Darling for his failure to secure funding for a flood way just south of Kelly’s Creek on the Silver City Highway, despite the building materials for the construction of the bridge left lying on the side of the road for the last five years; and
(2) Calls on the Member for Murray-Darling to join with the National Party in lobbying the Minister for Roads to provide funding for this project which will go a long way in ensuring the major link between Broken Hill and the Sunraysia region does not become impassable when it rains.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
25 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Sydney centric country Labor Party for allowing the National Parks and Wildlife Service to reintroduce entry fees to National Parks.
(2) Notes the Government’s change of mind on this issue in April 1998 after intense lobbying by the New South Wales National Party and other concerned country residents.
(3) Calls on the Government to abandoned this latest entry fee charge on country people.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
26 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Government to outline its economic rationalist agenda for the Mid Western Area Health service, in particular its intentions for the future of Orange Base Hospital’s Howse Ward.
(2) Condemns the government for its decision to close the Howse Ward.
(3) Notes the distress and discomfort of patients who have been told that the second and third floors of the Orange Base Hospital will be turned into mixed sex medical and surgical wards, despite being totally unsuitable for this type of occupancy without major refits.
(4) Calls on the Government to stop its assault on regional health services and to halt its downgrading of the Orange Base Hospital.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
27 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Expresses its deepest sympathy to the families and the people of the Young district on the tragic deaths of three 17 year old men in a car accident near Blayney on Sunday 14 November 1999.
(2) Recognises the vulnerability of young people driving motor vehicles particularly during the teenage years.
(3) That the Government reinforce and improve road safety policy and driver training and testing procedures in order to contain further unnecessary road deaths.
(Notice given 16 November 1999)
28 Mr O’DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for repeatedly failing to recognise Cowan’s legitimate right to be included in the backlog sewerage program.
(2) Notes the importance of reticulated sewerage both to the people of Cowan and the environment of the Berowra Creek catchment.
(3) Calls on the Government to immediately include Cowan in the program.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
29 Mr R.H.L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes a meeting of Shoalhaven teachers at the Bomaderry Bowling Club where the Member for South Coast:
(a) confirmed last week’s attack by Labor backbenchers upon Dr Ken Boston and the Minister for Education and Training;
(b) regretted issuing a misleading donut press release on the teachers’ dispute;
(c) claimed he had been misled by the Government over the nature of the proposed teachers’ award.
(2) Notes the meeting’s establishment of a group called STRAWS (Shoalhaven Teachers Rallying Against Wayne Smith) to actively campaign against the Member.
(3) Calls upon the Member for South Coast to stand up for local teachers and effectively fight against the unreasonable actions of the Minister for Education and Training.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
30 Mr J.H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) that due to the staffing crisis in the Manning-Great Lakes Area Command, police officers have been working without pay and in their own time;
(b) the shortage of officers is due chiefly to the high number of police staff on long term sick report and officers drawn back from front line policing duties because of the reform process and budget cuts;
(c) that during the Sydney Olympic Games a quarter of the police force will be removed from the Manning-Great Lakes Area Command to come to Sydney to provide security during the Games.
(2) Acknowledges that because of under staffing, the long term problem of police with stress related illnesses has led to a significant occupational health and safety problem at the Command.
(3) Condemns:
(a) the Government for failing to provide additional police resources to the Manning-Great Lakes Area Command, despite it being 30% under its staffing capacity.
(b) the Sydney centric Country Labor Party for failing to convince the Minister for Police that regional New South Wales is just as important as Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong and entitled to have their regional area commands at full authorised strength 24 hours a day, seven days a week and for 12 months of the year.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
31 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Country Labor Party to secure adequate funding for the most basic requirements of regional hospitals and health services; and
(b) the recent comments by the Chairman of the Government’s committee investigating the need for multi-purpose centres in rural areas that the hospitals in many country towns were being held together only by paint.
(2) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in regional Area Health Services and to immediately increase funding to avert the impending health crisis in rural and regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
32 Mr R.H.L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the withdrawal of emergency surgery from the Pambula Hospital;
(b) the withdrawal of operative obstetric services from the Pambula Hospital and the forced transfer of expectant mothers to Bega Hospital for emergency treatment; and
(c) the urgent need for management planning and strategies to ensure that trained nursing and theatre staff are available at Pambula Hospital to assist in these emergency procedures.
(2) Calls on the Government to take action to ensure that doctors’ VMO payments and local creditors are paid promptly and without unnecessary delay.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
33 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the warning by volunteer bush fire fighters that they will consider not fighting fires unless they are legally protected; and
(b) the decision by lawyers representing the Rural Fire Service not to represent some individual volunteers at an inquest.
(2) Contrasts the Rural Fire Services’ refusal to legally represent volunteer bush fire fighters, with the Treasurer expending $500,000 of taxpayers’ money in legal battles trying to halt the tabling of documents in the Legislative Council.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
34 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the concerns of the CFMEU in relation to the Government’s application of “free market principles” in the pricing of electricity; and
(b) that the Union believes the application of such principles is a direct threat to the employment security of hundreds of power workers.
(2) Condemns the Sydney centric Country Labor party for failing to support electricity workers and for failing to guarantee job security of the thousands of workers employed by the power industry in rural and regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
35 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
(1) the RTA’s computer licensing record system not be recognised as a bona fide process for the establishment of personal identification;
(2) Mr Danny Sellars’ brother fraudulently obtained a licence in Danny’s name;
(3) on the RTA replacement application form it states “You must provide a reference statement if you do not have or are unable to produce a New South Wales Licence. If your referee cannot be contacted a replacement licence will not be issued”; and
(4) as a result of licence fraud Mr Danny Sellars of Cootamundra was unable to work in his normal occupation as a truck driver.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
36 Mr WEBB to move—
That, in relation to the lost snow boarders, this House:
(1) Notes the discovery on 16 November 1999 of the site of a snow cave by a Navy training helicopter, 2 km from Ramshead Chairlift, Thredbo.
(2) Expresses its sincere and deepest condolences to the three families of the lost snow boarders.
(3) Thanks all the forces, services and volunteers for their efforts over the last three months in locating the bodies of the four young men.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
37 Mr R.H.L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its indecision over the need for a new primary school at Merimbula.
(2) Notes the distress and overcrowding on an inadequate site where seven demountable classrooms make up half the total classroom capacity of the school.
(3) Calls on the Government to make funding available without further delay to plan for a new public school for Merimbula.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
38 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the failure of the Country Labor Party to secure adequate funding for even the most basic requirements of regional hospitals and health services; and
(b) that as a result of inadequate funding, the breakdown of the main boiler at the Narrabri Hospital, which forced it to rely on a small backup system, resulting in hot water being rationed at the Hospital.
(2) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in regional Area Health Services and to immediately increase funding to avert the impending health crisis in rural and regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
39 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the Government’s plans to downgrade Portland Hospital to a Primary Care Centre, which will result in the closure of 20 acute care beds, the loss of 10 jobs, the downgrading of the Hospital to a virtual casualty ward with restricted access hours during the day time only, the transfer of long term patients to other communities and the lack of after hours emergency facilities; and
(b) after community outrage about the plans to close the Portland Hospital, a consultation process with the Portland community was set up and is to be finalised before Christmas.
(2) Calls on the Government to honour its promise that no regional hospitals would be closed or downgraded and to stop destroying health services in rural and regional communities.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
40 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the recent national study by the Melbourne University Youth Research Centre, which found that 2 in 5 students in remote and rural schools are unable to study the subjects of their choice.
(2) Condemns the City controlled Country Labor faction for supporting the Minister for Education and Training in increasing distance education fees by 1,900%, exacerbating this inequity between country and city.
(3) Condemns the Government for escalating secondary education fees while opposing charges to tertiary education fees.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
41 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House notes the disappointment of the organisers of the Little Athletics State Championships to be held on 18-19 March 2000 at being asked to pay $60,000 to conduct the event at Stadium Australia.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
42 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House notes the Premier’s statement in the House encouraging citizens of Sydney to stay at home on New Year’s Eve.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
43 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) because of the Government’s incompetence in managing the rural health service in the Greater Murray Area, the Health Service is set to close ten hospitals in the region over the Christmas, New Year period because of severe nurse shortages;
(b) the affected hospitals include Leeton, Tocumwal, Finley, Hillston, Junee, Tumbarumba, Urana, Culcairn, Henty and Jerilderie;
(c) that due to the tyranny of distance the entire southern region of the State will be totally under resourced during the Christmas/New Year period.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to work with the National Party in ensuring that the Southern Region is adequately resourced during the Christmas/New Year period, so that any potential tragedies are averted.
(3) Condemns the Sydney centric Labor Party for allowing this situation to develop in regional New South Wales and for failing to get from the Government a fair share of health funding for regional communities.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
44 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises that up to 90% of inmates in New South Wales correctional facilities have drug and/or alcohol dependencies.
(2) Condemns the Government’s failure to provide adequate drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in prisons.
(3) Calls on the Government to recognise its failure to provide adequate rehabilitation, ensuring that inmates leaving the prison system are very likely to re-offend.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
45 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the total failure of SLAC (the State Labor Advisory Committee) and the Government to stem the industrial relations crises sweeping New South Wales;
(b) essential professionals, including teachers, nurses and ambulance officers, are striking or threatening industrial action due to the Government’s inability to negotiate with them; and
(c) the Labour Council minutes of SLAC’s inaugural meeting in which it was stated that even the Premier is concerned about the way the teachers’ dispute is being handled.
(2) Calls on the Premier to abandon SLAC and show some leadership to sort out the rash of disputes plaguing New South Wales under his Government.
(Notice given 17 November 1999)
46 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes a letter sent to the Minister for Health by Dr William Ross entitled, “Thursday, 11 November 1999 - A Day to Remember”.
(2) Notes the claims by Dr William Ross that on the 11 November 1999:
(a) elective operating list at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital had been cancelled;
(b) one in five elective surgery sessions at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital had been cut in an attempt to meet the budget demands imposed by the Mid North Coast Area Health Service;
(c) one patient on his waiting list (which exceeds 600) had been offered admission to Grafton Hospital for their procedure as there was no waiting list there and could be admitted within four weeks;
(d) another patient (concerned about the delayed diagnosis of cancer was offered a place in Newcastle.
(3) Condemns the Government and Country Labor Party for failing to ensure regional New South Wales gets its fair share of funding for health services.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
47 Mr R.H.L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Premier to guarantee that he will never establish a shooting gallery in the Bega Electorate.
(2) Calls on the Premier to fund a dramatic increase in drug education, treatment and rehabilitation.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
48 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government and particularly city based Country Labor for deserting pensioners trying to travel on Country Link at Christmas time.
(2) Calls on the Government to provide adequate seats to be serviced by pensioner travel allowances and staff asking them to pay senior card rates on economy travel.
(3) Calls on the Government to ensure pensioners may request window seats and travel on alcohol free coaches.
(4) Recognise that pensioners only get two free trips a year and stop Country Link from making extra money out of pensioners, many of whom just want to travel to be with their families at Christmas time.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
49 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for Health has been made aware of and asked to intervene in a dispute between the Southern Area Health Service and doctors at Goulburn, Yass and Young who are threatening to cut back services available to the towns hospitals unless delays in being paid for services provided are rectified.
(2) Notes the Southern Area Health Service has admitted that it has financial problems and that delays of three months or more for doctors and tradespeople not getting paid in not uncommon.
(3) Condemns the Government and the city based Country Labor Party for failing to ensure rural and regional New South Wales gets its fair share of health funding.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
50 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the recent Australian Institute of Criminology report indicating that every case of child abuse in Australia costs the economy almost $160,000.
(2) Notes that the Vinson Report, “Unequal in Life” identifies disadvantaged areas in New South Wales including the Mid North Coast in which child abuse occurs at four times the rate of other areas.
(3) Calls on the Government to implement the post 2000 jobs plan to create a better socio-economic climate to lessen child abuse in those disadvantaged areas.
(4) Condemns the Government for voting against a Motion in this House on 28 October 1999, calling for the Post 2000 Jobs Plan to be directed towards those disadvantaged areas.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
51 Dr KERNOHAN to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Health to provide sufficient funding to restore testing of all kindergarten aged children for vision and hearing problems.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
52 Mr R.H.L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Health for failing to upgrade facilities at Milton Hospital.
(2) Condemns the Minister for failing to provide funds to set up a Diabetes Service in the Southern Shoalhaven.
(3) Condemns the Member for South Coast on this issue for his failure to once mention the urgent need for upgrading Milton Hospital.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
53 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that on 20 July 1998 the then Minister for Sport and Recreation, wrote to the Coffs Harbour Sporting Shooters Association to inform them that they had been successful in obtaining a grant for the connection of electricity of $1,115.
(2) Notes the letter from the then Minister for Sport and Recreation states, “The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia’s appropriate acknowledgment of the support provided by the State Government would be appreciated”.
(3) Condemns the Government for failing to provide the money, despite the Association writing to the Minister of three occasions now and having received verbal confirmation in July 1999 that the cheque was in the mail, the Association is still waiting to receive its money from the Government.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
54 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the outrage of Denise of Queanbeyan at the new computer system in Countrylink.
(2) Notes the silence of both the Sydney centric Country Labor Party and the Minister for Transport over the installation of the new computer reservation system in countrylink.
(3) Notes the Minister for Transport's refusal to return any media organisations calls in relation to any bad news stories and notes that Wayne Geddes has been working overtime in the last two weeks as a result of the numerous errors within the Department of Transport.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
55 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the waste and mismanagement under the administration of the Government.
(2) Condemns the Government for spending:
(a) $1,500 on a consultant to provide expert advice on wall paper renovations.
(b) $901 on a consultant to provide an assessment of habitat of green and golden bell frogs at Culburra.
(c) $16,271.95 on consultants to provide advice on an analysis of bat calls.
(d) $100 on a consultant to provide advice as assessment of potential impact of car park on red crowned toadlets on Pittwater Road, East Ryde.
(3) Notes that the Government has spent more money on a consultant to provide information on wall paper than it has helping communities such as Kempsey, Casino, Macksville, Scone, Aberdeen and Nyngan all of which have or are facing the loss of the communities major employer.
(4) Condemns the Sydney centric Country Labor Party for its silence on the waste and mismanagement under the Government.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
56 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the failure of the Premier’s strike breaking State Labor Advisory Committee to avert the worsening industrial crisis in regional New South Wales.
(2) Condemns the Minister for Transport for failing to avert strike action by the train controllers at Broadmeadow and Orange.
(3) Notes the failure of the Sydney controlled Country Labor Party to warn country commuters of the strike, which as a result 1,200 passengers were stranded.
(4) Calls on the Government to halt the worsening industrial crisis in the New South Wales public service sector, before the entire public service walks off the job because of its lack of confidence in the administration of the Government.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
57 Mr D.L. PAGE to move—
That this House calls on the Member for Murray-Darling to join with the New South Wales National Party in lobbying the Minister for Land and Water Conservation to extend the “West 2000” program by providing additional funding when the program concludes halfway through next year.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
58 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the failure of the Government to secure adequate funding for even the most basic requirements at some regional hospitals and health services.
(2) Notes the financial performance of the Greater Murray Area Health Service which has overspent its budget by $5.1 million.
(3) Acknowledges the capital works project at Griffith Hospital, but notes it is the only capital works project in the Greater Murray Area Health Service.
(4) Notes the pressure now being placed on hospitals in the Greater Murray Area Health Service to find budget savings, with frontline services the first to be affected.
(5) Notes the failure of the Greater Murray Area Health Service to pay local creditors on time and the hardship and stress this places on small businesses in the region.
(6) Calls on the Government to abolish all debt in the Greater Murray Area Health Service and to immediately increase funding to avert the impending health crisis in the southern region of New South Wales.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
59 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the Federal Government announcement, through Minister John Fahey, that it will support any move to re-open the Tumut to Cootamundra rail line.
(2) Further acknowledges that the Chairman of Visy Industries Com. has stated his preparedness to invest in such an endeavour.
(3) Calls on the New South Wales Government to acknowledge these commitments and calls upon the National Government to make an unequivocal statement that it will see the rail line upgraded and re-opened ready to rail out the first product from the Visy Board project to Cootamundra for re-direction on rail.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
60 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the report commissioned by the minister for land and water Conservation which recommends no more cropping be allowed in the Brewarrina Shire.
(2) Notes that cropping in the Brewarrina Shire is one of the major contributors to the local economy.
(3) Condemns the Government and the Country Labor Party for trying to curtain the development of legitimate private business enterprises in western New South Wales.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Land and Water Conservation to public abandon the recommendation to halt any new cropping activities in the Brewarrina shire or any other region in regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
61 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for Regional Development recently released a guide to regional New South Wales titled “Investing and Living in New South Wales”.
(2) Notes the Minister has incorrectly used Tamworth’s Golden Guitar as the promotional photo for Mid North Coast.
(3) Notes Hastings Council’s G.M. and E.D.O. have no record of meeting a representative from the company as claimed by the Minister’s office.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
62 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the outrage of Brian from Tamworth in relation to the Government’s massive 1800% slug on rural students wanting to study subjects not available in regional New South Wales.
(2) Notes that his daughter has been studying Spanish through distance education for the past three years and is now in year eleven doing the subject for the HSC.
(3) Notes Brian’s comments that the Carinya Christian School is neither wealthy nor elitist and that the Government’s decision to slug the battlers is blatant discrimination against people living in the country.
(4) Notes that Brian will not be able to afford to pay $800 for his daughter to continue the Spanish course and notes that there is nowhere in the community for her to take this course.
(5) Condemns the city controlled Country Labor Party for supporting the Government’s discrimination against hard working people who live in country New South Wales.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
63 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Government to improve the availability of bus travel from the Northern Beaches to the city and other cross regional services.
(2) Condemns the Government for its failing to provide increased bus services in response to the overwhelming acceptance of commuters to the “Park and Ride” facilities established by Northern Beaches Councils.
(3) Notes the Government’s arrogant disregard for the many commuters being left on the roadside in the period 7.30 am to 8.45 am particularly in the Dee Why area due to inadequate timetables and availability of buses.
(Notice given 18 November 1999)
64 Mr HICKEY to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemn the Member for Upper Hunter and Leader of the National Party for his continued silence on rural and regional issues, particularly, Telstra Service; Mudgee Hospital; GST on Petrol Prices, Caravan Parks and livestock; and natural disaster funding for far west and northwest farmers.
(2) Congratulate him for supporting Country Labor’s plan to stop the Federal Government’s plan to force regional airlines to Bankstown airport.
(3) Expresses concern about his reported plan to bus 1.2 million migrants to rural and regional NSW.
(4) Notes the importance of country Members of Parliament speaking out for their community.
(Notice given 4 April 2000)
65 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the lack of response by the Treasurer and Minister for Roads to urgent requests for funding to repair flood damaged roads made by Mid North Coast Councils, including the Nambucca and Kempsey Shire Councils, in July 1999 and on several occasions since.
(2) Notes the contrast of this inaction to the disaster declaration made by the Minister for Agriculture in respect of the July 1999 floods on the Mid North Coast, and the immediate road funding provided to the Far West of the State following recent flooding in that part of NSW.
(3) Calls on the Premier to immediately provide the necessary funding to these councils to repair roads extensively damaged in the July 1999 floods.
(Notice given 4 April 2000)
66 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales on its initiative in bringing the country to the city with its Man from Snowy River promotion a feature at the Year 2000 Royal Easter Show commencing 14 April 2000.
(2) Further congratulates the Royal Agricultural Society on the magnificent country parade happening in the streets of Sydney on 5 April 2000.
(3) Calls on the Parliament to extend every best wish for a successful end of the century Royal Easter Show, marking the fact that the Royal Agricultural Society is arguably Australia’s oldest continuous voluntary organisation which will have bridged three centuries as it moves through this Year 2000 Royal Easter Show.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
67 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Premier to declare whether he supports the 5 April 2000 announcement of the UN’s Narcotics Control Boards visit later in April 2000, to investigate heroin shooting galleries in New South Wales.
(2) Notes the Government’s support for UN intervention on other issues in other jurisdictions.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
68 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Note the anguish caused to New South Wales dairy farmers and their communities by this Government’s commitment to de-regulate their industry.
(2) Note that the stress and uncertainty surrounding de-regulation of the dairy industry has regrettably contributed to the suicide of at least 2 dairy farmers in this state.
(3) Condemns the response to this anguish by the Minister for Agriculture, in claiming that the Fresh Schools Milk Program was under threat due to unwillingness by dairy farmers to continue to fund it.
(4) Note the dismissal of this inaccurate claim by the Managing Director of New South Wales’s largest dairy processing co-operative.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
69 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That where the State Government makes funding available for State Development projects, it guarantees the productivity from the establishment, construction and bringing to fruition of such projects remains preferably within the State of New South Wales but most certainly within Australia.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
70 Mr BARR to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns Northern Area Health’s closure, in January 2000, of the Manly Hospital Paediatrics Ward.
(2) Calls on the Government to:
(a) re-open the Paediatrics ward at Manly Hospital with adequate staffing and resources;
(b) maintain adequate funding to Manly Hospital commensurate with community expectations of a well functioning local hospital.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
71 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the cost to small business in isolated rural areas of constant and extended power outages is severely affecting their viability.
(2) Notes that the excessive costs of electricity supply to new developments is restricting growth in regional New South Wales.
(3) Notes that contact between parents and their children while they are at school is non existent during power outages.
(4) Act to remove the discriminatory “Supply” charge imposed on some consumers.
(Notice given 5 April 2000)
72 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes the Labor Party Branch stacking in the Parramatta electorate by the Minister for Transport in support of his staff member Liz McNamara.
(Notice given 6 April 2000)
73 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The dedication of the Korean National War Memorial in Canberra on 18 April.
(2) The significant contribution made by Australian servicemen and women to the preservation of freedom in the Republic of South Korea.
(3) The deaths of 339 Australians in the course of action between 1950 –1953.
(4) And affirms our appreciation of the sacrifices made by the Royal Australian Airforce, Royal Australian Navy and Australian Army in that conflict, and the contribution of the people of New South Wales to that National Memorial, and commends the Committee for their vision and dedication in creating this memorial.
(Notice given 6 April 2000)
74 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that post the Olympic Games the Minister for the Olympics will be a Minister without Portfolio.
(2) Notes that because of the Minister for the Olympics seniority he will be given a senior replacement portfolio.
(3) Notes that Olympic Roads and Transport Authority is currently under the control of the Minister for the Olympics.
(4) Notes the Minister for Roads and Transport believes he is doing a good job.
(5) Calls on the Premier to replace the current Minister for Roads and Transport with the Minister for the Olympics forthwith.
(Notice given 6 April 2000)
75 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the anti-graffiti package outlined by the Premier in this House on 6 April 2000.
(2) Calls on the Premier to explain how banning the sale of spray paint cans to under 16 year olds will be of benefit given that 90 per cent of the spray cans used by graffitists are stolen.
(3) Calls on the Premier to expand on his proposal to insert a whistle into spraycans.
(4) Expresses its concern at the likely effect of this noise on the neighbours of legitimate users of spraycans.
(5) Calls on the Government to make a genuine attempt to stem the scourge of graffiti by re-establishing the Police Graffiti Task Force and by legislating to lock up spray cans in stores.
(Notice given 11 April 2000)
76 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House
(1) Notes that the small community of Fords Bridge in the Murray-Darling Electorate may soon be without a pub, which will mean a drive of 100km to Bourke just to get a beer.
(2) Notes that unless someone can be found to run the town’s pub at a profit, the pub’s Sydney owners will transfer the licence.
(3) Notes that the Member for Murray-Darling could turn around the pub’s fortunes and save the pub by lobbying for a community licence.
(4) Calls on the Member for Murray-Darling to do all he can to ensure that no one in his electorate has to drive 100km just to get a beer.
(Notice given 11 April 2000)
77 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that consumers serviced by Northpower in the Dungowan and Wooloomin communities have reported as many as 10 power blackouts in the last month.
(2) Notes that Northpower’s response to community anger at continued poor service is to claim that the persistent blackouts are ‘frustrating’.
(3) Notes that blackouts and poor customer service are now a way of life for many rural power users.
(4) Calls on the Government to hold an independent inquiry into the cost of connecting to the energy grids, the persistent power failures and poor customer service for power users in rural and regional New South Wales.
(Notice given 11 April 2000)
78 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Transport for misleading the public, commuters and members of this House by claiming, during Question Time on 11 April 2000, that the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Glenbrook Rail Accident would be examining rail safety issues which extend beyond the causes of that rail accident.
(2) Notes that Justice McInerney’s terms of reference and letters patent clearly state that his brief allows him to only enquire into matters arising out of Glenbrook.
(3) Notes that a wider inquiry into safety matters would require new terms of reference for the Special Commission – something which neither the Minister nor Government have yet initiated.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport to apologise for again deliberately misleading people over rail issues.
(5) Calls on Labor MLCs to note the Minister’s lack of veracity on these issues and to support Opposition efforts to establish public inquiry into rail services in NSW.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
79 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Government’s 1995 election promise to closely monitor price movements in particular at retail outlets in regard to rural NSW.
(2) Notes the Government’s 1999 election promise to control the price of automotive fuel and associated products at uniform levels throughout the state.
(3) Acknowledges the Federal Government’s fuel subsidy for regional and rural service station operations in NSW.
(4) Calls on the NSW Government to now acknowledge that a subsidy scheme for rural and regional areas on fuel costs can be successfully established and administered.
(5) Calls on the NSW Government to run a similar subsidy scheme at a state level to assist the Federal Government to provide much needed assistance to regional motorists.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
80 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that the review of Manly High School will hopefully be released later today or tomorrow.
(2) Expresses the NSW Opposition’s support for the students and staff of Manly High School.
(3) Calls on the Government to give a major funding boost to the school to provide a school multi-purpose building and to bring its physical surroundings up to a good standard and to acknowledge that the current Government response offering $1 million over five years is completely inadequate.
(4) Notes that the Government risks even more stress and torment for the young lives being moulded at Manly High School if the government does not ensure improvement to the school’s physical environment occurs contemporaneously with the implementation of the recommendations of the review committee.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
81 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the representations of Country Labor members to the Member for Coffs Harbour requesting that he inform Country Labor Branches of all Government Ministerial visits.
(2) Notes the confirmation by Maureen Byrne, Secretary of the Urunga Branch of the Country Labor Party that the NSW National Party has a strangle hold on the mid-north coast.
(3) Notes Ms Byrne’s frustration and anger at receiving information about Government Ministers’ visits second hand, which does not allow local ALP Branches to organise a welcoming gathering.
(4) Calls on the Premier to end the secrecy surrounding Ministers’ visits to rural and regional NSW, by informing local National Party Members of Parliament of Ministerial visits so they too can organise a welcoming gathering.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
82 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern that a power pole which fell down in the Adjungbilly area and started a bushfire was last inspected and passed as safe by Great Southern Energy three years ago in 1997.
(2) Notes that the accepted industry practice for power pole inspection cycles is 4 and a half years.
(3) Acknowledges the threat to supply and safety caused by this practice.
(4) Acknowledges that an inspection of the aforementioned power pole revealed it was infested with white ants.
(5) Condemns the Government for failing to adopt world best practice and internationally recognised testing procedures for power poles in this State.
(6) Voices concern at Government directions to cut maintenance costs in the State owned electricity distributors.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
83 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the action of the Kempsey District Hospital Medical Staff Council in preparing a submission to the Department of Health for the restoration of acute services to Level 3 District Hospital standard.
(2) Notes the comment by the Secretary of the Kempsey Medical Staff Council that Kempsey Hospital is being downgraded by stealth.
(3) Notes the increased demand on Kempsey District Hospital resulting from the new correctional facility at Kempsey.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately reinstate resident surgeons and upgrade surgery and emergency services at Kempsey District Hospital.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
84 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes the recent formation of the Terrigal faction under the sponsorship of the Minister for Transport and invites the Premier to elaborate on his carpeting of the Member for Fairfield for convening their meeting on Sunday 2 April.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
85 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in a recent visit to the South-west of the State, the Police Commissioner refused to meet with Police officers from Griffith who have started work bans.
(2) Notes that work bans are in place because the Minister for Police failed to deliver on a promise made by his Police Commissioner that extra police officers would be stationed in Griffith by March.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Police to honour his promise to recruit an additional 2100 police officers and to honour the promise made by the Commissioner for Police to station extra police in Griffith by March 2000.
(4) Notes that for the last two weeks Griffith has had more RTA officers harassing innocent rice farmers during harvest than police officers harassing criminals.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
86 Mr R. W. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Community Services Commission’s description of the lack of support for vulnerable families in Dubbo as appalling.
(2) Notes the Commission has warned that unless more qualified carers can be found to prop up the system, long-term community problems will get out of control.
(3) Notes that in the last couple of years the number of children in foster care in the Orana and far west region has soared to 370.
(4) Notes the case of an 11 year old child who has been shunted between 14 foster homes within the Orana region.
(5) Notes that according to the Commissioner, Mr Robert Fitzgerald, “the current system is under enormous strain, in Dubbo you’ve got circumstances where neglect is occurring but the department is unable to investigate because of a lack of resources”.
(6) Condemns the Premier for being more interested in the colour schemes of units in Sydney than he is in the welfare and safety of disadvantaged children under the care of Department of Community Services.
(Notice given 12 April 2000)
87 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Roads, on 7 September 1999, stated that in relation to the testing for the impact of wire rope barriers on motorcyclists, that:
“Testing for Motorcycle impacts is not done for any roadside structures, including wire rope barriers, as there are no meaningful test criteria available to use.”
(2) Notes that there are numerous motorcycle organisations, including the Motorcycle Council of NSW, who are deeply concerned about the continued installation of wire rope barriers as a cheap form of preventative crash barriers for light vehicles.
(3) Notes that the Minister for Roads has refused to commission an independent authority to devise tests to determine the dangers of these wire rope barriers to motorcyclists, should they collide with them.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Roads and the RTA to conduct research into devising some form of crash test so that the dangers of these wire rope barriers to motorcyclists can be determined.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
88 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that historic railway locomotive, the 1307 is to be officially handed over to the Yass Railway Museum on Saturday 15 April 2000.
(2) Congratulates the members of the Australian Railway Historical Society for their dedicated efforts to get the 1307 to Yass.
(3) Acknowledges the value of the extensive cosmetic restoration work on the 1307 undertaken by volunteers at the Yass Railway Museum.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
89 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Note the unfortunate occurrence of a severe heart attack at South West Rocks on 5 April 2000.
(2) Note the failure of the First Responded Unit at South West Rocks to respond to this medical emergency.
(3) Note the 45 minute wait endured by a critically ill man for an ambulance from Kempsey.
(4) Note the request by the South West Rocks community in February for return of the balance of the proceeds of the sale of their former ambulance station so they can build their own ambulance station.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately establish an ambulance station at South West Rocks.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
90 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the acrimony between the Lake Macquarie Council and Local Government Minister over plans for a main street program in Belmont.
(2) Notes that despite Council having yet to submit a formal application for funding of its main street program the Minister has already confirmed in writing to the Council that he will not support the project.
(3) Notes the comments of councillors who described the comments by the Minister as mischievous and confusing and a classic case of “Yes Minister”.
(4) Calls on the Minister to explain why he is perverting the integrity of the approval process for the main street program.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
91 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Note the statement in this House on 5 April 2000 by the Minister for Police that, “New South Wales has record numbers of police officers”.
(2) Note the front page report in the Guardian News dated 6 April 2000 stating that “Nambucca Valley is to lose more than half its police force to the Olympic Games …. leaving just nine officers to cope with all the crime calls in the Valley”.
(3) Note the statement attributed to a local Senior Sargent that delays in response times could be up to 24 hours.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to move some of his record numbers of police officers to cover this severe staff shortage in the Nambucca Valley.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
92 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Coalition’s policy to expand Seniors’ and Pensioners’ travel concessions to include all rural areas.
(2) Notes that residents of Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle have access to $1.00 and $2.00 Pensioner Excursion tickets for travel on Cityrail and state Transit services.
(3) Notes the discriminatory policy of the Government against country NSW which limits the Countrylink Pensioner Excursion ticket to a distance of 129 kilometres.
(4) Notes that residents of Nyngan cannot access the $2.00 Countrylink Pensioner Excursion ticket to travel to the nearest city, Dubbo, because it is 30 kilometres outside the limit.
(5) Calls on the Government to adopt the Coalition’s policy and extend the Countrylink Pensioner Excursion ticket to cover all rural areas.
(6) Calls on the Government to adopt the recommendations as set out in the NSW National Party’s submission to the Public Transport Authority on Public Transport Concessions.
(Notice given 13 April 2000)
93 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Commends the annual National Aboriginal Rugby League Association (NARLA) football competition, which provides a significant economic boost to regional centres in which it is held.
(2) Notes the loss of the October long weekend NARLA competition to first Nambucca Heads and then Dubbo, due to a shortage of police during the Olympics.
(3) Calls upon the Ministers for Sport and Recreation, Aboriginal Affairs and Regional Development to lobby the Minister for Police to restore police numbers to Nambucca Heads to enable the NARLA competition to proceed.
(Notice given 2 May 2000)
94 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes repeat killer Matthew James Harris was sentenced to 40 years goal with a minimum of 25 years non-parol for the murders of Ronald Galvin, Yvonne Ford and Peter Wennerbom.
(2) Notes that repeat killer Matthew James Harris in a police record of interview said “… to murder and to keep murdering and to get away with it was an achievement …I’d still be going if I hadn’t been caught.”
(3) Notes that the minimum 25 years backdated to when he was taken into custody would make the said Matthew James Harris eligible for parole on 30 November 2023.
(4) Acknowledges those sentences, such as the one given to repeat killer Matthew James Harris, are far too lenient.
(5) Urges the Carr Government to implement tougher and consistent sentencing guidelines for murderers and repeat killers in New South Wales such as Matthew James Harris.
(6) Expresses sincere sympathy to the loved ones and families of Ronald Galvin, Yvonne Ford and Peter Wennerbom.
(Notice given 2 May 2000)
95 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the concern that the people of Batlow have for the future prosperity of their town and district.
(2) Acknowledges negative impact on businesses in Batlow and indeed regional NSW by the Government’s payroll tax regime and crippling workers compensation premiums.
(3) Calls on the Government to look beyond the Sydney basin and secure the future of Batlow and rural towns like it.
(Notice given 3 May 2000)
96 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the recently released KMPG Population Growth Report which contrasts Sydney’s record growth of 5,000 persons per month with the continuing decline in rural shires such as Warren, which lost 17.4% of its population between 1976 and 1999.
(2) Notes the social, economic and environmental problems caused by this unabated exodus from the bush to the city.
(3) Condemns the Labor Government and its so-called Country Labor faction for its lack of policy and planning to address this most serious issue.
(Notice given 3 May 2000)
97 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The public service staff freezes and proportional loss of field positions in the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
(2) The recent extraordinary increase in national park and wilderness areas, the subsequent reduction of forestry equipment and knowledge, and failure to adequately resource new park areas.
(3) The massive build up of forest fuel levels.
(4) The inability of the NPWS to properly carry out hazard reduction and control of bushfires, and the failure of the Government to secure alternate more efficient and effective means of fire management.
(5) The Government’s responsibility for the inevitable major damage, including the loss of property, stock, and native species that will result from future bushfires.
(Notice given 3 May 2000)
98 Mr BROWN to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Leader of the Opposition’s concession to raise the need for Federal Government assistance for the Illawarra Advantage Fund with her “mentor”, the Prime Minister.
(2) Requests that the Leader of the Opposition raise with him the massive job losses about to be felt in the bush by Telstra’s decision to cut 10,000 jobs from the heart of rural services.
(3) Requests the Leader of Opposition do all in her power to force her mentor to intervene on rural Australia’s behalf.
(Notice given 3 May 2000)
99 Ms SALIBA to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Leader of the Opposition’s concession to raise the need for Federal Government assistance for the Illawarra Advantage Fund with her “mentor”, the Prime Minister.
(2) Requests that the Leader of the Opposition raise with him the appalling damage about to be brought about on caravan park dwellers by the GST and demand that caravan parks be exempt from the full impact of this tax.
(Notice given 3 May 2000)
100 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes with concern that the Government has:
(1) Failed to do all it can to protect the people of NSW from contracting the deadly legionnaire’s disease;
(2) Prevented the release of the report of the 1996 review undertaken by the Chair of the Australian Standards Committee on Airconditioning which was highly critical of current regulations as being “out of date, misleading, ambiguous and confusing”; and
(3) Refused to update the code of practice and improve regulations regarding the monitoring and auditing, cleaning and maintaining of air conditioners aimed at preventing build up of legionella bacteria.
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
101 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House calls on the Federal Government to expand the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee to include Bovine Johnes Disease.
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
102 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the continuing and unchecked decline of Sydney Harbour into a cesspit for sewerage and stormwater pollution, including allegations that at 10.25pm 3 May 2000 a “putrid smell of raw sewage” emanated from a source in Circular Quay into the harbour.
(2) Calls for a full explanation as to why a pump associated with “The Toaster” building has been pumping 100 litres of effluent every half hour into the harbour since Easter and why the EPA and Sydney Water has not acted earlier.
(3) Calls for a public report of the nature of the effluent.
(4) Notes the failure of the Environment Minister to respond to my calls to fully investigate the intractable faecal coliform problem in Darling Harbour revealed by monthly Harbour Watch statistics.
(5) Notes the admission in Harbour Watch reports that if there is rain in the Olympic Games period the swimming leg of the Olympic Triathlon in Farm Cove would endanger athletes’ health.
(6) Notes the Premier’s failures to actively protect our famous harbour.
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
103 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The sad passing of Sir William Keys on 3 May 2000 in Canberra.
(2) That Sir William was the National President of the RSL for ten years serving in New Guinea and Korea, was active in Legacy and instrumental in helping to establish the National Korean War Memorial.
and offers condolences and deepest sympathies to his family.
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
104 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House condemns the Minister for Agriculture in that his policy of destocking cattle properties for the control of Bovine Johnes Disease does not take into consideration the enormous taxation problem caused by forced sales of cattle creating financial hardship for cattle producers.
(Notice given 4 May 2000)
105 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the political trade-off between the NSW Government and MLC Lee Rhiannon in relation to Brown’s waterhole and the Parramatta Rail Link.
(2) Notes that in return for her support in the Legislative Council for the construction of the Chatswood Parramatta rail link the Government will gazette the water hole as part of the National Park estate.
(3) Calls on the Government to stop doing deals with minority special interest groups without an open and accountable consultation process.
(4) Notes that the Minister for Transport may be in breach of section 8.1 General Nature of Corrupt Conduct, of the ICAC Act, with regard to the dishonest or partial exercise of official functions.
(5) Calls on this House to refer the matter to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
(Notice given 23 May 2000)
106 Mr WATKINS to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges all the athletes who swam at the swimming trials last week.
(2) Congratulates the 44 swimmers, their coaches and support staff, selected for the 2000 Sydney Olympic games.
(3) Notes that 12 of the 44 selected Olympic swimmers – 27 per cent – are supported by the New South Wales Institute for Sport.
(4) Congratulates the Government on its outstanding support for the Institute since its establishment.
(5) Congratulates those multi-disability swimmers who competed last week and wishes the Paralympic swim team good luck for the Paralympics in October.
(Notice given 23 May 2000)
107 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The anger of many teachers in the Southern Highlands about the Education Minister’s refusal to do as he promised and talk to teachers after the election about deserved salary increases.
(2) The failure of the Minister to have the courtesy to answer representations on behalf of teachers at The Oaks, Bargo, Southern Highlands Teachers Association about these promised talks.
(3) The frustration felt by teachers that despite being close to agreement recently on all but three issues, the Government rejected any chance of resolving the dispute.
(4) That casual teachers feel betrayed.
(5) That while the Government has resolved a salary negotiation with Catholic Education sector teachers, it refuses to resolve the public school teachers’ dispute.
(6) That dedicated Federation members at The Oaks school have been forced to circulate information to parents to counteract the Government’s attacks on teachers, including the question “Why is the Government treating public school and college teachers as third rate?”.
(7) Condemns the Government for failure to stand up for teachers, parents and students in public schools.
(Notice given 23 May 2000)
108 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The concerns of many people in Exeter about the proposal to extend the local basalt quarry.
(2) Particular concerns of parents of children at the Exeter school who will be as close as 450m from the quarry edge and related blasting activity, dust and noise.
(3) The very strong submission by the Department of School Education to the Commission of Inquiry that the quarry not go ahead due to school related concerns.
(4) The virtual dismissal of this submission in the Commissioner’s recommendation.
And calls on the Minister for Education to stand up for schools and school children by persuading his colleague the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning to recognise the environmental and safety concerns of Exeter parents.
(Notice given 24 May 2000)
109 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House notes the comments by the Chair of the NSW Coastal Council Prof. Bruce Thom in the Council’s annual report to Parliament that:
(1) “There is still clearly a need for a transparent whole of government policy on effluent management in coastal NSW”.
(2) The Coastal Policy does not cover the coastal zone from Newcastle to Shellharbour and that this will “continue to create problems”.
(3) There is an on-going need to support and utilise research knowledge about coastal environmental, social and economic processes and that “there is a fear that the long-term investment required in such studies is no longer a priority of government”.
And therefore calls on the Government to address each of these problems highlighted by the Coastal Council as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 24 May 2000)
110 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
(1) The Government be condemned for:
(a) withdrawing CityRail services from Goulburn for the duration of the Olympic Games;
(b) not considering the ramifications for those physically disabled people the Government will be shunting onto buses instead of trains for the duration of the Olympics; and
(c) not considering the ramifications for those who may be travelling with luggage by shunting them onto buses for the duration of the Olympics.
and that the House note that:
(2) The withdrawal of those train services from Goulburn during the Olympics will also affect tourism to that city during the Olympic Games.
(3) Tourism will also be affected for Canberra bound visitors wishing to stay in Goulburn for the duration of the Games due to the withdrawal of rail services.
(Notice given 24 May 2000)
111 Mr DEBNAM to move—
That in relation to the “$830m of surplus funding in the State Budget”, this House:
(1) Expresses its appreciation to the NSW Treasury Secretary for addressing yesterday’s meeting of the NSW Branch of the Economic Society, where his comments certainly clarified the “political” reasoning behind the Government’s $830 million election year slush fund.
(2) Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary for confirming that despite the General Government Debt Elimination Act, the Government’s financial strategy “in the event of a revenue downturn” would be to allow the budget to “go into deficit” and increase state debt.
(3) Notes with concern that the Secretary confirmed the “political” reasoning behind using the $830 million of surplus funds to not repay state debt, but instead pre-pay superannuation liabilities, was that it was easier to access the money in 2002/2003.
(4) Calls on the Premier to re-affirm the Government’s policy of reducing general government sector debt and instruct the Treasurer to use the surplus funds to repay state debt, instead of stashing $830 million of taxpayers funds into a hollow log to provide the Government with an election year slush fund.
(Notice given 25 May 2000)
112 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the description by the Chairman of the Australian Dairy Industry Council of Country Labor’s call for a national floor price for milk as “a cruel hoax”.
(2) Condemns the failure of the Government Budget to provide funding for structural adjustment for NSW dairy farmers, despite a cash surplus of $393 million.
(3) Calls on the Government to help NSW dairy farmers and their communities to survive the devastating impacts of the deregulation of their industry.
(Notice given 25 May 2000)
113 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the theft of 97 head of cattle from the Fraser property near Coonabarabran worth over $100,000.
(2) Condemns the Labor Government for failing to reform the stock squad.
(3) Demands the Minister for Police immediately take steps to reform the stock squad to stop this million dollar stock theft industry.
(Notice given 25 May 2000)
114 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with alarm the ongoing violation by the Government of Zimbabwe of its international obligations and regional protocols.
(2) Notes further the violation by the Mugabe Government of the fundamental human rights to life, liberty and property.
(3) Calls upon the Government of Zimbabwe to:
(a) Adhere to the rule of law;
(b) Immediately cease the harassment of opposition parties and the independent press, so that the scheduled election can take place in a climate free of intimidation; and
(c) Allow monitoring of the election process by independent monitors, the number of which is determined by the Commonwealth and other interested parties.
(Notice given 30 May 2000)
115 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that the site commonly known as the Old Collaroy Hospital has been used to provide services to children and people with disabilities for more than eighty years.
(2) Acknowledges that the site was given to the State Government specifically for such purposes.
(3) Condemns the Government for proceeding to sell the Collaroy Hospital Site, and in so doing, dispose of a valuable community asset which should be retained for the benefit of the community and particularly for people with disabilities.
(Notice given 30 May 2000)
116 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the concerns raised by doctors and others that waiting list information contained on the NSW Health Web page is inaccurate and misleading.
(2) Calls on the Government to improve the usefulness of the site by including a wider range of details such as each doctors availability, the total number of each procedure performed at each public hospital such as surgery shut downs, the expected waiting time for future treatment and the expected outcomes for patients.
(Notice given 30 May 2000)
117 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The “rail rage” growing in the Southern Highlands about the Transport Minister’s failure to deliver safe and reliable rail services to local travellers.
(2) The complete rejection by local people of his interjections in this House describing hard working rail system users from Wingello to Menangle as “Bentley driving battlers of Bowral”.
(3) His failure to respond this week to concerns of passenger Julie Delehunt who was promised a prompt reply in relation to an e-mail about yet another timetable debacle on 25 May and is still waiting.
(4) His refusal to supply information to Mr Hal Woodward of Douglas Park on details of recent derailments and his dismissal of a question on notice on the same subject.
(5) His dismissing of countless complaints from Southern Highlands railway users who genuinely seek answers and improvements to our crisis racked rail system.
(6) His failure to guarantee rail safety issues on our southern line are timetabled and funded for repair.
and condemns the Minister for Transport.
(Notice given 31 May 2000)
118 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes the Member for Mulgoa’s public admissions:
(1) That fare free day, 31 May 2000, for commuters is “…a stunt…”.
(2) Acknowledging the existence of “…serious problems on the rail system…”.
(3) Recognising that commuters aren’t getting to work on time.
(4) Appreciating that “…the Government…is falling down…”.
(5) Declaring that the matter “…has to be fixed…”.
and contrasts this openness and honesty with the approach of the Minister for Transport who continues to claim all is well with the rail system and if it’s not it’s someone else’s fault anyway.
(Notice given 31 May 2000)
119 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Federal Government for today paying its share of monies to the employees of the Scone Fresh Meats as a part of the Federal Government’s Employee Entitlements Support Scheme.
(2) Condemns the State Government for failing to commit to the scheme.
(3) Notes that Cobar mine workers are still waiting for the Premier to deliver on his promise to help them in their fight to get the monies owed to them.
(Notice given 31 May 2000)
120 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its lack of commitment to provide a permanent, and relocated Ambulance Station for Queanbeyan.
(2) Notes the importance of this facility to the 40,000 people who live in Queanbeyan and the Yarrowlumla Shire.
(3) Notes the important role played by the Queanbeyan based ambulance service in the southeast of the State.
(4) Notes the inadequate facility and the poor working conditions at the present ambulance station, which has had a temporary status for approximately two decades.
(5) Notes that Queanbeyan is the only regional city of this size in NSW without a permanent ambulance station.
(6) Calls on the Government to immediately act to provide a new, relocated and permanent ambulance station in Queanbeyan.
(Notice given 31 May 2000)
121 Mr GAUDRY to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates and acknowledges the contribution of Matthew Johns’ ten year career to the success of the Newcastle Knights.
(2) Celebrates the impact of the dynamic partnership of Andrew and Matthew Johns on the game of Rugby League.
(3) Acknowledges the role of Matthew Johns as a leader of the Knights on the field, a representative of the players off the field and a role model for youth in the Hunter.
(4) Deplores the handling of this talented and loyal player by the management of the Newcastle Knights.
(5) Notes with concern the detrimental impact on rugby league of its change from a community based and supported activity to a commercial product.
(Notice given 31 May 2000)
122 Mr BLACK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes statements by the Leader of the National Party in the Land newspaper dated 1 June 2000, “that the Nationals hold all the shadow portfolios of particular relevance to country people”.
(2) Observes that the shadow health, shadow education and shadow transport portfolios are actually held by Liberals.
(3) Rejects the Leader of the National Party’s view that health care, schools or railway lines are not particularly relevant to country people.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
123 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House debate the lack of forecasting information relative to traffic flows in regional New South Wales prior to, during and post the Olympic Games 2000.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
124 Mr GAUDRY to move—
That this House:
(1) Celebrates the launch in Newcastle by the Premier of the Hunter Advantage Strategy.
(2) Congratulates the Hunter Regional Development Organisation on the production of this blueprint for Hunter economic development.
(3) Notes the productive partnership demonstrated in the development of industry clusters between the State Government, local government, business and the trade union movement in the Hunter Region.
(4) Acknowledges the foresight of the former Deputy Prime Minister, Brian Howe, in promoting regional development through the Working Nation Program and the setting up of regional development organisations.
(5) Acknowledges the positive economic and job-creating impacts of the Premier’s Hunter Advantage Fund.
(6) Deplores the lack of commitment by the current Federal Government to the issue of regional development.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
125 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for Transport’s statement to the House on 25 May 2000 that the “…on time running performance by CityRail in the a.m. and p.m. peaks will be posted on the CityRail website...”.
(2) Acknowledges CityRail’s peak on time running performance is yet to be posted on the website even though CityRail was able to advise media yesterday of the figures for the fare free day.
(3) Calls upon the Minister for Transport to honour his commitment to commuters.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
126 Mr BLACK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the National Party annual conference will be held in the Country Labor seat of Tweed in June 2000.
(2) Notes that last year’s National Party annual conference was held in the Country Labor seat of Clarence.
(3) Notes the National Party never holds conferences in the area where people voted for them and observes this conference will debate whether the word “country” could safely be restored to the Party name.
(4) Acknowledges a full page report on the National Party in the Land newspaper dated 1 June 2000, headed “Identity Crisis” asking whether the Party has any long term relevance or future.
(5) Observes comments by traditional Nationals questioning the wisdom of dumping the Member for Lachlan, saying the new Nationals Leader “looks and sounds too much like a Liberal”.
(6) Urges the National Party annual conference to bring back the Member for Lachlan, bring back the word “country” and bring back some different policies to their North Shore Liberal allies.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
127 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s hypocrisy in pledging financial support to former National Textile workers, yet at the same time continuing to ignore the legitimate claims of former Local Government Recycling Co-operative staff.
(2) Notes that 7 former employees, some with young families are waiting on entitlements ranging in value from $2,637.57 to $150,293.81, with $306,130.39 owed in total.
(3) Calls on the Government to forgo its status as preferred creditor of the Local Government Recycling Co-operative through its control of Waste Service NSW in favour of the as yet unpaid former staff of the Local Government Recycling Co-operative.
(4) Calls on the Premier to direct money raised at next weeks ALP Protection of Workers Entitlement Fund dinner in Chinatown to these unpaid workers and their families.
(5) Be informed of the total cost to NSW taxpayers of Waste Service NSW’s crusade in forcing the Local Government Recycling Co-operative into liquidation.
(6) Condemns the Government for its refusal to pay worker entitlements to former staff of the Local Government Recycling Co-operative.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
128 Mr W. D. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the success of the “Buy Australian” campaign to protect the lamb industry when it faced crippling US tariffs.
(2) Calls on all NSW families to buy only NSW milk, cheese and cream products, to help protect jobs in our dairy industry.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
129 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House congratulates the Cowra Show Society and its Wine Show Committee on having achieved a new record for its Year 2000 Wine Show:
· 284 plus exhibitors from every state in Australia, an increase of 143 new exhibitors over last year;
· Upwards of 2500 individual entries from both individual producers and major national and internationally known companies has again reinforced the Cowra Annual Wine Show as one of the three largest wine exhibitions in Australia; and
· Recognises the voluntary contribution by well over 100 Cowra residents in manning the Cowra Wine Show, giving up to six weeks of their time to ensure its continuing standards of excellence.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
130 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the statement by the Minister for Agriculture on 30 May 2000 that, “there is no way the New South Wales Government could prevent Victorian producers from selling their milk in New South Wales in a fully deregulated environment”.
(2) Calls on consumers to support NSW dairy farmers by buying high quality locally produced NSW dairy products.
(3) Calls on dairy processors to ensure clear and accurate labelling of dairy products.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
131 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the $12 return ticket on the airport rail link is only valid until 4 am the day after purchase, a fact not published for country travellers until after you receive your ticket.
(2) Notes that the $12 return ticket on the Airport Express bus service is valid for two months after the day of purchase.
(3) Notes that this obviously means that country people using the airport rail link are only encouraged to stay in Sydney for a period of no more that 24 hours, causing Sydney to lose out on valuable tourist dollars.
(4) Calls on the Government to make a return ticket on the airport rail link valid for country people the same period of time as the Airport Express bus.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
132 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concerns the failure of the Minister for Transport to use the occasion of his own fare free day to outline plans to improve on time running for trains.
(2) Calls on the Minister to advise CityRail’s 900,000 passengers when they can expect trains to run to schedule.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
133 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Reminds the Minister for Fair Trading of his unfair innuendo on 31 May 2000, wherein he cast a slight on all real estate agents and auctioneers in NSW.
(2) Calls on the Minister to acknowledge that along with any other profession the great majority of real estate agents and auctioneers carry out their business with full professional ethics.
(3) Acknowledges that there are some as is the case with most professions, who fail the ethical test.
(4) Congratulates the industry on its professionalism in dealing with the public and promoting good business in NSW.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
134 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the extraordinary fertility in the Minister for Health’s office.
(2) Congratulates the Minister’s press officer on her pregnancy.
(3) Compliments the Minister on this health program to increase NSW population.
(4) Calls on the Minister to release details of the program in the interests of the social, cultural and economic expansion of NSW.
(5) Congratulates the staff on their extraordinary loyalty in cooperating with the Minister in this exciting public program.
(6) Recognises the cooperation and participation of Ministerial and staff partners in this year 2000 end of century population explosion.
(Notice given 1 June 2000)
135 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Queensland Government for successfully gaining yet another New South Wales export industry to their state.
(2) Condemns the Minister for the Environment for failing to grant a world renowned whip maker Mr John McMaster a licence to continue his export business in this state by refusing him access to suitable kangaroo skins which he has had for over 14 years.
(3) Condemns the Minister for the Environment for stating it is a Federal issue when Queensland has already granted Mr McMaster a licence to access skins.
(4) Calls upon the Premier to direct his Minister to immediately grant Mr McMaster a licence to enable him to continue his business in New South Wales.
(Notice given 6 June 2000)
136 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The Minister for the Olympics’ speech on Friday 2 June 2000 where he claimed he had no ambition and had foregone his chance to be Premier because of his unpopularity as a result of being burdened with the Olympic Games and the time he has spent overseas on “Olympic duties”.
(2) A “Cabinet insider”, known to his friends as Mr Della Bosca, has told a Sunday newspaper that the Minister for the Olympics should replace the Minister for Transport after the Olympic Games, because Labor MPs are becoming embarrassed by the Minister for Transport’s efforts to blame the trains crisis on public servants.
(3) That Mr Della Bosca has the premiership firmly in his sights and is trying to undermine the competition from the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Health.
(4) The Premier was forced to intervene in the simmering tensions on Sunday night and issue a statement saying that the Minister for Transport would remain the Minister for Transport as long as he was Premier.
(Notice given 6 June 2000)
137 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the failure of the NSW Ambulance Service in some regional areas of NSW to pay their trade accounts within a 30 day normal business period.
(2) Recognises that some ambulance accounts are now up to 4 months at least in arrears.
(3) Recognises that after 1 July with the introduction of GST, trades people who have creditors in arrears for more than 3 months will also face the prospect of carrying the GST component for that creditor.
(Notice given 7 June 2000)
138 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the commencement on 7 June 2000 of Helicopter Awareness Week.
(2) Recognises the contribution to the community of this state by the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue helicopter services based at Sydney and Wollongong, the Westpac Hunter Region service based at Newcastle and the Westpac Northern Region service based at Lismore.
(3) Congratulates and thanks the staff and voluntary crew members who continually place their lives at risk to save lives in the “golden hour”.
(Notice given 7 June 2000)
139 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns this Government for not fully funding Local Government so that it can carry out the initiatives set before it.
(2) Carries out a review of the roles and responsibilities of Local Government.
(3) Reviews the financial arrangements for Local Government, particularly the flow on of National Competition payments.
(4) Urges the Government to reduce the burdens placed on Local Government.
(5) Notes the contribution that Local Government makes in the implementation of the Government’s policies and initiatives.
(Notice given 7 June 2000)
140 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the decreasing returns that prime producers are receiving as a percentage of retail prices for food and fibre products.
(2) Calls upon the Government to address in positive terms the inequality of trade practices that see prime returns diminishing and retail prices increasing in the areas of food and fibre.
(Notice given 7 June 2000)
141 Mr MILLS to move—
That this House notes the success of the Women’s Soccer Pacific Cup International Tournament from 31 May to 11 June 2000; and
(1) Congratulates the Matildas on their 4 – nil win over New Zealand on 7 June at Glendale Athletics Centre.
(2) Expresses the Houses’ best wishes for success in the final match of the cup against world champions USA on Sunday 11 June at Breakers Stadium in Newcastle.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
142 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the media release issued today by Mr Russ Collison, State Secretary of the Australian Workers Union headed “Lay off Minister Scully, says AWU”.
(2) Notes the basis of Mr Collison’s argument that critics should look beyond Mr Scully in laying blame for the rail crisis because the Minister for Transport is “…subjected to portfolio budget constraints…”.
(3) Concurs with Mr Collison’s criticism of the Government’s lack of commitment and resources to public transport.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
143 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the importance of the Purple Ribbon Project and commends the organisers for their determination to break the silence on child abuse.
(2) Expresses its support for the proposal to see July established nationally as Purple Ribbon Month, during which people will be asked to wear a small purple ribbon as a protest against the extent of child abuse in our community.
(3) Urges state and local government to help recognise Purple Ribbon Month through the distribution of ribbons and badges, local displays, seminars and other community education projects.
(4) Commends the example set by Wyong Shire in supporting the project and the vision and leadership of Jan Watson of Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
144 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes:
(1) On Wednesday 7 June, a $2000 a plate fund raiser organised by the right wing ALP group known as “The Terrigals” was held in the Parliament.
(2) The fund raiser was on behalf of Labor candidates in the upcoming Burwood local government election and was organised from the office of the ALP member for Lowe, John Murphy M.P.
(3) The selection of ALP candidates for the Burwood local government elections has been the subject of controversy and public allegations of branch stacking.
(4) Special guests listed on the invitation for the function included Mr Speaker, the Minister for Minerals and Fisheries, the Minister for Public Works and Minister Assisting the Premier, the Member for Canterbury, the Member for Fairfield, the Member for Cabramatta and the Member for Kogarah.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
145 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Deplores the intended cancellation of State Parliamentary proceedings on 9 June 2000 to accommodate last minute factional meetings and lobbying before the weekend Labor Party Conference.
(2) Notes that this will deny proper debate on legislation of concern to employers, employees and the public of NSW.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
146 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House congratulates the Wentworth Hotel on upholding the principles of the responsible service of alcohol.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
147 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House notes the Government has failed to fully implement the recommendation of Peter McClellan QC to establish an independent testing laboratory to test Sydney’s drinking water and notes that:
(1) The Government has let the tender to the Australian Water Quality Centre in South Australia, a body not accredited to test for cryptosporidium and Giardia
(2) Only 5% to 10% of water samples will be tested by the Australian Water Quality Centre.
(3) 90% to 95% of water samples will be tested by Australian Water Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sydney Water.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
148 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House compliments James Bentley of Croydon for his recent letter to the editor of the Western Suburbs Courier noting that the Member for Strathfield had made a one-off visit to his electorate for the opening of Ashfield Police Station and lamenting that the police band did not know the music to “Return of the absent Member”.
(Notice given 8 June 2000)
149 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the State Government’s deregulation of the dairy industry and the affect it will have on the lives of dairy farmers, their families and the communities they support.
(2) Notes the rally held at Tweed Heads on 17 June 2000 and the failure of the Local Member for Tweed to turn up and support dairy farmers.
(3) Notes that Country Labor Faction Member, Janelle Saffin MLC, was at the rally and that she told delegates to the National Party Conference that she was opposed to dairy deregulation and believed that dairy farmers and their communities needed more support.
(4) Calls on Janelle Saffin MLC, to deliver on her rhetoric and support the National Party’s amendment to provide extra state based support for dairy farmers, or to vote against the Dairy Deregulation Bill introduced by the Minister for Agriculture.
(5) Condemns the State Government and its appendage the Country Labor Faction for introducing the Dairy Deregulation Bill without providing one cent of support for NSW dairy farmers.
(6) Congratulates the Federal Government for having the foresight to co-ordinate and facilitate on behalf of the States, the largest restructure package in the history of Federation.
(Notice given 20 June 2000)
150 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Akubra Company of Kempsey for its major contribution to the local economy and employment in the Macleay District.
(2) Notes the supply of Akubra Hats to Australian Olympic teams dating back to the 1956 Melbourne Olympics.
(3) Condemns the recent decision by the Australian Olympic Committee to exclude Akubra Hats from the 2000 Australian Olympic Team uniform, because “hats don’t fit with the new style of uniform”.
(4) Calls upon the Minister for the Olympics to reinforce the sun smart message and support a struggling rural economy by having this nonsensical decision reviewed.
(Notice given 21 June 2000)
151 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern that 16 out of 52 employees have ceased employment at the Goulburn Railway Workshops since late last year when the Government gave a commitment to keep the workshops open and viable.
(2) Notes with concern that the Government plans to further reduce the number of employees at the workshops to 22, a reduction of a further 14 positions.
(3) Condemns this Government for its attitude to workers at both the Goulburn and Bathurst Railway Workshops and admit that it is encouraging workers to take redundancy packages.
(4) Allows the Government to explain its reason for not allowing Goulburn to tender for rolling stock maintenance work, its bread and butter industry, thus instilling further fear into the workforce at the Goulburn Railway Workshops about their job security.
(5) Notes the effect on country towns that the loss of jobs has on the community, both socially and economically, and the importance of encouraging the decentralisation of public sector positions rather than the withdrawal of public sector positions from country areas.
(Notice given 21 June 2000)
152 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the State Government’s financial commitments to the running of the SOCOG namely:
(a) $100M guaranteed to the AOC;
(b) $140M cash injection announced this month; and
(c) That the $40M plus estimated games profit has vaporised.
and acknowledges therefore a cash contribution in real terms by the State of $280M.
(2) Calls on the Government to use the same sources of funding for this SOCOG top up to:
(a) Fully fund the management and compensation payments to farmers affected by Government policy on OJD and BJD;
(b) Fully fund a community impact fund and dairy farmer compensation package following dairy deregulation;
(c) Inject $100M into Rural and Regional NSW Roads as a matter of urgency;
(d) Complete the air conditioning program for all Government Schools in Regional NSW;
(e) Upgrade rural town water and sewerage systems;
(f) Wipe the remaining debt from all rural health areas; and
(g) Reduce Payroll Tax so that NSW is fully competitive with neighbouring states.
(Notice given 21 June 2000)
153 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the Jubilee 2000 Liturgical Celebration undertaken on 21 June 2000.
(2) Congratulates the 20,000 students from the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Broken Bay who took part in today’s Jubilee celebration of 2000 years of Christianity.
(3) Congratulates His Grace Bishop David Walter and all of the members of the Diocese of Broken Bay including the teachers, parents, priests, nuns and brothers who facilitated the special gathering today at the Homebush Superdome to celebrate “a new era for an ancient land”.
(Notice given 21 June 2000)
154 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House notes the show trial now taking place in Iran of 13 Iranian Jews and calls upon all men of good will to support calls for justice to these individuals and to the Iranian Jewish community.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
155 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Takes note of the Auditor-General’s report which warns of increased business and financial risks of State Government agencies not being prepared for the commencement of the GST.
(2) Expresses its concern at the report’s findings that:
(a) Almost half the State Government’s agencies have not reviewed their systems’ ability to handle the tax changes and completed any necessary changes.
(b) Less than half had completed testing of any system changes.
(c) A “significant proportion” of agencies were not able to provide scheduled completion dates for remaining activities.
(d) The majority of agencies have not completed GST staff training.
(3) Calls on the Treasurer to make public his mid-June report to Cabinet on this issue and provide an immediate assurance that all agencies will be fully GST ready by 1 July 2000.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
156 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the vigorous efforts by the North Coast National Party Members of Parliament to get a better deal for permanent residents of caravan parks and boarding houses.
(2) Acknowledges the Federal Governments recognition of these concerns with the announcement today of a $33 million rent assistance package.
(3) Calls on the State Government to give back the 5.5% GST they will receive to park residents to further assist these battlers who have been ably supported by the National Party.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
157 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for Health to clarify whether he will be adopting Coalition policy of developing collaborative arrangements with the private health sector in delivery of public health care.
(2) Notes the Director General of Health’s half hearted support for such a policy as indicated by his March 11 statement “there won’t be purchaser-provider agreements” and his advice to the Estimate Committee on Monday 20 June that the purchase of winter beds from the private sector was “…a one off issue…”which would be “…replicated more broadly in the health system”.
(3) Calls on the Minister to release his policy, plans and timeline for the implementation of the Health Council’s recommendation about contracting with the private sector”.
And calls on the Minister to ensure that such plans include:
· Assurances that public facilities and services will not be run down in the process of open tendering;
· The development of a common set of measurable performance indicators which relate to health outcomes, quality and financial performance;
· The development of protocols regarding competitive neutrality.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
158 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the National Party’s win today on extra assistance for long term caravan park and boarding house residents in Port Macquarie, Tweed and Clarence Electorates.
(2) Notes the Federal Government today announced it will provide $33 million additional rent assistance to low income earners, which will see the maximum rate of rent assistance increase from 3% to 10% effective for July 1.
(3) Condemns the State Government for its 9 year housing waiting list on the Mid-North Coast.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
159 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Members for Parramatta and Wentworthville, both former Ministers, are active users of Questions on Notice.
(2) Notes that this is the only option available to them to obtain information from the Government, of which they are members.
(3) Calls upon the Premier to call a halt to this humiliating treatment of women former Ministers and to direct his current Ministers to talk to their female colleagues.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
160 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the National Party’s win today on extra assistance for long term caravan park and boarding house residents in Lismore, Tweed and Clarence Electorates.
(2) Notes the Federal Government today announced it will provide $33 million additional rent assistance to low income earners, which will see the maximum rate of rent assistance increase from 3% to 10% effective for July 1.
(3) Condemns the State Government and the Country Labor Faction for failing to rebate caravan park and boarding house residents despite the fact it is the State Government who will be profiting from the GST windfall.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
161 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House congratulates Junee’s most famous rugby league player Lawrie Daley on his outstanding career and wish him and his family well for the future.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
162 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the National Party’s win today on extra assistance for long term caravan park and boarding house residents in Coffs Harbour, Tweed and Clarence Electorates.
(2) Notes the Federal Government today announced it will provide $33 million additional rent assistance to low income earners, which will see the maximum rate of rent assistance increase from 3% to 10% effective for July 1.
(3) Condemns the State Government and the Country Labor Faction for failing to rebate caravan park and boarding house residents despite the fact it is the State Government who will be profiting from the GST windfall.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
163 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the additional $140 million dollars of taxpayers money made instantly available by the Government to bail out its Olympics mismanagement, despite the Treasurer’s statement less that 1 month ago that, “With this Budget all of the Olympic and Paralympic costs are covered – every last cent”.
(2) Condemns the Government’s total lack of response to the estimated loss of half of the State’s 1,800 dairy farmers and up to 6,000 country jobs, despite repeated calls for a State based restructure package from dairy farmer, their association, the Senate Inquiry into dairy deregulation and the Federal Agriculture Minister.
(3) Condemns the Minister for Agriculture for his stated threat in this House on 2 May 2000 that, “if members of the National Party persist, their actions could result in the failure of the Upper House to pass the legislation. In that event, dairy farmers across the country will miss out on $1.7 billion”.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
164 Mr WEBB to move—
(1) The Government confirm, that the start date for the project commencement of Bombala Soft Wood Mill will be in November 2000.
(2) The Government confirm its intention to provide the necessary infrastructure for the mill.
(3) This House condemn the Government for not announcing the start date in an orderly manner.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
165 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House expresses its support for the Federal Government in its commitment to assist residents of caravan parks and notes the $33 million of Federal assistance and further notes the strong support given to park residents by Mr Jim Lloyd, Member for Robertson.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
166 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the backflip by the Government on Water Management as initially expressed in the Cabinet approved White Paper compared to the position now proposed in legislation introduced on 22 June 2000.
(2) Congratulates the National, Liberal Parties together with other industry stakeholders on turning the Governments’ position around on the length of water licences and the issue of compensation.
(3) Notes that two key elements of the National Party’s submission on the White Paper on water namely the need for 15 year licences and that compensation be payable where those licence entitlements are removed are now included in the legislation.
(4) Congratulates the National Party on its influence over this vital area of policy for rural and regional NSW.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
167 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the National Party’s win today on extra assistance for long term caravan park and boarding house residents in the Oxley, Tweed and Clarence Electorates.
(2) Notes the Federal Government today announced it will provide $33 million additional rent assistance to low income earners, which will see the maximum rate of rent assistance increase from 3% to 10% effective for July 1.
(3) Condemns the State Government and the Country Labor Faction for failing to rebate caravan park and boarding house residents despite the fact it is the State Government who will be profiting from the GST windfall.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
168 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its continuing failure to address Cross-Border issues which are costing jobs and investment in NSW especially in border communities.
(2) Condemns Country Labor Members for not supporting a Cross-Border Commission to tackle these problems.
(3) Notes the failure of the Government to allow Private Members Days to allow this important legislation to be debated.
(Notice given 22 June 2000)
169 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that there is a draft contract for the funding and establishment of a research institute at the new children’s hospital ready and waiting for signature.
(2) Notes that the Commonwealth Government has been advised that the hospital has been instructed by the Government not to sign, thereby jeopardising the $10m matched public donation available this financial year.
(3) Calls on the Government to reverse its instruction to the new children’s hospital not to sign the draft contract which would guarantee the $20 million funding toward establishment of a research institute at the hospital.
(4) Notes that the normal practice is for the State Government to provide capital funds to support clinical grants approved by the Commonwealth, which the Commonwealth has done in this case.
(5) Notes that a motion in my name calling on the Government to enhance research funding in line with other States has been on the notice paper since September last year.
(6) Notes that a proposal to establish a child and adolescent research institute at the new children’s hospital, prepared by the former Director of the Office of Youth Affairs and Chair of a Ministerial Taskforce on Youth Health Policy in collaboration with adolescent health specialists and academics was endorsed by the former Coalition Government in the mid 1990s.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
170 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Coroner’s report into the Thredbo landslide in which 18 people lost their lives in 1997 as a result of slippage of the Alpine Way linked to leaking water pipe apparently laid in 1984.
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately implement the Coroner’s recommendation to conduct a full independent investigation into NPWS in respect of this incident.
(3) Calls on the Government to extend this enquiry so as to investigate the Services capacity to meet other environmental obligations including environmentally sound effluent and sewerage disposal, feral animal and noxious weed control, fuel hazard management and the management of infrastructure development in national parks.
(4) Calls on the Minister for the Environment to explain why, despite the tragic landslide, budget papers show evidence of cost cutting in the budget allocation and timetable for Alpine Way remediation works at Thredbo.
(5) Calls on the Premier to explain his actions as Environment Minister before 1988 in respect of planning decisions made by NPWS and Department of Main Roads and the construction of the Alpine Way and associated infrastructure.
(6) Condemns the Minister for the Environment for refusing to allow a proper Opposition response to the report in this place.
(7) Acknowledges the continuing suffering felt by families and friends of the 18 people who lost their lives, and the bravery of Stuart Diver who survived the tragic event and provides inspiration and hope to us all.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
171 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Expresses deep regret at the death of Ella James at Bulli Public School on Thursday 22 June 2000.
(2) Notes with concern the long history of the school community’s efforts to have the school crossing improved.
(3) Is appalled by the RTA’s expressed attitude that the crossing would not be improved until a child had died.
(4) Notes community concerns about the lack of action to the school’s problem by the Member for Keira over the past 15 months.
(5) Calls upon the Government to urgently review the Safe Routes to Schools program which has clearly failed school communities across the state.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
172 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House notes the Premier’s endorsement on 29 June 2000 on 2BL of Michael Costa for a front bench position is a major vote of no confidence in the rest of the Labor Caucus.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
173 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for Health to explain why Prince of Wales Hospital has been forced to cancel numerous heart surgery operations over the past three weeks, including one case where a 15 year old boy from Cowra, who has been waiting for open heart surgery since August 1999, had his operation cancelled on Tuesday 27 June 2000 only minutes before the procedure was scheduled to take place.
(2) Further calls on the Minister for Health to explain why a young boy had his EEG cancelled at the Manning Base Hospital on Monday 26 June 2000 for the third time.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
174 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Government’s failure to act has ensured that Australian paralympic athletes through the Australian Paralympic Committee will have to pay $1085 towards their own entry, accommodation and services during the Paralympics.
(2) Notes that the Government found $140 million over and above the two and a half billion dollars it has already contributed to the Sydney Olympics.
(3) Notes the Government has contributed just $150 thousand over the last few years to the Australian Paralympic Committee and paralympians.
(4) Calls on the Government to contribute the sum of entry, accommodation and service costs for Australian paralympians which totals less than half a million dollars.
(5) Condemns the Government for its lack of commitment to equal opportunity for paralympians, its lack of commitment to the principles of the Disability Services Act 1995 and its lack of leadership in failing to fund the Australian paralympians.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
175 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House deplores the Member for Georges River attempt to prevent debate on 29 June 2000 in the issue of releasing the killer Allan Baker.
(Notice given 29 June 2000)
176 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Wallabies on their recent win against South Africa.
(2) Congratulates the Wallabies for showing the world how rugby is meant to be played and for beating the All Blacks and bringing home the Bledisloe Cup.
(3) Notes Captain John Eales nickname “nobody”, because “nobody” is perfect and congratulates him for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
(4) Congratulates the citizens of Coffs Harbour, the local council, the Minister for Tourism and the Coffs Harbour business community for their financial support which enabled the Wallabies to relocate to Coffs Harbour and receive the benefits of the best electorate in NSW.
(5) Thanks the Wallabies and in particular John Eales and Coach, Rod MacQueen for their ongoing promotion and support of Coffs Harbour since they have relocated there.
(6) Wishes the Wallabies every success in bringing home the Tri Nations Series Cup in their match against South Africa.
(Notice given 8 August 2000)
177 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in late July 2000, parents at Hill Top Primary School were so disgusted at the mouldy and unsafe condition of inadequate demountable classrooms that they removed 180 children to alternate accommodation for classes.
(2) Notes that it took a distressing and time consuming community confrontation with the Minister before appropriate action was taken.
(3) Notes that the newly replaced carpet is at risk of further water damage in the next wet weather period, and that the Department has yet again spent valuable resources on band aid responses to serious capital works needs.
(4) Notes that the only acceptable and proper long term solution is to build the Stage II permanent classrooms at Hill Top and Colo Vale schools.
(5) Condemns the Minister for Education for his handling of this issue, and for failing to follow through on the promised Stage II funding in this year’s budget.
(Notice given 8 August 2000)
178 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House condemns the Carr Government for extending daylight saving, thereby forcing NSW businesses to accept the Queensland Labor Governments call to turn their back on the Carr Government and stay with Eastern Standard Time.
(Notice given 8 August 2000)
179 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the disastrous environmental impact of discarded balloons in waterways, and the slow death endured by marine animals and water birds who mistake balloon litter for food.
(2) Notes that the Opposition will be presenting legislation to this House before the end of the year following consultation with industry, ecologists, event organisers and courageous environmental campaigners such as 11 year old Bethany Henderson and the “Pelican man” Lance Ferris to ensure NSW takes the lead in putting an end to balloon pollution.
(3) Notes the lack of leadership by the Government in working with industry and environmentalists to set clear bio-degradability objectives for balloons, plastic bags and other materials.
(4) Notes concerns that helium filled balloons are part of some proposed and current Olympic events and calls the Minister for Olympics to account for the pollution caused by improperly released balloons in waterways and other environments and calls on the Minister for Environment to guarantee that the EPA will intensively monitor SOCOG and prosecute it to the full extent of litter laws if any balloon generated by official Olympic activity is incorrectly disposed of.
(5) Calls on the Minister for the Environment to ensure that at least one current litter advertisement focuses on balloon pollution.
(Notice given 9 August 2000)
180 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House
(1) Congratulates Lismore cricketer Adam Gilchrist on his appointment as Vice Captain of the Australian Cricket Team.
(2) Recognises Rous Water of Lismore for having the foresight in recognising Adam’s achievements in cricket by recently dedicating the outstanding cricket oval at the new Perradenya “Sustainable Living” Estate as the Adam Gilchrist Oval, which was officially opened by Adam on Sunday 16 July 2000.
(Notice given 9 August 2000)
181 Mr CRITTENDEN to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the call from the Member for Murrumbidgee in this House on 9 August 2000, for greater attention to dental health for pensioners and low income earners.
(2) Condemns the Federal Government for abolishing the Commonwealth Dental Health Program in 1996, despite election promises not to.
(3) Observes that since the Federal Program was axed, dental health waiting lists have reached up to 3 years in some States.
(4) Congratulates the NSW Government for committing $33 million over 3 years to improve dental health across NSW, in the continued absence of Federal support.
(Notice given 9 August 2000)
182 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Welcomes the proposal of the Forest Products Association in conjunction with National Power and Babcock and Brown for wood-fired power stations utilising waste timber.
(2) Endorses the Nambucca Shire as an ideal location for wood-fired power station due to its close proximity to timber mills and its high unemployment rate.
(Notice given 10 August 2000)
183 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House requires the Minister for Energy to take the necessary action forthwith to provide a more reliable supply and distribution of electricity in rural areas of NSW and further to take all necessary steps to maintain services to avoid unacceptable power failures and faults being consistently experienced.
(Notice given 10 August 2000)
184 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that doctors have revealed that 50 percent of hospitals in the Greater Murray Area Health Service (GMAHS) are understaffed.
(2) Notes that there have been at least 5 wards and a total of 58 beds closed in the GMAHS in the past year.
(3) Notes that hospitals in the Greater Murray have shutdown operating sessions for a total of 40 weeks in the last financial year, which is almost the equivalent of shutting down an entire hospital.
(4) Notes that there are more than 1,500 people waiting for elective surgery at Wagga Wagga Base Hospital alone with 163 of these waiting more than 12 months for surgery.
(5) Calls on the Government to increase funding for the Greater Murray Area Health Service to ensure that an already predicted $500,000 shortfall is fully funded.
(Notice given 10 August 2000)
185 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that residents of NSW are fair and just people who are appalled at the Government’s discriminatory entry fees chargeable to paralympians at the 2000 Sydney Games.
(2) Condemns the Government for persisting with the entry fees applied to paralympians while Olympians are not subjected to the same fees.
(3) Notes the Premier’s comments indicating his Government declines to amend the entry fees charged to paralympians and bases that view on the alleged terms of the paralympic bid.
(4) Notes the failure to change the paralympic bid arrangements is in itself discriminatory as the Government has happily changed the Olympics bid arrangements numerous times.
(5) Calls on the Government to lift the entry fees so that Sydney will be the first host city to support the International Paralympic Committee’s condemnation of the fees, not the last to discriminate against paralympians, before Athens 2004 guarantees free entry and equal treatment for paralympians.
(Notice given 10 August 2000)
186 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Full Bench of the Federal Court has ruled that Great Lakes Council was not responsible for the contamination of oysters in Wallis Lake in 1997.
(2) Notes that the then Minister for the Environment, the Hon. Pam Allan wrongly accused the Council as being responsible for the contamination.
(3) Notes that the said Minister has refused to apologise to the Council for the attack on the Council.
(4) Calls on the Government to apologise to the Great Lakes Council for the comments made by the then Minister for the Environment.
(Notice given 10 August 2000)
187 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Spring Valley Heritage Horse Ride comprising representatives of the Australian Stock Horse Society and the Polo Cross Association in having completed the world’s longest horse relay ride in history and the longest horse ride in history carrying the Australian flag.
(2) Congratulates the riders, organisers, particularly Neville Holz and Joy Poole for the courage and the tenacity in completing the ride from Broome to Sydney.
(3) Acknowledges that the riders distributed Spring Valley sample bags to over 100,000 school children from Broome to Sydney.
(4) Acknowledges the sponsorship particularly of Spring Valley, Mataranka feeds or cool fuel, Caltex, Channel 7, Prime TV, 2UE Sky News and News Limited through the Daily Telegraph and the Australian papers. It also recognises the tremendous support from the ABC, rural press, Channel 9 and local papers.
(5) Thanks the local government and country communities throughout NSW who hosted the riders and a thank you to the NSW Police for organising the passage of the ride across the state, and particularly into the Town Hall and this Parliament House.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
188 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern comments made by senior officials of the NSW Police Service that the location of police stations is really a political decision for the Government to decide where they go.
(2) Acknowledges Commissioner Ryan’s comments, “Wagga Wagga police station has always been a problem and I would like to see the problem resolved. I don’t like to see my officers working in scruffy conditions”.
(3) Commends the Police Commissioner for his support of the proposal for new accommodation for the Wagga Wagga Police Service and acknowledges his statement today that the proposal report quote “has gone through my office and is on the Minister’s desk marked urgent” concluding a decision should not be far off.
(4) Urges the Government to act immediately on the report and finally allocate sufficient capital and resources to accommodate the Wagga Wagga Police Service in one building suited for modern policing needs.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
189 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the serious congestion problem facing motorists on Windsor Road.
(2) Acknowledges the reasonableness of Baulkham Hills Shire Council’s position on the Mungerie Park Regional Centre – that it would be failing in its duty to its ratepayers if it were to start planning the centre before the Government had committed to fast tracking the upgrading of Windsor Road and dedicated public transport for the Rouse Hill Development Area.
(3) Notes the refusal of the Minister for Transport and Roads to accelerate the programme of reconstruction on Windsor Road and Old Windsor Road.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport and Roads to end the impasse by entering into meaningful discussions with Baulkham Hills shire Council and the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning over fast tracking the upgrading of Windsor Road and the provision of a dedicated public transport link to the North West Sector.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
190 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Objects to the circumstances surrounding the fact that the Coroner’s Court, Parramatta Road, Glebe is being forced to wait at least twelve weeks to receive reports prepared by the Institute of Forensic Medicine (Department of Health) following the performance of an autopsy.
(2) Notes that the Coroner’s Court has issued at least one apology for any inconvenience caused by this delay and has further stated the circumstances are beyond the control of that office.
(3) Calls on the Government to recognise the pain and trauma caused to families by this delay and recognises the inability of families to settle the affairs of the deceased in an appropriate time.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
191 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House notes with concern the situation with regard to the underfunding of Coffs Harbour Base Hospital.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
192 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the total mismanagement by the Government of accurate data and information about the rate of native vegetation clearing in NSW.
(2) Notes the admission by the Minister for Land and Water Conservation recently that the basis for measuring land clearing in NSW is fundamentally flawed.
(3) Acknowledges that this uncertainty contributes to unnecessary, undeserved and debilitating confrontation and tension between landusers and others when we would be working together on solutions.
(4) Calls on the Premier to order his Environment Minister and Land and Water Conservation Minister to work with farmers and conservation groups to develop an accurate, reliable and agreed method for measuring land clearing, so informed policy and land use decisions can be made.
(5) Condemns the Government for failing to take up constructive Opposition suggestions about ways in which farmers and landowners can be encouraged with incentives, rather than penalties, to conserve and replant native vegetation for sustainable commercial and environmental outcomes.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
193 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for the Olympics to make Olympic Games tickets currently being sold to the public available for collection to successful purchasers at the purchaser’s nearest Post Office.
(2) Recognises that by restricting deliveries to Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong that up to 34% of the NSW population living in regional areas are disenfranchised from purchasing Olympic tickets.
(Notice given 15 August 2000)
194 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the financial crisis gripping the Mid North Coast Area Health Service.
(2) Notes that Mr Peter Mitchell has been waiting for 18 months to have his leg amputated, has been prepped for surgery three times only to have his major surgery cancelled at the last minute.
(3) Notes the massive psychological stress and strain that Mr Mitchell is placed under each time he is prepped for surgery to remove his leg.
(4) Notes that Mr John Oxley who is waiting to have his hand amputated and has a date for surgery set is so appalled at the NSW Government treatment of Mr Mitchell that he has offered his hospital bed and surgical operating time to Mr Mitchell.
(5) Calls on the Government to provide urgently needed funding to reopen beds and theatres at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital closed by the Government.
(6) Condemns the Government for ignoring the concerns of GPs and surgeons at the Coffs Harbour Base Hospital who believe that closing operating theatres for two days a week is nothing more than a cost cutting exercise which is placing lives in danger.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
195 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the verdict in relation to the OJD test case between Graham Privett of Yass and the Department of Agriculture was brought down yesterday, the result of which was a loss to Mr Privett.
(2) Notes that the draconian sections of the Stock Diseases Act of 1923 which originated in order to control any exotic disease outbreak in NSW should not have applied in this case as OJD is not an exotic disease, it is worldwide, and with good farm management people are minimising stock losses.
(3) Notes that drug criminals have more protection from the law than farmers suspected of carrying OJD have under the Stock Diseases Act of 1923 and that there has to be some humanity in the application of law under this Act.
(4) Notes that Mr Privett’s sentence will be handed down on 12 October 2000 in Goulburn.
(5) Notes how difficult it is for a farmer to take on the NSW Department of Agriculture, when the Minister stated in an answer to my Question on Notice No. 448 that his Department was prepared to spend more than $100,000 of taxpayers’ money to win this particular case.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
196 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes dairy farmers are struggling to stay financially viable under the Government’s deregulation of the industry.
(2) Notes that the milk price war commenced in the supermarket chains today is likely to impact severely on farmers and small processors.
(3) Notes that the supermarkets’ actions further endanger jobs in rural and regional NSW.
(4) Urges the Government to immediately establish the committee to investigate the impacts of dairy deregulation on the NSW dairy industry, as promised in writing to the National and Liberal parties on 29 June 2000.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
197 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that despite being advised by his GP that he needed urgent treatment for a hernia condition, Mr Robert Wakeling was turned away from both Westmead and Mt Druitt emergency departments and was told that he would have to wait up to 13 weeks for admission because of cutbacks in spending and cancelled elective surgery during the Olympics.
(2) Notes that Berkely man Hilton Norris who was suffering from a prostate problem and in considerable pain, was forced to wait nearly seven hours to see a doctor at Wollongong Hospital emergency department.
(3) Notes that both these men are self-confessed Labor voters who have now stated that they are going to give Labor the flick at the next election because of their experience with the public health system.
(4) Condemns the Minister for Health for running down our hospitals to such an extent that even the Labor party’s most loyal supporters are turning against the Government.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
198 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the recent passing of Judith Wright, author, poet and for some time resident of Mongarlowe.
(2) Notes the recent passing of A.D. Hope, born in 1907 in Cooma, poet and former Professor of English at the ANU, Canberra.
(3) Acknowledges the very significant literary contributions that the late Judith Wright McKinney and the late A.D. Hope have made to the social fabric of New South Wales and Australia.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
199 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the four Super King Air aircraft belonging to the NSW Ambulance Service are currently ten years old and more than half way through their lifespan.
(2) Notes that NSW Ambulance Service planes are being flown at less than maximum parameters solely to save on wear and tear on the planes and therefore on maintenance costs.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to provide details of the replacement program and cost of new aircraft.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
200 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Federal Government for providing $960,000 to upgrade the section of the Oxley Highway known as Spencer’s Cutting, specifically at the intersection with Rawdon Island Road and the curve at the bottom at the cutting, approximately 500 metres west of the intersection.
(2) Condemns the NSW Government for contributing no funding towards remediating this notorious black spot and refusing to upgrade the still dangerous 500 metre section in between the improvements funded by the Commonwealth, despite numerous protests by the local community.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport and Minister for Roads to urgently provide matching funding in order to properly complete the work, while road workers and equipment are in situ.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
201 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the damning report card by Greenpeace giving the Government a mere 6 out of 10 for performance on Green Games objectives.
(2) Notes that this report card is receiving widespread media coverage in overseas media.
(3) Calls on the Premier to admit he has let key environmental opportunities lapse, failed to ensure Green Games targets were met, and has betrayed his environmental commitments.
(4) Condemns the Government for its continued coverup of Green Games failures, including its failure to vote on the motion standing in my name which stands unresolved since April.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
202 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that there is inconsistent signage of hospitals and other health care facilities throughout NSW.
(2) Notes that the term and the signage for “general practice casualty” is false, misleading and potentially dangerous as the term is currently used by and understood by the public to mean emergency department and people have inappropriately self-presented to the casualty at Balmain Hospital with both life threatening and limb threatening problems.
(3) Notes that hospitals including Nepean, Westmead, St George, Mt Druitt, Blacktown, Ryde, Royal North Shore and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals are all currently using emergency department signage which misuses the International Symbol of the Red Cross which is illegal under the Commonwealth Geneva Conventions Act 1957.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to work with organisations including the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, the AMA and the Red Cross to ensure uniform and consistent signage of Sydney emergency departments so that people can make informed choices about the type of medical care they are seeking.
(Notice given 16 August 2000)
203 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the increase in petrol prices in many country towns to over $1.00 per litre.
(2) Notes that the State Government receives the approximately 9 cents per litre GST on fuel, as well as a proportion of the petrol excise collected by the Commonwealth.
(3) Notes that the price of petrol in Queensland is roughly 8 cents per litre cheaper than in NSW, due to that State passing on an equivalent amount of petrol excise from the Commonwealth.
(4) Notes the Automobile Association report dated 27 April 2000 on the NSW Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme, which states that “In parts of Northern NSW it is estimated that motorists are paying over 5 cents per litre more than they should because the full subsidy is not being passed on to them”.
(5) Calls on the Government to immediately investigate the failure of the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in Northern NSW centres including Lismore, Ballina, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Urunga and Nambucca Heads.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
204 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the increase in petrol prices in many country towns to over $1.00 per litre.
(2) Notes that the State Government is the recipient of GST collected on fuel in NSW and a proportion of Commonwealth petrol excise.
(3) Notes that the price of petrol in Queensland is significantly cheaper than in NSW, due to that State passing on their share of excise back to motorists.
(4) Notes the Automobile Association report on the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in Northern NSW, which states that “motorists are not receiving the full benefit of the scheme”.
(5) Calls on the Government to immediately investigate the failure of the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in the Coffs Harbour and Clarence Electorates.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
205 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the increase in petrol prices in many country towns to over $1.00 per litre.
(2) Notes that the State Government is the recipient of GST collected on fuel in NSW and a proportion of Commonwealth petrol excise.
(3) Notes that the price of petrol in Queensland is significantly cheaper than in NSW, due to that State passing on their share of excise back to motorists.
(4) Notes the Automobile Association report on the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in Northern NSW, which states that “motorists are not receiving the full benefit of the scheme”.
(5) Calls on the Government to immediately investigate the failure of the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in the Ballina and Tweed Electorates.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
206 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes the criticism of the Premier in a report by Ron Dyer which highlights the Government’s failure to reduce recidivism and notes that:
(1) 61% of prisoners are in jail for at least the second time.
(2) 39% of released inmates return to jail within only two years.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
207 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the increase in petrol prices in many country towns to over $1.00 per litre.
(2) Notes that the State Government is the recipient of GST collected on fuel in NSW and a proportion of Commonwealth petrol excise.
(3) Notes that the price of petrol in Queensland is significantly cheaper than in NSW, due to that State passing on their share of excise back to motorists.
(4) Notes the Automobile Association report on the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in Northern NSW, which states that “motorists are not receiving the full benefit of the scheme”.
(5) Calls on the Government to immediately investigate the failure of the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme in the Lismore Electorate.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
208 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House calls on the Commonwealth Government to abolish the current “fee for service” system for AQIS meat inspection charges and that it be funded by the Commonwealth under a community service obligation (CSO).
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
209 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes repeated promises by the Government to reduce payroll tax and their failure to meet these promises.
(2) Notes that employment in NSW will be under great pressure after the Olympics, because of the Government’s failure to reform the business tax base.
(Notice given 17 August 2000)
210 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the losses upwards of $60 million by the NSW Grains Board in the previous year.
(2) Calls on the Government to give an iron clad assurance that it will not impose a financial levy on NSW grain growers to fund these losses or other financial obligations of the NSW Grains Board.
(Notice given 10 October 2000)
211 Mr GEORGE to move—
That the Government follow the lead of other State Governments’ announcements and immediately waive stamp duty on lump sum payments to dairy farmers under the Dairy Industry Restructuring Package, thereby honouring the Government’s commitment to help dairy farmers.
(Notice given 10 October 2000)
212 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the proposed dissolution of TRAIN Limited and FATIN Limited by the acting Chair of these companies Mr Colin Dorber.
(2) Notes the statement in A media release by Mr Dorber on 10 October 2000 that the reason for the dissolution of these companies was “The recent decision of a significant number of TRAIN staff to engage in direct union activities and stand for office in current CFMEU State elections has, however, voided the efficacy of the TRAIN organisation”.
(3) Notes allegations that CFMEU staff were transferred to the TRAIN organisation.
(4) Calls on Minister Yeadon to give advice to the House as to what interim programs to ensure continuity of service will be provided to existing clients of TRAIN and FATIN.
(5) Notes media reports of money being transferred by TRAIN Limited to the CFMEU NSW Forestry Division.
(6) Notes TRAIN has been provided with in excess of $9 million of taxpayers funds between January 1996 and December 1999.
(7) Notes claims that TRAIN employees used company resources for the upcoming CFMEU elections.
(8) Notes that at all times the State Government has had a representative on the board of directors of TRAIN Limited.
(9) Calls on Minister Yeadon to request that the Auditor General and ICAC instigate a full financial and performance audit of TRAIN and FATIN Limited.
(10) Calls on the Minister to have police secure all documents and records of TRAIN Limited and FATIN Limited immediately in order that this audit can be carried out.
(Notice given 11 October 2000)
213 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognise the plight of Bowral families who will be unable to use Bowral Swimming Pool in the coming summer months due to maintenance problems and lack of funding to repair.
(2) Notes that hundreds of Bowral residents, including parents and students are participating in the signing of a petition to be sent direct to the Minister for Local Government requesting assistance from the State Government.
(3) And request the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Sport and Recreation to give active consideration to these petitions, and any Government assistance which could see the pool restored for use in the summer of 2000/2001.
(Notice given 11 October 2000)
214 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the approximately $3 billion spent on sporting facilities in the greater Sydney area in connection with the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games; and
(2) In the spirit of the Olympic Games, calls on the Minister for Sport and Recreation to grant funding to all 2000/2001 Capital Assistance program applications received from Country NSW.
(Notice given 11 October 2000)
215 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning to rezone Nyinya Avenue and Paddison Avenue, Gymea to 2A (1) residential in order to protect the established character and amenity of the local community.
(Notice given 12 October 2000)
216 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that this week is National Mental Health Awareness Week.
(2) Notes:
(a) The Government’s record on mental health issues over the past five years;
(b) The Newcastle Herald article of 12 October 2000, headlined “INHUMANE” which includes allegations about appalling conditions at Morisset Hospital where a sedated patient is shown asleep on the toilet floor.
(c) The Newcastle Herald editorial which states that “NSW has consistently been near the bottom of the table of State spending on mental health”.
(3) Condemns the Minister for Health for his failure to provide high quality health care for some of the most disadvantaged patients in the State.
(Notice given 12 October 2000)
217 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House views with extreme concern:
(1) The finding by the State Coroner that the shooting death of a youth at Young on 2 January 1992 was not properly investigated by police.
(2) That the local Coroner dispensed with the holding of an inquest when the circumstances dictated that an inquest should have been conducted.
(3) That eight years later an inquest was conducted at Young and found the youth died by the accidental discharge of a firearm.
(4) The circumstances surrounding the bungled and incompetent investigation of the youth’s death and the failure to conduct an inquest at the time demands an inquiry into how many other deaths have been subjected to the same level of incompetence.
(Notice given 12 October 2000)
218 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House express its regret at the sudden death of Kevin Blacklow of Inverell in a road accident on Saturday 7 October 2000, on his trip home from duty as a volunteer at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and extend our sympathy to his wife Margaret and his family.
(Notice given 12 October 2000)
219 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for the Olympics’ comment on Tuesday 10 October 2000 indicating his and the Government’s commitment to the Paralympics.
(2) Notes the Premier’s stated support for the Paralympics.
(3) Notes that the Government has made no arrangement on weekdays for buses on routes, including the two bus routes from the Northern Beaches to Homebush thereby prejudicing the access by spectators to the Paralympics.
(4) Calls on the Government to immediately respond to community concerns by implementing a reasonable level of buses on routes to Homebush for the Paralympics so as to assist in the success of the Paralympics.
(Notice given 12 October 2000)
220 Mrs CHIKAROVSKI to move—
That the female person who has made allegations against the Member for Fairfield be given the same privilege as him to present her version of events on the night of September 14 in Parliament House.
That this right may be exercised by her appointed personal representative or by her in person, her identity not to be disclosed.
(Notice given 31 October 2000)
221 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the personal explanation by the Member for Fairfield given on 31 October 2000 contained no account of his conduct at Parliament House on the night of 14/15 September 2000.
(2) Notes his remark that “there are two sides to every story” which seeks to impute that the published account of the victim is untrue.
(3) Pursuant to Standing Order 365 now requires the Member for Fairfield to appear before the House and be examined on his conduct on that night of 14/15 September 2000.
(Notice given 2 November 2000)
222 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the statement by the Minister for Police on 1 November 2000 that he first knew of the incident involving the Member for Fairfield on 19 September and did not advise the Premier.
(2) Considers the statement lacking in credibility.
(3) Calls upon the Minister to advise the House of all action taken by him and his office in respect of the incident including details of all discussions about it with persons outside the NSW Police Service.
(Notice given 2 November 2000)
223 Dr KERNOHAN to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the zealous way the Hon Meredith Burgmann has fought her view of the feminist cause over many years and the tirades she has directed against any who offend.
(2) Expresses its puzzlement at her total silence when it is alleged a young woman was subject to sexual abuse at Parliament House, over which the Hon Meredith Burgmann is a Presiding Officer.
(Notice given 2 November 2000)
224 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with grave concern the Government’s ongoing roll out of police station closures including Malabar, Mascot, Paddington, Randwick, Redfern, Surry Hills and Woolloomooloo.
(2) Notes Deputy Commissioner Jarratt’s admission on 8 November 2000 that the roll out is set to extend as far as Cabramatta and Fairfield.
(3) Notes that this roll out is in line with a Council on the Cost of Government Report authorised by the Premier and Minister for Police proposing the closure of up to 100 police stations.
(4) Notes the rapidly growing community opposition to big, centralised and highly bureaucratic police stations led and staffed remote from local communities.
(5) Calls on the Government to abandon its plans to close local police stations providing local police working in partnership with local communities.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
225 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
(1) That this House calls for a full public enquiry into the full debt of the New South Wales Grains Board.
(2) That the Minister for Agriculture guarantees:
(a) New South Wales grain producers that contracts entered into with the New South Wales Grains Board will be honoured in full.
(b) That the new partner in the New South Wales Grains Board, Grainco will be unable to increase charges and fees to producers to reduce the NSWGB debt.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
226 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the National Parks and Wildlife Service for the indiscriminate, inhumane, and barbaric slaughter of brumbies in the Guy Fawkes National Park.
(2) Notes the finding of a horse with two heavy calibre bullet wounds to its shoulder recently by RSPCA officers barely alive and suffering fourteen days following this slaughter.
(3) Notes media reports that the RSPCA is considering prosecution of the NPWS over this matter.
(4) Calls on the Minister to fully disclose to the public all findings, information and submissions to the inquiry into this matter which is being undertaken by Professor Tony English.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
227 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes this Government’s cut of $25 million in funding to the country water and sewerage program.
(2) Notes the Government has now reneged on its promise to provide funding in 2000/01 for sewerage schemes at Hat Head, Beechwood, Comboyne, Herons Creek, Long Flat, North Shore, Port Macquarie and Telegraph Point and numerous other rural communities in New South Wales.
(3) Notes statements by the Mayor of the Hastings Shire that existing sewage management practices in a number of unsewered village areas pose negative environmental and public health impacts for the communities.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Local Government and his “Country” faction to support the National Party in calling for:
· immediate restoration of funding to country water and sewerage programs;
· an exemption for these communities from septic tank inspection fees until such time as sewerage is implemented; and
· payments by the State Government to relevant local governments to compensate for any forgone revenue resulting from such exemptions.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
228 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its inconsistent and illogical implementation of the cash-back scheme for tolls on the M4 and M5 motorways.
(2) Notes that the cash-back scheme, in applying to motorists’ privately registered vehicles and vehicles of registered charities, discriminates against voluntary charitable organisations operating under the auspices of local government, such as Community Transport, care of Mudgee Shire Council, who are, by virtue of their local government affiliation, excluded from the cash-back scheme.
(3) Notes that by excluding such charitable organisations from the cash-back scheme reduces the organisations’ ability to service the needs of the disadvantaged and the community.
(4) Urges the Government to amend the qualifying criteria of the cash-back scheme to include genuine charitable community organisations existing under the auspices of local government.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
229 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the important historical role that horses have played in the discovery, pioneering, settlement and defence of New South Wales.
(2) Notes the vital roles that the horse continues to play in agriculture, policing, sport and recreation in this state.
(3) Calls on the Government to formally acknowledge these contributions as being of high cultural, social and economic significance.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
230 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the great work done in the past 30 years by the Meat Industry Authority in supplying safe high quality meat to NSW consumers.
(2) Notes the concerns raised by the Meat Industry Consultative Council in relation to their loss of confidence in the CEO of SafeFood and in the Chairman of the Meat Industry Consultative Council and the Minister’s lack of interest in responding to their concerns.
(3) Notes that Safe Food Meat Division is of vital importance to the NSW Meat Industry and the confidence of consumers.
(4) Notes the Minister’s reaction by sacking the Meat Industry Consultative Council which has placed the Meat Industry in NSW in severe turmoil.
(5) Calls on the Minister to admit that SafeFood Meat Division is a waste of taxpayer money.
(6) Calls on the Minister to admit to the House that he sacked the wrong people.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
231 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that this week is Dementia Awareness Week.
(2) Recognises that one in fifteen Australians over the age of 65 will develop the disease and there is no known cure.
(3) Recognises the work of the Alzheimer’s Association and all those in the community who care for people living with Dementia.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Ageing to:
(a) fully support the work of all community organisations and individuals working to care for those with Dementia; and
(b) provide additional funding to support regional workers of the Alzheimer’s Association to deliver much needed services to the regions of NSW.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
232 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The dumping of around a hundred thousand tyres on a leased private property in the Great Lakes Council area at Coolongolook.
(2) The lack of any evidence that these tyres are being recycled in any way.
(3) The fire hazard these tyres present to life and property in the area.
(4) That Great Lakes Council never issued a DA and are now saddled with an intractable waste and fire hazard problem caused by the EPA’s failure to check whether a DA had been issued.
(5) Condemns the Minister for the Environment for letting the EPA issue a license to a person to dump the tyres and failing to check if the applicant has received development approval for the dumping of the tyres.
(Notice given 14 November 2000)
233 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the answer given by Mr Yeadon in response to Question 663 in the Legislative Council in which he advised that Government funding has been provided to the CFMEU Forest and Forest Products Division.
(2) Notes the CFMEU’s Committee of Management notations in its audited financial report for the year ending 31 December 1999 of unauthorised expenditure of $43,137 by the previous secretary, Gavin Hillier.
(3) Calls on the Minister to have police investigate whether the unauthorised expenditure noted in the CFMEU’s report included monies provided by the Government.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
234 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that contract poultry meat growing is a significant industry in rural and regional NSW, particularly in areas such as the Central Coast, the Hunter Valley, the North Coast, the Tamworth region and the Sydney basin.
(2) Notes that the Government is currently considering the deregulation of the contract poultry meat growing industry.
(3) Expresses its concern that the Government has conducted no serious analysis of issues relating to the poultry meat industry, including access and equity considerations, social welfare or investment growth.
(4) Notes that watering down the Poultry Meat Act 1986, particularly the ability of contract growers to negotiate collectively with processors, will potentially impact heavily on contract growing communities.
(5) Calls on the Government to conduct a rural community impact statement before any decision is taken on deregulating NSW’s contract poultry meat growing industry.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
235 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House pursuant to Standing Order 365 requires the Member for Kogarah to be examined on her knowledge of what took place in the office of the Member for Fairfield on the night of 14/15 September 2000.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
236 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House condemns the Minister for Health for his disinterest in patients waiting for eye surgery at Manly Hospital, noting that:
(1) The NSW Health Website shows that patients who had eye surgery at Manly Hospital last month had, on average, waited for 14.65 months for their surgery.
(2) There are currently 212 patients waiting for Ophthalmology surgery at Manly, 42 of them having waited more than a year, compared with 153 patients on the list, 18 months ago.
(3) The blowout in waiting lists and the increased waiting times is caused by restricted access to operating theatres; and
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to provide additional resources so that theatres can be opened and patients treated.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
237 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The distressing revelation that human organs and tissue have been retained by NSW Health Department hospitals without consent.
(2) The experiences of many families who have suffered years of distress after such an event, sometimes as a result of lack of information as to what “consent” to organ donation means in practical reality.
(3) The fine lines that exist between the removal of organs in association with coronial investigations and the removal of organs as a result of donor consent.
(4) The need for informed consent on proposed forms and the detailing of specific organs allowed for in that consent.
(5) Acknowledges the excellent work being undertaken by members of the National Organ Donor Registry Sub committee in the Federal Health Minister’s department.
(6) And calls on the State Health Minister to explain exactly how the information raised by the Health Minister came to light in respect of unauthorised taking of organs in NSW health facilities.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
238 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns this Government for issuing several confusing and conflicting papers all relating to water management to the citizens of the Sydney Catchment Area simultaneously.
(2) Notes the community outrage that has resulted from the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning’s draft Regional Environment Plan which has also been inflicted on the Sydney Catchment Area.
(3) Notes the concerns expressed by residents, industry leaders, local government representatives, workers and farmers at local meetings in the 16,000 sq km zone, held to discuss the Regional Environment Plan.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Regional Development to explain his plans for regional development especially industry development in the Sydney Catchment Area; and
(5) Recognises and acknowledges the “sustaining the catchments for landholders” action groups which have been formed at Marulan and Tarago as a result of the proposed R.E.P.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
239 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government’s implementation of new parking charges at Royal North Shore Hospital which provides specialised services for public patients resident on the Northern Beaches.
(2) Condemns the Government for imposing parking charges on the most vulnerable including pensioners, veterans, people with disabilities, people receiving dialysis, people receiving cancer treatment and people receiving a range of other public hospital services.
(3) Notes that people with State Government issued disability parking passes who are entitled to free long term parking on public streets and other Government owned land are being victimised by being forced to pay parking charges for simply seeking medical treatment from this public hospital.
(4) Notes that the public parking charges will increase for every hour that the patients are delayed waiting for treatment from the under-resourced Royal North Shore Hospital.
(5) Calls on the Government to direct the removal of these iniquitous parking charges.
(Notice given 15 November 2000)
240 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Interim Report by Professor A.W. English on the cull of feral horses in Guy Fawkes National Parl.
(2) Notes that Professor English only examined a total of 39 horse carcasses in his field investigation which was done in conjunction with NPWS staff.
(3) Notes that a local veterinarian only examined 67 horse carcasses.
(4) Notes the discrepancy in numbers of brumbies slaughtered between Professor English’s report, the RSPCA report and the NPWS published figures.
(5) Calls on the Minister to instigate a complete and thorough investigation of all carcasses, all circumstances related to the culling and make public all evidence and submissions of the current inquiry and any subsequent inquiries.
(6) Calls on the Minister to ask Professor English to define “shooting in a humane way” as mentioned in his interim report when he makes his final report.
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
241 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the NSW Treasurer, on 15 November 2000, confirmed the Government will lend the Grains Board up to $13 million to pay barley growers their 1999/2000 entitlement, which will be repaid from a $1.50 per tonne levy on growers of grain.
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately guarantee this is not a precedent to set further levies on grain growers to cover the Grains Board debt of up to $70 million.
(3) Calls on the Government to immediately disclose the fixed administration fee and all other costs charged to NSW pool participants by GrainCo.
(4) Calls on the Government to accept its responsibility for the NSW Grains Board.
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
242 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Health for his disinterest in patients waiting for elective surgery in Hunter Hospitals, noting that:
(a) The number of people waiting more than 12 months for orthopaedic surgery at Royal Newcastle Hospital has blown out from 32 when Craig Knowles was elected Health Minister to 246 people as at 16 November 2000.
(b) At John Hunter Hospital, the number of people waiting more than 12 months for ear, nose, throat surgery has blown out from 4 to 102; and
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to provide additional resources to open additional operating theatres so sick patients can be treated.
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
243 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s promise to the people of Malabar on 26 August 1997 that “Malabar Police Station is not about to close now or in the future and that reports of its closure were “an urban myth”.
(2) Notes the evidence of Deputy Commissioner Jarratt to a Parliamentary Committee on 8 November 2000 that plans to close not only Malabar Police Station but Randwick, Paddington, Redfern, Surry Hills, Mascot and Woolloomooloo as well are proceeding;
(3) Notes that this week, the Premier and his Police Minister have ignored repeated requests to rule out these closures.
(4) Condemns the Premier for lying to his constituents about the closure of Malabar Police Station and condoning moves to close Randwick, Paddington, Redfern, Surry Hills, Mascot and Woolloomooloo Police Stations as well as Malabar.
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
244 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in NSW there are thousands of people with disabilities who cannot access day programs.
(2) Notes that many thousands of people with disabilities are also waiting for supported accommodation.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Community Services, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services to detail to the House reports obtained by her or the Department of Community Services setting out the detail of the level of unmet need for people with disabilities.
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
245 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That the Member for Kogarah be called upon to answer the following questions:
In respect of 14 September 2000:
(1) Why did she enter the member for Fairfield’s room in the first place? Wasn’t it to investigate an audible commotion as claimed by the Young Democrat?
(2) What exactly does the Member for Kogarah mean by saying “nothing untoward was happening”? How does that reconcile the claim by the Young Democrat that the MP forced himself upon her, attempted to tear at her clothing and exposed himself to her?
(3) Why does the Member for Kogarah’s version of events differ so much from the victim’s friend? The victim’s friend says the victim was “distressed and very frightened”. How did the Member for Kogarah not notice this?
(Notice given 16 November 2000)
246 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that according to information recently provided by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission there is only a 1.46 cents per litre difference between the price of fuel in towns that do receive the NSW petroleum product subsidy and those that do not.
(2) Notes that the State subsidy is worth up to 9 cents per litre.
(3) Expresses its concern that the bulk of the State petroleum subsidy is not being received by those residents approaching the Queensland border for whom it was intended.
(4) Calls on the NSW Government to investigate why the bulk of State subsidy intended for North Coast motorists is not being received by them and to take immediate action to remedy the situation.
(Notice given 21 November 2000)
247 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the devastation to property, livestock, crops, roads and loss of rural wages in central and north west NSW caused by heavy rainfall in past weeks.
(2) Notes that the damage and losses in the area is estimated to be in excess of $1000 million.
(3) Notes that the flooding of the McIntyre, Gwydir, Namoi, Barwon, Castlereagh and Macquarie Rivers has only just begun and that it could be weeks before the full extent of the damage will be known.
(4) Calls on the Government to immediately ensure producers will be financially able to access funding for seed, fertiliser and fuel to enable them to plant summer crops once the flood waters recede.
(Notice given 21 November 2000)
248 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the NSW Government provides the lowest level of fuel tax rebate to its motorists, an average 0.8 cents/litre compared to Queensland’s 8 cents/litre.
(2) Notes that this rebate is paid to fuel companies in respect of the zone between Nambucca Heads and Tweed Heads under the Petroleum Products Subsidy Scheme (PPSS).
(3) Notes the call by North Coast National Party MPs in August 2000 for the Government to review the operation of that scheme following an Automobile Association report which concluded that motorists were not receiving the full subsidy.
(4) Notes advice received from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission dated 31 October 2000 which indicates that the average reduction in bowser prices in towns receiving the PPSS is more than four cents/litre less than the average subsidy.
(5) Calls on the Government to urgently establish an inquiry into the operation of the PPSS to ensure that North Coast motorists receive the full fuel subsidy.
(Notice given 21 November 2000)
249 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in 1998, the Police Service investigated an internal police complaint concerning possible police involvement in the ownership of the Heartbreak Hotel Cabramatta, now known as the Stardust Hotel.
(2) Notes that after interviewing Superintendent Care, his partner Clare Haig, licensee Gordon Clark Campbell and Ross Julian Visalli, the internal investigation gleaned no evidence relative to unlawful or improper conduct relating to Superintendent Care in the conduct of the Hotel.
(3) Notes that the internal police complainant, a police officer carrying out enforcement of licensing laws in NSW, was apparently not interviewed during the internal investigation.
(4) Notes that in a subsequent Police Integrity Commission Inquiry, which did interview the police complainant, the Commission recommended consideration be given to the prosecution of Superintendent Care for a criminal offence under the Liquor Act.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Police to explain why those conducting the internal investigation apparently did not interview the police complainant and why the Commanders of Internal Affairs and Crime Agencies apparently did not insist the complainant be interviewed.
(Notice given 21 November 2000)
250 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House calls on the Premier to:
(1) Show leadership in respect of the allegations concerning the Member for Fairfield.
(2) End the farcical and costly exercise of no fewer than 5 separate inquiries presently underway.
(3) Establish a single public inquiry to determine what happened concerning the Member for Fairfield on the night of the 14/15 September and how the matter was handled by Mr Speaker and the police.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
251 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes comments by the Member for Cessnock in this House on Thursday 16 November 2000, confirming that Country Labor is a gimmick.
(2) Notes correspondence by Country Labor Convenor, Tony Kelly MLC, dated 31 May 2000, that Country Labor Members are “first and foremost members of the ALP”.
(3) Notes Mr Kelly’s fears in this correspondence that Country Labor may be turned “into its own autonomous organisation”.
(4) Calls on the Premier to admit that Country Labor is nothing but a gimmick formed to act as apologists for his city-centric government.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
252 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the RTA has continually refused to consult with the Ella James School Road Safety Committee in relation to the road safety situation outside Bulli Public School.
(2) Notes the RTA’s refusal to install a red light camera at the traffic lights on the Princes Highway at Hobart Street outside Bulli Public School, despite repeated calls for it from the school community and despite the fact that cars are continuing to run red lights at that location.
(3) Notes the Minister for Roads and the RTA’s stalling on the promised development of the overhead rail bridge as a safe pedestrian crossing to be used by Bulli Public school students as well as the community.
(4) Requests the Government and the RTA consult with the Ella James School Road Safety Committee, immediately install a red light camera at the traffic lights on the Princes Highway outside the school and expedite the development of the overhead rail bridge.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
253 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the reduction in vehicle inspection services in Cooma.
(2) Notes the strategic location of Cooma centrally in Monaro.
(3) Notes that farmers who have tried to make an appointment in Cooma up to 6 weeks in advance of their registration becoming due have been told to go to Queanbeyan or Bega.
(4) Notes that Monaro farmers can not access the local truck inspection services and must travel over 300 km in a return journey, at considerable cost, to have their vehicles inspected in Queanbeyan.
(5) Notes that the Cooma vehicle inspection building is too small to allow larger trucks to be inspected.
(6) Calls on the Minister for Transport to immediately rectify this appalling situation.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
254 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Government’s discontinuation of the off-road diesel fuel scheme.
(2) Calls on the Government to reinstate the diesel fuel scheme allowing farmers and contractors the benefit of the seven cents which has been lost.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
255 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes the Premier’s comment about the Sydney airport rail link: “the link is a terrific addition to the CityRail network”.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
256 Mr DEBNAM to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the explosion and fire in the EnergyAustralia Paddington substation that left thousands of homes without power.
(2) Notes that EnergyAustralia plans to construct a high voltage substation in Goulburn Lane, Surry Hills in a residential area.
(3) Calls for the Government and EnergyAustralia to fully investigate alternate sites for the proposed substation to minimise the risk to residents and businesses in the local area.
(4) Notes that this week’s fire is the seventh explosion or fire at a substation in the Sydney metropolitan area since May 1999.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Energy to commission an independent safety audit of all substations to examine the location, age and condition of the substations, maintenance schedules, as well as the adequacy of fire suppression equipment and back-up measures.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
257 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes from the Auditor General’s Report Volume Five that the investigation into the tender to Motorola Australia of the Police radio network is still not finalised.
(2) Notes that no action has been taken in relation to the adverse findings against Deputy Commission Jarrett and others.
(3) Notes that the Police Commissioner reappointed Deputy Commissioner Jarrett for five years as his heir apparent not withstanding the findings.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to expedite the investigation and table the results.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
258 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Community Services introduced the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment (Permanency Planning) Bill on 21 June 2000.
(2) Notes the Minister arranged for the bill to be drafted in her office without consulting child care specialists.
(3) Notes the bill was criticised by specialists in child care and protection.
(4) Notes the Minister has since obtained internal Department of Community Services reports critical of the bill.
(5) Calls on the Minister to withdraw the bill.
(Notice given 22 November 2000)
259 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Nambucca Valley Christian Community School, the only non-government school in the area, has been delivering high quality education to the Nambucca District for over ten years.
(2) Notes that the Board of Studies has recommended that the school be de-registered for their policy on student discipline, which is in keeping with the religious beliefs of the parents and teachers.
(3) Condemns the Minister for Education for refusing to meet with representatives of the school to discuss options for it to remain open.
(4) Calls on the Minister to immediately commence discussions with the Board of the Nambucca Valley Christian Community School, with a view to enabling it to continue to provide education in 2001.
(Notice given 23 November 2000)
260 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes the revelation in the Auditor General’s Report released 22 November 2000, that:
(1) Instead of being returned to Treasury’s Consolidated Fund, money borrowed to help pay overdue health bills is now being paid into the newly established Health Service Loan Repayments Account.
(2) Comments by the Auditor General that “this use of section 13A powers represents a significant widening in the nature of moneys no longer required to be paid into the Consolidated Fund.
(3) The Auditor General’s finding that “in effect the spending of these moneys has now been placed outside the Parliamentary appropriation process”.
and Calls on the Government to change this practice so that the use of these funds can be scrutinised through the Parliamentary appropriation process.
(Notice given 23 November 2000)
261 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Queanbeyan hospital has two operating theatres presently only being utilised at 12% of their capacity.
(2) Notes that if the Queanbeyan hospital were upgraded and possibly offered some special procedures in the Capital Region it could earn considerable income for the NSW Government.
(3) Notes that this would reduce the burden on NSW patients who often have to travel to Sydney and take also considerable pressure off the ACT health system.
(4) Calls on the Government to urgently look to upgrading the Queanbeyan hospital to provide these services instead of continuing to spend tens of millions of dollars of NSW taxpayers funds annually in the ACT.
(Notice given 23 November 2000)
262 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that Central Coast woman Helen Driffield was told she would have to wait 2 months for an angiogram at Royal North Shore Hospital even though her doctor said she needed it immediately.
(2) Notes that Mrs Driffield had a heart attack while waiting for the angiogram and was admitted to Gosford Hospital’s emergency department., where once admitted, she waited another seven days until a bed became available for an angiogram at Prince of Wales Hospital.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately provide the necessary resources to our hospitals so that patients such as Mrs Driffield are not forced to wait for life saving procedures.
(Notice given 23 November 2000)
263 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes that:
(1) The location of the speed camera at the foot of the Spit Hill which will do nothing to met the objective of reducing southbound traffic from speeding on the notorious S-bends further up the hill.
(2) There was yet another serious two car collision on the S-bends on 18 November 2000, which left the engine of one car on the other side of the road, and a family of four hospitalised with injuries ranging from a broken collarbone to spinal injuries.
(3) This confirms claims that the inappropriate location of the camera will do nothing to prevent accidents.
(4) Instead of correcting this serious problem the Minister for Roads is now proposing to locate another speed camera on the corner of Central Avenue and Spit Road to detect speeding northbound traffic.
and calls on the Minister for Roads to locate well signposted cameras where they will actually reduce speed and therefore accidents.
(Notice given 24 November 2000)
264 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the very significant impact felt by farmers in this state wishing to carry out pasture improvement due to the implications of the Native Vegetation Act.
(2) Notes the inability of the Government to achieve any real gains in farm productivity due to the various confusing impacts of land and water management act and regulations.
(3) Notes that unless significant reforms are made the impacts on small rural communities, farm employment and viability will have a very detrimental effect on the social fabric of NSW.
(4) Calls on the Government to carry out studies with respect to declining rural populations and farm viability and address the problem.
(Notice given 24 November 2000)
265 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Strongly condemns and opposes any attempt by Police Commissioner Ryan to terminate the independent audit of the Royal Commission reform process.
(2) Calls on Police Commissioner Ryan to abide by his $425,000 per annum performance agreement entered into just prior to the last election to implement “the recommendations of recent Royal Commissions”.
(3) Calls on Commissioner Ryan to abide by Royal Commission recommendation 174 and fully support the Police Integrity Commission in its ongoing independent audit of police reform.
(4) Calls on Police Commissioner Ryan to support oversight of police by the Police Integrity Commission and Ombudsman as recommended by the Royal Commission.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Police to honour his undertaking to Parliament and support the Police Integrity Commission by immediately releasing its independent audit report which he has had for a month.
(Notice given 24 November 2000)
266 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Views with condemnation the decline in regional health service standards to the point where failure to deliver such services is, in many cases, life threatening.
(2) Notes with alarm the case of Mr Reginald Fink, of Wybalena Crescent, Toormina who has had two bowel cancer operations last December, and was advised by a specialist to have an annual colonoscopy, due this December.
(3) Notes with dismay that despite filing his documents with Coffs Harbour Base Hospital admission one year ago, he has now been informed he must wait a least two years for this vital diagnostic test – a test which may be too late for Mr Fink.
(4) Deplores the appalling state of affairs which has deprived Coffs Harbour Base Hospital of essential funding with no hope for any improvement.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
267 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with grave concern the Director of Public Prosecutions’ decision not to appeal the good behaviour bond given to Regnerus Aloyissius Mulder for the very serious assault of two Police Officers.
(2) Notes that as a result of the assaults which occurred in February, one Police Officer is still under the care of specialists for nose and eye injuries whilst the other is still undergoing rehabilitation.
(3) Calls on the Attorney General to exercise his powers under section 5D of the Criminal Appeal Act to appeal this decision.
(4) Calls on the Attorney General to apply to the Court of Criminal Appeal under Section 37 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act for a guideline judgment on penalties for assaults on police.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
268 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Federal Government for its $1.2 billion Roads to Recovery road funding package for rural local roads.
(2) Congratulates the Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson for securing such a tremendous boost to road funding in rural and regional NSW.
(3) Notes that the funding allocations from the Roads to Recovery package will be paid directly to local councils, therefore bypassing the State Government.
(4) Calls on the country members of the State Government to declare their hand as to whether or not they support their Federal Labor Leader’s comments that this funding package was a “boondoggle”.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
269 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for Health’s failure to provide adequate allied health services such as physiotherapy, podiatry, speech therapy and dental care, means that thousands of people are missing out on vital health services.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately provide additional resources for allied health care across NSW.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
270 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government’s lack of action in producing a minimum of a $500M Olympic compensation package for rural NSW despite the Games having been concluded for eight weeks.
(2) Condemns the Government for failing to recognise that over 34% of NSW’s population lives in rural and regional NSW and has a limited opportunity to enjoy the Sydney based Olympic facilities.
(3) Calls on the Government within three months to announce a major upgrading of sports facilities in country towns across NSW to at least match those improved sporting facilities in suburbs such as Bankstown and Campbelltown.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
271 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Premier for misleading this House last week when he said there was currently a coronial inquiry into the murder of Jessica Gallacher following horrific abuse.
(2) Asks the Premier to note that his answer in Parliament last week has exacerbated the grief of Jessica’s family by failing to support the Opposition’s and Jessica’s family’s call for a full coronial inquiry.
(3) Calls on the Government to support the Opposition’s call for a full coronial inquiry into the death of Jessica Gallacher.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
272 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes there have been more than 200 serious accidents or near misses along the Appin Road in recent years and the three fatal accidents in the past year on the road.
(2) Notes the success of the Appin Road Action Group in securing recent urgent upgrade work on the road.
(3) Notes that the promised Appin Road audit is still not publicly available.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Roads to guarantee its urgent release and implementation before Christmas and without delay.
(5) Calls on the Member for Campbelltown to return from overseas to support this motion and represent the people who elected him.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
273 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
(1) The Government recognise that many retailers in country NSW towns have suffered markedly in their spring season.
(2) Many of these retailers have put this loss of income down to their domestic market, on whom they rely, spending disposable income whilst holidaying in Sydney for the Olympics.
(3) Despite the Government’s statement about all retailers and small businesses doing well out of the Olympics this is simply untrue.
(4) Following losses of spring sales coupled with recent agricultural disasters the Government should give retailers and small businesses a break and reduce payroll tax and workers compensation premiums.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
274 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the occurrence on 27 November 2000 of another tragic fatal road accident involving a car and a semi-trailer on the Pacific Highway at Kempsey.
(2) Calls on the Government to fast-track plans for upgrading of the Pacific Highway in the Kempsey district, including a bypass of Kempsey and Frederickton.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
275 Mr BARR to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that a public meeting took place at Balgowlah Boys High School on the evening of 27 November 2000, with over 300 people in attendance.
(2) Notes the three resolutions made by the meeting, namely:
First, “That this meeting wishes that Balgowlah Boys’ High School remain at its present location”
Second, “That the meeting notes the assurances of the Government both by word and in writing, and believe that the decision of the wider community will be honoured and respected”
Third, “That the meeting reaffirms the commitment to boys’ education by Balgowlah Boys High School and therefore asks that there be no disruption to their education through moving the school”.
(3) Calls for the Minister for Education and Training to honour the desire of the community to maintain the current location of Balgowlah Boys High School, consistent with the commitment by the Minister in his New Horizons document.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
276 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House notes:
(1) That on 31 August this year the Member for Myall Lakes in his capacity as Shadow Minister for Roads announced he would visit Fairfield High School to inspect the dangerous school children road crossing.
(2) That immediately preceding that visit, the Minister for Roads, in an effort to avoid bad press, personally delivered a letter to the school community promising to construct a pedestrian overbridge for the school with a time table for construction.
(3) That no work whatsoever has commenced on such overpass nor has any correspondence been received from the RTA as to when work might commence.
(4) The inaction by the Minister for Roads on the construction of the overpass which continues to place students of Fairfield High School in danger.
(5) The comment at the StaySafe Committee Inquiry by a parent of Fairfield High School student who was injured by a motor vehicle, that they couldn’t get any action in the Minister for Roads own area.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
277 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for isolating country people in some major centres because of the lack of accessibility to rail travel with reservation systems.
(2) Calls on the Government to provide all country communities with populations in excess of 6,000 people a TravelLink reservations system.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
278 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Rejects the Minister for Transport’s foreshadowed parking levy for Hornsby.
(2) Calls on the Government to support the Member for Hornsby’s positive plan for the development of airspace over Hornsby Station in order to fund improved parking at Hornsby and Berowra.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
279 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House condemns the Minister for Community Services for:
(1) Failing to publicly acknowledge at any time within the last 5 months the criticism and concern about the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection Amendment Permanency Planning Bill, and for her failure to release the Permanency Planning discussion paper in September as promised; and
(2) Exacerbating the community concern relating to the Permanency Planning Bill, by failing to be open and honest about its flaws.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
280 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for failing to expedite court hearings wherein charges have been laid against a certain individual for over three years alleging the sale of drugs.
(2) Recognises that one such case at Young wherein the defendant is on bail, has now been in process for over three years.
(Notice given 28 November 2000)
281 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the admission of electoral fraud by prominent members of the Queensland and Federal ALP.
(2) Notes this fraud involves the enrolment of phantom voters onto the State and Federal rolls.
(3) Notes claims by Belinda Neal of irregularities in the preselection ballot for Robertson.
(4) Calls on the Premier to assure residents of NSW that the NSW ALP does not carry out the same fraudulent practices as occurs in the Queensland and Federal ALP.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
282 Mr TORBAY to move—
(1) That the Government free up Police Officers from prison escort duties in the New England Local Area Command.
(2) That these escort duties move to Corrective Services staff, as this is the practice in other areas.
(3) That this House call on the Government to identify the Glen Innes Correctional Centre as a remand or holding facility and to proceed with the necessary upgrade.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
283 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the disgraceful way in which NSW Parking Police were told about their future in yesterday’s dictum from the Commissioner.
(2) Notes the failure of the Minister to give “parkers” the courtesy of answers to their genuine questions over the last six months.
(3) Notes the Minister’s refusal to acknowledge the report from the Rocks Local Area Command of 5 October which applauded the Olympic parking police effort and highlighted the benefits of current arrangements.
(4) Condemns the Minister for Police for failing to guarantee that all jobs and entitlements for parking police are secure.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
284 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House commends Chris Bonner for his leadership in public education especially in:
(1) His distinguished service as Principal of Asquith Boys High School, the excellent outcomes from his leadership, and the very high esteem in which he is held by the community.
(2) His role as a leading policy maker and advocate for public education as an executive member of the Secondary Schools Principals Association.
(3) His leadership in the development of sensitive and effective policies in boys education.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
285 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the decision of the Greyhound Racing Authority to revoke the registrations of a number of greyhound racing clubs, including Mudgee, in rural and regional NSW.
(2) Notes that this decision was taken despite the Mudgee Greyhound Racing Club having increased the average number of starters per meeting from 52 in 1998/99 to 57 in 1999/2000 and increased average prize money from the 1998/99 level of $1,386 per race to $1,705 in 1999/2000.
(3) Draws the attention of the House to the damage to the social fabric of Mudgee the decision to deprive the community of regular greyhound racing will have.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Gaming and Racing to recognise the seriousness of this damage to rural communities and requests the Minister to act to protect country greyhound racing.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
286 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes that:
(1) This Chamber has sat only 50 days this year with no Question Times and no divisions on seven of those days.
(2) Government MPs asked 199 “Dorothy Dix” Questions without Notice, Independents asked 21 questions, the Leader of the Opposition 44, the Leader of the National Party 33 and all other 31 Coalition Members had the opportunity to ask only 98 Questions without Notice between them, an average of three questions each Member per year.
(3) (a) There are 304 General Notices of Motions for debate on the agenda, some dating back to September 1999, of which 286 motions have been moved by Coalition Members, 5 by Independent Members and 13 by Government Members.
(b) And that changes to Standing Orders have limited debate so that fewer than 20 General Notices of Motions have been dealt with this year.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
287 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the poor rate of pay offered to front line Social and Community Service workers under the SACs award.
(2) Expresses support for an increase in the SACs award commensurate with the need to attract qualified professional community workers into the front line delivery of services, particularly protecting children from abuse.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Community Services to advise the House what forward planning she has initiated to ensure that her Department appropriately adjusts its funding of non government agencies delivering crucial front line social and community services.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
288 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Applauds the Federal Government for the recently announced Roads to Recovery package.
(2) Notes that approximately $7.5 m will be shared by Monaro councils, with an additional $2.9m for the Bega Valley Shire over the next 4 years.
(3) Calls on the Government to increase its commitment to State regional and rural road funding over the same period.
(4) Calls on the Government to recognise the factors of isolation rural people endure with poor roads and inadequate timber bridges.
(5) Calls on the Government to increase funding for the timber bridge replacement program and to accelerate its implementation.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
289 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That the video showing the deplorable condition of State roads in the Tumut District compiled by the South West Slopes Action Group and personally delivered to the offices of the Premier, Minister for Roads, Minister for Forestry, Minister for Local Government and other Ministers about the condition of State roads in the Tumut District be acted upon and all roads shown in that video have funding provided to them as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 29 November 2000)
290 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The decision of the Government to privatise FreightCorp.
(2) The concern that this decision is contrary to established ALP policy.
(3) The failure of the Government to refer the decision to Conference as was done, for example, with electricity privatisation.
(4) The respect great Labor Leaders like John Curtin gave Conference, such as the referral to Conference in 1943 of conscription.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
291 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The HAREA press release dated 22 November which states that more than six linear accelerators have been shutdown in NSW public hospitals because they are unable to be staffed.
(2) The Union’s press release states that members are “very concerned about media statements by the Minister for Health last week denying that the machines have been closed down”.
(3) That these machines have the potential to treat over 200 cancer patients each day.
(4) The average salary for a level three radiation therapist in NSW is $49,000. In Victoria and SA it is over $55,500 and in the ACT is $58,600; and
(5) Calls on the Minister for Health to take action to ensure that these machines are able to be used so that cancer patients are not forced to wait for life saving treatment.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
292 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in NSW there are an estimated 218,000 people with disabilities from non english speaking backgrounds.
(2) Notes that each of the 218,000 people with disabilities have families many of whom in acting as carers suffer anguish and frustration in accessing disability services because of language and cultural barriers.
(3) Expresses concern that one such Bankstown family has a 20 year old boy with multiple disabilities who since leaving school has been unable to access day option programs inducing such anguish and frustration that his father has threatened to kill the whole family.
(4) Calls on the Government to sufficiently fund initiatives to redress inequities for people with disabilities from a non english speaking background.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
293 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises the assurance given over recent weeks by the Minister for Agriculture of NSW, that canola growers whose product is vested by the State would not be disadvantaged financially in the sale of those vesting rights to the Grain Co of Queensland.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Agriculture to explain why canola growers in Victoria have been receiving up to $20 per tonne and currently $8 a tonne more than NSW growers.
(3) Condemns the Minister and the Government for failing to understand the ramifications of the collapse of the NSW Grains Board and its subsequent affect on the viability of canola growers trapped by the new vesting powers sold to Grain Co of Queensland.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
294 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the closure of hospitals in the GMAHS over the Christmas period particularly the Jerilderie hospital which will be closed from 23 December to the 28 January.
(2) Demands immediate action in addressing the nursing staff shortages which are being blamed for the closure of country hospitals over the Christmas period.
(3) Seeks a commitment from the Minister for Health that the Jerilderie hospital will reopen after Christmas on a 24 hour seven day a week basis.
(4) Asks why the Jerilderie hospital is the only hospital in the state that currently closes on weekends.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
295 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the involvement of the Country Labor faction in systematic electoral fraud in Queensland, including criminal matters in Townsville.
(2) Notes the emergence of yet another guise of the Labor party, “New Labor”, in Queensland.
(3) Notes the impact of these revelations upon the standing of the NSW Country Labor factions.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
296 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Government’s failure to provide adequate funding for mental health services over the last five years, in particular its lack of funding to Non-Government Organisations.
(2) Notes this lack of funding has forced the closure of superb mental health support programs such as the Tomorrow Makers Clubhouse in the electorate of Strathfield which had to close its doors last week because the Health Department withdrew its funding.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately restore funding to the Tomorrow Makers Clubhouse so it can recommence its desperately needed programs.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
297 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that people with disabilities living in group homes continue to suffer high levels of concern as a result of Phase 1 of the Government’s implementation of Snap and Vernon assessments of group home residents as part of the Government’s push to move 41 group homes to the non-government sector.
(2) Calls on the Government to respond forthwith to carers and residents concerns in relation to the Government’s budget driven changes to the operation of group homes.
(Notice given 30 November 2000)
298 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes Police Minister Whelan’s promise that “following the conclusion of the Paralympics Water Police staffing levels at Port Kembla will be maintained at the pre Olympic levels”.
(2) Notes that the Water Police base in Port Kembla continues to be manned in Olympic mode by a light duties officer who does not have a police launch and who is not permitted to respond to any emergency situations.
(3) Calls on the Premier to intervene to ensure the Minister for Police will keep his promise to fully reinstate Water Police staffing and resources in Port Kembla not only for the protection of people on the waterways but in recognition of Port Kembla’s role as a major Australian port.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
299 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the NSW Ambulance Service is in crisis with ambulance officers claiming:
(a) Patients have died while waiting for ambulances which were slow to respond because of problems with the CAD system;
(b) Communication blackspots in the Shoalhaven have led to officers being given instructions to carry their personal mobile phones, for which they get no reimbursement, as back-up;
(c) Dispatch of ambulances are delayed because of requirements to go through a drawn out question and answer session before call centres can get vehicles to emergency calls;
(d) There are problems with the system everyday with jobs being lost in the system. Officers in the call centres are not confident using the CAD system.
(e) Gross understatement of the cost so far of setting up the CAD.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately establish an independent inquiry into the management and practices of the NSW Ambulance Service.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
300 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the tragic level crossing accident at Gerogery in NSW that occurred on Saturday 27 January 2001, claiming 5 young lives.
(2) Extends its deepest and sincerest sympathy to the families and friends of Kyle Wooden, Luke Milne, Cameron Tucker, Ben Wilkins and Graham Kelly.
(3) Calls on all Members of this House to unanimously support the community’s call for a broad-ranging inquiry by Staysafe into:
(a) the current levels of safety at level crossings in NSW;
(b) the existing system within the Department of Transport of monitoring risk assessing and improving level crossings;
(c) driver behaviour as a contributing factor in accidents at level crossings;
(d) motor vehicle design as a contributing factor in accidents at level crossings;
(e) communication technologies which may increase the safety of level crossings;
(f) other related matters.
(4) Urges bipartisan support to bring about purposeful, safer and lasting change to NSW level crossings and roads.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
301 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Government’s intention to introduce a recreational fishing tax on 23 March.
(2) Notes with concern that the cost of collecting this tax could be as high as $20 per $100, compared with the Office of State Revenue benchmark of 56c per $100 and an actual cost of tax collection of just 50c per $100, making it the most inefficient tax in NSW history.
(3) Calls on the Government to abolish this unjust and regressive tax which will unfairly impact on more than two million recreational fishermen and to fund the buyout of commercial fishing licences and the improvement of recreational fishing stocks from consolidated revenue.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
302 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House requires the Minister for Corrective Services to provide a public explanation as to how a criminal escaped for the second time in two months on 26 February 2001 after being left unguarded in an unlocked cell.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
303 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Hastings Co-Operative and the Hastings Valley Organic Dairy Association on today’s launch of their new product, Organic Milk.
(2) Welcomes this positive step, achieved without any Government support, in the wake of the de-regulation of the dairy industry.
(3) Calls upon the Government to fast-track the recommendations of the Dairy Deregulation Impact and Assessment Committee, with a view to providing real assistance to all NSW dairy farmers.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
304 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the decision by the NSW Ambulance Service to reduce from two to one the ambulances on shift after midnight at Wahroonga, Ryde and Naremburn.
(2) Notes that management has instructed officers that these changes will go ahead on 3 March despite the fact that the matter is due to be heard again in the Industrial Relations Commission.
(3) Notes that, just in the last week, there were at least five cases which would have had to be covered by other stations if the new rostering system had been in place.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to stop the new rostering system from going ahead until a full, open and public review of the operation of the NSW Ambulance Service has been undertaken.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
305 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that during the last financial year police in Inverell, Glen Innes, Tenterfield and surrounding areas travelled 91,020 kilometres and spent 2,370 hours ferrying prisoners to corrective services facilities as far away as Grafton.
(2) Notes the Premier’s 1995 election promise repeated in 1999 to make “an additional 150 officers available for police work by replacing those currently doing clerical work or prisoner escorts”.
(3) Calls on the Premier to honour his promise by setting up a prisoner escort network under the control of Corrective Services to transport prisoners in the Northern Tablelands allowing police to get back to police work.
(Notice given 27 February 2001)
306 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the confirmation on 28 February 2001 by the Auditor-General of a one billion dollar increase in state taxes in just one year, with an increase in the surplus of $1.5 billion plus abnormal items, proving the Government is not returning increased taxes to the community.
(2) Calls on the Treasurer to immediately return this revenue to taxpayers by funding desperately needed improvements to schools, hospitals, roads and community safety.
(Notice given 28 February 2001)
307 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes community fears in the Sutherland Shire that the Government is:
(a) Secretly planning to renege on the 1997 agreement with the Sutherland community to take only a limited amount of northern Sydney’s putrescible waste into Lucas Heights in return for which playing fields would be provided.
(b) Holding the people of Sutherland to ransom with the threat of legal options available to the Government if the community does not capitulate.
(c) Moving to increase the tonnage into Lucas Heights by hundreds of thousands of tonnes in return for a paltry $3.2 million pay off.
And notes the Auditor-General’s findings on 28 February 2001 on the failure of the Government to responsibly manage waste in NSW.
(Notice given 28 February 2001)
308 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) That the State Government provide additional road funding for the State Road Network to allow for the completion of works identified in the Maintenance Defects Registers prepared by Councils for the Roads and Traffic Authority.
(2) That such additional money not come from any current or proposed NSW State Government road project or initiative or fund.
(Notice given 28 February 2001)
309 Mr KERR to move—
That this House
(1) Calls upon the Member for Menai to inform her constituents about what she knows of secret Government plans to dump increased volumes of putrescible waste into Lucas Heights.
(2) Calls upon the Member to join with the community in opposing any proposal by her Government to increase the amount of putrescible waste going in Lucas Heights.
(Notice given 28 February 2001)
310 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that delays in treatment for patients waiting for procedures such as colonoscopies and cholycystectomies are of serious concern because the stage of disease at the time of treatment “remains the most significant prognostic factor in patients survival”; and
(2) Condemns the Health Minister for placing at risk the lives of 600 patients of one Coffs Harbour surgeon who has been informed they can expect to wait up to nine years for operations which detect diseases such as cancer.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
311 Mr J. H. TURNER to move—
(1) A committee be established consisting of equal representation by representatives of the Roads and Traffic Authority and the Local Government and Shires Association to review the system of Single Invitation Contracts.
(2) That persons on the committee shall be persons that have actually dealt with the implementation of Single Invitation Contracts.
(3) That such committee shall meet now and until 1 December 2001 to consider the implementation of Single Invitation Contracts.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
312 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The forum on “Sydney’s Population Future” being held at the Sutherland Environment Centre on the weekend of 3 and 4 March 2001;
(2) The eleventh hour cancellation of the Director-General of the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning to attend to speak on community participation in planning metropolitan growth;
(3) The Director-General’s refusal to allow any other DUAP employee to attend the forum; and
(4) The repeated failure of DUAP and the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning to justify their policies of unsustainable overdevelopment.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
313 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for Transport to ensure that the State Transit Authority stop its vendetta against Mr Shane Brooker who has successfully run the Kirribilli Wharf Café for the past 16 years despite numerous attempts by the STA to run him out of business; and
(2) Requires the STA to offer Mr Brooker a commercial lease as has been promised but never provided.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
314 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the massive community rally of over 6000 Pittwater residents to support the retention of Mona Vale Hospital on 18 February 2001;
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to reject the outcome of the so-called “Health Summit” on health facilities on the Northern Beaches; and
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to give an immediate guarantee that Mona Vale Hospital be retained.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
315 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its failure to honour the promise made in 1995 to upgrade the Windsor Road to four lanes during its first term of office;
(2) Notes that the RTA presently receives the sum of $3,200 for road construction in respect of each block of land developed in the Rouse Hill/Kellyville Release Area.
(3) Notes that the Rouse Hill/Kellyville area will have 80,000 residences (a city the size of Canberra) yielding the RTA an amount in excess of $200 million for road construction.
(4) Notes that 33,577 vehicles pass over the RTA counter on a single lane section of the Windsor Road at Rouse Hill compared to 34,691 over a six lane stretch of the Great Western Highway at Wentworthville.
(5) Notes that the proposals by the Government to upgrade Windsor Road over the next 10 years will result in only one third of the road being upgraded to dual carriageway, with the remaining 20kms continuing to be single lane.
(6) Calls on the Minister for Roads to take immediate action to upgrade the Windsor Road to four lanes.
(Notice given 1 March 2001)
316 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the NSW banana industry is worth $45 million a year to the economy and employs 3,000 people.
(2) Condemns the NSW Labor Party and particularly the Members for Tweed and Clarence for condoning the acceptance of a $25,000 donation from a Philippines Government owned banana export company.
(3) Objects to NSW Country Labor attempting to score political points on the issue of Filipino banana imports while accepting large cash donations from a company which aims to facilitate Filipino banana imports into Australia.
(4) Calls on the NSW Labor Party to immediately repay the $25,000 and for the Members for Tweed and Clarence to publicly apologise to North Coast banana growers.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
317 Mr LYNCH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Leader of the Opposition said on Terry Willesee’s 2GB Morning program on 15 January that she would produce a health policy within a month.
(2) Notes that she has now exceeded that deadline by 19 days.
(3) Calls on her to immediately release the policy.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
318 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes it is now 2222 days since the Government promised to upgrade Windsor Road.
(2) Notes that thousands of motorists in North Western Sydney continue to face delays each day waiting in traffic gridlock for this long overdue and necessary upgrade.
(3) Notes that the Government has failed to honour its promise to the people of Sydney.
(4) Calls upon the Premier to immediately fast track the upgrade of Windsor Road.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
319 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Energy to immediately instruct NorthPower to take urgent action to provide a reliable power supply to the people of Tenterfield and district.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
320 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Expresses concern at the continued wild dog attacks on stock in the Burra Valley and Tumbarumba areas.
(2) Acknowledges farmers’ increasing frustration and disappointment with the Government and its agency’s ability to address the wild dog situation.
(3) Acknowledges that farmers are being forced to de-stock because of marauding dogs attacking stock.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Forestry to demand a report on the effectiveness of measures implemented in past months, to review the program and increase its resources for the control of wild dogs.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
321 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the state of the Nambucca Heads Fire Station, in which Occupational Health and Safety standards are not being met, the urgent nature of which was raised with the Minister in 1998.
(2) Notes the Minister’s responses in 1999 and 2000 that “the construction of a new fire station for Nambucca Heads will be considered for prioritisation within the next program which will run from 2000/01 to 2002/03” and assurance that the project has not been placed on the back burner.
(3) Notes the Minister’s response to representations in 2001 that “At this stage the Brigades anticipate funding for Nambucca in the 2003/04 allocation”.
(4) Calls on the Government to fast track this much needed facility and meet its employer obligations at Nambucca Heads.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
322 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government for its proposed withdrawal of funds to peak groups who engage in policy and systemic advice to government.
(2) Notes that peak groups including ACWA, NCOSS, Physical Disability Council of NSW and the Council for Intellectual Disability along with many other peak groups are opposed to withdrawal of funds.
(3) Notes the Opposition’s support for increased funds for individual advocacy but not at the expense of the funding otherwise given to peak groups involved in systemic and policy matters.
(4) Calls on the Premier to direct the Minister for Community Services, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services and Minister for Women to guarantee funding for such recognised peak groups.
(Notice given 6 March 2001)
323 Mr LYNCH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Leader of the Opposition said on Terry Willesee’s 2GB Morning program on 15 January that she would produce a health policy within a month.
(2) Notes that she has now exceeded that deadline by 20 days.
(3) Calls on her to immediately release the policy.
(Notice given 7 March 2001)
324 Mr D.L. PAGE to move—
That this House condemns the Government for information contained in Departmental memoranda from the Department of Public Works and Services to the DLWC identifying the following problems caused by funding cuts to the Country Town Water and Sewerage Scheme:
(1) Inability of some Councils to meet Pollution Reduction Requirements imposed by the EPA.
(2) Inability to proceed with tenders because the NSW Government Code of tendering precludes the calling of tenders unless sufficient funds are available.
(3) Inability to complete some 60 projects in the north coast region alone because there is insufficient funding this financial year.
(4) Inability to upgrade the spillways of the Clarrie Hall Dam despite its high hazard rating by the Dam Safety Committee, thereby prolonging the risk to the dam and the local community.
(5) The loss of momentum of septic tank replacement by sewerage systems causing loss of skilling within the community consultation process and projected additional costs involving $400,000 on the Iluka project alone.
(6) The additional burden being placed on Councils by the Government’s refusal to properly fund these proposals.
(Notice given 7 March 2001)
325 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in releasing his report into the Ambulance Service of NSW, the Auditor General today said he had never brought down a report with so many “adverse findings” and that poor management of the service had contributed to its problems.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to accept his personal responsibility for long-standing problems identified over many years.
(3) Requires the Minister for Health to adopt recommendations made by the Auditor General and to provide an interim report on implementation and outcomes, to the Parliament in six months and annually thereafter.
(Notice given 7 March 2001)
326 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes it is now 2223 days since the Government promised to upgrade Windsor Road.
(2) Notes that thousands of motorists in North Western Sydney continue to face delays each day waiting in traffic gridlock for this long overdue and necessary upgrade.
(3) Notes that the Government has failed to honour its promise to the people of Sydney.
(4) Calls upon the Premier to immediately fast track the upgrade of Windsor Road.
(Notice given 7 March 2001)
327 Mr LYNCH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Leader of the Opposition said on Terry Willesee’s 2GB Morning program on 15 January that she would produce a health policy within a month.
(2) Notes that she has now exceeded that deadline by 21 days.
(3) Calls on her to immediately release the policy.
(Notice given 8 March 2001)
328 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes it is now 2224 days since the Government promised to upgrade Windsor Road.
(2) Notes that thousands of motorists in North Western Sydney continue to face delays each day waiting in traffic gridlock for this long overdue and necessary upgrade.
(3) Notes that the Government has failed to honour its promise to the people of Sydney.
(4) Calls upon the Premier to immediately fast track the upgrade of Windsor Road.
(Notice given 8 March 2001)
329 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House notes that:
(1) Until recently the roles of generalist counsellor and sexual assault counsellor were covered in one full-time position at Tumut Community Health.
(2) The community of Tumut is outraged by the Greater Murray Area Health Service’s decision to relocate Tumut’s Sexual Assault Counsellor position to Wagga Wagga, 100km away.
(3) There was total lack of community consultation by the Government in regard to the changes in service delivery.
(4) This Government has further withdrawn service from a rural community in favour of an urban area, meaning even less equity for basic health services in rural areas, antagonising the city/country divide, disenfranchising health services from rural communities, and calls on the Government to fund and fill a sexual assault counsellor position in Tumut.
(Notice given 8 March 2001)
330 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government and the Minister for Agriculture for their failure to protect the NSW Cattle Industry from cattle ticks.
(2) Notes the Minister has totally ignored the advice to producers by representatives of NSW Agriculture at a public meeting in Casino late last year, that producers would not be charged for the Tickiscide.
(3) Notes that the Minister, by ignoring his own Department’s advice, has forced the control of ticks underground leaving the State susceptible to general tick outbreaks.
(4) Condemns the Minister for having no confidence whatsoever in the producer members of the Board of Tick Control.
(5) Notes that many stockowners now find themselves with tick infestation as a direct result of NSW Agriculture’s advice to stockowners not to treat their stock.
(6) Calls on the Minister to now pick up the tab for costs incurred by producers for eradication.
(7) Calls on the Minister to give an unequivocal guarantee that there will be no escalation of cattle ticks in NSW as a result of his latest tick management policy.
(Notice given 8 March 2001)
331 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House:
(1) Commemorates the 206th anniversary of the death of Francis Marion, a hero of the American War of Independence on 26 February last.
(2) Acknowledges that Francis Marion was, due to his bravery, his skilful tactics and his determination to overthrow the government of the day, known to his many admirers as the “Swamp Fox”.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
332 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the plight of the hundreds of Tweed residents who are being forced to wait more than 12 months for surgery, including:
· 82 year old Mr George Craig who has been told he will have to wait 14 months for a hernia operation, and two years for a knee replacement;
· Mr H.A. Cossey who has been waiting since November 1999 for a knee replacement;
· 79 year old Mrs Lola Ladmore who has been waiting for a knee replacement since August 1999 and has been told the wait will be around two years.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to provide sufficient funding for Tweed Valley hospitals to treat all patients who have been waiting an unacceptable length of time for surgery and at the same time reduce the waiting list which now stands at 1,846 people.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
333 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Minister for Agriculture in his efforts to keep fire ants out of New South Wales.
(2) Condemns the Minister for Agriculture for not having the same attitude in keeping cattle ticks in Queensland.
(3) Notes that contrary to the Minister and his Department’s advice, producers in the tick quarantine area do protect the New South Wales cattle industry from any further escalation or outbreak of cattle ticks.
(4) Calls on the Minister to immediately reverse his decision to charge producers for tickicide in the control of ticks.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
334 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) the concerns of the people of Moss Vale and surrounding areas that crime has increased, and people and businesses feel less secure;
(b) despite this Government’s promises before 1995, the Moss Vale police station is not manned full-time;
(c) nearly 1000 people have signed a petition to the Minister for Police calling for increased policing levels at Moss Vale police station and greater police presence in the area; and
(2) Calls on the Minister for Police to guarantee that additional police resources will be provided to Moss Vale.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
335 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the State and National significance of the discovery of Port Macquarie’s Old Government House site, built in 1821.
(2) Acknowledges Old Government House as the oldest building in the third oldest settlement in Australia.
(3) Acknowledges the heritage value of Port Macquarie with sites such as Old Government House, the Major Innes Ruins, the old Courthouse, and the Douglas Vale historic vineyard all being important contributors to the future direction of the town’s planning.
(4) Asks the Premier and Deputy Premier to undertake all in their power to protect the heritage value of Port Macquarie, including doing all in their power to protect and enhance the recently discovered Old Government House site.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
336 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that public comment on the Western Lands Review Final Report closed in July 2000.
(2) Notes that residents of the Western Division have been living in a state of insecurity as a result of the Western Lands Review for over two years.
(3) Notes with concern that the Government has not officially responded to the recommendations included in the Final Report of the Western Lands Review.
(4) Calls on the Government to immediately expedite the conclusion of the Western Lands Review to return stability to the Western Division of New South Wales.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
337 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that a meeting held in Cooma on the 13th March passed a vote of no confidence in the Ministers for the Environment, Agriculture, Land and Water Conservation and Forestry and their respective Departmental heads in their management of crown lands in New South Wales.
(2) Notes that the meeting is seeking an inquiry by the State Parliament into the Nationals Parks and Wildlife Service’s management of noxious animals and weed control.
(3) Calls on the Director of Agriculture and the Director of the NPWS to reintroduce aerial baiting for wild dog control where it has been carried out previously in National Parks and State forests.
(4) Acknowledges that effective wild dog control in the South East Forests, Victoria and on the Northern Tablelands has proven to have a significantly beneficial effect on preserving native fauna.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
338 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes massive fish kills which occurred on the Macleay River during the February and March 2001 floods.
(2) Notes the response of the Minister for Fisheries in closing the Macleay River and nearby beaches to all fishing for at least three months, without consulting with all affected parties.
(3) Notes the impact this decision will have on the livelihoods of the district’s commercial fishermen, with the loss of their major source of income during the annual mullet run in April/May.
(4) Calls upon the Government to provide special assistance measures, other than loans, to assist the Macleay District’s professional fishermen with the loss of their major income stream.
(5) Calls upon the Government to work co-operatively with landholders to address the known problems which have regularly led to fish kills taking place on the Macleay.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
339 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the cost of rebuilding the Conservatorium of Music on its existing site has blown out from $69 million to $145 million.
(2) Notes that the Minister for Public Works and Services has attributed much of this increased cost to the $45 million being spent on the Conservatorium Heritage Precinct.
(3) Notes that the Heritage Precinct is being constructed to preserve 10,000 artefacts from the early 19th Century, including buttons, pottery shards, tea cups, condiments, horse’s reins, ink bottles and clay smoking pipes.
(4) Notes that the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority has in its collection one million items of a very similar nature, and that these items were recently valued at $191,000 in toto.
(5) Expresses its concern that, by simple mathematics, the 10,000 artefacts dug up on the Conservatorium site may be worth less than $2000; and
(6) Calls on the Premier and the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning to have these items valued and to justify the expenditure of $45 million of taxpayers’ money on the preservation of artefacts worth as little as $1900.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
340 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that on 21st March 2001 the Premier publicly announced that random drug testing was occurring within the Police Service.
(2) Notes that no random drug testing of Police has occurred.
(3) Notes that one of the earliest and most important recommendations of the Wood Royal Commission in its Immediate Measures report of November 1996 was the introduction of random drug testing of Police; and
(4) Condemns the Premier for misleading the public and for failing to implement this key Royal Commission recommendation.
(Notice given 27 March 2001)
341 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes the Government’s latest betrayal of western Sydney rail commuters through its decision to back away from the construction of a Parramatta Chatswood rail link by 2006.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
342 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Coalition recognises the unique environmental and cultural heritage of Callan Park, its provision of vital open space to the people of the inner west and the provision of essential mental health and drug and alcohol services to the community;
(2) Notes the Coalition’s opposition to the sale of public land for housing at Callan Park;
(3) Condemns the Minister for Small Business and Tourism, the Member for Port Jackson, for failing to support her local community in its efforts to save Callan Park; and
(4) Calls on the Minister for Small Business and Tourism to immediately state her position in relation to the Government’s plan to sell part of Callan Park for residential subdivision.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
343 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Police for not acting on an urgent report entitled “Accommodation Options Study” by the Gale Planning Group dated 19 June 2000 relating to accommodation proposals for Wagga Wagga Police Service, which report Commissioner Ryan said on 14 August 2000 “was on the Minister’s desk marked ‘urgent’ and a discussion should not be far off’.”
(2) Highlights accommodation proposals for Gurwood Street put forward by Wagga Wagga City Council and offered exclusively to the Police Department, which premises have now been placed on the open market because of inaction by the Minister.
(3) Commends the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner for their commitment to better accommodation for Wagga Wagga police men and women in initiating the Gale Options Study.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to finally act and commence negotiations with Wagga Wagga City Council in discussing accommodation proposals.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
344 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House calls on the Government to respond immediately to the report of the Namoi Groundwater Taskforce, which was delivered to them in November last year, and to end the grave uncertainty that is being experienced by groundwater users in the Namoi Valley.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
345 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the outbreak of foot and mouth disease has already cost the English economy an estimated 180 million pounds sterling in cost to agriculture and 700 million pounds sterling in cost to England’s tourism industry;
(2) Calls upon the Government to recognise the potential damage that an outbreak of foot and mouth disease could cause to the New South Wales economy and calls on the Government to form a Ministerial pre-emptive strike committee, comprising the Ministers for Agriculture, Emergency Services, Health, Regional Development and Tourism; and
(3) That this Committee prepare a program in the event of an outbreak of foot and mouth in New South Wales that would see an instant addressing of the problem and prevent the decimation of our regional and state economy.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
346 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Commends the Government for its announcement to upgrade the Windsor Road to four lanes.
(2) Acknowledges the committed efforts to bring this about of local community representatives, including the Rouse Hill Kellyville Progress Association inc, Alan Jones of Radio 2UE, the Sunday Telegraph and regional papers, The Hills Shire Times and Hills News, and Hawkesbury Press.
(3) Notes the role of the Leader of the Opposition, the Members for Hawkesbury, The Hills and Baulkham Hills, in presenting items in this House for the upgrade of the Windsor Road.
(4) Notes that the Opposition and the community representatives will monitor the progress of the roadworks.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
347 Mr BARR to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the spate of incidents involving Manly Ferries, Jetcats and Supercats;
(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to immediately rectify the transport chaos caused by ferry failures, and to ensure that the current inadequate arrangements for bus transport of ferry passengers are urgently improved;
(3) In light of concerns about the design of the Supercat, and this morning’s incident where a Supercat was damaged in moderate seas, calls upon the Minister to put on hold the sale of the Jetcats until the viability of the Supercats has been proven;
(4) Calls upon the Minister to extend the terms of the recently announced inquiry into safety and crewing issues to include the viability of the Supercats.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
348 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s recent announcement regarding greater police powers, tougher penalties, compulsory rehabilitation of offenders, more detoxification programs and higher funding for early intervention and education, in relation to the drug problem at Cabramatta.
(2) Calls on the Premier to address the mixed messages sent by his Government’s support for the heroin shooting gallery to be established at Kings Cross, and to withdraw such support.
(3) Calls on the Premier to extend the measures announced for Cabramatta to regional centres in which drugs are also problematic.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
349 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the National Parks and Wildlife Service to draw up emergency feral pig eradication plans for immediate implementation in the event that Foot and Mouth Disease is discovered in Australia.
(2) Calls on the Minister to liaise with his State and Territory counterparts to ensure that there is consistency with these plans.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
350 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Health has been considering the future of Collaroy Hospital site for a period of approximately one year.
(2) Calls on the Minister to draw those deliberations to a conclusion and to support future use of this site for people with disabilities.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
351 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House calls on the New South Wales Government to hold a full inquiry into the shooting of Mr James Hallinan which occurred at Adjungbilly at 6.14pm on Saturday 24 February 2001 and that the results of that inquiry be made public.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
352 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that Warringah Road and Beacon Hill Road, Brookvale, have been the sites of fatal road crashes in the last year involving the death of a one year old baby and a 21 year old woman.
(2) Notes that the Minister obliged the community with inspections of these sites by Roads and Traffic Authority officials and a representative of his own staff.
(3) Calls on the Minister to direct that the RTA undertake rectification and upgrading of both roads to minimise the likelihood of such events occurring again.
(Notice given 28 March 2001)
353 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Deplores the Government’s decision to close the Chatswood district office of the Department of Juvenile Justice.
(2) Notes that staff/client ratios at Chatswood are 1:10 compared to 1:8 at Surry Hills, indicating the need for an office in the region.
(3) Calls upon the Government to immediately reverse the decision to close the office.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
354 Mr R. H. L. SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Local Government’s extension of administration in Bega Valley Shire Council to February 2002 contravenes two of the four recommendations of the Public Inquiry.
(2) Notes that Recommendation No 2 of the Inquiry recommended “that an independent Administrator be appointed until 30 June 2001”.
(3) Notes that Recommendation No 3 of the Inquiry recommended “that the Minister consult with the Electoral Commissioner and determine a date for a fresh election in the second quarter of 2001 in order that a new Council is elected and in place prior to 30 June 2001”.
(4) Notes that there is a petition circulating within the Shire, part of which has already been tabled in Parliament, opposing the extension.
(5) Calls upon the Minister to uphold the recommendation of Commissioner Rogers, and return an elected council to the residents of Bega Valley Shire.
(6) Further calls upon the Minister to ensure that an election for a democratically elected Bega Valley Shire Council be held prior to June 2001 with the appointment of successful Councillors to take effect on and from 1 July 2001.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
355 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House calls on the Government to adopt the Opposition’s two hospital policy for the Northern Beaches.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
356 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
(1) That this House acknowledges the contribution made in the past thirty one years to education by the Warialda High School.
(2) That this House opposes any moves to transfer the senior part of Warialda High School to Inverell which will cause losses both economically and socially to the town of Warialda.
(3) That this House notes the threatened transfer of this school will make it impossible for high school pupils form Bingara, Collatai and Graves end to attend high school due to the distances involved.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
357 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government on its failure to proceed with the Parramatta to Chatswood Rail Link.
(2) Notes that the project was described by the Minister for Transport as the greatest rail project in more than 100 years and will make Parramatta a major hub in the Sydney transport network.
(3) Notes the publication Link-Up distributed last month to householders in the Parramatta/Carlingford area called “Keeping on Track”.
(4) Notes the newsletter states that the Parramatta Rail Link will provide positive long term environmental employment and sound benefits by providing better public transport access.
(5) Notes the adverse effects of the Government’s failure to build the Parramatta to Chatswood Rail Link will have on Western Sydney residents and businesses and the future of the Epping to Castle Hill line.
(6) Calls upon the Government to honour its commitment to build the Parramatta to Chatswood Rail Link without further delay.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
358 Mr O’FARRELL to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The 100th anniversary of the National Australasian Federation Convention held in this Chamber between 2 March and 9 April 1891.
(2) The significance of that Convention in the subsequent decision of the Australian colonies to join the Federation of Australia.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
359 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Commonwealth Government for its commitment announced today to the development of Multi-purpose Services for 27 towns in rural New South Wales over the next few years, including Barraba, Bingara, Blayney, Boorowa, Bourke, Gulargambone, Guyra, Hay, Junee, Kyogle, Walcha and Warialda.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to ensure that New South Wales follows suit and funds its share of health and aged care services in New South Wales following the Sinclair Report into rural New South Wales Health Services.
(Notice given 29 March 2001)
360 Mr GAUDRY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the opening by the Deputy Premier of Stage I of the Linwood Residential suburb on Throsby Creek.
(2) Congratulates the Honeysuckle Development Corporation on this further step in the revitalisation of inner city Newcastle.
(3) Remembers and celebrates the foresight of the former Deputy Prime Minister Brian Howe for his instigation of the Building Better Cities Program.
(4) Notes the contribution of this program to the success of the Honeysuckle Development.
(5) Condemns the Federal Government for cutting this successful program for revitalising our cities.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
361 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Premier to explain to the people of Lismore electorate how his Government’s post Olympic job plan is helping them when he is moving 24 jobs out of Lismore.
(2) Demands that the Premier intervene to ensure that these 24 jobs from the Regional Office of the Department of Sport and Recreation and NSW Agriculture Chemical Residue laboratory be retained in Lismore.
(3) Condemns the Government for withdrawing $2 million directly out of the Lismore economy and $10 million indirectly as the result of the flow-on effects.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
362 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that there is considerable local concern in the Tumut District that the position of Beef Cattle Officer in the NSW Agriculture Tumut Office is to be moved 100 km away to Wagga Wagga when the current officer retires.
(2) Calls on the NSW Minister for Agriculture to give a commitment that a Beef Cattle Officer position will be retained in Tumut.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
363 Mr ASHTON to move—
(1) Congratulates the Minister for the Environment on his announcement of a $1 million improvement program for the Georges River National Park.
(2) Notes that the upgrade and improvements to visitor facilities will include:
· extensive improvements to stormwater systems;
· track upgrades;
· upgrading all sewerage infrastructure;
· building new toilet block facilities at Fitzpatrick Park;
· the redesign of the park entrance and main car park and new information signs.
(3) Acknowledges the continuing commitment to improvement of the Georges River National Park by the Government for the people of Sydney’s southwest.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
364 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the failure of nearly every NSW electricity retailer to meet emission reduction targets.
(2) Notes the failure of the Government to enforce these targets.
(3) Notes the lack of any prompts on Integral and other accounts to encourage customers to nominate a green power choice.
(4) Notes the NSW EPA’s 9 percent increase in energy use and emissions last year.
(5) Condemns the Premier for his hypocrisy and failure on NSW greenhouse performance.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
365 Mr BARTLETT to move—
That this House notes the importance of RAAF Base Williamtown to the Hunter economy.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
366 Mr O’DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the absence of funding for the redevelopment of Hornsby hospital in the Government’s forward capital expenditure and infrastructure program.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to make a commitment to redevelop the hospital and provide a timetable for early funding, with the first allocation in the upcoming budget.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
367 Mr GAUDRY to move—
That this House congratulates the Government and the Minister for Transport for the $50 million project to build fourteen new carriages to serve the passenger rail needs of the people of the Hunter Valley.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
368 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that at the NSW Principals Conference last week there were three motions all expressing concern about the failings of Helpline.
(2) Notes that at a meeting last week the Public Service Association issued an ultimatum, to Minister Lo Po’ and her Director General, to fix Helpline or face industrial action.
(3) Calls on the Minister to acknowledge that everyone except the Minister and her Director General believe Helpline is not working.
(Notice given 3 April 2001)
369 Mrs CHIKAROVSKI to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Government on its decision to close up to nine metropolitan schools without consultation.
(2) Deplores the Minister for Education for his insensitive and uninformed remarks that these schools were “either dead or dying”.
(3) Notes that these schools are successful and are well supported by their local communities, as shown by the 100 parents and citizens who turned up to protest the closure of the Maroubra High School, the 500 people who protested the closure of Hunters Hill, and the more than 1,000 community members who turned up to protest the closure of Marrickville High School.
(4) Calls upon the Minister for Education to immediately reverse this senseless decision, and commit to real consultation with the affected communities, before resorting to his planned firesale of public school sites.
(Notice given 4 April 2001)
370 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Welcomes the Minister for Transport’s announcement of an additional $6 million over three years urgently needed to upgrade level crossings throughout New South Wales.
(2) Commends the action of community members of Wagga Wagga and district including the families and friends of Kyle Wooden, Luke Milne, Ben Wilkins, Cameron Tucker and Graham Kelly for supporting the petition calling for urgent action at level crossings.
(3) Acknowledges the improvements currently being made at Gerogery and the improvements to be made at The Rock on the southern line.
(4) Highlights the urgent need to include the Fernleigh Road Crossing as a priority in the upgrade program.
(5) Acknowledges the Minister for Roads has accepted my proposal to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into safety at level crossings.
(6) Urges the people of New South Wales to support the inquiry with submissions to bring about purposeful change at New South Wales level crossings.
(Notice given 4 April 2001)
371 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that health services on the Far South Coast are in crisis with people being turned away from Bega Hospital because of bed shortages and doctors claiming the wait for joint replacements is up to six years.
(2) Notes the number of people waiting for orthopaedic surgery at Bega Hospital has blownout from zero in March 1999 to 157 people today.
(3) Supports local doctors in their call for extra theatre time to treat patients and an additional orthopaedic surgeon for the region to assist with reducing waiting lists.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately address the funding inequities in the Southern Area Health Service and ensure the Far South Coast receives its fair share of resources.
(Notice given 4 April 2001)
372 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Minister for Community Services has sent a letter to me seeking to ban me from speaking to Department of Community Services officers.
(2) Notes the Director General has written to every DOCs officer in the state purporting to ban them from talking to me.
(3) Condemns the Minister for this action at a time when Helpline is in chaos and DOCs officers are desirous of discussing their concerns with the opposition.
(Notice given 4 April 2001)
373 Mr MILLS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the announcement that the National Australia Bank will close its branch at Cardiff on June 13.
(2) Is concerned that following the closure of the Cardiff Westpac branch in January and the pending absorption of Cardiff Colonial/State branch into the Commonwealth, the number of bank branches in Cardiff to serve personal and business customers has reduced from 5 to 2 within six months.
(3) Deplores the continuing process of the banks disadvantaging local communities.
(4) Calls on the Federal Government to take action to require banks to maintain minimum customer service levels.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
374 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House:
(1) Welcomes the great aircraft carrier “U.S.S. Constellation” to Sydney.
(2) Affirms with pride its support for the A.N.Z.U.S. Alliance.
(3) Condemns those sections of the Australian Labor Party who during the difficult years of the Cold War gave aid and comfort to our Communist enemies.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
375 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes doctors and nurses at the Royal Women’s, Sydney Children’s and Prince of Wales Hospitals have today issued a joint statement which states the recommendations of the recent Review into these three hospitals reach well beyond back-of-house, administrative activities and if implemented would invariably lead to a major deterioration in the services provided by these hospitals to the people of New South Wales.
(2) Joins with the doctors and nurses in calling on the Minister for Health and the New South Wales Government to guarantee to the staff at these hospitals and the people of New South Wales that:
· The Nursing Administration and nursing function of each Hospital Group will be maintained as at present.
· Clinical support units such as operating theatres, intensive care and anaesthetic services would be separately maintained as at present.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
376 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Thanks the Premier for his intervention in discovering and maintaining the status of the NSW Agriculture Chemical Residence Laboratory in Lismore, rescuing 10 jobs which were to be transferred to the Wollongbar site.
(2) Condemns the Minister for Agriculture who, when I brought this matter to the Premier’s attention, described my concerns as being “nothing more than political mischief”.
(3) Notes that despite the Minister’s disparaging remarks, he has now advised that the laboratory will now not be transferred for two years.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
377 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that 1,000 new residents each month are moving into the Rouse Hill/Kellyville release area.
(2) Notes that the Rouse Hill/Kellyville release area when completed will have a population the size of Canberra.
(3) Calls on the Government to confirm its commitment to build the Parramatta to Mungerie Park Rapid Bus Only Transitway to complement the welcome announcement to upgrade the Windsor Road to four lanes.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
378 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Government has abandoned the proposed Epping to Castle Hill rail link.
(2) Notes that, despite the complete absence of dedicated or Government public transport in The Hills, the Government is still forcing Baulkham Hills Shire Council to significantly increase housing densities in the Shire.
(3) Notes that 96 per cent of respondents to a survey conducted in my electorate in January 2000 were opposed to high-rise in Castle Hill.
(4) Notes that the Hills Shire Times in its edition of 3 April 2001 requested residents to fax or email the paper about the high-rise issue.
(5) Calls on the Government:
(a) to impose a moratorium on high-rise housing in The Hills until a dedicated public transport system is completed;
(b) to reveal its plans for improved public transport in The Hills which is the biggest electorate in New South Wales and one of the fastest growing.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
379 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House notes:
(1) Concerns expressed by NCOSS and other Peak Groups at the possibility of the Government announcing a new super Ministry involving Community Services, Ageing and Disability, Housing and Juvenile Justice.
(2) The Coalition’s concern that if such a proposal were being considered by the Government it should first be subject to extensive community consultation.
(3) Any such merger should not be considered unless each of the relevant Departments, particularly the Department of Community Services, are being administered appropriately.
(Notice given 5 April 2001)
380 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW on staging the largest agricultural show in Australia which commenced last Friday 6th April 2001;
(2) Further notes the Royal Agriculture Society is the oldest continuous volunteer organisation in NSW;
(3) Further notes the magnificent recognition of country industry, commence culture that’s incorporated in this year’s Royal Easter Show;
(4) That the Parliament encourages the people of Sydney to attend and enjoy this significant event which is a world-class entertainment and educational exhibition to be enjoyed by all ages;
(5) Acknowledges and recognises the significant contribution of rural and regional NSW to the State of NSW as a whole;
(Notice given 10 April 2001)
381 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the NSW banana industry is worth $45 million a year to the economy and employs 3,000 people.
(2) Notes the outbreak of the world’s worst banana disease, Black Sigatoka, in northern Queensland.
(3) Calls on the Labor Government to act immedately to protect the NSW banana industry from this potentially devastating disease.
(Notice given 10 April 2001)
382 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Royal Agricultural Society for the spectacular “City Bushmen”, “The Stockmans Challenge” and “The Return of the Man from Snowy River” presentations at the Sydney Royal Show this year.
(2) Notes that the Sydney Royal is the largest show of its kind in the southern hemisphere and sixth largest in the world.
(3) Congratulates the federal Government for its recent initiative of a National Development Fund to support the volunteers who form the backbone of Australia’s agricultural shows.
(Notice given 10 April 2001)
383 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Supports the New South Wales kangaroo industry which in Australia creates over 4000 jobs and earns over $200m per year in exports.
(2) Recognises that the NSW kangaroo industry is totally sustainable.
(3) Calls on the Minister to recognise the huge increase in kangaroo numbers in Western NSW due to favourable seasons.
(4) Calls on the Minister to increase the kangaroo quotas once the numbers have been established so the industry can take advantage of the increased numbers which will create more jobs and have no effect on the present kangaroo population.
(Notice given 10 April 2001)
384 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that last year at the George Street Complex deaf and hearing impaired people were for the first time in Australian history able to enjoy a movie with captions.
(2) Congratulates those in the deaf and hearing impaired community and those who import movies into Australia for working together to take one more giant step to give NSW residents with disabilities an opportunity to share true equality.
(Notice given 10 April 2001)
385 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House calls on the Health Minister to:
(1) Advise the House how many people are now waiting for dental treatment given that he told this Parliament a year ago that there were 270,000 people on the waiting list.
(2) Advise the House how long people now have to wait for treatment given that almost no elective patients have been treated in the past year.
(3) Accept that provision of dental health care has always been a responsibility of the state government; and
Condemns the Minister for Health for failing to provide any real increase in funding for dental health over the last six years and for spending all of the additional $4 million allocated this year on a computer triage program which is programmed to advise patients who have no dentures that they will have to wait for up to a month before seeing a dentist and then go on a waiting list.
(Notice given 11 April 2001)
386 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) the fast-track approval process employed by the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning in the recent approval of the extension of the Eastern Creek landfill in less than 12 months;
(2) that 4.5m tonnes of putrecible waste will be trucked into Eastern Creek, and dumped as close as 450m from Prospect Reservoir in an unlined pit and dangerous leachate will be trucked to an undisclosed location;
(3) that the Sydney Catchment Authority describes the water in Prospect Reservoir as ‘emergency holding and backup reservoir for Sydney’s water supply’;
(4) that private sector applicants for equivalent projects have been required to undergo nearly five years of environmental scrutiny and study including two commissions of enquiry;
(5) the environmental double standards employed by this government when it is its own consent authority and
calls on the Minister for the Environment to explain this unorthodox process, and why the government does not apply to itself the same strict environmental requirements it asks of others.
(Notice given 11 April 2001)
387 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes:
(1) comments by the Member for Parramatta in the 11 April edition of the Parramatta Advertiser;
(2) in particular her statement that failure to construct the Parramatta-Chatswood rail link by 2008 was a ‘slight on my constituency’ and
(3) that it was ‘incredibly embarrassing that the Minister [for Transport] has not given me a briefing,’
and condemns the Government for its decision which abandons rail commuters in Parramatta and Sydney’s west.
(Notice given 11 April 2001)
388 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for Health to urgently meet with the Federal Minister for Health regarding the public dental crisis in New South Wales;
(2) Notes that since the Federal Government axed the Commonwealth Dental Program withdrawing $100 million, the number of public patients able to be treated has more than halved;
(3) Notes that waiting lists are again blowing out with many patients being asked to wait long periods of time for basic services, like 70 year old Mr Joe Edwards, who is down to his last teeth but has been advised that he must wait a further 18 months for dentures;
(4) Supports the previous State and Federal Joint funding approach which allowed for waiting lists to be reduced to manageable levels.
(Notice given 11 April 2001)
389 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Foster Carers Network, which receives no funds from the government, held their annual general fundraising dinner last Saturday night at Bankstown Sports Club;
(2) Congratulates the Network, the Foster Carers Association and all foster carers for their personal commitment to the welfare of the children of New South Wales and
(3) Calls on the Government to increase funding to foster carers to ensure they can carry out their vital contribution to the young people of New South Wales.
(Notice given 11 April 2001)
390 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Premier for falsely claiming credit for the decision to increase the payroll tax threshold in 1995/96 from $500,000 to $600,000.
(2) Acknowledges this important relief for small business was in fact a decision of the Fahey Government.
(3) Calls on the Government to get serious about reducing this tax to competitive levels with other states.
(Notice given 12 April 2001)
391 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Department of Land and Water Conservation has failed to provide adequate stock and domestic water in the Wallaroi, Wallamundry and Yalorai Creeks on the Lachlan River and further notes that livestock are suffering as a result of inadequate water.
(2) Notes the Department of Land and Water Conservation’s intransigence in dealing with the problem and its insistance that the target of 250Mg supply at Condobolin will not be exceeded.
(3) Further notes that the Wyangala Dam has 80% storage capacity at present.
(4) Calls on the Minister to immediately review his Department’s management practice on water in the Lachlan Valley.
(Notice given 12 April 2001)
392 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House congratulates the following Merino stud breeders for their outstanding success in various categories at the 2001 Royal Easter Show:
(1) Merryville Stud, Boorowa for its 21st win of the Stonehaven Cup for the best group of five Merino sheep (three rams and two ewes); the Bruce Merriman Memorial Trophy for the best group of five August-shorn sheep; the supreme Merino exhibit; the grand champion ram; the Sir Frederick McMaster Memorial Trophy for most successful exhibitor in fine medium and strong March shorn classes; and the Schute Bell Badgery Lumby Trophy for the most successful exhibitor in August shorn section.
(2) Tara Park of Boorowa for the National Merino pairs competition.
(3) Westvale, Wollun for the Best Merino junior exhibit.
(4) Emoh Ruo stud of Bundarra for grand champion ewe, and
(5) Karoola Downs of Adelong for the Otway Falkiner award of best five Poll Merinos, and for the Mungadal Award for the most successful exhibitor in medium and strong wool Merino and Poll Merino classes.
(Notice given 12 April 2001)
393 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that at a public meeting last night at Freshwater High School concerns were expressed that the Government has not allocated the $7.5 milion estimated to be needed by the D.E.T. to fund its share of Stage 1 of the new Senior College.
(2) Notes that at a meeting with teachers earlier in the afternoon it was disclosed that additional funds are required from TAFE estimated to be approximately $2.5m.Notes that even $10 million won’t allow new building works to be undertaken but will fund a less than perfect retrograde fit out.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Education to honour his promise to immediately confirm a guaranteed allocation of at least $10 million to do Stage 1.
(Notice given 12 April 2001)
394 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Department of Land Water Conservation’s intention to increase the weir size and capacity on the Lachlan Creek system below Condobolin next year.
(2) Calls on the Minister to urgently release further water from Wyangala Dam to satisfy present needs of Department of Land and Water Conservation customers in the Condobolin Creek system.
(Notice given 12 April 2001)
395 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Minister for Local Government and Minister for Regional Development commented at the Labor Party Conference in Huskisson that a collective noun for a group of Mayors is “a mongrel of Mayors”.
(2) Notes the dictionary definition of mongrel as “a dog of mixed or uncertain breed….or a race considered inferior” or a “despicable person”.
(3) Calls on the Minister to advise the House whether Mayors Barry Cotter (Marrickville), Mark Bonanno (Ashfield), George Paciullo (Liverpool), Virginia Judge (Strathfield), David Bradbury (Penrith) and Dominic Sullivan (Randwick) would constitute “a mongrel of Mayors”.
(4) Calls on the Premier to advise the House whether he supports his Minister in this much publicised description.
(5) Notes that the Shires Association is holding its Annual Conference at the Wentworth Hotel this week.
(Notice given 29 May 2001)
396 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) the environmental vandalism committed by TransGrid over 40 kilometres across 3 national parks, a nature reserve and a State forest;
(2) the failure of the National Parks and Wildlife Service to notice the carnage occurring on its own land;
(3) demands the Government undertake a full independent enquiry into all aspects of the National Parks and Wildlife Service management, including this incident;
(4) demands the State Government engage an independent eminent botanist to prepare a full remediation plan for the bulldozed area; and
(5) pursuant to Standing Order 310, orders the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for Energy and the Minister for Land and Water Conservation to lay upon the table of the House within 24 hours all documents and file notes on the TransGrid bulldozer carnage.
(Notice given 29 May 2001)
397 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Government to extend the softwood transport subsidy currently in place in the Bombala area for saw logs and to include the woodchip trial that has just begun.
(2) Notes that the loss of the subsidy will immediately place at least fifteen jobs in jeopardy and may result in the State Forest’s Bombala Softwood operations becoming unviable.
(3) Calls on the Government to keep the subsidy in place at least until the new Bombala Softwood Mill begins operations in 2002.
(Notice given 29 May 2001)
398 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with deep sympathy and concern the death of Mr David Scheffler, an employee at the Visy Mill near Tumut, who died on 18 May 2001 as a result of a car accident as he was being driven home to be with family and friends in Wodonga and in which driver fatigue is stated to have been the major contributing factor.
(2) Extends its deep sympathy to Mr Scheffler’s family, friends and workmates for their loss.
(3) Calls on the Government to ensure this tragedy acts as a catalyst for a program to ensure that drivers and their passengers are fully aware of the dangerous effect driver fatigue has on road safety.
(4) Notes that Mr Scheffler was an organ donor and his thoughtful provision will allow seven other Australians to receive important medical treatment.
(Notice given 29 May 2001)
399 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House call on QANTAS Airlines and the Federal Government to protect air services in Glen Innes, Inverell and other country centres.
(Notice given 29 May 2001)
400 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises that the Annual Conference of the NSW Dairy Farmers Association Limited is being currently held in Sydney;
(2) Calls on the Government to immediately act on the request by the President Paul Moxey in his opening address for State based compensation for the lost asset value in milk quotas, irrespective of the funds flowing from the Dairy Structural Adjustment Program; and
(3) Condemns Country Labor for its lack of interest and support for the NSW dairy industry by not supporting a State based package and not even attending the opening of the Annual Conference.
(Notice given 30 May 2001)
401 Mr D.L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the failure of the Government to return stability to the Western Division of NSW by providing a response to the Western Lands Review, despite the fact that public comment on the Western Lands Review Final Report closed in July 2000.
(2) Calls on the Government to respond to the recommendations of the Western Lands Review Final Report as a matter of urgency, with particular attention to:
(a) the status of the Western Lands Act and the Wild Dog Destruction Act;
(b) public access to leaseholdings;
(c) tenure conditions and the rental system of leases; and
(d) the composition of the Western Lands Advisory Board.
(Notice given 30 May 2001)
402 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the tragic death of a young boy on Fraser Island following an attack by dingoes and the response of the Queensland Government to cull dingoes on the island;
(2) Notes comments by a NSW Rural Lands Protection Board ranger that it was only a matter of how long, not if, someone else was killed by a dingo or a wild dog in NSW and it was likely to be in a national park;
(3) Notes reports by landholders adjacent to NSW national parks, including near Bellbrook, west of Kempsey, of numerous attacks by large numbers of wild dogs upon stock, pets and people;
(4) Notes that the National Parks and Wildlife Service has ceased aerial baiting of wild dogs in inaccessible areas of national parks on the Mid North Coast; and
(5) Calls upon the Government to immediately reinstate aerial baiting of wild dogs in national parks, before a tragedy occurs.
(Notice given 30 May 2001)
403 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) notes the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon a year ago;
(2) notes the continued presence of an estimated 40,000 Syrian troops in Lebanon;
(3) notes United Nation’s resolution 425 calling for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon;
(4) notes the right of Lebanon to be an independent democratic nation free from foreign influence;
(5) calls upon Syria to remove its forces from Lebanon; and
(6) condemns the Federal ALP promise to re-open Australia’s mission in Damascus before Syrian troops are withdrawn from Lebanon.
(Notice given 30 May 2001)
404 Mrs CHIKAROVSKI to move—
(1) That this House affirms the right of every Member under Standing Order 104 to raise a point of order relating to a breach of the standing orders.
(2) That every Member is entitled to state their point of order under Standing Order 105 and then have it determined by the Speaker.
(Notice given 31 May 2001)
405 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) the announcement of a new prison in Dubbo-Wellington by the Honourable Tony Kelly MLC.
(2) the public carpeting he received and withdrawal of the claim by the Honourable John Watkins MP.
(Notice given 31 May 2001)
406 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the deleterious impact the recent Department of Fisheries closure of the Macleay River has had upon the local economy, including fishing, tourism and small business in South West Rocks, where Easter bookings were down by up to 50%.
(2) Calls upon the Minister for Fisheries to immediately re-open the Macleay River and Trial Bay to fishing (excepting prawn trawling), on the basis of expert advice that fish stocks have substantially recovered.
(3) Calls upon the Minister for Small Business and Tourism to help the local tourism industry and small business operators in South West Rocks by featuring the area prominently in NSW Tourism promotions.
(Notice given 31 May 2001)
407 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Government to support the proposal to implement a wildhorse training program for low security inmates as a means of rehabilitation and increasing job skills, as well as serving a need for wild horse control in the Koscuiszko National Park.
(2) Notes the success of the concept as modelled in the USA where Colorado Canon City prisoners have broken in more than 2,000 horses using modern techniques, later training and selling them, and notes the psychological benefits that have derived from the patience learned by the prisoners in handling the horses.
(3) Notes that by providing experience, training and outdoors opportunities to low security inmates, a greater proportion of these prisoners will be able to assimilate well into working life after their term in prison
(Notice given 31 May 2001)
408 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the mining company Homestake Gold of Australia Limited on the operation of the Lake Cowal Gold Mine at West Wyalong.
(2) Calls on the Government to give full support to the mine to bring it into operation by 2003.
(Notice given 31 May 2001)
409 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s call for unearned private sector bonuses to be returned;
(2) Notes that the Government has paid over $2.9 million in annual bonuses to public sector bosses, including to rail chiefs who presided over the State’s rail crisis, education bosses responsible for the flight of children from public sector schools and health supremos heading a system characterised by burgeoning waiting lists; and
(3) Calls upon the Premier to practice his new found policy across the New South Wales public sector.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
410 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes assurances given on the M5 East by Mr Paul Forward on 1 May 2001 that “at the moment the project is on budget and on time”;
(2) Notes Budget reports in the Sydney Morning Herald of 30 May 2001 of a $44 million blowout in the M5 East budget, all but $10 million of which is explained as “accountancy changes”;
(3) Demands a full account from the Minister as to why, in a space of 29 days, this multi-million dollar blowout happend; and
(4) Calls on the Premier to say if he will require RTA performance bonuses to be surrendered by senior managers to reduce taxpayers exposures on RTA losses.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
411 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House notes that:
(1) Action for Public Transport 2010 included the opening of a Strathfield to Parramatta bus transit way by 2002;
(2) no money has been detailed for this project in any State Budget produced since the document’s release; and
(3) the continued ineffectiveness of the Minister for Transport and Member for Strathfield to deliver public transport improvements for Strathfield residents.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
412 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the potential for fire ants to infest up to 95% of Australia if their spread is left unchecked;
(2) Notes with concern the damage fire ants could cause to agriculture, human health and native flora and fauna;
(3) Notes the comments by Mr Ross Whylie, Chair of the Scientific Fire Ant Review Panel, that it is feasible to eradicate fire ants if all States and Territories contribute to financing the eradication; and
(4) Calls on the Government to provide additional New South Wales funding to contribute to the campaign to eradicate fire ants from Australia.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
413 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) assurances by the Minister for the Environment last week that environmental vandalism will “not occur again” in land clearing by State agencies;
(2) photographs and eyewitness accounts of ongoing bare earth clearing of native vegetation around electricity lines in Bago State Forest taken at 3.00 pm yesterday; and
(3) claims by TransGrid that yesterday’s Bago State Forest clearing was not new work and calls on the Minister for the Environment to explain why allegedly ongoing work continued to employ methods described by the Premier last week as “environmental vandalism”
and calls again for the Government to allow a full independent enquiry into the TransGrid incident.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
414 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the report of the Mid Term Review of the National Ovine Johne’s Disease Program (NOJDP).
(2) Notes the recommendations by the Mid Term Review Team:
(a) to extend the use of the Gudair OJD vaccine; and
(b) that New South Wales Agriculture ensure the provision of adequate field staff for program delivery and on-property management advice.
(3) Notes that the Mid Term Review Team identified the provision of financial, managerial and social assistance as essential for affected producers.
(4) Calls on the Government to work with the New South Wales sheep industry to address the recommendations of the Mid Term Review of the NOJDP.
(Notice given 5 June 2001)
415 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the New South Wales Labor Council’s success in having 21,000 petitions tabled opposing the Government’s proposed changes to workers compensation;
(2) Joins Labor Council’s Michael Costa in his concern that hundreds more petitions were refused tabling because they were electronically lodged; and
(3) Calls upon the New South Wales Parliament to follow the Federal Parliament’s lead and help make it itself more accountable by allowing the presentation of e- or on-line petitions.
(Notice given 6 June 2001)
416 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the State Government to facilitate a return of Regional Airline Services into those towns who have lost or are about to lose air services over the past 3 years;
(2) Calls on the Federal Government to facilitate a return of Regional Airline Services into those towns who have lost or are about to lose air services over the past 3 years; and
(3) Notes that the reinstatement of these services is urgent to prevent a decline in the business, cultural and social character of the affected towns in the future.
(Notice given 6 June 2001)
417 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the recent tragic occurrence of another road fatality on the Pacific Highway at Wright’s Corner, Macksville, a notorious black spot;
(2) Notes the Budget’s reduction in funding for the State Black Spot program from $19 million to $13 million; and
(3) Calls upon the Government to immediately fund improvements to this dangerous corner, before further lives are lost.
(Notice given 6 June 2001)
418 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Government through the Department of Community Services to immediately fund additional pre-school places in Queanbeyan;
(2) Notes that there are in excess of 400 children on the waiting list for placement at pre-schools in Queanbeyan;
(3) Notes that as it is taking more than twelve months to get children admitted to pre-school many are missing out on the opportunity and advantages of being able to attend pre-school;
(4) Notes that Queanbeyan and district have a very high growth rate and that demand will increase in the short and long term; and
(5) Calls on the Government to fund pre-schools through the Department of Education on a similar basis as with other jurisdictions.
(Notice given 6 June 2001)
419 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes a serious problem in country areas where many towns are having difficulty in expanding local businesses or attracting new business because of safety fears due to lack of police numbers and a real or perceived belief that the Courts are soft on persons charged with breaking the law; and
(2) Calls on the Government to urgently address these problems in the interest of regional development.
(Notice given 6 June 2001)
420 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Health to:
(1) clear up contradictions about the future of some metropolitan hospital emergency departments caused by his saying on one hand that there will be no downgrades or closures, while at the same time saying that he accepts recommendations of his Greater Metropolitan Services Implementation Group which spells out such downgrades or closures;
(2) specifically guarantee that emergency departments at Manly, Mona Vale, Ryde, Camden, Bowral, Auburn and Mount Druitt will be maintained at their current level; and
(3) explain which emergency departments will become “walk-in” clinics as recommended in the Metropolitan Hospital Plan.
(Notice given 7 June 2001)
421 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House notes, following discussions with the Associated Christian Team Support Centre (ACTS) in Lithgow on Monday 4 June 2001;
(1) That ACTS is about to lose it’s funding from Lithgow Council at the end of July and will be forced to close it’s doors after ten years of operation; and
(2) Calls on the Premier to immediately direct funding to ACTS to ensure that it remains open to assist the young people of Lithgow.
(Notice given 7 June 2001)
422 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that agreement has been reached between Laminex Industries and Riverina Investments for the sale of Laminex’s 116 hectare site in Wagga Wagga which will provide solutions for organic by-product management and marketing for recycled products for use in agricultural and horticultural industries.
(2) Acknowledges plans to develop the site as a centre for the processing and value adding of rural commodities for export markets utilising waste streams, which process has the potential to solve many current environmental problems.
(3) Notes that the new venture means up to 50 jobs for the city of Wagga Wagga and is an indication of the confidence being shown by investors confirming that Wagga Wagga is a great place to invest.
(Notice given 7 June 2001)
423 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern recent reports that almost $200,000 worth of livestock was stolen in New South Wales in April alone;
(2) Notes that the Rural Crime Working Party delivered its recommendations for changes to policy and legislation to the Government in October 2000;
(3) Condemns the Government for its failure to address the recommendations of the Rural Crime Working Party and its blatant lack of action in the fight against rural crime; and
(4) Calls on the Government to release the recommendations of the Rural Crimes Working Party and to implement policies to counter rural crime in New South Wales as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 7 June 2001)
424 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Government promised that it would properly fund the new Northern Beaches Senior College;
(2) Expresses its concern that the failure to set aside adequate funds to fit out Freshwater High School dictates that the entire fit out of the school must occur in the period of just seven months between 1 July 2002 and January 2003;
(3) Condemns the Government’s proposal to only fit out the other 4 schools involved in the senior campus after the Government has extracted cash from the sale of Beacon Hill High; and
(4) Calls on the Government to not mortgage Northern Beaches children’s educational future by making those funds dependent on the sale of Beacon Hill High.
(Notice given 7 June 2001)
425 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House, requests the Government, at its cost, to:
(1) Make the Sydney Opera House available in 2001 to allow and encourage a series of concerts and performances promoting the outback of Australia.
(2) Make the Art Gallery of NSW available during 2002 Year of the Outback to permit and encourage outback art exhibition and cultural activities.
(Notice given 19 June 2001)
426 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the tragic (assumed) drownings of Mr Paul Mihalic, Mr Paul Patasta and Mr Michael Mihalic after a boating accident on Lake Burrinjuck on Thursday 14 June 2001;
(2) Expresses its deep sympathy to the family and friends of the three fishermen for their loss;
(3) Recognises the significant efforts of officers of the NSW Police Service, the State Emergency Service and other volunteers who conducted the search for the missing fishermen;
(4) Calls on the Government to increase its efforts to make recreational fishermen more aware of the dangers associated with the pastime, including the need to always wear life vests when boating on waterways and the need to include flotation devices on board.
(Notice given 19 June 2001)
427 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the condemnation and rejection of the Stuart Point Aquifer Water Management Plan by water users including the Kempsey Shire Council;
(2) Notes comments in a letter dated 6 June 2001 to the Minister for Land and Water Conservation that, “Council has concerns over a wide range of issues including (but not limited to) short timeframes, unsubstantiated data, unfounded principles, bias, over-precautionary approaches, and questionable process”, and that, “There is also concern that unresolved issues may also apply to other water management plans”;
(3) Calls upon the Government to reject this spurious water plan and ensure that all water management plans recognise the needs of water users, as required by the Water Management Act 2000.
(Notice given 20 June 2001)
428 Mr R. W. TURNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with regret the failure of the Minister for Police to safeguard the citizens of New South Wales against vandalism and theft – both major and petty in their homes and businesses;
(2) Notes that despite various campaigns including the operation “Never Again” campaign, break and enters into homes and businesses in Orange have reached epidemic proportions;
(3) Acknowledges that organisations such as the Orange Chamber of Commerce are recommending that council install security cameras in commercial sections of the city; and
(4) Acknowledges that due to the failure of this Government to provide adequate police facilities to the citizens of Orange, those citizens are becoming more reliant on home security systems and the commercial sector more reliant on private security guards to protect their business and property.
(Notice given 25 June 2001)
429 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House supports a “freeze’ on non-urban land releases on the Warringah Peninsula and calls on the Government to stop forcing urban development on an area where traffic congestion is at chaotic levels and which has insufficient transport links out of the area.
(Notice given 25 June 2001)
430 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes:
(a) that the Minister for Small Business and Minister for Tourism was unable to directly answer any questions at the Estimates Committee hearing on 25 June 2001 relating to the effects of payroll tax on small business claiming it was a matter for Treasury;
(b) that the Minister was unfamiliar with the figures produced by the State Chamber of Commerce which illustrates that some small and medium sized business are paying up to 200% more in payroll tax than they were five years ago; and
(2) condemns the Minister for failing to stand up for small businesses and the adverse effect of payroll tax on them.
(Notice given 26 June 2001)
431 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Recalls the principled and courageous stand by the late George Petersen, the former Member for Illawarra when in 1987 he left the Labor Party rather than support the Unsworth Government’s worker’s compensation legislation;
(2) Notes further that the Warilla-Mount Warrigal branch, the present Member for Illawarra’s own branch has carried a motion of no-confidence in her; and
(3) Calls upon the present Member for Illawarra to show the same courage and principles as her predecessor and stand up for the people of her electorate.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
432 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House notes
(1) The disastrous incident on Montague Island when 42 penguins were burnt to death in an “experiment gone wrong”;
(2) Calls on the Minister for the Environment to extend the terms of reference of the inquiry to investigate concerns from local residents that:
(a) overall penguin numbers on the island have been massively overstated;
(b) the Government has not revealed the number of surviving penguins with serious burns which are expected to die from their injuries; and
(3) Condemns the Minister for failing to allow a full independent inquiry into all aspects of national parks management.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
433 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes an article that appeared in the Cooma-Monaro Express on 19 June 2001 and repeated in the Canberra Times on 24 June 2001, which graphically detailed the serious attacks by a pack of wild dogs on Brian and Jan Mitchell’s property, ‘Worongah’, Numbla Vale, causing the loss of some 180 to 200 lambs and at least 40 sheep;
(2) Notes that this is in excess of 20% of the properties’ expected lambing drop for the year and represents a significant financial cost;
(3) Notes with concern that the National Parks and Wildlife Service vetoed the wishes of landholders by not allowing local media into a meeting on Monday 25 June 2001 between the landholders and the NPWS concerning the wild dog attacks;
(4) Notes that to date this year some 700 sheep have been lost in the Numbla Vale, Snowy Plains and Shannons Flat areas;
(5) Notes the forthcoming Legislative Council committee inquiry into the damage caused by feral animals, the adequacy of current practices and resources for control and the improvements to and alternative solutions for feral animal control across the State; and
(6) Calls on the Government to compensate landholders for sheep losses due to wild dog attacks and urgently move to implement effective control measures.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
434 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes allegations from a Narooma resident that an injured seal on Montague Island, with spinal injuries and abdominal wounds was left to die recently despite two telephone calls to the National Parks and Wildlife Service;
(2) Notes allegations that a NPWS boat and personnel were on the island at the time and did not respond to the request;
(3) Notes allegations that a phone call to the Minister for the Environment’s office requesting permission to put the animal out of its misery was not responded to; and
(4) Calls on the Minister to extend the current inquiry into the death of 42 penguins to include all aspects of animal management on Montague Island including this alleged incident.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
435 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that under this Government rail fares have increased on average by 48%;
(2) Notes that the cost of a weekly ticket for a commuter from Gosford has risen from $33 in 1995 to $ 45 from this Sunday; and
(3) Condemns the Government for imposing massive fare increases while failing to improve rail services for Central Coast commuters.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
436 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that under this Government rail fares have increased on average by 48%;
(2) Notes that the cost of a weekly ticket for a commuter from Parramatta has risen from $19.40 in 1995 to $ 28 from this Sunday; and
(3) Condemns the Government for imposing massive fare increases while failing to improve rail services for Parramatta commuters.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
437 Mr KERR to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that under this Government rail fares have increased on average by 48%;
(2) Notes that the cost of a weekly ticket for a commuter from Sutherland has risen from $19.40 in 1995 to $ 28 from this Sunday; and
(3) Condemns the Government for imposing massive fare increases while failing to improve rail services for Sutherland Shire commuters.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
438 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Community Services for her failure to respond to disability community groups’ allegations of corruption within her ministerial office; and
(2) Calls on the Minister to cease using a white board for allocation of disability funds.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
439 Mr TINK to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with grave concern that Police Commissioner Ryan’s lawyers have foreshadowed going to the Supreme Court to oppose an order to produce a large number of documents to the Police Integrity Commission;
(2) Notes with equal concern the Police Integrity Commissioner Urquart’s view that such a move could impair or defeat the Police Integrity Commission’s work on its ongoing Operation Malta hearings which involve Commissioner Ryan personally;
(3) Notes the repeated assurances of the Premier and Minister for Police to Parliament that they fully support the Police Integrity Commission’s work; and
(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to immediately direct Police Commissioner Ryan to comply with all lawful orders of the Police Integrity Commission forthwith.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
440 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the commitment by the Minister for Public Works and Services to an ongoing Government program to relocate State public servants in regional areas;
(2) Notes the imminent closure of the Waterways and Fisheries office at South West Rocks; and
(3) Calls on the Government to honour its promises to country New South Wales and take immediate steps to retain this important office in South West Rocks.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
441 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Education to honour his promise to the Northern Beaches community to immediately allocate the $10 million necessary to construct the Northern Beaches Secondary School campus.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
442 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Federal Government and especially the Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson by acting swiftly and committing $40 million to assist the community affected by the Namoi Valley underground water crisis.
(2) Congratulates the Namoi Valley Underground Task Force for their report which the Minister has had in his possession since November 2000.
(3) Urges the Minister for Land and Water Concervation to contribute the State Government’s share of $40 million so that the total rescue package of $120 million can proceed and assist the communities of Tamworth, Gunnedah, Narrabri, Boggabri and Wee Waa.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
443 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that under this Government rail fares have increased on average by 48%;
(2) Notes that the cost of a weekly ticket for a commuter from Kogarah and Strathfield have risen from $14 in 1995 to $ 23 from this Sunday, increases of 64%; and
(3) Condemns the Government for imposing massive fare increases while failing to improve rail services for commuters in these areas.
(Notice given 27 June 2001)
444 Mr O'DOHERTY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with grave concern the Government’s failure to meet its undertakings to pass legislation in this session restoring the powers of the Auditor-General;
(2) Notes that unless the Government acts quickly the Auditor’s ability to carry out his functions, including his forthcoming report on the full and true cost of the Olympics, has been blocked; and
(3) Calls on the Government to provide an immediate assurance that it will not by its inaction allow the Auditor-General to be muzzled.
(Notice given 28 June 2001)
445 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Commends the Federal Government for its promise of $60 million in funding for the eradication of fire ants in Australia;
(2) Notes the comments of the Queensland Primary Industries Minister, that it is critical that the fire ant eradication program starts this spring; and
(3) Calls on the Government to immediately provide funding for the fire ant eradication program.
(Notice given 28 June 2001)
446 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The once idyllic Tumut River is now in places 100 metres wide, erosion of the river banks is an ongoing problem and channel clearing works by the Department of Land and Water Conservation have added to environmental concerns;
(2) The Tumut River is scoured and dried each year with about 9800 megalitres a day being forced down it in summer but only 560 megalitres per day going down it in winter;
(3) The Tumut River in its valiant effort to meet the demands of downstream irrigators is now effectively a large irrigation channel making it uninhabitable for river life including for the once abundant local platypi; waterlogging and high water tables are now apparent; and the problem of thermal pollution is causing serious decline of the river’s ecosystem;
(4) These problems have cost the Tumut region up to $20 million in lost tourism as the river is now considered dead by anglers and concerned locals including Ron Bowden, Barry Allwright and Barry Whiting; and
(5) Calls on the Minister for Land and Water Conservation to investigate compensatory releases from alternate sources to alleviate the pressure on the Tumut River and investigate the installation of a raised off take structure in the Blowering Reservoir to address the problem of thermal pollution in the Tumut River.
(Notice given 28 June 2001)
447 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that during the construction of the Wollongong Entertainment Centre 19 skeletons which had been buried in the Old Roman Catholic Burial Ground, consecrated in 1838, were unearthed;
(2) Notes that none of these human remains was formally exhumed and reburied in consecrated ground;
(3) Queries where the remains have gone;
(4) Notes that there is a Development Application from the Wollongong Sportsground Trust before Wollongong City Council to build a restaurant and micro-brewery on the eastern side of the Wollongong Entertainment Centre which will also disturb pioneers’ graves;
(5) Notes that the Wollongong Sportsground Trust wants to build two more grandstands and ancillary function rooms at the Northern end of Wollongong Sportsground which will also encroach upon the cemetery;
(6) Deplores the insensitivity of the Wollongong Sportsground Trust towards the descendants of these pioneers; and
(7) Calls on the Government to preserve Illawarra’s heritage and stop further desecration of the Old Roman Catholic Burial Ground by preventing Wollongong City Council from approving these developments.
(Notice given 28 June 2001)
448 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Transport for delivering appalling levels of ferry and Supercat services for the residents of Manly and the Peninsula; and
(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to defer fare increases until reliable and consistent levels of service are delivered.
(Notice given 28 June 2001)
449 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House endorses the Prime Minister’s handling of the incident involving the M.V. Tampa and supports the right of the Federal Government to determine our nation’s immigration intake.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
450 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the importance of secure water supplies to water users in NSW.
(2) Notes with concern the comments by the Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Land and Water Conservation on ABC Radio on 22 August 2001 that “The state government has always held the view and I certainly strongly believe that compensation for a reduction in water entitlement on a product which is really a public resource is not an option for government”.
(3) Notes that this statement is in direct contravention of the recently passed Water Management Act.
(4) Notes the concerns of water users throughout NSW that caveats will be inserted into Water Management Plans effectively depriving them of a compensable water right.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Land and Water Conservation to guarantee that the government will adhere to the intent of the Water Management Act by compensating water users for any loss of entitlement during the ten year Water Management Plans.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
451 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That the Minister for Health declare the Camden Haven as an “Area of Need” to assist in attracting future general practioners to an area with a doctor/resident ratio of 1:2,800.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
452 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the historic toxic contamination of the Rhodes Peninsula.
(2) Notes community concerns about the potential public health impacts of the proposed development of more than 3000 residences on the sites.
(3) Notes promises made in March this year by state agencies, including EPA and Health, to convene a local community reference group to oversee remediation, and the failure of the government to implement this promised protective measure.
(4) Notes resident fears that the government is keeping technical details of contamination excavation plans and processes secret.
(5) Demands the Minister for the Environment stand up for residents and the environment, and implement transparent and accountable environmental processes to protect residents in Canada Bay and adjacent areas.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
453 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that successive governments have created additional financial burden on Local Government in NSW by way of legislation without any adequate form of financial compensation.
(2) Recognises the need to establish a process of Parliamentary review of bills specifically relating to, or affecting the operation of Local Government in NSW giving full consideration to the establishment of a Joint Standing Committee to review, inquire into and make a report to Parliament on such legislation.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
454 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the imminent rise in the retail price of milk by up to 15 cents per litre.
(2) Calls on dairy processing companies as the beneficiaries of the rise to pass on a fair share to the State’s dairy farmers, who have been hard hit by dairy de-regulation.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
455 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) condemns the government for not accepting liability for any commercial losses that were a result of the Thredbo Landslide.
(2) Condemns the Minister for the Environment for having the Director General of the National Parks and Wildlife Service Mr Brian Gilligan make the announcement last week on behalf of the Government.
(3) Notes the findings of Coroner Hand and the Walker Inquiry following the tragedy at Thredbo.
(4) Notes that irrespective of the Minister’s statement to Parliament in 2000, “that the government would expedite the settlement of the claims,” only 9 of the 20 victims’ claims have as yet been settled.
(5) Notes the significant financial and social losses incurred by a number of individuals and businesses directly as a result of the landslide.
(6) Calls on the Government to immediately reverse the decision to deny liability and facilitate a mediation process to aid the speedy settlement of all claims allowing the victims and their families an early closure to the events which tragically affected their lives over four years ago.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
456 Mr RICHARDSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that according to the Government’s Action for Transport 2010 plan released before the last election, the Parramatta-Chatswood rail line was supposed to have been completed by 2006.
(2) Notes that because of a massive blowout in the cost of building the Parramatta to Chatswood link the Government will now complete only the Epping to Chatswood half of the line by 2008.
(3) Asks the Minister for Transport to explain how he plans to deliver the Parramatta to Epping section on line by 2010, less than two years after completing the first half.
(4) Calls on the Minister to enter into serious discussions with local MPs, Councils and bus companies over ways in which improved public transport services can be delivered to the people of The Hills.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
457 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the actions of three males involved in a hit and run on a cyclist crossing the Gobbagumbalin Bridge in Wagga Wagga at the weekend, wherein the woman cyclist was dragged along beside the car for a distance and flung into a brick retaining wall.
(2) Condemns this thoughtless and savage crime.
(3) Calls on the public to report a dark blue or maroon VK Commodore sedan with tinted windows, paintwork in poor condition, with what is believed to be a Queensland number plate, and its three occupants 16 to 20 years old.
(4) Records the community’s disgust at the crime and urges the public to report any information to Wagga Wagga police or CrimeStoppers.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
458 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the contribution and work done by members of the Namoi Goundwater Taskforce to develop an equitable, practical and sustainable solution to the over allocation of groundwater in the Namoi Valley.
(2) Notes that the $30 million package proposed by the Government is significantly less than the $120 million package proposed by the taskforce and will not adequately address the socio-economic impact of industry restructuring.
(3) Notes the contempt the Minister and the Government has shown towards local water management committees, and the failure of the community consultation process with regard to natural resource management.
(4) Calls on the Minister to provide a full explanation as to why the Government rejected the recommendation of the Taskforce’s Report.
(5) Calls on the Minister to review the decision announced on Tuesday 21 August and to provide a more equitable and comprehensive package of measures.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
459 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that the Government has failed the people of the Northern Beaches by introduction of the inappropriate and dangerous supercat service on the Sydney-Manly-Sydney route.
(2) Notes the Minister for Transport has recently announced the re-implementation of jet cats that he previously condemned as “lemons”.
(3) Calls on the Government to urgently provide new safe high speed harbour transport on the Sydney-Manly-Sydney route and not leave Northern Beaches residents with outdated unreliable jet cats.
(Notice given 4 September 2001)
460 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that over the last six and a half years the Government has cut beds, staff and operations performed at Auburn Hospital.
(2) Notes that numerous reports have recommended the closure or the serious downgrading of Auburn Hospital.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Health to come clean about his plans for the future of Auburn Hospital.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
461 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House calls on the Premier to:
(1) Explain to the people of Casino how the Country Centre Growth Strategy Program released in Casino in 2000, is helping them when State Forests has indicated a further reduction of 12 fulltime jobs over the next 12 months making a total reduction of 30 fulltime positions over four years.
(2) Immediately overrule this decision and support the Government’s Strategy for Casino.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
462 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House condemns the Minister for Community Services for:
(1) Misleading this House on 4 September 2001 on the Government’s record on child protection in this the week designated “Child Protection Week”.
(2) Her failure to acknowledge the Government’s mismanagement of the Department of Community Services contributing to the deaths of at least 6 babies in recent months.
(3) Her instructions issued to the Child Death Review Team to remove the category “Previously Known to DOCS” from its Annual Report, when that category provided an important way of determining the extent of failures in DOCS procedures which may have contributed to the deaths of those children.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
463 Mr OAKESHOTT to move—
That the Minister for Police increase police numbers in the Manning and re-instate police to Wingham Police Station rather than continue with the current police staffing.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
464 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that in Cooma on Saturday 1 September 2001, a service commemorating the Battle for Australia was held. The service a regional first, honoured the courage, sacrifice and service of the Australians and our Allies during the Battle for Australia.
(2) Notes the importance of the battle between January 1942 and March 1943 particularly the fall of Singapore, the Battle for the Coral Sea, Milne Bay, and the Kokoda Track and culminating in the Battle for the Bismark Sea.
(3) Notes the loss of HMAS Perth, Yarra, Vampire, Canberra and Armidale and the total losses of Navy, Army and Airforce personnel.
(4) Acknowledges the significant roles of the Netherlands Merchant Navy, the US Navy, the people of Papua – New Guinea and the Australian Armed Forces.
(5) Notes that the day was the 60th anniversary of the first meeting of Australian and US officials in San Francisco to formalise the ANZUS treaty on 1 September 1941.
(6) Congratulates the President and members of the Cooma Sub Branch of the RSL for the organisation of the service and all others involved in the event, particularly ex service men from Cooma and district, Bombala, Canberra and Queanbeyan, the NSW South East regional band and 256 Regional Cadet Unit, Cootamundra.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
465 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the burgeoning mental health problems on the Mid North Coast and other parts of the State.
(2) Notes the tragic murder of a patient in the Ward 149 Mental Health facility at Kempsey District Hospital on 3 July 2001, by another psychiatric patient.
(3) Notes the continued closure of Ward 149 despite repeated requests for its re-opening by the local community and health professionals, some two months after the tragedy.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Health to re-open a properly resourced scheduled mental health ward at Kempsey District Hospital as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
466 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges the unprofessional and inconsistent advice provided by the Police Service to event organisers of the Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic in relation to police fees.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Police to take appropriate corrective action to ensure that organisers of significant events are able to plan with certainty for the future.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
467 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that 16 inspections of kitchens preparing food for patients in the Hunter Area found numerous and ongoing breaches of the Food Act including:
· a live cockroach crawling on a food preparation bench.
· cleaners’ buckets placed on food preparation benches.
· air conditioning vents discharging moist, black dust presenting a likely contamination to food.
· rusting and dilapidated equipment.
· cockroach infestations and evidence of rodent activity.
· meat stored underneath a mouldy refrigeration unit which was discharging slimy water onto the floor.
(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to immediately instigate an inquiry into the state of kitchens preparing hospital food across NSW, to provide detailed reports to this Parliament and implement measures to ensure the serving of only highest quality food, prepared in the most hygienic conditions possible.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
468 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Forestry for reports that administration positions currently in Casino and Grafton will be relocated to another office.
(2) Notes that the Minister for Forestry is also the Minister for Information Technology.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Forestry and Information Technology to examine the use of modern technology in the State Forestry’s administration system to overcome the need for eye to eye, daily contact management which would enable the threatened State Forestry administration positions to remain in Casino and Grafton.
(Notice given 5 September 2001)
469 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes the concerns of residents in Gregory and Trumper Streets Ermington who have expressed frustration at the unwillingness of the Government to evict anti-social and drug dealing tenants at a Department of Housing property in Trumper Street, Ermington.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
470 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that 7 September 2001 is national Threatened Species Day.
(2) That Australia has the highest rate of mammal extinction in the world.
(3) That NSW has one of the highest rates of extinctions and threats to native species, including 218 animals and 487 plants endangered or vulnerable, and 37 plants extinct and 40 animals including 27 mammals.
(4) Notes the failure of the Government to adequately tackle the feral animal crisis across the state.
(5) Condemns the Government for failing to maintain or increase threatened species funding.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
471 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Health:
(1) To advise how much money was spent on investigations and a report into alleged misconduct of the former Chief Executive of Albury Hospital, Dr Craig Margetts.
(2) To release the report into the alleged misconduct which led to the resignation of Dr Margetts.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
472 Mr WEST to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The outstanding performances of our athletes at the Athletics World Championships in Canada and the Goodwill Games in Brisbane.
(2) The medal winning performance of Campbelltown athletes Bronwyn Eagles, Trent Stead, Jim Piper and Amanda Pascoe in particular and further recognises their achievements as ambassadors for NSW and Campbelltown.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
473 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes serious problems with the management of the Acmena Juvenile Justice Detention Centre including:
(a) Privileges which exceed those provided to children in a normal family environment.
(b) Management of the Centre rewarding defiant and negative behaviour.
(c) Nepotism by senior management, which has increased detainees’ disrespect for senior youth workers and other staff, resulting in vandalism, arson and assault going unreported.
(d) Increases of attempted escapes, escapes and absconding.
(e) Complicity and inaction by some senior staff concerning cigarette and marijuana smoking.
(f) Failure to report misbehaviour, possession of concealed weapons and assaults on staff.
(2) Condemns the Member for Clarence for his total inaction in relation to these matters.
(3) Calls on the Government to immediately instigate a complete, open and public investigation into the running of the Acmena Juvenile Justice Detention Centre.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
474 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Expresses its concern over reports that between 30 and 40 Government jobs in State Forests north east region are set to disappear over the next two years.
(2) Notes with concern the use of inexperienced casual employees to fill firefighting roles in State Forests in the Casino area.
(3) Notes with concern reports that forest roads and fire fighting tracks in State Forests in the north east region are in poor condition, including many that are unusable, and require urgent maintenance work.
(4) Notes with concern reports that there has been very limited reafforestation work in the north east region due to a lack of State Forestry staff and resources.
(5) Calls on the Government to immediately abandon its plans to axe State Forestry jobs in the north east region.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
475 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that 65 local builders and contractors met in Wagga Wagga on Friday 18 August to express their concern with the failings of the NSW Government’s Home Warranty Scheme.
(2) Acknowledges with concern that 33 building applications lodged with Wagga Wagga City Council remained unapproved at that time because of builders inability to gain Home Warranty Insurance thus causing severe economic hardship to builders and suppliers.
(3) demands that the Premier direct the Minister for Fair Trading to conduct a full inquiry into the insurance institutions management of the scheme including applications taking up to three months for approval, slow response or no response to requests and lack of communication.
(4) Calls on the Government to urgently rectify the fundamental faults within the Home Warranty Insurance Scheme allowing builders to get back to work.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
476 Mr SOURIS to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the threat by poultry processors to walk out of the Poultry Meat Industry Committee.
(2) Notes that the Poultry Meat Industry Committee was established to ensure poultry processors did not misuse their market power over contract poultry meat growers.
(3) Notes that the Government is currently undertaking a National Competition Policy Review of the Poultry Meat Industry Act.
(4) Notes the national Competition Council’s approval of poultry meat industry legislation in Western Australia.
(5) Notes with concern that the removal of the ability of contract poultry meat growers to negotiate collective with processors will have a devastating effect on contract poultry meat growers and their local communities.
(6) Calls on the Government to rule out the deregulation of the poultry meat industry as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
477 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the changes to the Nurses Roster at Goulburn Base Hospital due to take effect on 17 September 2001.
(2) Expresses its concern that this change will result in reduced levels of staff safety and security, increased staff workload, reduced levels of patient care, an inability of staff to adequately respond to emergencies and is being rushed through without due consultation or consideration.
(3) Recognises that the change to the nursing roster must have as its prime consideration the care and welfare of patients and the safety and working conditions of the staff.
(4) Calls on the Government to delay the implementation of the roster changes until such time as a full investigation of the effects it will have on patient care and staff working conditions has been completed.
(Notice given 6 September 2001)
478 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The expression by residents of Lachlan of their deepest sympathy to the people of the United States of America at this time of enormous and unprecedented personal and national tragedy.
(2) The residents of Lachlan urging the Government to do all in its power to preserve the democratic processes, the freedom and understanding that this State has developed over the past 200 plus years.
(3) The residents of Lachlan call on the Government of the oldest State in this young and vibrant nation of Australia to recognise its responsibility to show unity and statesmanship in promoting State and National pride amongst all Australians.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
479 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House condemns the Government for its changes to the hire car industry, made under cover of last week’s events, and for its failure to provide any compensation to operators who will suffer losses as a result of these changes.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
480 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House notes Parramatta Council’s motion of support on 17 September 2001 for the coalition’s Community Protection (Illegal Brothels) Bill.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
481 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises that more than 20 NSW towns lost their air services in the first 6 weeks of this year.
(2) Asks the NSW Government to recognise those jobs lost in towns such as Singleton, Gunnedah, Young, Cowra, Cootamundra, Forbes, West Wyalong and the inland region of NSW.
(3) Calls on the Government to include all towns which have lost services in any assistance package for restoration of services.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
482 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Police to immediately exclude the New England Area Command from the staff freeze currently in place and allow them to fill the vacant positions as a matter of urgency.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
483 Mr HAZZARD to move—
(1) That this House notes:
(a) Kiah Long Day Care Centre at Moree provides long day care for the children of approximately 80 Aboriginal families;
(b) Kiah Long Day Care Centre has over 100 children waiting to enrol; and
(c) Kiah Long Day Care Centre was last year granted Commonwealth Government funds to build a vital extension but due to of State Government Department of Community Services strict teacher/student ratios and the unavailability of fully trained teachers, Aboriginal preschoolers have been denied access to Kiah facilities.
(2) That this House calls on the Minister for Community Services to review the teacher formula in remote communities and to introduce flexibility where Aboriginal and non Aboriginal teacher assistants could teach under the supervision of trained teachers outside the current teacher/assistant teacher ratios.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
484 Mr SLACK-SMITH to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the holding of the Croc Fest at Moree on 10, 11 and 12 September 2001.
(2) Congratulates Peter and Helen Tsoquin and all organisers of Croc Fest.
(3) Acknowledges the amazing contribution Croc Fest makes to improving the opportunities and self esteem of aboriginal regional students.
(Notice given 18 September 2001)
485 Ms SEATON to move—
(1) That this House notes:
(a) The lack of any response from the Ministers for Roads, Environment, Health and Planning to the recommendations of the Legislative Council Enquiry into the M5 East stack;
(b) The recommendations from the CSIRO that the current stack design is 15m too short to achieve dispersion of harmful emissions over the residents and schools of the Arncliffe area;
(c) The calls from residents that at the very least the Government should set aside the modest budget required to run dispersal fans all night to minimise the harm; and
(d) The guaranteed offer by Norwegian Clean Tunnel Air International to install equipment to filter the stack for an estimated $10.5m to achieve 90% of fine particles down to 0.1 micron.
(2) That this House:
(a) Calls on the Minister for Roads for a full explanation about what visits his staff have made to Norway to inspect filtration infrastructure and what action will result from those visits; and
(b) Demands the Government bring on twice previously postponed M5 East filtration legislation forthwith.
(Notice given 19 September 2001)
486 Mrs SKINNER to move—
(1) That this House that an unprecedented meeting of doctors, medical defence organisations and insurers held in Sydney last weekend was told that despite the Minister for Health indicating that the Healthcare Liability Act would reduce insurance premiums, there are fears that they will now skyrocket and the end result will be that doctors will no longer be able to afford to work in public hospitals such that obstetricians can expect to face premiums of $132,000 and neurologists may have insurance costs of $220,000.
(2) That this House calls on the Minister for Health to rule out options which are currently being considered in the drafting of regulations which doctors believe could spell disaster for some of the high-risk specialities with the possibility of an exodus of our doctors to other States.
(Notice given 19 September 2001)
487 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House congratulates the Member for Lachlan, The Hon Ian Armstrong, the Member for Willoughby, The Hon Peter Collins, the Minister for Education and Training and Member for Riverstone, The Hon John Aquilina and the Member for Coogee, The Hon Ernie Page on the twentieth anniversary of their election to this House, the NSW Parliament on 19 September 1981.
(Notice given 19 September 2001)
488 Mr WEBB to move—
(1) That this House notes:
(a) The contribution that the Australian Railways Historical Society, ACT Division, made in providing two historical trains, one steam and one diesel, for the conveyance of over 350 delegates to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association from Goulburn and Bungendore to Canberra on Sunday 9 September 2001;
(b) That one of these Locomotives is the historic 1210, built in 1878 and faithfully restored and operated by the society;
(c) That this steam train, coupled with recently restored carriages, having their first outing in some 70 years, was acknowledged as a highlight by the visiting participants.
(2) That this House:
(a) Further notes that on Sunday 17 September 2001 this train also re-enacted the first rail passenger trip into Canberra on 17 September 1914 at that time 1210 was the original locomotive;
(b) Congratulates the Queanbeyan and District Centenary of Federation Committee and the Australian Railway Historical Society for organising this important event;
(c) Notes the high quality rolling stock restoration and valuable track maintenance work carried out by the Society and calls on the Department of Transport to support this costly work.
(Notice given 19 September 2001)
489 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Calls on the Minister for Agriculture to immediately implement a programme to eradicate feral pigs in NSW.
(2) Calls on the relevant authorities to strictly police laws on the keeping of feral pigs.
(3) Calls on the Government to, as a matter of urgency, provide funds to upgrade veterinary training, Government quarantine, laboratory and field staff to immediately combat any outbreak of exotic animal diseases in NSW.
(Notice given 19 September 2001)
490 Mr O'FARRELL to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s expenditure of over $50,000 on the use of helicopters since the last election, including flights to Wyong and Blackheath;
(2) Notes that everyday thousands of commuters travel from Wyong and Blackheath to and from Sydney using the road and rail networks; and
(3) Encourages the Premier to regularly use the public transport and travel options.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
491 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Community Services for her failure to develop programs to comprehensively address the exodus of former State wards and children in the care system to the adult prison system;
(2) Notes that ex State wards represent up to 50% of women in prison and at least 25% of all men in prison in NSW.
(3) Calls on the Government to develop programs to assist children in avoiding prison.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
492 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
(1) That this House notes:
(a) The Government’s neglect of Department of Housing residents at South Coogee who continue to be regularly terrorised by a group of up to 20 teenagers despite writing to and petitioning the Government.
(b) That elderly residents lock themselves in their homes at night for protection.
(2) That this House condemns the Government for being soft on anti-social behaviour with laws that do nothing to evict public housing tenants for serial annoyance, drug use, drug possession, drug storage or threats of violence and intimidation.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
493 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the Government for the recent commitment to reopen Cooma gaol.
(2) Notes the present short fall in places available in Correctional Services Institutions in this State.
(3) Notes that the Government should never have closed the Cooma Gaol.
(4) Urges the Government to acknowledge, retain and capitalise on the important museum at the gaol.
(5) Condemns the Government for not implementing the Drugs Education Program as promoted by Kate and Neville Locker during the gaol’s closure and its lack of response to the proponents of the program.
(6) Calls on the Government to support the important and proven Children’s Drugs Education Program in Cooma.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
494 Mr PICCOLI to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges that one of the greatest difficulties facing people and in western NSW is the lack of understanding by people in metropolitan Sydney about the unique issues which face Country NSW.
(2) Condemns the Sydney Morning Herald editorial of Thursday 20 September 2001 concerning the state of the Murrumbidgee River and its criticism of the rural lobby.
(3) Urges the Sydney Morning Herald journalists and editors to research issues in western NSW particularly as they relate to land and water management.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
495 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House notes the concerns raised by private and public housing residents of Nowra East who have received no assistance from the Member for South Coast or the Minister for Housing regarding widespread anti social behaviour from a minority of public housing tenants.
(Notice given 20 September 2001)
496 Mr MAGUIRE to move—
That this House:
(1) Acknowledges with regret the death of Donald Moreton Kendell, AM, aviator and founder of Kendell Airlines.
(2) Acknowledges Don Kendell’s enormous contribution to the aviation industry and in particular his contribution, generosity and faith in the city of Wagga Wagga.
(3) Extends to his wife Eilish and family our sincere and heartfelt condolences on the passing of a great Australian and loyal friend of Wagga Wagga.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
497 Mr BARR to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that on Saturday 13 October at 3.00am a building known as P22 at North Head Quarantine Station was destroyed by fire.
(2) Notes that the early indications are that the 1883 built structure was deliberately set alight.
(3) Notes that this building, which was the third class dormitory was one of the first and most historically significant buildings on the site.
(4) Notes that security on the night in question was non-existent.
(5) Condemns the lack of security and calls on the Government to properly secure the site immediately in a way which reflects its cultural and historical significance.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
498 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Government has announced further night time reductions in use of high speed Manly jet cats.
(2) Notes that the Member for Manly has failed the people of Manly and the Peninsular by publicly expressing very little concern.
(3) Notes that residents of Manly and the Peninsular demand and are entitled to high speed efficient jet cat or equivalent services to get them home quickly at night.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Transport to guarantee continuation of high speed harbour services.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
499 Mr BARR to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Member for Wakehurst for putting motions before this House in the spirit of mockery.
(2) Expresses concern about the obsession the Member for Wakehurst has about the adjoining Manly Electorate.
(3) Calls upon the Member for Wakehurst to focus more on his own electorate, in particular the shameful goings on at Warringah Council.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
500 Mr TORBAY to move—
That this House calls on the Government to immediately improve overall conditions and incentives for New South Wales nurses and ask that the Minister for Health take immediate action to address the nursing crisis in New South Wales particularly in rural and regional areas.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
501 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the concerns of some residents of the Bega Valley with respect to 400 meter buffer zones on private property which lie beside National Parks, and other aspects of the soon to be adopted LEP.
(2) Notes that this Local Environmental Planning process is taking place in the absence of a democratically elected council in the Bega Valley.
(3) Calls on the Minister for Planning to intervene and postpone the introduction of the Bega Valley Shire Council’s proposed LEP until after the forthcoming Council elections.
(Notice given 16 October 2001)
502 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that nurses across NSW are undertaking strike action in a desperate attempt to get the State Government to address the critical staffing shortages faced by the profession.
(2) Notes that the NSW Nursing Workforce Research Project Report released earlier this year states that “an estimated pool of 9,353 nurses may consider returning to nursing in NSW” and 3,253 of them said they would consider returning to work if hospital conditions improved.
(3) Notes that the NSW Government has cut spending on health from 25% of the total state budget four years ago to 22% of the budget this year.
(4) Calls on the Government to immediately increase hospital funding to improve conditions in which nurses and other front line health workers must operate, and at least give nurses a fair hearing on wage claims.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
503 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the breakdown in the relationship between the Government and stakeholders in natural resource management across this State.
(2) Notes the mass resignation, walk-outs and general dissatisfaction of community representatives on native vegetation and water management committees appointed by the Government.
(3) Notes the belated recognition of his Government’s policy failure by the Minister for Land and Water Conservation through his announcement of an internal investigation of the State’s 72 natural resource committees.
(4) Calls on the Government to listen to country people across this State when making important decisions about natural resource management.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
504 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the refusal of the Minister for Police to allow the residents and businesses and local elected representatives in the Southern Highlands and Wollondilly to meet with the Commissioner of Police to discuss local policing issues.
(2) Acknowledges local anger about low police numbers in the Camden Local Area Command.
(3) Acknowledges the hard work of the Camden LAC to do the best it can with limited resources.
(4) Condemns the Minister for Police for refusing a legitimate meeting between the States highest paid public servant and the people who pay for those services, to improve local policing and security.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
505 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises that the Lilyfield, Leichhardt and Rozelle ALP Branches unanimously voted against any sale of Callan Park at a combined meeting on 3 September 2001.
(2) Notes that the coalition, Leichhardt Council, and the Leichhardt community oppose the sale of public land for housing at Callan Park.
(3) Condemns the Member for Port Jackson for failing to listen to the concerns of her own ALP Branch members, local council, her working party into Rozelle Hospital and the local community.
(4) Calls on the Member for Port Jackson to commit to keeping Callan Park in public ownership.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
506 Ms MOORE to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Police to urgently respond to the unanimous resolutions of 250 people at meetings in the Bligh Electorate, requesting:
(1) Immediate confirmation that the Government will not amalgamate or merge Local Area Commands in inner and Eastern Sydney.
(2) Kings Cross and Redfern Local Area Commands be returned to Category One, with increased staffing and resources to meet the specific, complex needs of these areas, including the known drug hot spot of Springfield Mall at Kings Cross and Eveleigh Street/Redfern Railway Station.
(3) An effective recruitment and retention program that will properly resource Local Area Commands for effective community policing, including regular uniformed police foot patrols.
(4) Renewed focus on the reform process recommended by the Wood Royal Commission.
(5) Immediate implementation of the Cabramatta Policing Inquiry recommendations.
(6) An inquiry into policing in Kings Cross and Redfern, including the adequacy of police resources.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
507 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House recognises:
(1) The celebration this week of World Rural Women’s Day and the integral role women play in farming communities.
(2) The hosting by the Chair of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers, Mrs Victoria Sebagereka, of a conference being held in Kampala, Uganda this week celebrating World Rural Women’s Day and World Food Day.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
508 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Commends the Federal Government for its commitment to build a Naval Ammunitioning Facility and associated infrastructure in Twofold Bay near Eden.
(2) Notes the announcement today by the Federal Member for Eden-Monaro Gary Nairn and the Hon. Dr Brendan Nelson, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, naming the preferred tenderer.
(3) Congratulates Baulderstone Hornibrook Pty Ltd for being the preferred tendering company chosen to design and construct the Marine Works Package for the Eden Multi-Purpose Wharf.
(4) Notes that this facility, with its associated commercial loading and storage works, will have very far-reaching industry and trade opportunities and flow-on benefits for the whole south-east region of the state and beyond.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
509 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes:
(1) The potential benefits to be gained from greater focus on primary health care which:
· encourage healthier lifestyles, and
· provides screening, early diagnosis and intervention so that people at risk are less likely to develop disease.
(2) The valuable work being undertaken by the Maari Ma Aboriginal Corporation, which is working in partnership with the Far West Area Health Service, the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the University of Sydney to get better health outcomes for the people of the area, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal.
(3) The strong role played by the community, through advisory councils, working parties and health forums in identifying issues and encouraging participation in primary health care projects.
(4) Calls on the Government to give greater priority and provide better funding for primary health care.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
510 Mr BROGDEN to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that this weekend the Sisters of the Good Samaritan and the students and staff of St Scholastica’s College will celebrate a centenary at their premises on Avenue Road, Glebe.
(2) Congratulates the Sisters for their commitment to education, based on the principles of harmony, learning, hospitality and compassion.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
511 Mr BROWN to move—
(1) That this House notes the comments from the former Member for Tamworth made in the House on 16 October 2001 in relation to the National Party.
(2) Pays tribute to Country Labor in representing the views of regional and rural NSW.
(Notice given 17 October 2001)
512 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that nurses from Coffs Harbour Base Hospital have advised that they will not move to the new Coffs Harbour Base Hospital when it opens in December due to the lack of funding for the employment of additional registered nurses needed at the new hospital.
(2) Notes that this lack of funding creates a security and welfare risk for both nurses and patients.
(Notice given 18 October 2001)
513 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House calls on the NSW Government to guarantee existing water users – eg. Local Government, irrigators, industry and recreational users as well as environmental users, will not be disadvantaged financially socially or culturally by the Government’s water reform process being undertaken in NSW.
(Notice given 18 October 2001)
514 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Transport for the state of road bridges on Mount Browne Road, Orara Valley and Upper Orara Road, Karangi which cross the main North Coast railway line.
(2) Calls on the Minister to immediately upgrade the bridges so that they may be used safely.
(3) Notes the concern of local school bus driver, Mr Colin Sambrook, for the safety of up to 68 school children when he crosses these bridges twice daily.
(4) Calls on the Government to accept liability for any death or injury which may be caused by the condition of these bridges.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Transport to give assurances concerning the students’ safety if Mr Sambrook asks the children to disembark and walk across the bridge due to the bridge’s state of repair.
(Notice given 18 October 2001)
515 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the protracted social problems, particularly juvenile crime, existing in parts of Kempsey.
(2) Congratulates the local community, Kempsey Shire Council, Catholic Church and Federal Coalition Government, for contributing funding of $50,000; $40,000; $250,000 and $250,000 respectively for a PCYC facility at the former King Gee factory at South Kempsey.
(3) Notes that a further $250,000 is required to fully renovate the old factory due to the presence of asbestos.
(4) Calls upon the Government to recognise its responsibilities for police and youth matters and to match the Federal Funding for this greatly needed facility.
(Notice given 18 October 2001)
516 Mr FRASER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the Minister for Agriculture for withdrawing promised funding which was to be utilised for the eradication of Black Sigatoka disease in bananas.
(2) Notes the devastation this disease could cause to the multi-million dollar North Coast banana industry.
(3) Notes the Member for Tweed and Country Labor’s ineffectiveness and inaction in this issue.
(Notice given 18 October 2001)
517 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—
That this House condemns the Government’s early release of prisoners as evidenced through increased rates of parole approval and offers of unescorted leave to violent offenders.
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
518 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for Health to immediately fund 10 hour night shifts for nurses at Sutherland Hospital as he has done in many other hospitals to:
(1) Help entice nurses back to Sutherland Hospital, and
(2) Help reduce situations such as nurses being forced to work 16 hour shifts in the Intensive Care Unit.
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
519 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House notes:
(1) That the Government’s reforms to the fishing industry are having a significant socio/economic effect on the port of Eden.
(2) The significant loss of income to commercial fishermen in Eden, meaning in some cases closure of their businesses and consequent loss of jobs to the region.
(3) That some operators have decided to move their entire business to the north of the State or even interstate.
(4) The importance of Eden based commercial fishing to the State of NSW.
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
520 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Recognises that it is close to 50 weeks since the Rural Crime Working Party delivered their report on Stock Theft and Rural Crime.
(2) Recognises the number of cattle, sheep, tractors, motor bikes, trikes, machinery, drenches etc which have been stolen during this 12 month period.
(3) Condemns the Minister for Police and Minister for Agriculture for their failure to act on the findings.
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
521 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that current and potential aquaculture enterprises are still waiting for the Government’s aquaculture plan for the south and far south coasts of NSW.
(2) Notes that for further investment and security of tenure in the sea food industry, the details of this plan must be made available as soon as possible.
(3) Notes the buy out of commercial fishing licences on the South Coast of NSW.
(4) Notes the closure of various estuaries and river systems.
(5) Notes that the concentration of recreational fishing at restricted locations will place significant strain on fish stocks.
(6) Notes the concern, and disadvantages that these changes are causing, particularly to indigenous fishers who hold current endorsements.
(7) Notes that endorsed indigenous fishers are prohibited from fishing on certain days, from using some traditional methods and at certain traditional locations.
(Notice given 23 October 2001)
522 Mr HARTCHER to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the concern of parents of the students attending Biddabah Primary School, Warners Bay that seven years after applying for financial assistance from the Department of Education and Training the school is still awaiting funding to upgrade inadequate toilet facilities, and build a school hall and permanent library.
(2) Notes that only 6 of the 14 classrooms are permanent buildings and that the school has been forced to install demountable toilets.
(3) Notes that the Government has not given any guarantee as to when this work will commence.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to immediately review this situation and allocate the necessary funding to Biddabah Primary School for these urgently needed facilities.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
523 Mrs SKINNER to move—
That this House notes that:
(1) There are over 2,700 children waiting for elective treatment at the Specialist Children’s Hospitals at Westmead and Randwick with nearly 700 children waiting too long for treatment at the New Children’s Hospital Emergency Department.
(2) 76 of the 424 people waiting for orthopaedic surgery in Tweed Valley Hospitals have waited more than a year.
(3) 166 of 222 people waiting for orthopaedic surgery at Shoalhaven Hospital have waited more than a year.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
524 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes with concern the widespread late frosts over the Tablelands, West and South West Slopes on 20-21 October 2001 which may have caused extensive damage to orchards and vineyards.
(2) Recognises that damage to this year’s crops and subsequent economic loss, will not become apparent until fruit begins to form later in the growing season.
(3) Expresses its concern at the significant problems faced by orchardists and vignerons in dealing with extreme climatic conditions.
(4) Calls on the Government to consider authorising the NSW Rural Assistance Authority to provide assistance under the Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements if the frosts have caused significant damage to this year’s crops.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
525 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the illegal ‘Black Wallaby’ protest in the Monga State Forest near Braidwood.
(2) Notes the serious life threatening risk that the protestors place themselves and forest workers in.
(3) Notes that the ongoing protest is causing a significant amount of personal and financial stress on forest workers and their families.
(4) Notes that the forestry operations are not being carried out in Old Growth Forests.
(5) Notes that the operations are authorised and condoned by this Government following the signing of the Southern Regional Forest Agreement.
(6) Notes that the logging operations are being conducted following extensive studies and clearance by the NPWS, DLWC and the EPA.
(7) Calls on the Government to immediately provide additional police resources to seek out, arrest and charge these illegal ill-informed protestors.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
526 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the Premier’s comments in this House on 23 October 2001 regarding jobs in Country and Regional areas of NSW.
(2) Calls on the Premier to explain to the people of Casino and the forestry workers in the Lismore electorate, how these progamms are helping them when State Forests has indicated a further reduction of 12 fulltime jobs over the next 12 months making a total of 30 fulltime positions over 4 years.
(3) Calls on the Premier to overrule this decision.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
527 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the current upgrading work being carried out by Integral Energy on the Camden Valley Way at Edmondson Park.
(2) Notes that this work has been conducted mainly on Sundays in residential areas.
(3) Notes the inconvenience that the actions of Integral Energy cause for local residents because of extended power interruptions of up to eight hours on Sundays.
(4) Calls on the Minister for Energy to direct Integral Energy to conduct upgrading works at times that cause the least inconvenience to local residents.
(Notice given 24 October 2001)
528 Mr MERTON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the proposal to build a waste transfer terminal between Parramatta and Auburn on land owned by Freightcorp, a State Government entity.
(2) Notes that the site of the proposed waste terminal is within three metres of the environmentally sensitive Duck River and that the development will prevent the establishment of a riparian zone and continuous public access along the Duck River to the Homebush Bay Olympic site.
(3) Notes that Parramatta and Auburn Councils both oppose the development and that there are already adequate waste facilities in the area.
(4) Notes that the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning has determined this to be a state significant development and is now the consent authority for the proposal.
(5) Condemns the Government for considering this proposal to make the Parramatta and Auburn areas a dumping ground for another waste facility.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
529 Ms SEATON to move—
That this House calls on the Minister for the Environment to:
(1) Explain why the Waste Service of NSW, has refused to consider a commercial arrangement to locate a transfer facility on an existing waste management site in the Auburn area.
(2) Explain why the Government is intent on inflicting an additional waste management site on the people of Auburn and Parramatta.
(3) Acknowledge that present waste service sites would be satisfactory for the purpose.
(4) Explain why the Government has made no attempt to limit new waste facilities in Parramatta and Auburn.
(5) Calls on the Premier to step in, insist that Waste Service make an existing site available.
(6) Calls on the Government to ensure that Woodlawn workers are not put through further stress and uncertainty about the payment of their entitlements.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
530 Mr STONER to move—
That this House:
(1) Condemns the opposition to the proposed inquiry into corruption in the building industry expressed by the CFMEU and others.
(2) Notes the public support for this stance given by members of the Labor Party, including the Members for Bathurst, Cessnock and Broken Hill, in conjunction with groups including the Socialist League, the Lebanese Communist Sydney Branch and the Worker Communist Party of Iraq.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
531 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the possibility of Local Government having an increased role in natural resource management without additional resources.
(2) Notes that catchment management boards, water management committees and regional vegetation committees are developing plans for the improved management of natural resources throughout the State, and that Local Government is represented on these boards and committees.
(3) Calls on the NSW Government to give Local Government assistance in this increased administration burden which creates a major financial and logistical impost.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
532 Mr D. L. PAGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the ongoing conflict between pedestrians, including many school children and vehicles at Alstonville on the Bruxner Highway.
(2) Calls on the Government to build the Alstonville By-Pass as a matter of urgency now that the planning process has been completed.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
533 Mr GEORGE to move—
That this House:
(1) Congratulates the National Party Federal Member for New England, Stuart St Clair, for successfully negotiating an extension of Hazelton air services to Tamworth and Armidale after 29 October.
(2) Condemns the Minister for Transport, the Member for Northern Tablelands and others standing for the seat of New England for their failure to offer a solution to the proposed withdrawal of Hazelton services.
(3) Notes the importance of the ongoing support of the residents of the New England to the future of Hazelton air services to Tamworth and Armidale.
(4) Condemns the Government for its inaction and failure to join the Federal Government in developing viable solutions to the problems faced by regional airline operators and their passengers.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
534 Ms HODGKINSON to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that the Deputy Premier (in Answer to Question on Notice No. 1794) washed his hands of the issue of unpaid entitlements to former Woodlawn employees.
(2) Notes that former employees are concerned that secured creditors of the failed mine will receive their payments before former employees receive part of their entitlements worth $6.5 million.
(3) Notes that the restrictions imposed by the Government, including two commissions of inquiry, have curtailed the ability of the Administrator of Woodlawn, at Tarago to pay the former employees their full entitlements.
(4) Notes that the Minister had the report by Commissioner Cleland recommending the waste depot be approved on his desk in February 2000, and that the report recommended filling the mine and based on this proposal workers entitlements would have been received, and funds been available to rehabilitate the tailings and evaporation dams.
(5) Calls on the Minister for Planning and Deputy Premier to lift restrictions which have been imposed and immediately allow entitlements to former Woodlawn employees to be paid.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
535 Mr WEBB to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes the concerns of the Local Government and Shires Association in regard to the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning’s white paper, Plan First.
(2) Notes the concerns of “Save our Suburbs” NSW inc. and rural local Councils about the impact of Plan First on local community autonomy.
(3) Notes their concerns over the method of appointment and tenure of people appointed by the Minister to the Regional Forums and committees.
(4) Notes that on a regional basis many groups of interested parties will not be represented.
(5) Notes the difficulty in drafting State Planning Policies that will be relevant at a local level.
(6) Notes the difficulty in properly defining the “Regions” that will be used to group Local Councils.
(7) Calls on the Minister to have further broad community consultation prior to the introduction of the draft Exposure Bill.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
536 Mr HAZZARD to move—
That this House:
(1) Notes that CLAN, the Care Leavers of Australia Network, held a first birthday conference on Saturday 20 October at Parramatta.
(2) Notes that CLAN provides essential support and a voice for people who have been in care.
(3) Calls on the Government to provide additional funds to facilitate access to their care files and the support they may need as a result of being in care.
(Notice given 25 October 2001)
ORDERS OF THE DAY (Committee Reports)—
1 Report of the Public Accounts Committee entitled “Industry Assistance”, dated June 2001; “That the House take note of the Report”.
2 Report of the Public Bodies Review Committee entitled “Personal Effects: A Review of the Offices of the Public Guardian and the Protective Commissioner” dated October 2001; “That the House take note of the Report”.
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales