Encapsulating the theme of this year’s Bicentenary, ‘Reflect, Celebrate, Imagine’, this expansive exhibition charts the NSW Legislative Council’s evolution over 200 years – from humble beginnings through to the robust and representative democratic institution that it is today. Learn about all the highlights, important moments, and key figures that have shaped the Council along the way – plus plenty of interesting stories you won’t hear anywhere else.
The exhibition dedicates the Reconciliation Wall to reflecting on the institution’s relationship with the First Nations peoples of NSW and Australia. It also lays bare the fascinating traditions of the Upper House, complete with a range of historical artefacts and details the progress and continued efforts toward increased diversity within the Council. Both educational and highly engaging, expect to come away with fresh perspectives about Australia’s oldest legislature.
How to see the exhibition
Visit the exhibition at NSW Parliament House on weekdays, 9am to 5pm between 14 October and 24 January (excluding Christmas shutdown period of 23 December-6 January). Access is to the left of the building via the security gatehouse.
Can't make it in person to the exhibition? You can still learn about the legacy and evolution of the Legislative Council via our exhibition booklet.
View the 'Legacy & Evolution – 200 Years of the NSW Legislative Council' exhibition booklet here.