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1.1 The contemporary debate
Upper Houses, in Australia and elsewhere, have recently become the focus of
renewed political and academic attention. In NSW, a senior member of the Carr
Government, Hon Michael Egan MLC, has campaigned for the abolition of the upper
house or, failing that, for its 'substantial' reform.1 Moreover,
responding to concerns arising from the Council periodic election held in March
1999, in order to prevent the manipulation of preference flows by political
parties the voting system for Council elections and the requirements for
registration of political parties have been reformed.2 In fact no
government has had a majority in the NSW Legislative Council since 1988 and
there are now 13 cross-bench members in a chamber with a total membership of
42, a situation with important implications for the Council as an effective
house of review. Two major decisions, both arising from the prevailing balance
of power in the Legislative Council, Egan v Willis3 and
Egan v Chadwick,4 have also focused attention on the powers of scrutiny
and review available to upper houses in this country.
Important developments have also occurred in other Australian States. In
Victoria, the Bracks Government introduced a Bill to reform the Legislative
Council in November 1999, a proposal it subsequently refined in June 2000; with
the defeat of this proposal in October 2000, the Government intends to
establish a constitutional commission to pursue its goal of reforming the upper
house.5 In South Australia, it was reported that proposals to reform
the Legislative Council would go before Parliament sometime in late 2000, but
this must now wait for the resumption of parliamentary sittings in March
2001.6 As to overseas developments, with the passage of the House
of Lords Act 1999 the United Kingdom upper house has undergone a drastic
overhaul. For the first time in its 700-year history, the automatic right of
hereditary peers to sit in the Lords has been removed so that now, in what is
supposed to be a transitional chamber, there are 525 life peers, 26 bishops, 27
current and ex-law lords, plus 92 remaining hereditary members.
Such developments have re-ignited worldwide academic interest in upper houses,
while the increasing political significance of the Australian Senate in recent
years, together with the controversies which have attended the exercise of its
powers, have also proved to be a spur to academic analysis. In 1999, SC
Patterson and A Mughan edited an important work of comparative analysis titled,
Senates: Bicameralism in the Contemporary World.7 More recently still,
Meg Russell, from the London-based Constitution Unit, an independent think-tank
devoted to the analysis of proposals for constitutional reform, published
another comparative account of upper houses, Reforming the House of Lords:
Lessons from Overseas.8 The Russell book, which was released around the
same time as the report of the Royal Commission headed by Lord Wakeham on the
reform of the House of Lords,9 was only one of many research
initiatives undertaken by the Constitution Unit as part of the debate on the
future of the upper chamber.10 That debate has also excited a
plethora of journal and conference literature, much of which has asked
fundamental questions about the appropriate powers and functions of upper
houses in Westminster-style democracies. The question of the relationship
between upper houses and the mandate to govern is often raised, as are the
related implications of strong second chambers for the theory and practice of
responsible government.
None of these is a new issue. The main focus of this paper is on their
reconsideration in the light of the contemporary powers and functions of State
upper houses in Australia, with particular attention being paid to the NSW
Legislative Council. In effect, the paper is a study of bicameralism at the
sub-national level within a federation. While much has been written about the
Australian Senate in recent years, far less attention has been paid to the
upper houses of the States.11 The paper deals, therefore, with a
relatively neglected area of study. It reflects the situation as at the end of
February 2001.
1.2 The Australian Senate - leading by example?
Because so much work has been done on the Australian Senate over the past
decade or so it is not considered in detail in this paper. The decision to
present only a brief overview of the Senate has also been made on
methodological grounds, on the basis that the States are comparable political
entities, as are their upper houses, whereas different considerations apply to
the Senate and the national polity of which it is a part. One obvious
difference is that the Senate, as a federal upper house, was designed to
protect the interests of the less populous States by giving equal
representation to all States.12 Even if it has not operated in
practice in this way, or only intermittently,13 it is still
important to recognise this federal dimension to the Senate, as well as the
absence of any comparable considerations as far as the upper houses of the
States are concerned.
Having said that, it is also important not to overstate the differences between
the operation of bicameralism at the federal and State levels. For one thing,
the powers of the Senate are comparable to those of the State upper
houses.14 More particularly, the role the Senate has played as
something of a model for the operation of bicameralism in the States must be
recognised, especially as concerns the democratisation of the State upper
houses and their activism as houses of review in the second half of the
twentieth century.15 The most obvious developments in this regard
were the adoption of proportional representation for Senate elections in 1949,
the outcome of which has been the representation of minority parties in the
upper house,16 and the subsequent development of the standing
committee system since 1970 which, as John Uhr commented, 'brought a new sense
of legitimacy to the upper house'.17 What has emerged in the past 20
years or so is a house in which neither the government nor the official
opposition has a majority18 and in which the minority parties have
grown ever more adept and confident in taking full advantage of their strategic
position in the prevailing balance of power. So much so that Uhr has written of
the post-1993 period as 'the age of minority' which has witnessed a 'procedural
revolution'19 including: the establishment of a 'double-deadline'
test requiring the government to meet deadlines for the introduction of Bills
into the lower as well as the upper house;20 plus the breaking of
what Uhr called the 'government chokehold on committee power'.21
This 'age of minority' has also seen the outbreak of what he described as
'mandate wars' between the Government and the Senate,22 notably over
such issues as Telstra privatisation and the introduction of the GST in which
the Government has had to negotiate with the minor parties in the
Senate.23 One reads with historical interest now KC Wheare's classic
discussion of bicameralism in which he noted, on one side, the inconsistencies
between what he called 'the conventions of Cabinet government' and the creation
of two popularly elected assemblies, 'each entitled to claim to speak for the
people' and, on the other, his observations about the extent to which the
Australian Senate was dominated, in fact, by the House of
'The conventional opinion', according to Uhr, 'is that responsible party
government confers a mandate to govern on the majority party in the House of
Representatives, although there is a clear trend to concede that the Senate is
evolving its own modifications of that conventional doctrine'.25
Added to this is Uhr's assessment that 'There is ample evidence that the Senate
is in the process of redefining its representative role' in a way that poses
'fundamental challenges to the conventional model of Australian responsible
government'.26 In a similar vein, Richard Mulgan believed there are
now 'two contrasting models of the Senate's role vis-à-vis the government of
the day': one as 'an agent of accountability and review', which appears to be
consistent with responsible government; the other as 'a partner in policy
making', a spill-over from Uhr's mandate wars in which minor parties negotiate
over the substance of government policy, a development which seems more at odds
with the Westminster tradition of responsible government.27
Perhaps not everyone would agree with such assessments and it may be that many
would want to argue over details. It is certainly the case, however, that
recent developments in the Senate's parliamentary role are, for some, unwelcome
intrusions into the traditional system of responsible party government, most
famously in Paul Keating's denunciation of the Senate as a 'spoiling
chamber...usurping the responsibilities of the executive drawn from the
representative chamber, the House of Representatives'.28 On the
other hand, for many academic commentators the Senate's new-found vigour is
viewed as a positive development in the often lop-sided relationship between
parliament and the executive. Bruce Stone has written of the Senate's
achievements as follows:
Despite the fact that a powerful upper house has long been held to be
inconsistent with Australia's Westminster inheritance of 'responsible
government', the Australian Senate has undergone a celebrated revival in the
second half of the 20th century. From an apparently failed 'states'
house at the mid point of the century, the Senate was gradually transformed
through electoral system change and consequent representation of minor parties
to the point where it is now regularly described as the most vital element of
the parliamentary system. Among Westminster-derived democracies especially,
with their tendency towards executive-dominated lower houses (a product of
single-member constituency electoral systems), the Australian Senate offers a
model for recovering something of the text-book functions of
Can the same be said of some or all of the State upper houses in Australia? If
bicameralism is so 'strong' at the national level, is this reflected or
reproduced in the States? Bruce Stone has suggested this may be the case,
writing that the Legislative Councils in the States 'have also been evolving
over the past half century in ways which partly parallel the evolution of the
Australian Senate'.30
1.3 Terminology and scope
This briefing paper uses the terms 'upper house' and 'second chamber'
interchangeably. 'Upper house' is now used generally in Australia as a
descriptive term for the Senate and the Legislative Councils of the States
without apparently invoking any connotations of class or some other kind of
social stratification. Reference is also made to second chambers in
contemporary Australia, a term suggestive of those 'ancillary' scrutiny or
revising functions associated with a house of review.31 From a
purely historical standpoint, 'lower houses' certainly did not precede 'upper
houses' or 'second chambers' in colonial Australia. In NSW, for example, the
Legislative Council first met as an appointed body in 1824, whereas the
Legislative Assembly dates to the establishment of the system of bicameral,
responsible government in 1856.32 Legislative Councils also predated
Legislative Assemblies in Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria and Western
Australia. 'Lower houses' may be considered as 'first' in terms of legislative
initiative, therefore, but not otherwise.33
The paper starts with an account of the theoretical and practical questions
which are often asked in relation to bicameralism, notably in relation to the
doctrine of responsible government. It then looks at the powers and functions
of the five State upper houses, and reviews their historical and contemporary
record as houses of review. The main focus, however, is on the NSW Legislative
Council and in this respect the paper can be looked upon as an update of the
1988 Background Paper by Barbara Page titled, The Legislative Council of New
South Wales: Past, Present and Future.