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Breifing Paper No. 09/2009 by J. Wilkinson
Page Content
This Briefing Paper presents a comparative economic survey of the regions of
NSW. Presented are key economic indicators for each region, as well as
government initiatives to encourage regional development. Similar initiatives
in other selected jurisdictions are also noted and assessed.
Unemployment rates vary between the regions of NSW, as they do between the
regions collectively and Sydney. The average unemployment rate between January
and August 2009 for Sydney was 6.3%. In that same period a number of regions
had lower unemployment rates: the Murrumbidgee-Murray regions (in this regard,
combined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics) had an unemployment rate of
5%; the Hunter region registered 5.7%; and the Northern/North West/Central West
and Far West regions (again, combined by the ABS for this purpose) recorded
6.2%. Conversely the Illawarra and South East regions registered a joint
unemployment rate of 6.6% and Richmond-Tweed and Mid-North Coast regions
recorded a combined rate of 7% (pages 3-4).
Employment in the regions does not necessarily correspond to higher or lower
rates of unemployment. While the Richmond-Tweed/Mid-North Coast had the highest
unemployment rate (between January-August 2009) of any of the regions (or ABS
grouped regions), there were over 22,000 more people employed in the two
regions in 2006 than in 2001. The Murrumbidgee-Murray combined regions recorded
the lowest January-August 2009 unemployment rate, and yet only around 4,000
more people were employed in 2006 than in 2001 (pp.5-7, 20-24).
Regional NSW, collectively, does have a higher unemployment rate than the other
regional areas of the Australian states. South Australia has the lowest
regional unemployment rate, while Western Australia has the second lowest
In the USA, which has a substantial regional segment, unemployment rates in
American regions appear even more pronounced. Compared to the national average
unemployment rate (across the regions) of 9.8%, in February 2009, some regional
areas of American states had unemployment rates of between 13% and 15%
Assistance programs for regions in New South Wales have evolved considerably in
the second half of the preceding century. In the 1970s, as well as providing
assistance for individual firms in the regions, state (and federal) funds were
applied to developing two regional centres (Albury-Wodonga and Bathurst-Orange)
into growth centres. A regional industrial base was also planned in the Hunter.
The failure of these strategies to achieve the aims for which they were
established, led either to: the rationalisation of regional development policy
(to an essentially firm-based assistance policy); or to the straightforward
transfer of government departments to the regions; or to strategies essentially
aimed at sustaining the lives of people already living in the regions - such as
maintaining schools and hospitals (pp.25-32, 49-50).
Regional development programs in the other states of Australia, in their
current form, were largely introduced in the 1990s. The state which appears to
have the greatest degree of funding for regional development is Western
Australia, where the chief executive officers of the WA development commissions
are members of the public service with the status of a head of department
A notable contribution to regional development comes from foreign direct
investment (FDI). Several regions in NSW have attracted a significant number of
overseas companies (pp.40-46)
Another contribution to regional development is the strategy of clustering. In
its present day form it contributes to regional development by fostering the
growth of companies that can exploit an association with an adjacent
university. This has been particularly employed in the Hunter region: to expand
a cluster of advanced technology firms that can take advantage of links with
the centres of excellence at Newcastle University. There is also an expectation
that a cluster of firms may be developed that can capitalise on the
opportunities in the Rudd government’s Defence Capability Plan