Advice on legislation or legal policy issues contained in this paper is provided for use in parliamentary debate and for related parliamentary purposes. This paper is not professional legal opinion.
Briefing Paper No. 18/1997 by Rachel Simpson
Page Content
The cost to the Australian economy of fraud in the private sector has reached
an estimated $15-$20 billion per annum. A survey by accounting firm Ernst
& Young found that 86% of companies suffered fraud related crime between
1991 and 1996. These figures indicate a more serious problem than the
incidence and cost of public sector fraud, which is approximately $9 billion
per annum. Public sector fraud, however, continues to receive greater
attention and consequently more resources are dedicated towards its reduction.
The ICAC and the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Force are two recent
"Fraud" has not been defined in the courts, except to the extent that
to constitute fraud, the conduct in question must be "seriously
dishonest". The notions of deception and dishonesty are discussed in
Parts 2.1 and 2.2 (pp.3-5). Similarly, "fraud" is not defined in the
Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). Instead, the Crimes Act 1900 contains a
number of groups of offences that come under the umbrella of being
"fraudulent". These groups of offences are: bribery; conflict of
interest; false statements and false claims; extortion; fraudulent conversion,
and embezzlement (pp.6-10). Other legislation that deals with fraud is
proceeds of crime legislation, which provides for the forfeiture or
confiscation of tainted property as well as for pecuniary penalties in some
circumstances (pp.10-11).
A common way of classifying fraud is on an industry by industry basis. While
there are fraud offences occurring across all industries, the level of
occurrence and the manifestation of those offences may differ across
industries. As examples, the incidence of fraud in the following industries is
examined in Part 4 - Fraud by Industry: insurance; banking/credit card; health
care; superannuation; welfare, and computer/Internet fraud (pp.13-25).
The Commercial Crime Agency is the group within the NSW Police Force that
investigates allegations of large-scale or sophisticated corporate crime
(pp.28-30). However, the responsibility for regulating fraud is not that of
the police alone. In fact, the NSW Police Commissioner, Mr Peter Ryan, has
stressed the need for industry and law enforcement agencies to work together to
combat fraud which he says has become "almost unstoppble". To this
end, certain industry bodies have established anti-fraud groups. The Insurance
Council of Australia is an example of an industry association which actively
investigates allegations of fraud within a particular industry. Cardlink
Services Limited, established by the banking industry to manage the banks'
credit card operations is another example (pp.26-27).
The Victorian Major Fraud Group operates along similar lines to the Commercial
Crime Agency in NSW, investigating fraud which is of a complexity which takes
it beyond the capacity of existing Divisional resources (pp.30-31). In 1987 the
Serious Fraud Office was established in the United Kingdom. Although the
function of the SFO is similar to that of the Australian organisations, the
structure is not. The SFO is a government department , distinct from the Fraud
Squad which is part of the police service. As such, it enjoys an autonomy not
experienced by other agencies (pp.31-32). The Canadian and US responses to
fraud enforcement are slightly different again and are also examined briefly to
provide further comparison (pp.32-33).