Minority Governments in Australia - Texts of Accords, Charters and Agreements
This Issues Backgrounder is a companion document to
Minority Governments in Australia 1989-2009: Accords, Charters and Agreements, Background Paper No 1/2010 by Gareth Griffith.
Its purpose is to offer access to the texts of the relevant agreements upon which minority governments in Australia have been formed. It is also planned to update this Issues Backgrounder, by adding any future documents of this kind.
The co-operation of all other Parliamentary Libraries is acknowledged and will, it is hoped, continue into the future as new minority governments are formed in any of the Australian jurisdictions. The plan therefore is for this document to operate as a permanent electronic repository for relevant accords, charters and agreements.
The documents are presented in chronological order.
Tasmanian Greens/ALP Accord 1989
 | NSW Charter of Reform 1991

| NSW Memorandum of Understanding between non-aligned Independents and Greiner, 1991

Liz Cunningham speech, Queensland 1996

Wellington-Beattie agreement, Queensland 1998

Moore-Carnell agreement, ACT 1998

Victorian Independents’ Charter, 1999

| Jeff Kennett’s response to Independents’ Charter, 1999

Peter Lewis compact for good government, SA 2002

Rory McEwen agreement with Rann, SA 2002

| Karlene Maywald agreement with Rann, SA 2004

Brendon Grylls (Nationals) agreement with Barnett, WA 2008

Labor’s proposed agreement with Grylls, WA 2008

Greens/Labor Parliamentary Agreement, ACT 2008

Gerry Wood Parliamentary Agreement with Paul Henderson, NT 2009

Labor/Greens Agreements Tasmania 2010

| Gillard Government 2010

Geoff Brock Parliamentary Agreement with Jay Weatherill, SA 2014
18 SA 2014.pdf
Martin Hamilton-Smith Parliamentary Agreement with Jay Weatherill, SA 2014
19 SA 2014.pdf