Historically, the public sector has been the main provider of infrastructure in
Australia. With Australia’s federal system of government, the
Commonwealth Government has responsibility for certain infrastructure services,
including: postal and telecommunications; and air transport services. The State
Governments are responsible for the bulk of remaining infrastructure services,
including: ports; rail; roads; gas; electricity; and water. Local government
has varying degrees of responsibility for infrastructure across the states, but
plays a significant role in the provision of urban and rural infrastructure in
the form of water supply, sanitation and local road networks. Infrastructure
can be divided into two forms. Economic infrastructure comprises: roads;
railways; airports; water and waste water services; telecommunications; and
power generation facilities. Social infrastructure comprises: schools; health
facilities; recreation facilities; housing; and law and order facilities.
The link between infrastructure provision and economic growth / productivity
is keenly debated. However, there is considerable agreement that certain parts
of the State’s economic infrastructure are in need of urgent repair and
upgrade. A review of the State’s infrastructure by Engineers Australia
gave a ‘poor’ rating to both rail and stormwater, meaning that
critical changes are required for them to be fit for their current and
anticipated purposes. The highest rating given was ‘good’ for
electricity infrastructure.
The major methods of funding infrastructure include: government debt; taxes;
user charges; producer levies; and special purpose vehicles such as privately
funded projects. The Allen Consulting Group reviewed the best method of funding
infrastructure, as measured against criteria of: effectiveness; efficiency;
equity; stability/reliability; administration costs; compliance costs;
transparency and certainty; and stakeholder support. It found that there is no
‘silver bullet’ solution, and that every approach has disadvantages
as well as advantages.
The State Infrastructure Strategic Plan contains the Government’s
priorities for major infrastructure projects over the next ten years and aims
to bring a systematic approach to infrastructure planning. In 2001 the State
Government released its policy on the private financing of infrastructure
projects. The policy provides for the financing of both economic and social
infrastructure. The essential rationale for the use of privately financed
infrastructure projects is improved value for money for the Government. Some
reject this view, and the union movement has called for infrastructure to be
financed through the issue of government infrastructure bonds.