Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is the variety of life on Earth. There
are currently almost two million species described on Earth, but it is
estimated that the total number of global species is closer to 13 million.
Australia is a ’mega diverse’ country, possessing a rich and unique
biodiversity. The majority of Australia’s biodiversity is endemic,
existing only in Australia. Biodiversity is in serious decline at a global,
national and State level. 2010 has been declared the United Nations Year of
Biodiversity to highlight the importance of biodiversity and to generate action
to halt the biodiversity decline.
In 1992, in response to an alarming rate of species extinctions, the United
Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was opened for signature.
The Convention received wide global acceptance and was ratified by Australia on
18 June 1993. The CBD has three principle objectives: to conserve biological
diversity; to use biological diversity in a sustainable fashion; and to share
the benefits of biological diversity fairly and equitably. The Convention is
expressed in broad goals and qualified commitments rather than specific binding
obligations. It requires member states to develop national strategies and
programs for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity ‘in
accordance with its particular conditions and capabilities’. Parties to
the Convention commit to establish a national system of protected areas and to
consider the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in national
decision making.
In response to an unprecedented increasing rate of biodiversity loss, the
parties to the CBD developed a Strategic Plan in 2002, to guide further
implementation of the Convention. The Plan’s mission, known as the 2010
Target, states:
The parties commit themselves to a more effective and coherent
implementation of the three objectives of the Convention, to achieve by 2010 a
significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global,
regional and national level as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the
benefit of all life on earth.
In 2004, the Conference of Parties to the CBD established more specific goals
and targets to clarify the 2010 Target.
Despite the wide international commitment to the CBD and the 2010 Target, the
UN has recently acknowledged that parties to the CBD have failed to meet the
2010 Target and that global biodiversity continues to be lost at an
unprecedented rate. The Conference of Parties to the CBD is expected to adopt
an updated strategic plan in October 2010, to replace the 2010 Target, which is
likely to incorporate national biodiversity targets.
Historically in Australia, biodiversity conservation at a national level was
generally confined to legislation and policies that dealt specifically with
protected areas, protected species and environmental assessment. The national
approach to biodiversity conservation broadened significantly following the
1992 CBD and the 1992 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment, which
outlined national and State responsibilities in relation to environmental
In 1996, the
National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s
Biological Diversity was endorsed by Australian Governments as the
framework for biodiversity conservation in Australia.
[3.1] The National
Strategy was recently reviewed and a new draft strategy publicly exhibited. A
large number of submissions were received on the draft strategy from a diverse
range of stakeholders.
In 1999, the
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act (EPBC Act) was enacted which significantly broadened the
Commonwealth Government’s role in relation to biodiversity. The Act was
promoted by the Government as landmark environmental reform. The Act gives the
Commonwealth Government responsibility for matters of national environmental
significance and for actions undertaken by the Commonwealth or actions on
Commonwealth land.
[3.3] An independent, statutory review of the EPBC
Act has recently been released. The review made 71 recommendations to improve
and modernise the Act. The Government has yet to formally respond to the
Review, however it has indicated that it believes two of the Review’s
recommendations to be unnecessary.
Protected areas have been described as Australia’s premier
investment in biodiversity conservation. An integrated national approach to
protected areas is promoted through the National Reserve System and the
National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas programs. They aim to
establish a comprehensive, adequate and representative network of protected
areas across Australian land and water to conserve biodiversity. The National
Reserve System consists of over 9000 terrestrial protected areas, covering 89
million hectares or more than 11% of the country. The National Reserve System
Strategy 2009-2030 was recently released by the Commonwealth Government. The
Strategy commits to increasing the area of the terrestrial reserve system by
25% by 2013.
[3.5] According to the most recently available data, the
national marine protected areas system consists of 200 reserves and covers an
area of 64 000 hectares.
There is a range of other Commonwealth Government legislation, policies and
programs that address biodiversity, including: Regional Forest Agreements,
Caring for Country and Australia’s Native Vegetation Framework.
New South Wales
NSW Biodiversity Strategy was introduced in 1999 to provide the
framework for biodiversity conservation in NSW. It is currently being revised
to guide biodiversity management in the State over the next twenty years. The
revised strategy will likely contain statewide natural resource targets for
biodiversity and water, which are also included as targets under the State
Plan. The draft strategy also proposes the inclusion of short, medium and long
term goals for biodiversity conservation.
Publicly owned
protected areas, in the form of national parks and
reserves, have been the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation in NSW for
many years. NSW
has a long history of national parks, with Sydney’s Royal National Park
established in 1879 as Australia’s first national park and the second
national park in the world. The NSW terrestrial reserve system consists of 789
protected areas, covering 6.7 million hectares, or 8.4% of the total land area
of NSW. Since 2006, there has been a 3.5% increase in the area of the
terrestrial NSW reserve system. The Government recently proposed the creation
of a new national park, the River Red Gums National Park in the Riverina region
of NSW, which is the subject of a Bill currently before Parliament.
The coastal fringe of NSW is generally well protected in the terrestrial
reserve system compared to the central and western parts of the State. There
are various methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the NSW reserve system
at conserving biodiversity. Two common methods are: the percentage of each
bioregion that is protected in the reserve system; and progress towards the
establishment of a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system.
Marine protected areas, particularly sanctuary (no-take) zones, are the
key component of marine biodiversity conservation in NSW. There are currently 6
marine parks in NSW, covering an extent of 345 000 hectares or 34% of waters
within NSW jurisdiction. Sanctuary zones, in which fishing is completely
prohibited, make up 18% of marine parks, or 6.5% of total NSW marine
In recent years there has been an increased focus on
voluntary conservation
on private land. Programs such as the Conservation Partners Program
encourage community participation in biodiversity conservation. The
establishment of private conservation reserves, managed by non government
organisations, is also becoming increasingly common in Australia and NSW.
[4.4 and 3.7]
Threatened Species Conservation Act (NSW) (TSC Act)
was enacted in 1995 to conserve threatened species, populations and
ecological communities. The TSC Act interacts closely with the
Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) which integrates threatened species
requirements into the planning framework. The TSC Act provides for the listing
of threatened species, populations and ecological communities and the
declaration of critical habitat. It also requires the preparation of recovery
plans and threat abatement plans. In 2004, amendments to the Act introduced the
requirement to develop a threatened species priorities action statement. This
is indicative of a shift in focus from the recovery of individual threatened
species to a more strategic focus on the protection of communities and
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
(EP&A Act) regulates planning in NSW and provides a framework within which
other pieces of legislation and policy operate to address biodiversity. The key
pieces of legislation are the
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
Native Vegetation Act 2003. The operation of the
planning system at both a strategic and development assessment level has the
potential to significantly impact on biodiversity conservation. At a strategic
planning level, a range of planning instruments can impact on biodiversity,
including local environment plans, development control plans and State
environmental planning policies. Biodiversity certification was introduced in
the 2004 amendments to the TSC Act. This enables the Minister to
‘biodiversity certify’ a planning instrument, bringing the
biodiversity assessment forward to the strategic planning phase and removing
the requirement to undertake threatened species assessment during the
development assessment process.
The EP&A Act generally requires environmental impact assessment to be
undertaken before the proposal for a development is determined. If a
development under Part 4 or Part 5 of the EP&A Act is likely to have a
significant effect on threatened species, or is on land that is critical
habitat, a species impact statement must also be undertaken.
In late 2006 the NSW Government introduced the
Biodiversity Banking and
Offsets Scheme (BioBanking). BioBanking is a market based approach to
conserving biodiversity through the planning process. Developers can opt to use
BioBanking to offset the impacts of their development by purchasing
biodiversity credits, generated on a BioBank site, as an alternative to the
traditional threatened species regime under the EP&A Act.
BioBanking scheme commenced in 2008 and the first BioBank agreement was
recently entered into between the NSW Government and a private landholder.
While the subject of much debate, the effectiveness of BioBanking in conserving
biodiversity remains to be seen.
Native Vegetation Act 2003 was introduced to implement
the Government’s commitment to end broadscale clearing. In accordance
with the Act, broadscale clearing is not permissible unless it improves or
maintains environmental outcomes. The first five yearly statutory review of the
Native Vegetation Act was completed late last year. The review found
that the objectives of the Act remain valid and no fundamental changes to the
Act are necessary. However, it noted that there had been calls for broader
reform to be considered in the longer term.
Despite the wide international commitment to the CBD and the 2010 Target and
the legislation, policy and programs addressing biodiversity at both a
Commonwealth and NSW level in Australia, biodiversity continues to be in
serious decline at a State, national and international level.