This page explains the timing for publication of new information, and who to contact regarding content on this site.
Proof (draft) text is published online approximately 3 hours after the spoken word, progressively throughout sitting days. A single PDF daily transcript is also made available within 3 hours of the last House rising.
Members may make suggestions for corrections to their speeches in proof transcripts, but these may only relate to inaccuracies and new matters cannot be introduced. Any corrections are generally finalised within 2 weeks of a sitting day, with the proof version then updated to the final, "corrected copy" version.For
questions regarding Hansard content on this site, contact the Hansard team on (02) 9230 2233, or
send us your comments or queries online.
House Papers
House Papers are prepared by each House, the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly. They summarise the issues before the House at any given time. They include a daily program, minutes/votes, written questions on notice asked by members, and any answers given.
- The Notice Paper for a sitting day is published on the preceding sitting day, shortly after the House rises.
- Minutes/votes and written questions are published on the day, shortly after the House rises.
- The daily program is published on the morning of each sitting day.
House Papers from the start of the 50th Parliament (September 1991) onwards, are available online.
For questions regarding House Papers on this site, contact:
Parliamentary Committee Records
Committee records are published by each individual committee. For enquiries contact the committee you are interested in. Contact details are provided in the list of Committees.
Records of all committees, inquiries and reports dating from September 1999 onwards are available from this site. Some committees have also made available key records dating back to 1991.
Details of bills introduced from 1997 onwards are available online. However, a PDF copy of Bill text is only available for Bills introduced since 1999. The Parliament does not publish draft bills. Notice may be given of a bill before it is introduced into Parliament. For information on these bills contact the office of the minister or member who is initiating the bill.
For issues regarding Bills content on this site, contact the Legislative Assembly Procedure Office on (02) 9230 2440, or
send us your comments or queries online.
Profiles of Members of Parliament
Current members' web profiles are maintained by the Procedure Offices.
- Legislative Council member profiles - contact the Legislative Council Procedure Office on (02) 9230 2431.
- Legislative Assembly member profiles - contact the Legislative Assembly Table Office on (02) 9230 2240.
Former members
- Legislative Council former member profiles - contact the Legislative Council Clerk’s Office on (02) 9230 2773.
- Legislative Assembly former member profiles - contact the Legislative Assembly Table Office on (02) 9230 2240.
send your comments or queries online.