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Former Member Details

Mr George Henry Gisborne VARLEY (1852 - 1936)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 07/04/1852
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Death: 28/04/1936
Place of Death: Bellevue Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 17 Jul 1917 22 Apr 1934 16 years 9 months 6 days Life Appointment under the Constitution Act. Date of Writ of Summons 6 May 1917. Granted retention of title of 'Honourable' for life.
Political Party Activity
National Party.
Community Activity
Commissioned as a Justice of the Peace in 1905.
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Newspaper proprietor. Arrived in New South Wales with parents in 1861. Educated in Maitland; joined Maitland Ensign, then Wallsend Miners Advocate and moved with it when incorporated into the Newcastle Herald; became a manager and part owner of Clarence and Richmond Examiner in 1881, sole proprieter in 1887; manager and editor until 1905 when he moved to Sydney; after 1915 became a shareholder in the Daily Examiner Limited which took over the paper converting it to the Daily Examiner, Grafton; director from 1904 of the Country Press Co-operative Company of Australia Limited, later managing director; director of Grafton Copper Mining Mining Company ; councillor of Mineowners Association; committee memebr of Sydney Chamber of Commerce; president of Grafton Chamber of Commerce; chairman of Clarence Dairymen's Association in 1900; councillor of Royal Agricultural Society., vice president in 1936; member of Journalists and Country Printing Boards; member of Empire Press Union; member of Aborigines Protection Board 1910 - 1916; for many years was a member of Grafton Church of England cathedral and parochial council and synod representative.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
Son of William Waterloo Gisborne Varley, picture dealer and later accountant, and his wife Anne Daston. Married Jane Louise Brackenreg in 1871 and had issue, 2 daughters and 4 sons. Funeral at South Head cemetery with Church of England rites.
Additional Information
