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Former Member Details

Mr Joseph Phelps ROBINSON (1815 - 1848)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 01/01/1815
Place of Birth: England
Date of Death: 13/08/1848
Place of Death: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 01 Mar 1844 20 Jun 1848 4 years 3 months 22 days An Elective Member of the first Legislative Council 1843 - 1856 for the Town of Melbourne
Political Party Activity
Community Activity
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Banker and landowner. Was a quaker who arrived in Sydney in June 1842. Set up an office at Church Hill and soon acquired land at Eden and many large runs in the Monaro. In 1843 his banking business took Robinson to Port Phillip where he was elected to represent Melbourne in the New South Wales Legislative Council and advocated that each session should be opened with a prayer. Won the title of 'Humanity Robinson'. Was zealous in presenting claims for roads, bridges and other improvements and as treasurer of the Pastoralists' Association he gave evidence to the select committee on land grievances. On his own account imported and exported goods and in 1844 acquired depasturing licences for the runs of Yarrowick in the New England district and Clifton on the Darling Downs, thereby escaping bankruptcy when Boyd and the Royal Bank crashed. in 1846 he gave sheep to H.M.S Bramble during her visit to Brisbane and bullocks to Leichhardt's ill fated expedition.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
Born around 1815 (the exact date of his birth is not known). Died of scarlet fever at age 33 at his cottage, Clee Villa on the north shore of Sydney Harbour.
Additional Information
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2
