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Former Member Details

Mr Adolphus William YOUNG (1814 - 1885)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 01/01/1814
Place of Birth: 'Hare Hatch House', Berkshire, England
Date of Death: 04/11/1885
Place of Death: 'Hare Hatch House', Berkshire, England
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 01 Apr 1844 31 Jul 1845 1 year 4 months An Elective Member of the first Legislative Council 1843 - 1856 for the District of Port Phillip
Political Party Activity
Community Activity
Commissioned as a Justice of the Peace.
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Merchant and sheriff. Was given some legal training. In december 1837 he became a provisional director of the Australian Gaslight Company., third police magistrate. In March 1838 he resigned his magistracy due to an inadequate salary. Joined the legal firm of Carr & Rogers as an attorney. In October 1839 was accused by the Australian Gaslight Company with corrupt practice for buying land adjoining the works in order to sell it at a profit to the company. resigned from the Board and in September 1840 sailed with his family for England. In October 1842 was appointed as sheriff. In 1844 he became a director of the Australasian Colonial and General Life Assurance Company and was elected to the Legislative Assembly. Inherited 'Hare Hatch House' from his father and returned to England with his second wife and became a Member of the British Parliament. However, continued to show a keen interest in Australian affairs.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Member of the British Parliament: House of Commons, England, for Great Yarmouth 1857 - 1859; and for Helston in Cornwall 1868 - 1879.
Local Government Activity
Son of John Adolphus Young of 'Hare Hatch House' in Berkshire, England. Married (1) Anne Eliza Smith in 1837 in England (died 1845). Married (2) Jane Throsby in 1847 in Sydney, daughter of Charles Throsby junior and had issue 8 children. Married (3) Mary Clementine. Left an estate valued at 27,000 punds to his widow and eight surviving children.
Additional Information
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2
