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Former Member Details

Mr Randolph John WANT (1811 - 1869)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 01/01/1811
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Death: 28/06/1869
Place of Death: New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 22 May 1856 10 May 1861 4 years 11 months 19 days First (Quinquennial) Appointments under the Constitution Act. Date of Writ of Summons 13 May 1856.
Political Party Activity
Community Activity
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Lawyer (solicitor) and company director. Arrived in Sydney on 8 May 1829; received land grant in County Camden. Articled to F.W Unwin; admitted as a solicitor in 1837; took over Unwin's practice in 1841 and became an examiner of aspirants to law; leading solicitor to wealthy clients and big companies including the Bank of Australia and in 1860s the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney; often gave evidence to select committees. Pioneer of shale mining. In 1850s and 1860s became chairman of paraffin, mining, kerosene and oil companies. In 1850s was a member of Australian Philosophical Society of New South Wales. On committee of Australasian Botanical and Horticultural Society. Member of Australian Yacht Club and in 1862 was a founding member of Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. On general committee of conservative New South Wales Constitutional Association in 1860. On committee of the Union Club.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
Eldest son of John Want, surgeon and co-editor and Mary Nott. Married Harriette Lister on 28 September 1839 and had issue, 4 daughters and 5 sons. Church of England. His fourth son, John Henry Want (1846 - 1905) was also a Member of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.
Additional Information
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 6
