Political Party Activity
Joined Australian Labor Party, NSW Branch 1980. Member of the Administrative Committee 1995 - 2003. Member of Rural and Provincial Affairs Country Labor Committee 1983 to 2003. Secretary, Rural and Provincial Affairs Committee 1986 - 1990. Chair of Rural and Provincial Affairs Committee1990 - 1998. Chair of Country Labor Committee 1998 to 2003. Delegate to the National ALP Conference 1991 to present. ALP Tamworth SEC - Secretary 1984 - 1998; President 1998 β 2002. Country Labor Tamworth Branch - Secretary 1982 - 1991; President 1991 β 1998 and Secretary 2009 to present.
Qualifications, occupations and interests
General Nursing Training Certificate 1969. Bachelor Health Science (Nursing) Degree 1990. Training Nurse, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney 1966-1969. Registered Nurse, Royal South Sydney Hospital, 1969; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1970 -1971; Royal North Shore Hospital, 1971-1972; St. Vincent's Hospital, 1973-1975; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, 1975-1978; Tamworth Base Hospital, 1980 -1986. Partner farming and small business enterprise 1993 to 2007. Health Education officer/AIDS Coordinator for New England Health Region, Northern Districts and New England Area Health Service Education Unit and Public Health Unit 1986 - 1997. Manager, Population Health, New England Area Heath Service 1997 - 1998. Director of Population Health and Planning, New England Area Health Service NSW and Director of the New England Area Health Service Research Institute 1998 - 2003. Chair of the Australian Rural Health Research Collaboration Advisory Council 2003 to present.
Additional Information
President Tamworth Base Hospital Branch of the NSW Nurses Association, 1980-82
and Secretary Tamworth Sub branch Health Services Union 1996-1998. Union
representative to Rural Communities Consultative Council 1996 -1998. Rural
community member to NSW Board of Adult and Community Education 1998 - 2001.
Population Health Planner on Rural Health Implementation Co-ordination Group
Convenor of Country Labor Parliamentary Group 2009 to present.
Policy interests include development of innovative strategies to maintain
essential services in country towns with large population changes; access to
health, education and housing for all New South Wales residents; industrial
development and employment in country cities and towns as well as
infrastructure support for rural industries; justice and the legal system;
equitable resource allocation in relation to infrastructure and natural
resources; population based health issues; Aboriginal communities and health
and equitable marketing opportunities for New South Walesβ primary producers.
First speech, 08 May 2003:
Swearing in as Member, 29 April 2003: