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Former Member Details

Mr Raymond George HAMILTON (1909 - 1975)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 27/05/1909
Place of Birth: Singleton, New South Wales, Australia
Date of Death: 11/06/1975
Place of Death: Inverell, New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member for Namoi 03 May 1947 22 May 1950 3 years 20 days
Member for Namoi 27 May 1944 29 Mar 1947 2 years 10 months 3 days
Member for Namoi 10 May 1941 24 Apr 1944 2 years 11 months 15 days
Member of the NSW Legislative Assembly 10 May 1941 22 May 1950 9 years 13 days
Political Party Activity
Community Activity
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Lawyer (Barrister) and businessman. Educated at Gunnedah Intermediate High school and Sydney Church of England Grammar; articled to Rowley, Rosebery and Company, solicitors; ran Gunnedah Garden Theatre, established by father from 1935 until 1940; admitted as a solicitor in 1940, Sydney; became an associate to Mr Justice Owen in 1940; admitted as a barrister in 1945, practised in Sydney from 1946 until 1953; managing director of Reliance Industries (concrete products) from 1951 until 1966, purchased by Marley in the United Kingdom; managing director and chairman of Australian Antomony N.L from 1970 until 1972; director of Metropolitan Portland Cement, International Metal Corporation., N.B Love Flour Milling Corporation., Illawarra Electrics, Atlas Industries Australia Limited in 1968, Hall's Peak Australia Limited (later became Arrawatta Holdings) from 1970 until 1975; chairman of directors of Starke River Cattle Company., Queensland; owner of country properties including Glen Almond, Nundle; president of Barnard River Dingo Destruction Society; advisory councillor at New England University College from 1946 until 1951; New South Wales debating champion in 1935 and state adjudicator; Rotarian.
Military Service
Served in 2nd Australian Imperial Forces, 35th Battalion, Lieutenant.
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
President of Nundle shire from 1968 until 1972
Son of George Henry Coffin, mercer, and Lillian Robinson. Married Clare Brittingham on 5 April 1940 and had issue, 3 sons. Church of England. Funeral at Gunnedah cemetery from St Peter's Church of England.
Additional Information
