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Former Member Details

Mr Robert Lyndon DAY (1886 - 1968)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 10/05/1886
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date of Death: 16/07/1968
Place of Death: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 18 Nov 1953 22 Apr 1967 13 years 5 months 5 days A Member of the indirectly elected Council 1934 - 1978. Date of Election 18 November 1953 and 25 November 1954. Casual vacancy – elected for balance of term of service of Hon. W.J Ferguson, resigned. Granted retention of title of 'Honourable' for life.
Political Party Activity
Australian Labor Party (ALP). Member of the Haberfield Branch, president. Industrial groups committee, of Industrial Labor Organisation in 1956.
Community Activity
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Rubberworker and union secretary. Educated at Preston and Northcote State Schools in Victoria. Apprenticed at age thirteeen on a sailing ship; deserted ship in United States of America and spent five years there before returning to Australia. Became a canecutter in Cairns in 1905. became a conductor of Sydney Tramways; worked in Ipswich railway workshops; salesman; own photographic business; rubberworker with own business, then with McCoombes tyre service; joined the Federated Rubber and Allied Workers Union of Australia in 1917. President of the New South Wales Branch in 1918, secretary treasurer from 1919 until 1954, court advocate, federal president from 1925 until 1955, executive from 1958 until 1966; member of equal pay committee, president with (Lady Street) in 1934. Delegate to Labor Council of New South Wales , executive member of eight hour committee from 1940 until 1942, trustee for 2KY in 1925. Trustee of Trades Hall. Recreational interests include sailing and fishing.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
Son of George Day, compositor, and Mary Ann Campbell. Married Annie Patience on 19 September 1911 and had issue, 3 daughters and 2 sons. Buried in the Presbyterian Lawn Cemetery at Rookwood Cemetery.
Additional Information
