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Former Member Details

Mr James COMRIE (1816 - 1902)

Member Photo
Date of Birth: 01/05/1816
Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
Date of Death: 02/11/1902
Place of Death: Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales, Australia
Parliamentary Service
Position Start End Period Notes
Member of the NSW Legislative Council 22 May 1856 13 May 1861 4 years 11 months 22 days First (Quinquennial) Appointments under the Constitution Act. Date of Writ of Summons 13 May 1856.
Political Party Activity
Community Activity
Commissioned as a Justice of the Peace. Treasurer, Society for Relief of Destitute Children. Secretary and then Vice President, Religious Tract and Book Society. Vice-President, New South Wales Auxilliary Bible Society.
Qualifications, occupations and interests
Was a Pastoralist when he was appointed to the Legislative Council. In 1857, he held eight squatting runs in unsettled districts (totalling 128,000 acres), in partnership with J.B. Rundle, (a member of the Legislative Council from 1881-1893). In 1850, he lived in Sydney and advertised for shares in the New Commercial Banking Company. In 1866 he lived at Kurrajong Heights in the Blue Mountains, where he contributed to the building of the Presbyterian Church, where there is a memorial to him and his wife.
Military Service
Honours Received
Membership of other Parliaments & Offices Held
Local Government Activity
There is no record of his personal life. Buried at St David's Presbyterian Church, Kurrajong Heights.
Additional Information
References: New South Wales. Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, 1856-57, volume one, p918; 1857, volume one, p 562; Sydney Morning Herald, 4 February 1850, p4; 23 February 1850, p6; Sands Sydney Directory, 1858-9; Waugh's Australian Almanac, 1858.
