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9789 - Skills and Training - TAFE RESOURCES

Primrose, Peter to the Minister for Education and Early Learning representing the Minister for Skills and Training, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology, Minister for Enterprise, Investment and Trade, and Minister for Sport

(1) What are the names of all third-party companies contracted by TAFE NSW to develop TAFE resources, including assessments and course materials from 1 April 2019 to 16 December 2022?

(2) For each third-party company provided in question (1), by individual contract (in the case a company has had more than one contract):

(a) What was the value of each contract?

(b) What were the types of resources required to be produced for each contract?

(c) What were the required number of resources to be produced in each contract?

(d) How many of these resources were received on time?

(e) How many resources were sent back to the contractor for rework?

(f) How many resources had to be reworked by TAFE NSW staff before they could be used?

(g) How many resources are still outstanding?

(3) How many TAFE NSW staff are required to:

(a) Manage the contracts, including budget allocations?

(b) Monitor the receipt and quality of the resources received in each contract?

(4) Does TAFE NSW produce any of its own resources?

(a) If so, are these sold to other registered training organisations to provide income for TAFE NSW?

(b) If not, when did TAFE NSW stop producing its own resources?

Answer -

All TAFE NSW assessments and teaching and learning resources are developed in collaboration with TAFE NSW teachers, subject matter experts (including TAFE NSW employees or specialist educators), learning designers and assessment designers, who provide critical input into the design and development of the assessment resources and course materials to help ensure they meet student, teacher, community and industry needs.

TAFE NSW has a panel of external partners who work in collaboration with TAFE NSW staff on assessments and teaching and learning resources. Third party specialists are engaged to produce specialist components of assessments and teaching and learning resources, such as digitisation of content. These engagements are managed under strict quality assurance mechanisms to ensure TAFE NSW standards are met. All assessments and teaching and learning resources developed undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet national quality standards and are ready for delivery to students.

Details of all major third-party companies contracted by TAFE NSW to develop TAFE resources (including assessments and course materials) can be found on the Government's eTendering website.

TAFE NSW does produce its own resources. Where appropriate, these resources are licenced to other registered training organisations.

Question asked on 19 December 2022 (session 57-1) and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 893
Answer received on 23 January 2023 and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 908