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9712 - Education and Early Learning - MUSIC PROGRAMS IN SCHOOLS

Houssos, Courtney to the Minister for Education and Early Learning

(1) Does the Department of Education have any way of counting, supporting, or evaluating subject specialist teachers in primary schools?

(2) Could the Minister please provide the number of specialist music teachers that are active in New South Wales primary schools?

(a) Please provide a breakdown by region?

(b) Please provide a breakdown of Full Time Equivalent teachers?

(3) What professional development in music teaching does the Department provide for primary teachers?

(4) What support does the Department provide for primary principals wanting to provide music education programs in their schools?

(5) How many New South Wales primary schools provide an ongoing music educational program?

(6) How many schools applied for the Minister's Arts Recovery Grants in 2021?

(a) Please provide a  breakdown by project type (for example. music, visual arts, etc.)?

Answer -

(1) Yes, in particular fields.

(2) Principals of NSW public schools make decisions locally about the employment of specialist teachers including music teachers.

(3) The Department of Education’s Arts Unit provides a range of professional learning including:

  • targeted face-to-face and livestreamed teacher workshops for Kindergarten to Year 6 teachers preparing for a range of instrumental and choral festivals;
  • ongoing, differentiated, online music professional learning opportunities for teachers wishing to enhance their instrumental skills;
  • support for involvement in the combined choir for Schools Spectacular and multiple local arts festival events;
  • mentoring at state and local music camps and state band and choir rehearsals and performances; and
  • targeted digital resources covering diverse aspects of music education in both Kindergarten to Year 6 and Years 7-12 contexts within and beyond the classroom.

(4) The Department supports primary school principals in the provision of music programs through resources and professional learning developed by curriculum advisors and the Department’s Arts unit. The National Music Teacher Mentor Program is available to all primary schools. This program supports teachers in developing skills and confidence to teach music.

(5) All NSW primary schools are required to provide ongoing music educational programs to meet the requirements of the Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus.

(6) 235 schools applied for a Minister’s Arts Recovery Grant. Grants covered all art forms. Over half of the applications were for music programs.

Question asked on 16 November 2022 (session 57-1) and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 870
Answer received on 7 December 2022 and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 885