- Sawlogs
Eden RFA
- High quality sawlog royalty rates range from $15.47 to $125.49m3 according
to a pricing matrix of species groups and size classes.
- Low quality sawlogs $15.00m3
Southern RFA (South Coast)
- High quality sawlog royalty rates range from $24.12 to $154.60m3 according
to a pricing matrix of species groups and size classes.
- Low quality sawlogs $14.07m3
Southern RFA (Tumut)
- High quality sawlog royalty rates range from $52.67 to $106.46m3 according
to size class.
- Low quality sawlogs $16.11m3
b. Pulplogs
Eden RFA $18.19m3
Southern RFA (South Coast) $4.60m3
c. Firewood
Eden RFA $21.50m3
Southern RFA (South Coast) $13.43m3
Southern RFA (Tumut) $6.18m3
2. Note for this question it has been assumed that the 'South Coast region'
is the combination of the Eden RFA Region and the Southern RFA Region.
a. 2011-12
- Sawlogs $5,054,512
- Pulplogs $4,396,055
- Firewood $319,711
b. 2012-13
- Sawlogs $4,942,103
- Pulplogs $3,691,018
- Firewood $293,550
c. 2013-14
- Sawlogs $5,347,465
- Pulplogs $4,333,713
- Firewood $209,730
d. 2014-15 to date
- Sawlogs $6,334,304
- Pulplogs $3,842,887
- Firewood $222,382
3. Note for this question it has been assumed that the 'South Coast region'
is the combination of the Eden RFA Region and the Southern RFA Region.
a. 2011-12 $9,929,900
b. 2012-13 $9,127,750
c. 2013-14 $10,008,201
d. 2014 -15 to date $10,549,810