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Question and Answer Tracking Details


Leong, Jenny to the Minister for Water, Property and Housing

(1) Is Bellambi included in the Communities Plus program for redevelopment?

(2) Are there plans to sell any public housing in Bellambi?

(3) Are there plans to redevelop housing in Bellambi to include both public and private housing?

(a) If so, what percentage will be public?

(4) If there are plans to redevelop public housing stock in Bellambi, what will the increased number of dwellings be?


Answer -

I am advised:

(1) The Bellambi housing estate is not currently part of the Communities Plus redevelopment program.

(2) LAHC has no current plans to sell existing social housing properties within the Bellambi housing estate.

(3) No.

(4) There are currently no plans to redevelop the Bellambi Housing estate.


Question asked on 18 February 2021 (session 57-1) and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 100
Answer received on 25 March 2021 and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 106