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Question and Answer Tracking Details


Leong, Jenny to the Minister for Transport

(1) Regarding the revision of plans for Sydney Park Junction:

(a) What is the updated timeframe for revising the plans?

(b) What is the expected delivery date?

(c) Are any elements of the project still being considered for removal by Transport for NSW?

(d) Is the revision happening due to funding shortfalls as stated by Transport for NSW and, if so, how much additional funding is needed to complete the plans as they were exhibited in 2021?

(2) Has the Road User Space Allocation Policy been corrected applied at the intersection of Sydney Park Road with Mitchell Road and what was the process of checking the compliance of the de-scoped project with other Transport for NSW strategies including the Walking Space Guide, the NSW Movement and Place Framework and the Cycleway Design Toolbox?

(3) Can you confirm if existing road space will be reallocated for the cycleway linking Sydney Park Road and Mitchell Road, rather than using the grass verge which would require the removal of a large number of mature trees?

(4) Is the Government still intending to deliver all elements of the approved project scope including:

(a) New bus stop at Sydney Park Rd/Mitchell Rd intersection?

(b) Pedestrian crossing on western arm of the Sydney Park Rd/Mitchell Rd intersection?

(c) Dynamic community space for parklets on both sides of Princes Highway?

(d) Landscaped buildouts on Sydney Park Road and Princes Highway?

(e) 50+ new trees?

(f) Reducing the design speed in the project area to 40 km/h or below?

(g) Removing the slip lane at Sydney Park Rd/Princes Highway intersection?

(h) New mid-block pedestrian crossing on Princes Highway north of Short Street?

(i) New mid-block pedestrian and cyclist crossing on Princes Highway between May Street and Goodsell Street?

(j) Separated cycleway on the western side of King Street between May Street and St Peters square?

(k) Separated cycleway on the southern side of Sydney Park Road between Princes Highway and Mitchell Road?

(l) Separated cycleway on the western side of Mitchell Road between Sydney Park Road and existing cycleway?

(5) Does the Sydney Park Junction plan prioritise cars over other methods of transport?

(a) If so, why?

(b) What is Transport for NSW doing to consider alternate methods of travel?

Answer -

I am advised

Transport for NSW is committed to delivering the Sydney Park Junction project to provide better safety and connectivity for people walking and bike riding in the Sydney Park area.

While there are some changes to the design being considered, following feedback received during the display of the Review of Environmental Factors and by councils, key features of the project remain and will be delivered.

Transport for NSW is liaising with City of Sydney and Inner West Council to finalise the design for the project, which includes the delivery of a new cycle path connection between Sydney Park Road and the Mitchell Road cycleway, as well as a pedestrian crossing on the western leg of the Sydney Park Road intersection. This work considers all relevant policies and guidelines.

The Sydney Park Junction project will be delivered in stages, and Transport for NSW will keep the community updated.

Transport for NSW has already redirected freight traffic and reduced speeds to 40 km/h on the Princes Highway to King Street and Sydney Park Road corridors. This has reduced traffic volumes and improved safety for people walking and bike riding on the Princes Highway, while allowing safer access to Sydney Park.

Information about the Sydney Park Junction project is available on the Transport for NSW website:

Question asked on 20 November 2024 (session 58-1) and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 89
Answer received on 20 December 2024 and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 92