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<b>LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY</b> - Signing ePetition

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - Signing ePetition - Update maritime legislation to support efoiling in NSW

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Update maritime legislation to support efoiling in NSW

To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, The safe enjoyment of our waterways, including Sydney Harbour, is a right and responsibility of all people. The enjoyment of accessing waterways across New South Wales by eFoil (foilboarding) continues to grow and will do so as the technology improves, and cost of equipment decreases. Current legislation makes no distinction between a ‘foilboard’ and a Jetski and as a result motor-powered hydrofoil boards currently cannot be operated in the Personal Watercraft Exclusion Zone (Sydney Harbour) unless a specific exemption is obtained. We are specifically seeking a modernisation of the legislation to reflect the difference between ‘foilboarding’ and a Jetski for the purposes of them (electronic foilboards) being excluded from Sydney Harbour. A more contemporary legislative setting that recognises the increasing safe use of foilboarding will benefit all users of waterways throughout NSW, and specifically Sydney Harbour. We, the undersigned petitioners ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the Government to review the existing legislation and regulations, including the Marine Safety Act 1998 relating to the use of motor-powered hydrofoil boards and other personal watercraft (excluding JetSkis) and update the legislation to make it ‘fit for purpose’ in 2025

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