Nurses and Midwives Deserve Fair Pay
Mr Dustin Levick
| Member:
Leong, Jenny
| No. of Signatories:
| Date closed:
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
We, the undersigned, urge the Assembly to address the urgent pay disparity for nurses and midwives in NSW. Despite their essential role, NSW nurses and midwives earn significantly less than their interstate counterparts, affecting workforce retention, recruitment, and patient safety.
The system is at breaking point, as shown by the NSW Government’s admission of over $200 million spent on nursing overtime compensation and $160 million on agency nurse staffing. Patients are suffering due to this under-resourced healthcare system.
The Health Minister acknowledged the healthcare system’s greatest challenge is attracting and retaining staff.
Nurses and midwives are leaving NSW for higher-paying states with better conditions including mandated shift-by-shift nurse-to-patient ratios. They are setting a standard that NSW is choosing not to follow. Safe staffing levels are being rolled out in NSW, but at a scale and pace that means the vast majority of nurses and midwives have not felt their impact and will not for some time.
Achieving pay parity is essential for attracting and retaining nurses and midwives and ensuring patient safety, both critical elements to providing high-quality healthcare.
We ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the government to:
• Provide nurses and midwives a 15% pay increase.
• Develop and commit to a plan for interstate pay parity, ratios in every public health service, and other retention measures for nurses and midwives.
• Publicly express its support for the skill and value of nurses and midwives to the people of NSW.