Bring the Lithgow Locomotive Workshop back into active use to create 'Jobs for Lithgow'
Dr Michelle Zeibots
| Member:
Doyle, Trish
| No. of Signatories:
| Date closed:
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
We ask the NSW Government to bring the Lithgow Locomotive Workshop back into public ownership, thereby enabling it to be leased to viable rail manufacturing and engineering businesses to create jobs and training opportunities for people living in the region.
The Lithgow Locomotive Workshop (known as Lot 3 DP1006666 and Lot 1 DP1066085), is currently owned by Pacific National. These lots sit alongside Lot 1 DP1105168, owned by the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE). If consolidated and brought back into active use, the workshop could be used to:
• Convert existing diesel freight locomotives to electric power drives, thereby reducing noise and exhaust emissions that impact on residential communities such as those in the Blue Mountains and throughout Greater Sydney
• Assemble battery tenders (rail carriages with 4MWh batteries), to support electric rail freight locomotives when travelling on rail alignments that do not have overhead wiring, making use of excess renewable electricity currently being wasted
• Manufacture zero-emission passenger rail vehicles, such as the Solar-Train operating at Byron Bay that was designed and manufactured in Lithgow, that could provide visitor services from Lithgow to destinations across the NSW Central West.
The undersigned petitioners ask the Legislative Assembly to call on the government to request the aforementioned Lots currently owned by Pacific National, be brought back into public ownership. After which, the NSW Government lease the Lithgow Locomotive Workshop to private sector businesses able to use it for significant rail manufacturing and maintenance works.