Targeted Sector Financial support for Travel agents and tour operators in New South Wales.
Mr Michael West
| Member:
Smith, Tamara
| No. of Signatories:
| Date closed:
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
The NSW state Government recently put together a package for businesses affected by the Omicron outbreak. Travel agents and Tour operators in NSW have been affected since the very start of the pandemic, the NSW Government recognises a need to subsidise and compensate businesses that restrictions have financially affected yet Travel industry businesses remain ignored. The current package covers 20% of wages ( travel industry people are largely not paying themselves wages ). The current package requires a downturn of 40% of turnover compared to 2021 however in travel we have had our earnings restricted for over 2 years a 40% downturn on zero is still zero. The travel industry urgently needs targeted financial support to stay alive. These businesses have not been decimated due to a lack of demand, or poor operations. It is solely a result of the pandemic response and the restriction of earnings brought on by this response and restrictions put in place. The NSW travel industry needs an urgent financial support package.