Petition of the Undersigned Citizens of the Electorates of Wollondilly and Goulburn, Their Families and Friends, Oppose the Tahmoor South Coal Project (SSD 8445)
Mr Gregory Olsen
| Member:
Parker, Jamie
| No. of Signatories:
| Date closed:
To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly,
On April 23, 2021, the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) approved the Tahmoor coal mine’s expansion project in Bargo, agreeing with the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment’s findings in favour of the project. This was despite significant valid and real environmental and subsidence concerns raised at the public hearing and in written submissions.
The IPC stated that the proposed expansion of the existing Tahmoor Coal Mine is in the public interest, and that the identified impacts can be appropriately managed through the conditions of consent imposed.
I contend otherwise.
None of the assurances, will lead to any positive outcomes for the objectors. Only the mine owners, employees and shareholders will benefit. Conditions imposed by the Commission only “seek” to “reduce the severity and longevity” of the mine’s impacts, not compel.
Paying more money to over 200 residents, whose homes have subsided one metre or more, is not a remedy. Remember, some of these residents are recovering from the loss of their homes during the horrific bushfires at the start of 2020.
The cost to the environment of the externalities of the mine expanded operation, eg. the 20 million tonnes of CO2 that will be released into the atmosphere, is not worth its limited and questionable benefits.
Finally, we respectfully ask Honourable Members to refuse the Tahmoor South Coal Mine Expansion Project (SSD 8445). You have the authority to do so through the Minster for Planning and Open Spaces, Rob Stokes.