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Bondi - 1947 (Roll: 26,909)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Frewin, Elizabeth Lang Labor 2,080 8.42
Landa, Abram (Re-elected) Labor Party 12,148 49.15 13,454 54.43
McNally, William Francis Liberal Party 10,488 42.43 11,262 45.57
Formal Votes 24,716
Informal Votes 442 1.76
Total Votes / Turnout 25,158 93.49

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Frewin (Lang)
PreferencesNew Totals
Frewin (Lang) -2080
Landa (ALP) 1306 62.79 13454 54.43
McNally (LIB) 774 37.21 11262 45.57