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Bondi - 1944 (Roll: 24,823)
Retained by Labor Party
Preferences required, Preferences counted to completion
Candidate Party Votes % Final %
Browne, Frank Democratic Party 6,505 29.76 10,694 48.92
Hallett, Leslie James Lang Labor 3,241 14.83
Landa, Abram (Re-elected) Labor Party 9,521 43.56 11,164 51.08
Rosen, Alfred New Order Labor 126 0.58
Stewart, Alexander Allan Liberal Democratic 2,465 11.28
Formal Votes 21,858
Informal Votes 1,116 4.86
Total Votes / Turnout 22,974 92.55

Distribution of Preferences
Exclusion 1
Rosen (NOL)
Exclusion 2
Stewart (LDP)
Exclusion 3
Hallett (Lang)
PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals PreferencesNew Totals
Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes% Votes%Votes%
Browne (DP) 15 11.90 6520 29.83 1913 77.01 8433 38.58 2261 64.42 10694 48.92
Hallett (Lang) 32 25.40 3273 14.97 237 9.54 3510 16.06 -3510
Landa (ALP) 60 47.62 9581 43.83 334 13.45 9915 45.36 1249 35.58 11164 51.08
Rosen (NOL) -126
Stewart (LDP) 19 15.08 2484 11.36 -2484