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Committee Details

Select Committee upon the Legislative Assembly Supplementary Budget Allocation

The Committee operated in a previous Parliament. This page provides information on the inquiry it conducted.



1) That a Select Committee be established to enquire into and report upon the priorities of Members in regard to the expenditure of a supplementary budget allocation which is available to the Legislative Assembly as a result of the reduction in size of the House after the 1991 General Election.


(2) Such committee shall comprise eight Members, of whom four shall be Members supporting the Government nominated by the Premier, three shall be non-Government Members nominated by the Leader of the Opposition and one shall be an Independent Member nominated by the Leader of the Government.


(3) A quorum shall consist of five Members.


(4) The Chairman, who shall be a Government Member, shall exercise a deliberative vote and in the event of an equality of votes the question shall pass in the negative.


(5) The Committee shall have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of the House and have power to call for persons, papers and things.


(6) The Committee shall present its Report to the House by 15 November 1991.
