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Committee Details

Joint Select Committee upon Parliamentary Privilege

The Committee operated in a previous Parliament. This page provides information on the inquiry it conducted.



(1) That a Joint Select Committee be appointed to review and report whether any changes are desirable in respect of:

(a)The law and practice of parliamentary privilege as they affect the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, the Members and Committees of either or both Houses and other persons;

(b)The powers and procedures by which cases of alleged breaches of parliamentary privilege may be raised, investigated and determined.


(2) That such Committee consist of 3 Members of the Legislative Council and 5 Members of the Legislative Assembly.


(3) That at any meeting of the Committee any 3 Members shall constitute a quorum, provided that the Committee shall meet as a Joint Committee at all times.


(4) That Mr Cavalier, Mr McIlwaine, Mr Bowman, Mr Moore, and Mr Brown be appointed to serve on such Committee as Members of the Legislative Assembly.


(5) That the Committee have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of either or both Houses; to adjourn from place to place; to make visits of inspection within the State of New South Wales and other States and Territories of the Commonwealth; and have power to take evidence and send for persons and papers; and to report from time to time.
