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Committee Details

Selection of Bills Committee

The Selection of Bills Committee was established on 8 May 2019 to report on whether any bill should be referred to a standing committee for inquiry and report, and in particular: 

(a) the committee to which the bill should be referred,

(b) the stage in the consideration of the bill at which it should be referred to the committee, and

(c) the reporting date.

The Selection of Bills Committee cannot consider bills which contain no provisions other than provisions appropriating revenue or moneys.

The Selection of Bills Committee was re-established in the 57th Parliament after a trial was conducted in the 56th Parliament.



Chair: Nanva, Bob (ALP, LC Member)
Deputy Chair: Rath, Chris (LIB, LC Member)
Members: Banasiak, Mark (SFF, LC Member)
Buckingham, Jeremy (LCP, LC Member)
Buttigieg, Mark (ALP, LC Member)
Fang, Wes (NAT, LC Member)
Higginson, Sue (GRNS, LC Member)
Hurst, Emma (AJP, LC Member)
Latham, Mark (IND, LC Member)
Martin, Taylor (IND, LC Member)
Mihailuk, Tania (IND, LC Member)
Murphy, Cameron (ALP, LC Member)
Roberts, Rod (IND, LC Member)
Ruddick, John (LP, LC Member)
