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Committee Details

Legislative Assembly Select Committee on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024

The Committee was established to consider and report on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024. The bill seeks to amend the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 to prohibit no grounds terminations of residential tenancy agreements, and for other purposes.

The Committee will inquire and seek public input into the provisions of the bill, the grounds for which an eviction is reasonable, the appropriateness of evidence requirements to support reasonable grounds or a penalty scheme for those who falsely claim a reasonable ground; and any unintended consequences, including on housing affordability and availability for renters and owners raised by this bill. The Committee will also conduct a jurisdictional comparison of no grounds evictions policies.


The Committee encouraged all stakeholders to have their say on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Prohibiting No Grounds Evictions) Bill 2024 by completing a public survey. The survey closed on 26 June 2024.


The Committee will table a report on their findings by 20 September 2024.


Resolution passed by the Legislative Assembly, 16 May 2024, Votes and Proceedings no. 54, entry no. 14.


(1) The Bill be referred forthwith to a Select Committee for consideration and report, for the purpose of inquiring and seeking public input into:


(a) The provisions of the Bill, with particular reference to:

(i) The grounds for which an eviction is reasonable.

(ii) The appropriateness of evidence requirements to support reasonable grounds or a penalty scheme for those who falsely claim a reasonable ground; and

(iii) Any unintended consequences, including on housing affordability and availability, for renters and owners.

(b) A jurisdictional comparison of no grounds evictions policies.


(2) The Committee consist of the five members, comprising:

(a) three government members, being Ms Donna Davis, Mr Clayton Barr, Ms Trish Doyle.

(b) one opposition member.

(c) one crossbench member, being Ms Jenny Leong.


(3) That the opposition member be nominated in writing by the Opposition Whip to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly by 23 May 2024.


(4) Ms Jenny Leong shall be the Chair of the Committee.


(5) The Committee have leave to sit during the sitting or any adjournment of the House.


(6) The Committee have leave to make visits of inspection within the state of New South Wales and other states and territories of Australia.


(7) The Committee shall report to the House by 20 September 2024.


(8) The Committee shall be able to table a report out of session with the Clerk. 
