Following a resolution of the committee, on 24 August 2023 the House agreed to refer the evidence from the 2022 review of the workers compensation scheme to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice in the 58th Parliament to form part of the next review of the workers compensation scheme.
Please note, the previous Standing Committee on Law and Justice did not formally table a report on the 2022 review of the workers compensation scheme prior to the end of the 57th Parliament. The committee intends to finalise a report on the work that was undertaken in that inquiry but not completed. Accordingly, the committee has resolved that it will not be accepting new submissions to this inquiry.
Please also note that the committee cannot investigate individual compensation claims as part of this review.
Video recordings of hearings of the 2022 review, where available, can be found on the NSW Parliament's YouTube channel.
Video recordings of hearings of the 2023 review, where available, can be found on the NSW Parliament's YouTube channel.
Submissions originally received as part of the 2022 review of the workers compensation scheme may be accessed here.