(2) The committee will inquire into and report on health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales, specifically:
(a) The implementation of the recommendations made by the Legislative Council Portfolio Committee No. 2 report Health outcomes and access to health and hospital services in rural, regional and remote New South Wales (the Portfolio Committee No.2 report);
(b) any matters relating to the report on progress and developments referred to in Recommendation 6 of the Portfolio Committee No. 2 report (Recommendation 6 report).
(3) In undertaking (2), the committee can examine and report on the following matters relevant to the effective implementation of the recommendations of the Portfolio Committee No.2 report, or the Recommendation 6 report, relevant to the effective implementation of the recommendations including but not limited to:
(a) any matter referred to it by the House;
(b) any relevant legislation, policy, bill or subordinate legislation;
(c) any relevant financial matter;
(d) any relevant portfolio issue.
(4) Legislative scrutiny - The committee, in undertaking (2), will have a legislative scrutiny function that shall include evaluating the policy impact and consequences for each portfolio of any bill relevant to implementation of the Portfolio Committee No.2 report or Recommendation 6 report introduced in Parliament, and any item of subordinate legislation.
(5) Financial matters - The examination of financial matters by the committee in undertaking (2) includes the review of government financial management, as relevant to the implementation of the Portfolio Committee No. 2 Inquiry report and Recommendation 6 report, by considering the financial documents, expenditure, performance and effectiveness of any relevant government department, agency, statutory body or state-owned corporation.
(6) Examination of annual and other reports – In undertaking (2), the committee may examine any matter in the annual report or other reports of any public body, including the adequacy and accuracy of all financial and operational information and any matter arising from the annual report or other report concerning the efficient and effective achievement of the agency's objectives.