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Committee Details

Select Committee upon Motor Vehicle Emissions

The Committee operated in a previous Parliament. This page provides information on the inquiry it conducted.



(1) That a Select Committee be appointed to consider and report upon:

(a) the optimum system for New South Wales to monitor motor vehicle emissions and to report on air quality generally in New South Wales, and in metropolitan Sydney in particular;

(b) the advantages and disadvantages of overseas systems, including those of the United States and Europe, of inspection and maintenance for motor vehicles, to ensure that motor vehicle emissions are reduced to the maximum practicable extent;

(c) the advantages and disadvantages of centralised and decentralised systems of inspection and maintenance, for motor vehicles demonstrated by overseas experience in terms of:

  • consumer convenience;
  • cost to the consumer;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental benefits; and
  • human health.


(d) the efficiency of overseas systems of "test and repair" stations, in which motor vehicle emissions are tested and any faults are repaired, within a single organisation;

(e) the investigation of adequacy of current measures designed to improve air quality, and the matter of air quality generally in New South Wales, and in metropolitan Sydney in particular;

(f) the effectiveness and local relevance of alternative technological systems for monitoring motor vehicle emissions;

(g) to recommend on whether or not an inspection system for vehicle emissions should be introduced in New South Wales, and if so, to recommend which type of system is introduced.


(2) That the committee consist of Mr Gaudry, Mr Humpherson, Mr Langton, Dr Macdonald and Mr Rixon.


(3) That at any meeting of the committee any three members shall constitute a quorum.


(4) That the committee have leave to sit during the sittings or any adjournment of the House; to adjourn from place to place; to make visits of inspection within New South Wales, interstate and overseas; and have power to take evidence and send for persons and papers; and to report from time to time.


(5) That should the House stand adjourned and the committee agree to any report before the House resumes sitting:

(a) the committee have leave to send any such report, minutes and evidence taken before it to the Clerk of the House;

(b) the documents shall be printed and published and the Clerk shall forthwith take such action as is necessary to give effect to the order of the House; and

(c) the documents shall be laid upon the Table of the House at its next sitting.
