(1) That a Select Committee be appointed to examine and report upon the following terms of reference:
(a) The extent of lead pollution past and present in New South Wales;
(b) The impact of lead pollution on the health of people in the community, especially infants and school children, in particular the emissions from:
(i) the Pasminco Metals-Sulphide smelter at Boolaroo;
(ii) the Southern Copper smelter at Port Kembla;
(iii) mining, processing and smelting operations at Broken Hill;
(iv) other mining operations in New South Wales;
(v) other lead based industries in New South Wales including lead acid battery manufacture; and
(vi) motor vehicles with particular emphasis on inner city areas and known locations of traffic congestion.
(c) To recommend:
(i) strategies, measures and priorities for remediation of contaminated areas, properties, buildings and waterways;
(ii) strategies, measures and priorities for monitoring the health of persons at risk in the community;
(iii) a timetable for enforcement of lower national and international goals, guidelines and standards for lead in blood and ambient air quality;
(iv) the extent of financial responsibility of the polluting industries for the cost of remediation and monitoring;
(v) guidelines for action by the Environmental Protection Authority on emission and discharge limits in industry operating licences; and
(vi) any other action deemed necessary to address the lead problem.
(2) That the committee consist of Mr Beckroge, Mr Hunter, Mr Kinross, Ms Moore, Ms Nori, Mr Petch and Mr Rixon.
(3) That at any meeting of the committee any 4 members shall constitute a quorum.
(4) That the committee meet within 7 days of appointment.
(5) That the committee have leave to meet during any sitting or any adjournment of the House; to adjourn from place to place; to make visits of inspection within New South Wales and the Commonwealth and have power to take evidence and send for persons and papers; and to report from time to time.
(6) That the committee report by 23 November 1994.