That the Committee
inquire into, and report on, workplace arrangements in the point to point
transport industry, with particular reference to:
1. the operation and impact on the point to point
transport industry of the relevant provisions of Chapter 6 of the Industrial Relations Act 1996, as well
as the operation of any other state or federal laws that may affect driver
remuneration and conditions, including the Fair
Work Act, the Independent Contractors
Act 2006 and the general law of contract;
2. the effectiveness of the existing arrangements
including the impact on:
a. driver
remuneration and conditions;
b. competitiveness
across the industry;
c. customer
service (including fares); and
d. safety
for passengers and drivers;
3. the uneven application of workplace arrangements
across the point to point transport sector and nationally;
4. the evolution of the industry, which includes
national and multinational service providers;
5. the impact of technology and customer demand on
how drivers participate in the industry;
6. the sustainability of commercial passenger
transport and economic productivity;
7. the intent of the Government’s reforms to
minimise the regulatory burden on the point to point industry; and
8. any
other related matter.