1. Review the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 to determine
whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing its objectives,
without departing from the Government’s intention to retain the Independent
Commission Against Corruption as an independent stand-alone corruption
investigation body to ensure accountability in the public sector
2. Specifically consider as part of that review of the Independent Commission
Against Corruption Act 1988:
(a) whether the functions of the Independent Commission Against
Corruption remain appropriate;
(b) the definition of corrupt conduct, and the capacity of the
Independent Commission Against Corruption to make findings of corrupt conduct;
(c) the jurisdiction of the Independent Commission Against Corruption,
including the application of the Act to public agencies, public officials,
local government, government businesses, outsourced government functions and
members of Parliament;
(d) whether the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s powers are
appropriate to meet its objectives;
(e) the adequacy of accountability mechanisms for the Independent
Commission Against Corruption; and
(f) any other matters relating to the operation of the Act.
The review is to report by Friday 29 October 2004 on all substantive issues
arising during the course of the review, so that the incoming Commissioner is
aware of possible proposals to amend the Independent Commission Against
Corruption Act 1988 before taking office. The review may continue past this
date to deal with matters of a minor or technical nature where these matters
either cannot be resolved within the specified timeframe or where the
consideration of the matters would benefit from the input of the new
Submissions should be fowarded to:
The Honourable Mr Jerrold Cripps, QC
Inquiry into the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
Level 20, Goodsell Building
8-12 Chifley Square
Sydney NSW 2000
The closing date for submissions is Friday 20 August 2004.
For further information and contact details about this inquiry click on the
following link.