Resolution passed 13 May 1999, 1st Session, Minutes No. 3, p 61. That under section 4 of the Regulation Review Act 1987 a Joint Committee known
as the Regulation Review Committee be appointed.
That under section 5 (1) (a) of the Regulation Review Act 1987, Ms Saffin and 1
member nominated by the Leader of the Opposition be appointed to serve on the
Committee as the Members of the Legislative Council.
In the absence of any agreement the representation on the Committee is to be
determined by the House.
Nominations for membership of the Committee are to be in writing to the Clerk
of the House within 7 days.
That under section 4 of the Regulation Review Act 1987 a Joint Committee known
as the Regulation Review Committee be appointed.
That under section 5 (1) (a) of the Regulation Review Act 1987, Ms Saffin and 1
member nominated by the Leader of the Opposition be appointed to serve on the
Committee as the Members of the Legislative Council.
In the absence of any agreement the representation on the Committee is to be
determined by the House.
Nominations for membership of the Committee are to be in writing to the Clerk
of the House within 7 days.