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Inquiry Details

Statements by Mr Gallacher and Mr Hannaford

Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, No. 4, Tuesday 14 September 1999, Entry No. 8

That the statements made by Mr Gallacher and Mr Hannaford in the Legislative Council on 8 September 1999 concerning the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Mr Frank Sartor, be referred to the Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics for inquiry and report.

That the Committee investigate and report on: whether the conduct of Mr Gallacher and Mr Hannaford in relation to this matter constitutes an abuse of privilege; and what, if any, sanctions should be enforced in relation to their conduct in this matter. That leave be given to Members of the Legislative Council to appear and give evidence to the Committee in relation to the inquiry.

That the Committee be directed that if any witness summoned by or seeking to give evidence to the Committee, other than a Member of the Parliament, requests that their identify be protected or their evidence be given in camera, then the Committee will agree to that request.

The Committee may publish evidence given by any witness who has requested that their name be suppressed provided that all information which might identify that witness has been removed.

The House notes that it would be a contempt of Parliament to intimidate, harass or seek to deter a person from giving evidence and that it would be a contempt of Parliament to reveal the identity of the witness where a suppression order made under paragraph 4 has been made.

(Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Council, No. 4, Tuesday 14 September 1999, Entry No. 8)