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Inquiry Details

Outsourcing Community Service Delivery

This Inquiry was established on 22 February 2012 to inquire and report into the contracting out of service delivery, such as housing, disability and home care services, from the Government to the non-Government sector. The Inquiry will focus on the extent to which this process is appropriately managed, that probity and accountability mechanisms are in place to monitor service providers, and to ensure that organisations are delivering quality services to their clients. The Inquiry will also consider strategies to assist local providers to improve service delivery and to increase cost effectiveness.

Resolution passed 22 February 2012, Minutes No 3, Item 2. That the Committee inquires into and reports on the devolution and outsourcing of housing, disability and home care service delivery from the Government to the non-Government sector, with particular reference to:

a) State Government processes, outcomes and impacts of transferring housing, disability and home care services from Government to non-Government agencies;

b) The development of appropriate models to monitor and regulate service providers to ensure probity, accountability and funding mechanisms to provide quality assurance for clients;

c) The development of appropriate levels of integration among service providers in rural and regional areas to ensure adequate levels of supply and delivery of services;

d) Capability frameworks ensuring that community agencies are not overly burdened by regulatory constraints;

e) Enhanced capacity building and social integration in the delivery of services by local providers;

f) Future employment trends, expectations and pay equity for women employed in the non-Government sector;

g) Incentives for private philanthropy in the funding of community services;

h) The use of technology to improve service delivery and increase cost effectiveness;

i) A comparison of the management and delivery of similar services in other jurisdictions; and

j) Any other related matters.